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all things must surely have to end

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:: 2003 24 November :: 8.03pm

endometritis. i am scared.

7 sheila rides | daphne descends


:: 2003 24 November :: 5.13pm

i find that snow gives people a new presence.

in a good way.

6 sheila rides | daphne descends


:: 2003 23 November :: 9.22pm

it's really sad when you watch full house and the plot pertains to your life. but people actually learn a lesson. and then everything is okay again, and someone makes a joke.

i'm a loser. i can't ever deal with things the right way. i just lie.

1 sheila rides | daphne descends


:: 2003 23 November :: 3.05pm

so things perked up after my mini insane fit.

stayed up till two and go up at 8:30.

sunday school was frustrating though. i can't be both. i really want to be neither.

and i think i'm going to make the strain over. i can't deal with it anymore.

blah. i worked out like a fiend.

2 sheila rides | daphne descends


:: 2003 22 November :: 11.23pm
:: Mood: craptacular

i'm just am not good at confronting things.

but the guilt just knaws at me until i start saying really stupid things to people who don't even bother to say anything remotely comforting.

i'm going to ruin someone else.

and i can't even cry about it.

4 sheila rides | daphne descends


:: 2003 22 November :: 3.39pm
:: Music: now that i can dance

I would work for SOUUOP! Custard! Ah! I love Curtis and Stinko. They rock my early bird special world.

grood stuff

i'm going to the play later...ready for another rockin' time.

2 sheila rides | daphne descends


:: 2003 21 November :: 9.13pm
:: Mood: anxious

so, i'm still getting that pain and it's getting worse and happening more often.

but tonight i don't think i'll be able to sleep. i'm so excited. two weeks can be a very long time...

daphne descends


:: 2003 20 November :: 10.00pm
:: Music: baby it's cold outside

Well, I was suprised i wasn't more angry. It's just kind of gotten old and pointless. It will be over soon and i'll be in spain with my love. speaking of...what's wrong with you guys? i want to do something. like shake you and make you happy. i love you truely madly deeply dorkily...

...on the other hand...i am only 20% body fat and my blood pressure is slightly under normal.

saturday is approaching...i am going to go insane between now and then. i am having withdrawl. ahggggggg

3 sheila rides | daphne descends


:: 2003 19 November :: 8.37pm
:: Mood: excited
:: Music: shawn mullins

I dont even like smoking!

this week has been so slow. shouldn't it be thursday?

i don't understand chapter 14. why does everyone in it have to be such a jackass? i guess it's alright that andrew jackson isn't still around. he'd make it a whole lot worse. him a john brown would have a killing party.

homework club was grood. again we did nothing and patty v. is a cool chick.

and saturday should come faster. i want to build my fort and get my freak on. by that i mean go to russes for super fun. but someone should come up with a better plan.

8 sheila rides | daphne descends


:: 2003 18 November :: 7.28pm
:: Music: chicago

i feel better now that i've put clothes on.

there is something about gloom. it seeps into your bones and makes you feel wasted. esp. when you have pjs on.

but i do feel like my exsistence has become my history book. i always feel like i'm way behind on something. supposing that it is history, we're all behind... but i never feel like i've achomplished anything with it, except that i realize now that american history is much more interesting than i originally believed. it's so complex.

my heart goes out to those who have more than one advanced class.

6 sheila rides | daphne descends


:: 2003 18 November :: 5.29pm

it's one of those times where you just want to cry for the sake of crying

5 sheila rides | daphne descends


:: 2003 18 November :: 5.14pm

i feel ugly and lazy. i just want saturday to come. also chair placements. and my gym assessment.

daphne descends


:: 2003 17 November :: 10.05pm

nothing to say.

daphne descends


:: 2003 16 November :: 9.28pm
:: Mood: muddled

Get online. It's your birthday time and I want to talk to you. You're missed.

But you didn't wait for the last day. That's why I like you.

daphne descends


:: 2003 16 November :: 7.23pm

my mother is a crazy person.

daphne descends

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