2004 1 March :: 4.47 pm
:: Mood: anxious
:: Music: SheDaisy - Passenger Seat
-2 months-
HeLLo! Time for an update of the past few boring days. LoL. We lost to Tolsia on Saturday. That game was a joke, i'm not even gonna go into it! I got back at 10 sumthin which was surprising cuz it was almost 2 hrs. away. I rode back with Tabz! Yesterday I layed around, didn't do a thing! I didn't even go to Church. I am sooo lazy! =[ Well, today, I had a NoT so lovely day! Just informed Ben that I have socks with Monkeys and hearts on em! They're so sexiiii ooh yes. HAHA. AnYwAyz...1st thing, I woke up at 7:00 and my throat was sore (it was sore yesterday too.) And I coughed up blood. I hope i'm not gettin strep-throat =[ EwWwW! When I got to school we went to homeroom, discussed Integrity, then talked about Homecoming/Prom fundraisers. 1st was so boring like usual. Grrrr I can't stand that class! 2nd was okay, pretty boring today, I got tired of working so I quit bout 15 mins before the bell rang, but suprisingly Mr.Grady didn't say anything lol. In 3rd I mostly layed down and dozed off a few times. 4th period, Me, Sarah, Bradley & Luke went to Mrs.Mabry's room to talk more to her about HC & Prom and we got some fundraisers lined up and we got some books to bring home and get ideas. I am sooo excited =] We got back to class around 2:30 and UgH...soooo boring. I don't like that class too well either! Mrs.Bowen's yelling doesn't help too much either, lol. Words can't explain how happy I am to be home right now! The sectional game is tommorow...good luck boyz! Do your best! Well i'm gonna go! *LaTeR!*
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2004 27 February :: 11.47 pm
:: Mood: drained
~Only 60 some dayz of school left! =]
Hey everybody. What's goin on? I'm just sittin here watchin Freddy vs. Jason...oooh scary! lol. I'm gonna try and catch ya up. GAMES - Tuesday, Varsity boyz whooped the shiz outta Wirt. Wednesday, the chiks lost their 2nd round sectional game, which sucks! Yesterday I went on an FFA field trip to the Capitol. It wasn't very fun but it was better then school! Last night the guyz beat Sherman big time! Good job guys!!! I got sick during the game like my kidneys or appendix was putttin out excruciating pain and bout half-way thru the 1st quarter it hurt so bad I started cryin and went to the bathroom and I thought I was gonna puke or pass out or sumthin and I sat most of the 2nd quarter out and then things started gettin better. But yeah, today school was the same ol boring crap. In Art I cleaned. 2nd took a test I missed yesterday. 3rd I stayed in the concession stand a while, then watched last years show choir tape and in 4th we had a sub so we didn't do much, then at like 2:50 we got called out to get our progress reports and I have a 3.6! GO ME!. All A's and B's. HEHE! LoL! Cody came over today around 5 sumthin and stayed til like 10:30. It was awesome I don't think i've ever acted THAT retarded and had that much fun with anyone...ohhh gee. Caaatch me i'm falling! lol =] It'll be 2 months Monday. That's jus great right there! hehehehe! Anyways - Tommorow we have a game...which is like 2 hrs away. At Tolsia. They are ranked like top 10 in the state I jus really don't feel like goin up there at all but it's the last regular game and I can't miss it so Hannan better give us a good show =] I'm sure they'll try their best tho! G/L guyz! I really hope Cody goes tommorow or I can ride back home with Tabi so I don't have to ride the cold smelly bus back. LoL. G/L at sectionals on Tuesday boys! I'm gonna go i'll try n update soon...here's a survey! x~Luvinz~o
What is your name?: Shama
Are you named after anyone?: I dunno. lol
What's your screename?: CutieHHS2006
Would you name a child of yours after you?: Nope
If you were born a member of the opposite sex what would your name be?: I dunno, but if I could choose i'd pick Brad, or Ryan
If you could switch names with a friend who would it be?: None of em lol
Are there any mispronounciations/typos that ppl do w/ your name constantly?: Yep they say my name....Shamuh
Would you drop your last name if you became famous?: no
Your gender:: female
Straight/Gay/Bi:: straight
Single?: nope
If not, do you want to be?: Nope. He's the best!
Birthdate:: 8.23.88
Your age:: 15
Age you act:: I dunno. Sumwhere between the span of 14-20, depending on my mood
Age you wish you were:: 17 so it would be my senior year
Your height:: 5'3
Eye color:: blue
Happy with it?: I guess
Hair color:: dark blonde
Happy with it?: sure
Lefty/righty/ambidextrous:: right
Your living arrangement:: in my house in my room
Your family:: Mommy n Daddy n Bub
Have any pets?: yesss
Whats your job?: student
Piercings?: ears twice on each side n belly button
Tattoos?: nah
Obsessions?: Lots of country singers, Eeyore stuff
Addictions?: hmmm?
Do you speak another language?: not fluently
Have a favorite quote?: A few
Do you have a webpage?: yea
Do you live in the moment?: sumtimes
Do you consider yourself tolerant of others?: sumetimes
Do you have any secrets?: yepp
Do you hate yourself?: no
Do you like your handwriting?: It's okay but sumtimes sloppy
Do you have any bad habits?: chewin my nails
What is the compliment you get from most people?: "Aww...look at her she's so cute!" lol
If a movie was made about your life, what would it be called?: "Hell" j/k. LoL naw! "Sweet Home West Virginia"...haha
What's your biggest fear?: losing sum 1 I love
Can you sing?: PPL tell me I can
Do you ever pretend to be someone else just to look cool?: no
Are you a loner?: naw
What are your #1 priorities in life?: Family, Friends and God!
If you were another person, would you be friends with you?: yea i'm so kool. LOL
Are you a daredevil?: not really
Is there anything you fear or hate about yourself?: My legs!
Are you passive or agressive?: Passive prob.
Do you have a journal?: yep
What is your greatest strength and weakness?: strength...i'm always there for my loved ones. weakness...i'm always sleepy n I can't stand school
If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?: i'll have to think on that one
Do you think you are emotionally strong?: not at all
Is there anything you regret doing/not doing in life?: LoTz and LotZ of things
Do you think life has been good so far?: It has been okay but jus think: It could have been SOOO much worse.
What is the most important lesson you've learned from life?: Live, Laugh & Love with everything you've got =]
What do you like the most about your body?: my moose butt...haha Brad!!!
And least?: legs and breasts lol too big!
Do you think you are good looking?: mosta the time
Are you confident?: 50% of the time
What is the fictional character you are most like?: I dunno
Are you perceived wrongly?: sumtimes
Do You...
Smoke?: no
Do drugs?: no
Read the newspaper?: sometimes
Pray?: yes
Go to church?: yes
Talk to strangers who IM you?: sure lol
Sleep with stuffed animals?: no
Take walks in the rain?: uh no...lol
Talk to people even though you hate them?: I don't hate ne1 but theres ppl I can't stand!
Drive?: yes
Like to drive fast?: no, i'm a grandma driver
Would or Have You Ever?
Liked your voice?: yes
Hurt yourself?: what u mean?
Been out of the country?: nope
Eaten something that made other people sick?: lol yea
Been in love?: Not that I kno of
Done drugs?: Nope
Gone skinny dipping?: haha yea
Had a medical emergency?: yea
Had surgery?: no
Ran away from home?: no
Played strip poker?: no
Gotten beaten up?: no
Beaten someone up?: no
Been picked on?: yea
Been on stage?: yayse, totally awesome =]
Slept outdoors?: yepperz
Thought about suicide?: no
Pulled an all nighter?: yep
If yes, what is your record?: got up at like noon and stayed up til 10 the next morning
Gone one day without food?: when I was sick
Talked on the phone all night?: yes
Slept together with the opposite sex w/o actually having sex?: yea
Slept all day?: yea
Killed someone?: no
Made out with a stranger?: no
Had sex with a stranger?: no
Thought you're going crazy?: I think that all the time
Kissed the same sex?: no {well my mommy}
Done anything sexual with the same sex?: no
Been betrayed?: yep
Had a dream that came true?: yep and it's happening right now{hint: CoDy! lol}
Broken the law?: I duno much of anything thats illegal lol
Met a famous person?: yep
Have you ever killed an animal by accident?: no, I would probably hurt myself lol
On purpose?: .....NOoOoO
Told a secret you swore you wouldn't tell?: yea
Stolen anything?: yea
Been on radio/tv?: yea
Been in a mosh-pit?: no
Had a nervous breakdown?: yea like 2 years ago, I was at my aunts n it was at nite n my bro was here alone and sum1 had jus broken into my neighbors n he called and sed sum1 was in the driveway, I was so scared I was shakin and I couldn't hardly talk n I got all hot and sweaty and crap
Bungee jumped?: no but i wanna!
Had a dream that kept coming back?: yeaa
Belive in life on other planets?: kinda
Miracles?: yea
Astrology?: kinda
Magic?: a lil
God?: definetly
Satan?: mostly
Santa?: yes! lol
Ghosts?: yeah
Luck?: yeppppp
Love at first sight?: to a point
Witches?: kinda
Easter bunny?: Ohhh let me tell ya!
Believe its possible to remain faithful forever?: yea
Believe theres a pot of gold at the end of a rainbow?: well duh =]
Do you wish on stars?: jus about every night
Deep Theological Questions
Do you believe in the traditional view of Heaven and Hell?: yea
Do you think God has a gender?: I always saw it as a man because of the pics and lords prayer and he was supposed to be Jesus' father, but all that could be false infor n it could be a woman, I guess
Do you believe in organized religion?: yes
Where do you think we go when we die?: Heaven or Hell, depends
Do you have any gay/lesbian friends?: maybe so?
Who is your best friend?: I have lots, but the closest are Cody, Jenn, Tabi & Ben
Who's the one person that knows most about you?: Jenn
What's the best advice that anyone has ever given to you?: I dunno, jus about all the advice has inspired me sumhow
Your favourite inside joke?: oh boy there's a lot
Thing you're picked on most about?: ppl sayin i'm a "ditz"
Who's your longest known friend?: Jenn
Newest?: Celeste
Shyest?: Bobbi
Funniest?: Ben
Sweetest?: Cody and Ben sumtimes
Closest?: JENNAY
Weirdest?: depends
Smartest?: Kevin
Ditziest?: Bobbi
Friends you miss being close to the most?: Bobbi...gosh she's like my sis. I misses her!
Last person you talked to online?: I'm talkin to Cody now
Who do you talk to most online?: Jenn & Cody
Who are you on the phone with most?: I only talk to Cody on the phone. Like 3 hrs every day. LOL!
Who do you trust most?: Jenn, Cody, Ben, Tabi
Who listens to your problems?: All of em. But I only tell a select few what my problems are
Who do you fight most with?: Luke
Who's the nicest?: I dunno
Who's the most outgoing?: Crystal or Christy
Who's the best singer?: Mandy
Who's on your shit-list?: There's a couple, who's names I will not disclose =]
Have you ever thought of having sex with a friend?: LoL not lately
Who's your second family?: Bobbi's n Jenn's is gettin that way lol
Do you always feel understood?: heck no
Who's the loudest friend?: Christy
Do you trust others easily?: prolly more than I should
Who's house were you last at?: Kim's
Name one person who's arms you feel safe in:: Cody...always
Do your friends know you?: yep
Friend that lives farthest away:: Amber S
Love and All That
Do you consider love a mistake?: Not the actual REAL LOVE
What do you find romantic?: Just someone who does sweet things for you, and treats you with respect. The beach is also great. LoL!
Turn-on?: very nice...holds me, and is romantic
Turn-off?: bad hygiene
First kiss?: 7th grade, Lawrence
If someone u had no interest in had interest in dating u how would u feel?: It's happend before n I just try to act the same around them and stuff and wait for it to blow over even tho that may not be the right thing to do.
Do you prefer knowing someone before dating them or going: yea u gotta get ur "talkin" thang goin on
Have u ever wished it was more socially acceptable 4 a girl 2 ask a guy out: kinda
Have you ever been romantically attracted to someone physically unattractive: I think so
Do you think the opposite sex finds you good looking?: depends on who it is
What is best about the opposite sex?: they are just fun to be around
What is the worst thing about the opposite sex?: Some of em care too much about themselves and what they have accomplished or whatever
What's the last present someone gave you?: Cody gave me a necklace n bears for v-day
Are you in love?: I don't think i'm quite there yet
Do you consider your significant other hot?: Oh boy...mmm I think so!
Who Was the Last Person...
That haunted you?: I dunno
You wanted to kill?: lol
That you laughed at?: Cody
That laughed at you?: Cody
That turned you on?: haha...ohh Cody when we were kickin eachothers butts LoL
You went shopping with?: Marissa, Amanda n Jenn
That broke your heart?: Luke
To disappoint you?: Luke
To ask you out?: Cody
To make you cry?: Probably Luke!
To brighten up your day?: Cody
That you thought about?: Cody cuzza that last question lol
You saw a movie with?: Jenn, Riss and Mander
You talked to on the phone?: Cody
You talked to through IM/ICQ?: Cody {omg Cody's the answer to everything!}
You saw?: mom
You lost?: ?
Right This Moment...
Are you going out?: maybe in my dreamz...ZzZzZz...
Will it be with your significant other?:
Or some random person?:
What are you wearing right now?: pajama's!
Body part you're touching right now: im typing?
What are you worried about right now?: the game tommorow
What book are you reading?: The Princess Diaries
What's on your mousepad?: Gateway thingy
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2004 22 February :: 7.36 pm
:: Mood: blank
:: Music: Garth Brooks - The Dance
Hey everyone. Had games all last week. We beat Wahama so I think that means we have to play Buffalo in the sectionals. Good luck boys! After the Wahama game the team and everyone else went to eat at Village Pizza. It was great!!! After that, Me, Jenn, Cody, Mom and Dad went to Wal-mart and I had to get Amanda sumthin for her Birthday so I got her Keith Urbans new cd. Jenn spent the nite with me then the next day we went to Mander's party and stayed the nite at the hotel by the mall. We went shoppin and saw 50 first dates (which isn't very good)...Cody called like when I was goin in the movie and sed him and Chris were on their way down there, so when we got outta the movie the mall was closin but we went and met them and talked for a few mins. Then when us gurls went back to the hotel we got in the hot tub and pool and stayed in for a lil bit and went back took showers, then we ended up chasin around these guys that go to Cabell Midland and everytime we'd see them Marissa would keep goin...D@mn, and they ended up comin in our room and talkin. I just wasn't intrested. I didn't talk like any but Marissa sure did. LoL. We made sure they knew I had a boyfriend =] I was like back off...haha j/k. But I was on the bed with Jenn n bout fell asleep I really wanted to get outta there and talk to Cody or sumthin. I'm not gonna go into anything else!Blahhhhheeeeee!!! We didn't fall asleep til 4 or so. Anyways. We got up around 9 this morning and came home, I went back to sleep at 11 and woke back up around 2 when Cody called n he decided to come over. LOL I made him watch the Lizzie McGuire movie. I don't think he liked it too well, but he stayed til 6:30 and left to go home, then to Open Gym at the school. Yeah right now, i'm still tired!!! I'm dreading school tommorow but the gurls have their sectional game tommorow and I think i'm goin to it with Cody. Well I think that's all. I'm gonna go! XoXo!!!
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2004 18 February :: 1.06 pm
:: Mood: bored
:: Music: Mandy n Crystal singin!
3rd period
Oh yes it's very boring. LoL! I'm jus sittin here with Kim. We're havin a good ol time...Yeah rite! Well anyways, I haven't been the happiest person in the world lately! I'm just aggravated with everything and everyone except about 10 people. Everything with Cody is great!!! It couldn't be much better, but school and basketball games are tiring and a few people are on my last nerves =] I'm so nice! Well yeah Me, Kim n Jenn have come to the conclusion that we want babys lol...AWW that would be great...if I was 10 years older lol. I can't wait! Anyways...I was gonna see Cody 2nite and he was gonna come over but Ryan has his last game and I didn't really wanna go. I'm goin home with Kim and me and Jenn r goin to Church with her. Yeah guess what? I HATE SCHOOL!!! 1st was boring. I hate drawing. 2nd was just sad becuz we had a test and I forgot that Mr.Grady told us we had one so I didn't know much about it. This class is okay but it's really boring. 4th is gonna suck so bad. I can't stand it, everyone yells VERY loud, including Mrs.Bowen! I can't wait til Friday...Wahama game! We better win! Saturday will be fun too! Well i'm gonna go! XOXO!!!
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2004 17 February :: 12.01 am
:: Mood: calm
:: Music: Keith Urban - You'll think of me
-School Sux!!!-
Hey! Tonight we had a game at South Gallia and the JV and Varisty lost...oh well they both tried, n did their best. Good job guyz! After the game Cody rode back home with me and I whined the whole time. Sorry babe. LoL! We stopped at Wendy's with the team then I came home, took a shower and got on here and Alan IMd me and told me to read Ben's journal...which is really kinda confusing, I don't know what to think about it. I feel bad in a way cuz of it, but then I feel like someone really cares about me. It's weired! Cuz I dunno how to take that, I dunno how i'm supposed to take it. It feels like i'm right in the middle of Luke and Ben. Gosh I don't wanna mess anything up with them! But yeah, what i'm bout to say sounds like i'm directing it to someone, but i'm not...I just can't think of how to word it! I am in wayyy deep with Cody and I don't think that's gonna change anytime soon. I haven't been that happy with anyone...EVER! I know he would do anything for me and, vice versa. =] Oh yeah...me and Ally made up, I wasn't really mad at her in the first place, and a lil while ago Heather appologized to me and I had some stuff to say i'm sorry about but i'm still a lil mad about that whole situation...which is natural. But i'm gonna go talk to Cody for a while and go to bed! XOXO!
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2004 14 February :: 11.48 pm
:: Mood: satisfied
:: Music: Trisha Yearwood - Perfect Love
Happy Valentines Day!
Hey everybody...hope ya had a good Valentines day. I know I did ;) I slept til 2, got up and found that Mom got me a whole bunch of candy, and dad got me a pretty red rose. Later on me and Cody decided to go see a movie so we went to eat at CiCi's and then we were gonna see 50 first dates, but it was sold out, so we saw Along came Polly, it was really, really funny! He got me these really cute bears that hold hands and kiss n their faces light up, and a necklace it has a lil heart at the top then 3 little diamonds under it...it's so pretty! We got eachother the same cards...LoL. I am sooooo tired! I'm not really gonna do anything tommorow cept sleep then go over to Kim's and go to Church later on! I've had a very good weekend so far, last nite we won our game by 1 in OT against Grace Christian...and today, well it was just awesome! LoL. Blah!!! school Monday - and so on. Oh well though! Only 2 years left! I think we have a game just about every day of next week! That should be wonderful...ohh yeah. LoL. Well i'm gonna go! Bye~ByeZ!
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2004 12 February :: 10.31 pm
:: Mood: happy
:: Music: Brian McComas - Night Dissapear with you
Hey! time for boredom!...these past few days have been great...jus as great as the past month or so! I don't think i've ever been this happy for this long. LoL...I learned to play some of I can only imagine on the piano, it actually sounds pretty good! lol. Let's see, we've had a few games...won most of em. The other nite we played Buffalo. Both teams did good. I'm really proud of Hannan this year. They've done better than I thought they would! There wasn't any school yesterday, so I went to the Mall to get a skirt n shirt for the FFA trip thingy n Wal-mart to get some hair stuff, my concert n Kim's house pics developed, Cody sumthin for Valentines day, and a couple other thingz, then I went to the Jr. High games n Cody took me home. Today in choir we started singin n dancin to our music for the spring play 'Oklahoma' can't wait.........OHHH let me tell ya...lol! This evening I went to the last Varsity gurlz home game and Cody took me home once again...we stayed like 30 mins after the game goofin off with Mander, Jenn and Tabi tho, lol. Cody likes Jenn more than me :'( haha j/k! Relationship Updates: I think ya'll can tell, but everything is jus about perfect! I am so lucky to have him. It's great =] Ten zillion million times better than last time...+ we are both owned...soo romantic haha<333 Well...tommorow there's 3 home games startin at 4:30. Mander n Jenn are comin home with me, and Kim was supposed to too, but she hasn't been online for me to ask her if she was still goin to...oh well i'll find out tommorow. LoL. I'm gonna go to bed now, or sumthin. -Laterzzz-
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2004 12 February :: 12.35 am
:: Mood: happy
:: Music: Garth Brooks - If tommorow never comes
Sometimes late at night
I lie awake and watch her sleeping
She's lost in peaceful dreams
So I turn out the lights and lay there in the dark
And the thought crosses my mind
If I never wake up in the morning
Would she ever doubt the way I feel
About her in my heart
If tomorrow never comes
Will she know how much I loved her
Did I try in every way
To show her every day
That she's my only one
If my time on earth were through
And she must face the world without me
Is the love I gave her in the past
Gonna be enough to last
If tomorrow never comes
'Cause I've lost loved ones in my life
Who never knew how much I loved them
Now I live with the regret
That my true feelings for them never were revealed
So I made a promise to myself
To say each day how much she means to me
And avoid that circumstance
Where there's no second chance
To tell her how I feel
If tomorrow never comes
Will she know how much I loved her
Did I try in every way
To show her every day
That she's my only one
If my time on earth were through
And she must face the world without me
Is the love I gave her in the past
Gonna be enough to last
If tomorrow never comes
So tell that someone that you love
Just what you're thinking of
If tomorrow never comes
This song means a lot to me...November 28...If I wouldn't have downloaded it, things might not be the way they are now...it kinda scares me to think about it!
Garth Brooks is amazing...do you agree? I love his music! Just thought i'd share that with ya'll. Yeah...I don't wanna go to school tommorow! I don't feel like updating much right now, but I will when I feel like boring you to death...but for now i'm gonna go! Byez!
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2004 8 February :: 1.03 am
:: Mood: tired
:: Music: Kenny Chesney - Me & You
-Happy Birthday Kim-
Hey guyz! I haven't been very good about updating but i'm always busy or sleepin these days! You know what I hate more than anything? ScHoOl!!! It's so boring, and jus lately i've realized that I don't have many ppl I can trust there. It's depressing! LoL...I can't remember when I last updated so i'll fill ya in since Wednesday! We had a game and played Gauley Bridge...won! Then Thursday the Jr. High had games and they lost...Then yesterday there wasn't ne games so me, Jenn, Tabi and Brittany went to Kim's for her birthday. It was fun!!! We are so crazy lol...Up til 4AM then I had to get up at like 11:30 so I could go home and get ready for the game at Duval today. Well I pretty much got home and slept til 1 and talked to Cody til 2, then I went and took a shower and then got ready and went out to the school...the game was sooo awesome! I thought we were screwed there for a while but we ended up goin into overtime and we won by 1 point! Everyone from the different teams was runnin there mouths to eachother and these dumb girls screamed and made fun of us all...I wanted to whoop up so bad! LOL!After the game we was all singin n screamin at them and this old guy ran his mouth to me...he looked right at me and goes "It's pretty bad that you all had to go into over-time to beat a team thats never won a game, good job." and I didn't hear all of what he said so I just gave him a smartalecky thumbs-up and smile...then I realized what he had sed and I woulda ran my mouth so bad if he was still like right by me. Laila...Alan's mommy was like U go girlfriend cuz I was all mad and she was like u all did the best cheerin i've seen forever! LoL. After the game I rode with Tabi n her family n Jenn was with us! We went to McDonald's with the team...it was great. HAHA that guy Tabz! and Bib Will and his burgers. LoL. We listened to the whole RF cd once and then half of it again! The roads were really bad on the way home! =0 badness...anywayz! OmG Cody can play the piano awesome and i'm so gonna make him teach me lol he can play the beginnings of I can only imagine, The dance, Me & you and some others! He's great!!!...I learned how to play this lil catchy song on there...it's cool hehe! U get a lil tired of it tho after u hear it 25 times in Choir class...right Kim? LoL! Well tommorow Cody's posta come get me after Church n i'm goin to his house for a lil while. I miss him so bad!!!! *It's been 2 days* haha i'm a whiner! Monday is the Buffalo game...OH yeah! I can't wait!!! FuN-FuN! Well ya'll i'm gonna go to bed! NiTe!*!
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2004 2 February :: 9.38 pm
:: Mood: chipper
:: Music: Josh Gracin - Piano man
Hello everyone! We had a game 2nite...yay! We played Ohio Valley Christian and WON! by like 1! Good Job boyz! We soooo rock! Jenn came home with me and went to the game with me...it was great, when we got home we listened to music on the older computer and it was stuff from the 8th grade such as LiL' Bow Wow, Shakira, P.Diddy...lol I was dancin and such! Gettin hyped up...yeah right! LoL! I started gettin ready to go to the game around 5:45 and we left around 6:10...before we left, Jenn started freakin out cuz she couldn't find her cell phone...turns out Tabi had taken it from her earlier in the day, lol. Jenn was one mad wet HEN! lol. Yeah...Cody came to the game, I didn't figure he would. YAY!!! hehehehe Cody<3 haha...OMG I found out Kenny Chesney, Rascal Flatts & Uncle Kracker are comin to Charleston in July...I cannot wait! It will be great! I saw Amber Weed's pics from the concert the other nite and they were awesome...she was lucky to be that close!!! Well I think i'm gonna go cuz I think thas all I have to say! OHHH yeah...guys, did you know that my future job is goin to be at McDonald's? Flippin burgers...then movin on up to manager...OHHHH YeA!!! lol...hahahaha OHH I KNOW! Well byebye guyz n galz!
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2004 1 February :: 2.56 am
:: Mood: tired
:: Music: Shania Twain - It only hurts when i'm breathing
~1 month~
Pretty much bout to go to bed! 2 nite we went to eat at Olive Garden then we went to WalMart and I got Shania Twain and Clay Walker's new CD's...they are both awesome =) I can't wait til May 13 (Shania & Emerson Drive's concert!) YAY. LoL! My gosh I miss Cody sooo bad! I hate this weather! He's comin over tommorow...well technically today lol Oh yeah...we have been together a month, as of February 1 *2004* I am soooo proud of us. HaHa. OMG the Toby Keith superbowl thingy 2nite was awesome, I had to tape it ;) Scotty was lookin mighty fine! (Toby was too!) That's nothin new though! OHH YEAH!!! GO PATRIOTS! I can't wait to watch =) Ima go to bed! Luvinz
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2004 30 January :: 6.38 pm
:: Mood: grateful
:: Music: Rascal Flatts - Like I am
Yesterday was soooo awesome! School actually went by pretty fast...the whole way home from school to Jenn's on th bus, we listened to RF's CD! Then when we got home we played Karoke Revolutions n then got ready and left around 5:30. We stopped at Rite Aid on the way there and got extra cameras...We got to the Civic Center around 6:15...so we had to wait a while until it started...it seemed like it took forever! We were in the 21st row which was very close, but when people stood up it was hard to see and 1 time during the thing, I got up on my chair and this gurl pulled me down like 2 rows behind me and I looked back n yelled stupid b*tch....LOL! But anyways...1st Cletus came out and talked a while...sang Great day to be a guy, Chicks did it, Natalie and I think thats all? Then Brian McComas came out and sang his 2 songs and then 2 more that haven't been released...1 was called Middle of nowhere and he was like "This is dedicated to everyone who lives out in the middle of nowhere." that fit us....then he said "I mean out in the woods!!!" haha...we were bout the only ones in our area screamin...LoL. Then finally Rascal Flatts came out. They stayed out for about an hour n a half...they are soooo freakin hot!!! They are awesome singers, I just still can't believe that I actually got to see one of my favorite groups as my 1st concert...it was amazing! They said they've never seen so many beautiful women as there is in WV awww! LoL, they were talkin bout how their moms are from here. I wanna go back I miss it so much! But hey i'm just happy that I got to experience it =) I got a shirt, a picture and a key chain for me, a key chain for Cody, and a picture for mom and Crys and Sarah gave me money to get them shirts. After the concert mom and dad came to get us and we went to McDonald's and got some food, and on the way home it started snowin really bad...which was awesome cause we didn't have school today! That worked out great cuz I was soooo tired! I didn't get up til like 2!...LoL well i'm gonna go! XOXO
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2004 28 January :: 11.01 pm
:: Mood: excited
:: Music: Scotty Emerick - I can't take you anywhere *MY MAN!!!*
Hey guys! I am sooooo freakin happy! U have no idea!!! AHHH! I was gonna go to Church 2 nite but I got home and at around 3:30 Cody called n asked if I wanted to go to the Jr.High game with them. So yeah...I decided to go! He couldn't get up the hill even though he had the jeep cuz him n Chris wrecked his car earlier today (but they are alrite!!!) So he came up the hill and got me and my hill is SERIOUSLY like a thick sheet of ice...and he helped me down the whole way n right when he lets go, I fall on my butt! LOL! After that we went to his house n stayed there for a lil bit. Ne WaYz. The gurls lost but the boys did good...poor Ryan is like really hurtin! I hope he getz better soon! But yeah...I had a good time...Tabi we can't forget little Jimmy Keith Wayne or whatever the crap his name was...haha #00! Greatness! We went to McDonald's with the team after the game. BORING. lol. No Jenn to eat straw paper! Just Cody playin with sum Lilo & Stich play dough thingy...haha! We got home around 10:15 and he had to walk me up the hill again and once again hadda be careful not to fall! But yeah...I came home and took a shower n now i'm on here and I am SOOOO hyped up about the concert tommorow! I really don't wanna go to school, BLAH! But me n Tabi are goin home with Jenn after school! OMG!!! I CAN'T WAIT!!! We are the greatest...lol this is gonna kick butt! I have to call Cody on certain songs...hehe! It will be wonderful! Ohh ya! gotta tell ya'll I got 2 B's, an A and a C on my report card for last semester...could be better, but i'm satisfied cuz I kno i'll do better next time! Well guyz i'm gonna go dry my hair and get ready for bed so i'll be all hyper tommorow. Next time I update, I will have been serenaded with SeXiNeSs! haha!
Countin down....Bout 20 hours til I see Joe Don Rooney, Gary Levox, Jay DeMarcus, Brian McComas & Cletus T. Judd! ---Here we come Jenn n Tabi!
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2004 27 January :: 11.38 am
:: Mood: calm
:: Music: Rascal Flatts - Like I am
Hey everyone! I am sick...blah!!! It's jus a cold though, cuz I don't have a temperature. It was really bad yesterday n nite before last...I am a heck of a lot better now than I was then, but i'm gonna get ready here ina second and go to school jus so I can cheer in the game 2 nite (if they still have it) and state rules say ya hafta be there by 1:30 if you wanna participate in any sports...I guess it's not too bad though! I jus have to go to History...Yippee! NOT! lol Gotta listen to all the guys yell...haha Me, Amber n Sarah are the only gurlz in there. Anyways....i'm really rested cuz I took some NyQuill last nite at 11 and I was OUT by 12 sumthin...lol. I hope I don't go to school for nothin but, that'll be my luck...oh well! I downloaded all the Rascal Flatts songs...they are all awesome! I soooo can't wait until the concert Thursday! 2 days!!!!!! OMG I am sooo excited! It best not snow even though we are goin no matter what! LoL! Well guyz, my curling iron is done heatin so, i'm gonna go get ready! <333
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2004 24 January :: 11.51 pm
:: Mood: cheerful
:: Music: Pat Green - Guy like me
OMG guyz...it's been a while since i've updated...I am just so happy n busy that I haven't really felt like updatin! Anywayz...Monday I didn't really do anything, then Tuesday we had a game at Grace Christian...Wednesday I got sick and came home from school at lunch...that evening we had a game at Sherman but I didn't go to it. On Thursday I went to the Jr.High games and then Friday Jenn came home with me and Cody came over at like 3:30...it was great! (ohh yeah I learned how to play a song on the piano! thanx to Jenn! hehe!) But yea...Cody took me n Jenn out to the school for the games around 6! The game was awesome...the gurlz lost but the boys whooped up on Van...that game got violent! One of the guys on the team flipped the cheerleaders off and their cheerleaders turned towards the wall when we did our floor cheers...JeRkS!!! lol...I really thought there would be a fight! Summer pushed one of the guyz. It was awesome! LoL! hahahahaha...ne wayz! There was a dance after the game...it was alrite but the music choice wasn't great...they only played 1 slow song but me and Cody got our dance on...haha yeah right! Me and Jenn didn't go to bed til like 2! We are sooo crazy. LoL. Today the basketball team and the cheerleaders went up to Morgantown for a WVU game but I didn't go cause I failed to find out about it until the day before. Yea...pretty much my coach didn't tell me we were goin! Not like I care, but anyways...today me and Jenn slept til like 1 sumthin and now i'm at her house! We started the new semester on Thursday I think it was. Mine is pretty easy but it's so boring...last semester I had: Intro, Geometry, Science 10 & English 10...now I have Art 1, Health, Music/Choir & World History. I don't have any classes with Jenn & Tabi. I have 2 with Luke & Ben...& 1 with Sarah, Alan, Bobbi, Crystal G. & Bradley. It's not terrible but not the best! I HATE havin 1st lunch! I guess i'll get over it though! LoL...Well I guess i'm gonna go...nothin else to talk about. Tommorow i'm goin 2 Church I guess, and then Monday...retarded school and Tuesday theres a home game. I'll try n update sumtime soon! XoXoXo!
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2004 18 January :: 9.05 pm
:: Mood: loved
:: Music: Keith Urban - You'll think of me
Hey everyone! How ya'll been!? Great here! Haven't been much better! Kentucky was great yesterday! We left at 8 and got there at 12...We sat at there apartment til 3 then went to eat at Outback...it was great =) I really missed Cody all day...n I only talked to him once for like 10 minutes but we talked a while when I got home at about 10! Great...yeah I know! LoL...I slept til 12 today then got up for a while, talked to Cody, then Crystal then I went back to sleep til like 3 and got up and stayed on the internet til 4:30 and then I went and got ready for Church. It was great. I love that preacher!!! LoL! I'm glad i've started goin there. OHH yes everyone guess what?! No school tommorow + we don't have to go to the away game at Sherman...that rox! There's a home game though and I think i'm gonna go watch Ryan kick butt! WOW. But yeah i'm gonna go! Awesome chat goin down!! XOXO
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2004 16 January :: 11.44 pm
:: Mood: infuriated
:: Music: Jeff Bates - The love song
~12 dayz left~
Hey everyone!!! Guess i'll tell ya bout my past few days...Wednesday I went to Kim's then church...on the way there mom got hung up in sum1'z yard...it was hilarious!Then Me, Jenn, Kim, Grace, David, and Tabi piled in the car and went to church...it was fun! Cody gave me his class ring =) very great! Thursday the job shadowing went pretty good! It was cool. I'm pretty sure I am gonna go to beauty school now. Tuition is only like $7000 dollars...that's very cheap for a lifetime of a minimum wage job + i'm plannin on gettin my masters and havin my own business n stuff! GO ME! But yeah I got home at like 1 and slept til 5 and went to the Jr.High game...Cody had classes til like 6:30 and the game had started at like 6 so he didn't get there til the game was over...LoL! But yea anyways...today I had finals...most of em were pretty easy but I hated the Intro one! blaaaaahhhh!! After school Cody came over and we just acted like tards until bout 6:00 n then we went out to the JV and Varsity game! He's a geat driver but ya know...his car attacked me...the seatbelt and all! haha! OHHH this is a great story...he was so embarrassed! Before we left my house he tried to go out the wrong door...so yeah he was tryin to go out the closet and he was movin stuff like brooms, n I was like Cody wat u doin and he's like leavin! and I said umm that's not the door...I mean, it's like a sliding door but it's broke and off the hinges and he like...picked it up and tried to move it! His face was soooooooo red!!! Then I was tellin Jenn bout it when we got to the game and he goes well i thought maybe the brooms were there to keep the dogs from gettin in...and I said Cody...do u think our door stays open like that all the time or do ya think the dogs are gonna jump up there and open the door...then he felt really dumb...lol!! That's greatness!! But anyways...the Varsity beat Wahama 2nite...go us! The cheerleaders got our new uniforms!! I like em =) cept when I do a jump they like show everything! It's all good though! Yeah...well i'm goin to Kentucky tommorow to see my brother for his birthday unless it snows real bad...I hope we don't stay all nite! I wanna come home ya know for Church!.....and maybe a lil Cody...haha! I reallllly hope we don't go to the Varsity game Monday...it's way too far away, and I mean that'll be my day to be free, no stupid school! But then Tuesday we have a game at Grace Christian...Wednesday at Wirt...then Friday, home, playing Van...it should be a good game! Hopefully there will be a dance afterwards....& yea Jenn best go with me...LoL! =) I luff u Jennay!! pretty much...i'm gonna go i'm talkin non-sense lol. OHH yeah before I go...my mood is infuriated cause i'm so sick of jus about everything and everyone around here other than a few people...it's so GAY! But yeah...i'm really gonna go! LATER XOXOXOXOXO!
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2004 14 January :: 2.02 am
:: Mood: contemplative
:: Music: Chris Cagle - What a beautiful day?
WoW. I am like so amazed right now...i've been talkin to Alan for like 2 hours & we've talked about everything imagineable...with talkin about all of that, i've realized so much! How much I need to change; how much i've grown up; how much I love the people around me & so much more. From now on I really am gonna be a better person to my friends, family, myself...& most of all God! I think I can do this...
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2004 13 January :: 6.28 pm
:: Mood: anxious
:: Music: Blue County - Good little girls
Hey everyone! Where to begin? Friday we didn't have school cause of the snow, so Jenn decided to come spend the nite...then Saturday we went to go get our hair cut, she got hers dyed and layered and I got mine cut like an inch off and layered. Mom's hair took forever to do...they suck though! Her hair isn't anything like she wanted it! Anyways...after we got home, I went over to Jenn's...we are so dumb! we ate...played Karaoke Revolutions [great game for ps2] and laughed like the tards we are! I spilled a box of like 1000 toothpicks and Jenn kinda peed herself laughin so hard at me...then I picked em all up by myself all alone in the cold kitchen at 12am...haha then I went back in her room and we were eatin and I was laughin and got choked and spit pop all over her...so much more greatness! Too much to type...lol! Sunday we came back to my house then that nite we went to church! Us little angelz O=] Anyways, last nite we had a game...we totally own Duval! The JV & Varsity girls & boys all won...we are awesome! =] The game was great and all cuz I got to see Cody but I was so tired and grouchy cuz i'd only gotten 3 hours of sleep the nite before but uhhh...my legs had broke out the nite before when I was shavin and me, Mander and Rissa were in the bathroom while I was changin and I almost started cryin cause of it! But then when I went back out there Cody made me feel better. He's the greatest =] After that...I started to cheer up a lil bit! But yeh...Today, I didn't get up til like 10 sumthin and I went to school around 11:30 cuz I wasn't feelin too good when I woke up...me and Cody were gonna do sumthin 2day-2nite whatever but mom wasn't feelin good and I didn't wanna bother her but i'll see him at church tommorow, at the Jr.High game Thursday and I think he's definetly comin over Friday evening before the game...then goin to the game! I am sooooo excited! I don't have to go to school Thursday because i'm going job shadowing at the Huntington Beauty school and it's only from 9am-1pm...greatness right there! Ohh and sumthin else great...Luke appologized for all the crap that went on throughout the 6 months and we are really talkin now, even though sum things that are said aren't wonderful but ya know I love him to death n i'd die if we couldn't be friends! I think i'm gonna go now cuz that's bout all that's went on here lately! I'll update sumtime! XOXOXO
16 days til the concert!!!!!!!!
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2004 10 January :: 3.11 am
:: Mood: tired
:: Music: Keith Urban - 1 chord song
If I were a month, I'd be: July
If I were a day of the week, I'd be: friday
If I were a time of day, I'd be: early evening
If I were a planet, I'd be: Earth
If I were a sea animal, I'd be a: a dolphin
If I were a direction, I'd be: north
If I were a piece of furniture, I'd be a: loveseat
If I were a sin, I'd be: swearing
If I were a historical figure, I'd be: Princess Diana
If I were a liquid, I'd be: water
If I were a tree, I'd be a(n): apple tree
If I were a bird, I'd be a: humming bird
If I were a tool, I'd be a: screwdriver
If I were a flower/plant, I'd be: a pink rose
If I were a kind of weather, I'd be a: breezy & sunny
If I were a mythical creature, I'd be a: Unicorn
If I were a musical instrument, I'd be a: guitar
If I were an animal, I'd be a: miniature pomeranian puppy
If I were a color, I'd be: hot pink
If I were an emotion, I'd be: happiness
If I were a vegetable, I'd be: potato
If I were a sound, I'd be: a waterfall falling
If I were an element i'd be: neon
If I were a car, I'd be a(n): cougar or eclipse
If I were a song, I'd be: somebody like u (keith urban)
If I were a movie, I'd be: Freaky Friday
If I were a book, I'd be: Simply Alice
If I were a food, I'd be: Chocolate
If I were a place, I'd be: someones bedroom
If I were a material, I'd be: silk
If I were a taste, I'd be: sweetness
If I were a scent, I'd be: Warm vanilla sugar
If I were a religion, I'd be: Christian
If I were a word, I'd be: Awesome!
If I were an object, I'd be: body spray
If I were a body part, I'd be: eyes
If I were a subject in school, I'd be: music
If I were a facial expression, I'd be: a winky-smile
If I were a cartoon character, I'd be: Love-a-lot Bear, Funshine bear or Cheer-Bear
If I were a shape, I'd be a: a heart
If I were a number, I'd be: 8
Name- Shamarie Danielle
B'day- 8/23/88
Born- Point Pleasant
Raised- Ashton
Living now- Ashton
Pets- 5 dogs and 1 cat
Room color- wood...lol, white, blue
Song your listening to now- Perfect by Sarah Evans
1. What color are your kitchen plates? some are cream colored have teddy bears on em with maroon & blue, then some are cream colored with just blue
2. What book are you reading now? Annie's baby
3. What is on your mouse pad? Black and silver, gateway cube
4. What is your favorite board game? candyland
5. Favorite magazine? YM & Teen
6. Favorite smell? Christmas smells...like cookies & cinnamon
7. Least favorite smell? vomit! LOL
8. What is the first thing you think of in the morning? How much I would love to sleep for a couple more hours!
9. Favorite colors? pink & yellow
10.Least favorite color? I don't really have one
11.How many rings before you answer the phone? However long it takes me to get to it
12.Future Child's Name? Landon, Hayden, Briana, Kelli Jo, Haylie & Carli
13.What is most important in life? Family, Friends, Fun, & God
14.chocolate or vanilla? Chocolate
15.Do you like to drive fast? No it scares the crap out of me...I drive like a turtle!
16.Do you sleep with a stuffed animal? My Jazzie lol
17.Storms--Cool or Scary? Scary
18.What type was your first car? 87 Chrystler LeBaron <~ perdy sure thats what it is
19.If you could meet one person, dead or alive, who? Toby Keith, he's my idoL!
20.Favorite alcoholic drink? Skyy blue
21.What is your sign and birthday? Leo 8/23
22.Do you eat the stems of Broccoli? Sick... broccoli blah!
23.If you could have any job what would it be? Musician
24.If you could have any color hair what would it be? Pink
25.Is the glass 1/2 full or 1/2 empty? half empty
27.Do you type with your fingers on the right keys? sorta...I hardly ever have to look down but my fingers are all in that vicinity
28.What is under your bed? nothin at all
29.What is your favorite number? 8
30.Favorite sport on TV? Football
31.What is your single biggest fear? losing sum1 i really care about
32.Say one nice thing about the person who sent you this...no one sent it to me
33.Person most likely to respond to this? Ben & Tabi will probably put it in their journals
34.Person least likely to respond to this? ???
35.Favorite CD? As of now? Emerson Drive
36.Favorite TV shows? lots...!
38.Hamburgers or Hotdogs? hot dogs...don't eat hamburgers guys, unless u want mad cow disease
39.Favorite soft drink? water coke and mountain dew
40.The best place you have ever been? Myrtle Beach, South Carolina or Gatlinburg, Tennesse
41.What screensaver is on your computer? Rascal Flatts picture show thingy HOTNESS!
42.Burger King or McDonalds? Mickey D's
43. Crush? ;)
44. Does your crush like you back? yup
45. Cried over this person? have before!
46. In love with this person? nope
47. Favorite song right now? You'll think of me-Keith Urban...Waitin on me-Emerson Drive...Scotty Emerick-I can't take you anywhere & Toby Keith & Scotty Emerick-The taliban song
48. song your listening to now? Aaron Tippin - Kiss this ....blah! it's on the radio
49: was this fun? sure
What do you think of?
-dog - adorable
-hot - all my guy country singers!
-water - drink
-bed - sleep
-flower - smell
-cold - me, rite now
-love- sumthin I need
-cow - fair
-black - leather
-car - fast
-phone - Bobbi
-ring - callwave
-God - heaven
-friend - girls
-swim - pool
-sweet - cherrys
-bad - druggiez
-school - boring
-summer - fun
-picture - camera
-fast - zoom
-shower - clean
-feather - hat
-ear - drum
-vomit - sick
-baby - cute
-light - bright
-blood - sick
Do You...
-have a boat? - yes
-have a pool? - yea
-have cable? - yeah
-watch mtv? - yep
-sleep nude? - nope
-have a waterbed? - nope
-like cookies? - yea
-have DVDs? - yeah
-like cheese? - yep
-have a watch? - yeah
-have icq? - yep
-sing in the shower? - yeah
-have a cell phone? - yea
-keep a photo album? - yep
-drink water? - yeah
-like roller coasters? - yea
-drive? - yea
-know what TVU is? - nope
-listen to online radio stations? - yea
-send e-mail forwards? - sumtimez
-like the heat? sumtimez
Have You Ever...
-bunji jumped? - nope
-gotten a tattoo? - no
-sky dived? - no
-gotten your tongue stuck to a cold pole? - no
-had pop rocks and coke together? - no
-played truth or dare? - yeah
-kissed for more than 10 minutes at one time? - lol yep
-made a prank phone call? - yes
-flashed someone? - me and Tabi did at charleston...haha we semi-flashed the abandoned city thru the window around 12am! lmbo
-stolen anything? - yea
-sped? - nope too scared
-set anything on fire? - yea
-eaten snow? - yeah
-puked on someone you really liked? - no
-eaten pure sugar? - yeah
-mixed sodas together? - yeah!!!!
-had sushi? - ummm sick!
-worn a thong or speedo bathing suit? - prob. a speedo one when i was little haha na i dunno
-hung up on someone? -yep!
-used all cuss words in a sentence? - probably
-had the cops called on you? - no we've had security called tho, at hotels...Morgantown & Charleston
-stayed up for more than 24 hrs straight? - yea
-stood on your head and drank milk? - no
-cried during a movie? - yea
-swallowed gum? - yeah
-gotten tongue tied? - yeah
-said, "I love you" and not meant it? - yup
-eaten glue? - no
-slept for more than 15 hrs? - yea
-been on a train? - no
Finish the Sentence
-I would like to go to...- Rome
-I want...- lovvvvveee
-I need...- lovvvvveee hahahaha
-I see...- the computer
-My dream concert would be...- Rascal Flatts/Toby Keith/Scotty Emerick/Keith Urban/Brooks & Dunn/Emerson Drive
-The last thing I did was...- typed the last answer thingy
-The last person I hugged was...- I dun remember
-I yelled at...- my dad
-I kissed...- Luke
-I cried when...- rather not talk about it!
-If I could have one pet it would be...- a baby munky
-Last night...- I baby-sat my cousins for New years eve
-Right now...- wonderin when my dads gonna get off the phone so I can call Brenda & ask her bout what time to be out at the school for the game
-Love is...- great
-I hate...- stress...sadness & school
-My parents...- are the best
-God is...- someone everyone should believe in and talk to
-My favorite sport is...- cheerleading
-My favorite band is...- See the Q: bout my dream concert, they're all my favs.
-I last ate...- a chicken sandwich at iHOP
-On a scale of 1-10, I rate this survey...- 7
Last car ride: like 3 hours ago
Last kiss: like 2 weeks ago...Luke
Last good cry: well if ya mean a real good one, the night me and Luke broke up....and if ya mean just a lil tears, tues. nite
Last library book checked out: Simply Alice
Last movie seen: Daddy Daycare
Last book read: Simply Alice
Last cuss word uttered: asshole...lol Jenn...ima stop cussin!
Last beverage drank: mountain dew
Last food consumed: chicken sandwich
Last crush: ;)
Last phone call: Crystal G
Last TV show watched: Well I was watchin the Mountaineers vs. Terrapins last...I can't remember what show I watched last tho
Last time showered: this morning
Last shoes worn: my NC nikes...lol
Last CD played: MiX
Last item bought: Clothes
Last downloaded: Chris Cagle - Country by the grace of God
Last annoyance: I'm really sore from retarded cheerleading at the game the other nite cause we never practice to work ourselves out
Last disappointment: sumthin Ally told me! LoL!
Last soda drank: Didn't u ask that already
Last thing written: my name
Last key used: backspace
Last words spoken: i'm off the phone now
Last sleep: last night
Last IM: Tabi
Last ice cream eaten: I don't member
Last time amused: Talkin to Crystal on the phone
Last time wanting to die: Havent really wanted to
Last time hugged: I don't remember
Last time resentful: last nite
Last chair sat in: this comp. one
Last lipstick used: bubble gum gloss
Last underwear worn: HAHA...hot pink w/ black on em and the butt says i've got a serious case of the love bugs! hehehehe
Last bra worn: the white one i'm wearin now
Last time dancing: oh gosh...probably at the homecoming dance...lolololol
Last poster looked at: my GC one on the wall
Last web page visited: MSN
1 MINUTE AGO: tryin to call Brenda
1 HOUR AGO: leaving wal-mart
1 DAY AGO: was babysittin in cross lanes
1 WEEK AGO: It was like Christmas...lol
1 YEAR AGO: was all upset over Cody...lol
I HURT: not now
I LOVE: everyone!
I HATE: i dont...
I FEAR: life in general
I HOPE: everything keeps me happy
I HIDE: my feelings
I DRIVE: every now and then
I MISS: the summer {the fair & beach}
I LEARNED: that u can't trust just anyone as easily as u think u can
I NEED: my loved ones
I THINK: way too much
1. What time is it? 3:48 pm
2. Name? Shama
3. Name as it appears on birth certificate: Shamarie Danielle
4. Nickname: lots
5. Number of candles on your last birthday cake: 15
6. Number of children: 25
7. Pets: 5 dogs 1 cat
8. Natural Hair color: Dark blonde
9. Body Piercing/Tattoos: 2 in ears...belly button
10. Eye color: blue/green
11. How much do you love your job on a Scale of 1 to 10? I don't have 1
13. Current Residence: Ashton
14. Favorite food: lots!
15. Been to Africa? Nope
16. Ever went toilet papering? nope
17. Love someone so much it made you cry? yea
18. Been in a car accident? : no
19. Croutons or bacon bits? : croutons
20. Favorite day of the week: saturday
21. Favorite word or phrase: i donno
23. Favorite flower: pink roses
24. Favorite sport to play: cheerleading & basketball
25. Favorite drink: Mt.Dew
26. Favorite Ice cream: peanut butter or caramel
27. Favorite color: pink & yellow
28. Favorite fast food restaurant: Taco Bell & Wendys
29. What color is your bedroom carpet: dark blue
30. How many times did you fail your drivers test?: 2
31. Besides this one, whom did you get your last e-mail from: Cody
32. Which store would you choose to max out your credit card: Pac Sun
33. What do you do most often when you are bored? sleep, watch tv, go somewhere
34. Most annoying thing people ask/tell me: when ur cryin and sum1 sez are u gonna be okay or it's okay it's not worth it...it's like I don't know leave me alone lol
35. Bedtime: I don't have 1 but usually I go to bed at 2 or 3 on weekends and 12 on school nites
36. Who will respond to this email the quickest? BLAH
37. Who is the person you sent this to that is least likely to respond? !!!!!!!!
38. Favorite TV show: lots
39. Last person you went out to dinner with? haha the whole bball team but basically just w/ Cody, Jenn & Tabi cuz theyre the only 1s I associated with
40. Ford or Chevy: They're both okay I like Chevy more but I mean Toby Keiths a Ford man...lol
41. Time you finished this quiz: 3:57 pm
1. What is your full name? Shamarie Danielle
2. Do you wish on stars? Sumtimez
3. What's your favorite color(s)? pink, and yellow
4. Do you like your handwriting? it's ok
5. Who are you jealous of? Hot guys g/f's/wives....LOL
6. What do you look for out of life? Fun & happiness
7. Who is your favorite family member? Prob my cousin Jacob
8. Why are you filling out this survey? because i feel like it
9. What is your favorite season? summer
10. If you were another person would you be friends with you? yep
11. Pepsi/Coke? Coke...unlike Jenn haha remember in Wendy's we will mix pepsi and coke together to prevent fights when you and * get married...lmbo
12. Do you find yourself attractive? yea!
13. Have you ever told a secret you swore you wouldn't tell? yesh haven't u?
14. What is your guy type? Sum1 really nice, down to earth, he likes me for me and we can be ourselves and laugh around eachother...oh n he has to luv ta sing HAHA lololol
15. Do looks matter? well I don't mean to be shallow but yeah!
16. What is the sexiest thing a guy can wear? I dunno lol...ummm jeans and a shirt! guys are hott in hoodies O GOSH AND A Cowboy hat!!!
17. Person u respect the most? my closest friends
18. Have you ever met anyone famous? yep...lots of people...mostly at the fair!
19. Do you think there is a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow? SuRe why not?! lol
20. Whats your favorite song? rite now my favs are you'll think of me, the taliban song, i cant take you anywhere, and mayberry
21. What do you do to prevent anger? I cry!
22. Are you passive or aggressive? <~ over my head...?
23. Who is your idol? Toby Keith...4 real!
24. Do you trust others? Yep...WAY WAY WAY too easily but i'm getn better w/ that
25. What was your favorite toy as a child? my barbies!
26. What class in school do you think is totally useless? art unless ur gonna be an artist
27. What class is the BEST? lunch lol
28. Do you like sappy love songs? luvem
29. Have you ever been on radio or television? yeah tv
30. Have you ever intentionally hurt another person? I dunno
31. Do you like sarcasm? me? nooooo!!!
32. Do you believe in God? yep!!!
33. Do you feel understood most of the time? not really
34. Are you afraid of anything? yea
35. What is your favorite movie? way too many
36. Have you thought seriously about committing suicide? no
37. What is your nickname? ???
38. How much money would it take before you kissed a member of the SAME sex on the lips? It's not that big of a deal...? I mean I don't want to or anything but if I guess it was a dare and I was gonna get paid...it'd take at least $10 lol
39. What are you worried about right now? nothin really
40. Do you ever wear overalls? no
41. Do you think you are strong (emotionally)? Not at all
42. Been so drunk you blacked out? no
43. Gone out in public in your pajamas? yep all the time
44. Missed school b/c it was raining? yea
45. Set any body part on fire for amusement? uhh no if u have, u have probs!
46. Had an imaginary friend? no
47. Almost got raped by someone? no
48. Cried during a Flick? yea
49. Had a crush on a teacher? YEP
50. Found a cartoon character attractive? John Smith on Pocahontas in 2st grade or sumn...all the gurls in class were like OMG he's so dreamyyyyy
51. Ever at anytime owned a New Kids on the Block tape? nope
52. Planned your week based on the TV Guide? no
53. Been on stage? yes
54. Gotten in a car accident? no
55. Who's the loudest friend? Amber, Christy & Luke prob.
56. Who knows all your secrets? Jenn & Tabi
57. Who was the last person you cried with? I dunno
58. Cried: nope...happiness right here!
59. Cut your hair: nope
60. Worn a skirt: yea
61. Been mean: no
62. Been sarcastic: yes
63. Talked to someone you love: yep
64. Missed someone: yes!!!!
65. Fought with your parents/sister/brother: nope...miracle lol
66. Wished upon a star: no
67. Played Truth or Dare: nope
68. Watched a sunrise/sunset: no
69. Went to the beach: no
70. How old are you?: 15
71. When's your birthday? 8-23
72. Do you sleep with any stuffed animals? no
73. Who is the last person you talked to On-Line? Kim
74. What is your favorite TV show? theres waaayyyy too many
75. Do you have a cell/beeper? yea
76. What is your favorite clothing store? pac sun aero jcpenny
77. What is the last movie you saw? Forrest Gump
78. Have you ever gone skinny dipping? haha sorta...
79. Nervous Habits: biting my nails
80. Are you double jointed?: yea
81. Can you roll your tongue?: yea
82. Can you raise one eyebrow at a time?: yea
83. Can you blow spit bubbles?: yea
84. Can you cross your eyes?: yes
85. Tattoos?: no
86. Piercings and where?: two in each ear and belly button
87. Do you make your bed daily?: no mom does
88. Which shoe goes on first?: right
89. Speaking of shoes, have you ever thrown one at anyone?: yep lol
90. On the average, how much money do you carry in your purse/wallet?: well...depends on where im goin really
91. What jewelry do you wear 24/7?: watch, 2 earrings, rubberband, rings
92. Favorite Piece of Clothing: I dunno
93. Pajamas: I sleep in the nude
94. Do you twirl your spaghetti or cut it?: twirl
95. Have you ever eaten Spam?: no
96. Favorite Ice Cream Flavor: peanut butter, caramel
97. How many cereals in your cabinet?: 1
98. What's your favorite beverage?: mt dew
99. What's your favorite restaurant?: outback...olive garden & applebees
100. Do you cook?: yep
101. How often do you brush your teeth?: morning and at nite
102. How often do you shower/bathe?: every nite
103. How long does your shower last?: bout 20 mins.
104. Hair drying method: blow dry if i want it straight n it drys naturally if i want it curly
105. Have you ever colored/highlighted your hair?: yea I do every now n then
106. Do you paint your nails?: sumtimes
107. Do you swear?: I try not to
108. Do you ever spit?: hey when u gota, u gotta lol
109. Animal: puppies
110. Food: i dunno
111. Month: July and August
112. Day: friday & saturday
113. Cartoon: care bears!!
114. Shoe Brand: nike
115. Subject in school: lunch
116. Color: UMMMM
117. Sport: basketball and football and cheerleading
118. Tv show: ......
119. Best Looking Male Celebs: Ashton Kutcher and all them country guyz
120. Vacationing Spot: TN * SC
121. Game: Candyland
122. The CD Player: Rascal Flatts
123. Person you talk most on the phone with: Cody
124. Ever taken a cab?: no
125. Do you regularly check yourself out in store windows and mirrors?: lol ya
126. What color is your bedroom?: white and blue
127. Do you use an alarm clock?: yea its so annoying
128. Window seat or aisle?: seat
---LA LA LAND---
129. What's your sleeping position? belly
130. Even in hot weather do you use a blanket?: i duno?
131. Do you snore?: no
132. Do you sleepwalk?: I have b4
133. Do you talk in your sleep?: have b4
134. Do you sleep with a stuffed animals?: no
135. How about with the light on?: no
136. Do you fall asleep with the TV or radio on?: usually the radio every nite
137. Coke or Pepsi?: coke
138. Oranges or apples?: apples
139. One pillow or two?: 1
140. Deaf or blind?: deaf
141. Pools or hot tubs?: HoT tUbZ
142. Blondes or brunettes?: dependz
143. Tall or short?: Tall
144. TV or radio?: radio
145. Beach or pool?: beach..
146. Tic-Tacs or Certs?: Tictacs
147. Snooze button or jump out of bed?: snooze definetly
148. Sunrise or Sunset?: sunset
149. Hamburger or Cheeseburger?: either is okay
150. Morning or night?: night
151. Sports or news?: huh
152. Indoors or outdoors?: indoors
153. Christmas Eve or Christmas Day?: Day
154. Cake or ice cream?: ice cream
155. Spearmint or Peppermint?: spearmint
156. Bath or shower?: shower
157. Book or Movie?: dependz
158. Green or Red apples?: green
159. Rain or Snow?: rain
160. Nike or Adidas?: nike
161. Took a shower?: this morning
162. Cried?: couple weeks ago
163. Talked on the phone?: today from like 9:30 til 11 to Cody
164. Read a book?: today
165. Punched someone?: Jenn liek a couple hrs ago
166. Where do you see yourself in ten years? In my beauty salon makin $$$$ waitin to go home to my great family!
167. Who are you going to be married to?: sumone that's really special...n we love eachother!
168. How many kids?: 2 or 3
169. Your profession: beautician
170. Future School: Huntington Beauty School
171. Car of Your Dreams?: ?? Eclipse?
Yea...sum of the answers are probably retarded cuz I started on all the quizzes like 2 weeks ago n didn't finish em til a lil bit ago so none of em prob. make sense but u'll be okay! hehe
<333 CoDy!
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2004 10 January :: 1.05 am
:: Mood: crazy
:: Music: Toby Keith - Don't leave, I think I love you
Yo peeps...LoL! What's goin on! Not much here just chillin out with Jenn & listenin to Toby Keith's CD *sighs* he's great! Well we have been off school for 3 days due to flooding & snow! In a way, it's awesome, but then it's not cause there was supposed to be 2 games 2nite, and I was gonna get to see Cody...but I got screwed outta that...I'll get to see him at church Sunday, then again Monday and more...YAY. Gosh it's only been a couple days and I really miss him already! This is crazy...I mean how much I like him! It's exciting. LoL!!! Me Jenn & Cody all talked on the phone this evening for like 2 hours...sang mosta the time...lol funny! Anyways...me, Jenn and mom are goin to get our hair cut and Jenn & my mom are dyin theirs...Jenn pretty much needs to get her hair cut like up to her shoulders n like layered so she can flip it out and i'm gonna try to talk her into dyin it like dark brown with a reddish tint! It looked good when she had it kinda like that before...But yea anyways i'm gonna go...then tommorow sumtime i'm goin to Jenn's and spendin the nite then we may be comin back here Sunday n goin to church and stuff...hard to tell knowin us! I'll update soon, maybe! *XOXOXO*
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2004 7 January :: 12.55 am
:: Mood: sleepy
:: Music: Alabama - Born country
*1 week...yay!*
Hey everybody, just stoppin in to say hey! School today was boring. Nothing happened at all cept me and Luke decided to actually be nice to eachother and finally talk and maybe be friends again but who knows cause I don't think he knows whether he wants to be mad at me or not but oh well...he will get over it! The game tonight was awesome. The JV got stomped but they played pretty good. Next was the varsity game we beat South Gallia by like 6! YAY! I really didn't like those games though because we had to cheer the 2nd half of the JV game and I wanted to be with Cody as much as I could but it's okay I got to talk to him a lot and we talked on the phone for a while when we got home! Ohh yea...it's one week that we've been together now! Way to go us! haha! Anyways, movin on...school is canceled for tommorow because of high waters in these parts! LoL. You have no clue how freakin great that is! School is so terrible and I don't think we should ever have to go cept on game days cause they are sum wonderful days. LoL! It better not snow real bad Thursday and Friday cause I really don't want the game to get canceled Friday nite. GREATNESS. And I love cheerin for Hannan cuz we usually have close games. It's alotta fun. Hopefully we will have our new uniforms by then...that'd be so cool! Well guys i'm gonna go get ready for bed! Update ya'll later! <333
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2004 5 January :: 10.35 pm
:: Mood: contemplative
:: Music: Terri Clark - I wanna do it all
*Back To School*
Hey E1...yeah Jenn didn't u love the embarrassment 2nite it was great wasn't it! Aren't ya glad he knoz? LoL! Anyways...the Jr.High boys got the crap kicked outta em! Poor guyz! I was ina really bad mood cause of a few things...sumthin I heard happend in TN. Which is really messed up and I don't believe it's true, it's all good now cept for my anger towards this one person. In time, i'll get over it! LoL! Ohh yea school today sucked like normal. School is so gay! I can't wait til the summertime! Only like 5 months! Haha! Something else bad that happend today was...well....I didn't know that Luke didn't know bout me and Cody and well people started tellin me crap today at school and then they get on the net and tell me stuff again and so, I IMed Luke and asked him bout some things and yea...I really didn't know how he felt bout the whole situation and to tell the truth I didn't really know what to say other than sorry, because i'm really happy with Cody & I can't, wait let me rephrase that...WON'T risk messin that up! I luv Luke ta death as a friend...but yeah, he just really needs ta thing bout things. Okay...off of my problems. LoL! The JV & Varsity plays South Gallia at home tommorow nite! We better win or come close! Yep!!! Jenn's comin home with me tommorow...again, like the 5th day we've been together. Me & her are like attached at the hip now. lolololol. In the chair! sqwishedness! Wonderfulness haha...we are even startin to act exactly alike cept for the embarrassment thing, i'm not that bad off...no offense Jenn! hahahahaha. Well i'm gonna go get ready for bed =] love you guyz!
1 Comment |
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2004 4 January :: 3.09 pm
:: Mood: crazy
:: Music: Scotty Emerick - I can't take you anywhere

Barbie Got Back! Go you! You're the closest thing
ever to a true black Barbie. Shake that fat
ass of yours.
If You Were A Barbie, Which Messed Up Version Would You Be? brought to you by Quizilla
Yes. Jenn & Tabi are here and we are LoBo -LOL!!!!!!!!! at that! WOW! Churchness was great! ByE!!!
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2004 4 January :: 5.45 am
:: Mood: thirsty
:: Music: Rascal Flatts - Mayberry
Last Nite - Me and Jenn stayed up til 8am talking bout our loves. HAHA! It was so much fun! I loved Jennayyy-watched Forrest Gump! I slept from about 8 until 5 in the evening! LmBo!!!
Today - If you're wonderin why i'm updatin so early it's cuz I went to bed at my bedtime (LOL...Cody) well not really but...close to it and I woke up like 20 mins ago with a really bad headache and it won't go away :( yea it really sucks cuz I have to get up at 9:30 to get ready for church and it's almost 6! ahhh But ya know maybe this will help me cuz i'll be tired all day today and i'll be ready to go to bed Sunday nite so I can get up for school on Monday...blah, that sucks soooo bad!?! Do you even know how bad I want to quit school or sumthin! I really dislike school... especially Hannan rite now!!! I realized that I only have bout 10 real friends out there and I mean it's good I have that many instead of none but it seems like so many ppl are 2 faced, lying, retards (plz no one take offense to that cuz you don't know that i'm talkin about u.) I have a report due for Mrs.Hagley when we get back from break but ya know guess what? I haven't the slightest clue on how to do it cause I got 100% on my quote cards but theres only like, 10 of em and I dunno how to put the thing together...if someone knows and can tell be before tommorow, let me kno! Anyways...after church today Jenn's comin home with me and we are goin again this evening...Mander's comin to...rite Mander?(haha hopefully) But yea...Kim's on and she hasn't even went to bed yet...geez! She's gonna be tired. If ur readin this, Kim ur great! LoL...OMG it's like 90 degrees in this house I think that's why I feel like this...Yea i'm gonna go! xoxoxoxoxo
25 days til the Rascal Flatts (&others) concert! CAN'T WAIT!!!
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2004 3 January :: 12.42 am
:: Mood: happy
:: Music: John Michael Montgomery - Life's a dance
Hey everyone! what's up!? Just got home from the game at Hamlin...it sucked!...48-49 we were winning and Brad had a 1 on 1 foul shot n missed and they got the ball with like 10 seconds left and made their basket...I coulda cried, all their people was bein mean, then Cody started the sit down-shut up chant, it was great! I thought there was gonna be a fight cuz Dillon's mom had to be under supervision cuz sum1 from the other team made a sign that said he was a crybaby! Goodness was it a fun-filled nite?! We stopped at Wendy's on the way back cuz that's where the team was goin too and when my mom, dad, and Jenn got there, Cody & Tabi were there and so we all got food and all 4 of us sit in a corner across from my parents...made fun of Jenn mosta the time cuz of *...LoL! AWWWWWWW and Cody gave Jenn $3 to eat a peice of chicken with ranch dressing and frosty on it (ewww) then me and Tabi tried frosty with salt and pepper in it! BLAHHHHH!!! It tasted like...ocean! LOL anyways...finally gettin to the great news although everyone perdy much knows already! Cody asked me out rite on New years...it was great! Yeah i'm really happy that i'm in that kinda relationship...because he's a really great guy & I don't care what anyone (such as...those big buttholes) think, haha none of ya but 4 or 5 of ya know who i'm talkin bout! LoL! So just stay outta my relationship this time...worry bout ur own! okay? ok!!! =] well guyz i'm gonna go cuz Jenn's here and I don't wanna bore her! ByEbYe! xoxoxo
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2003 31 December :: 2.14 am
:: Mood: amused
:: Music: Keith Urban - You'll think of me
*Update & Some Quizzes!*
Hey everyone...what's up?! NMH! I've been coping with this whole Tennessee thing greatly. I've talked to em all every day! It's great! I'm just sittin here talkin to Luke now. We're actually gettin along which is hard to believe after 2nite! Pretty much, u don't even wanna know what we are talkin bout. We're crazy! FUNNESS! Lisences are great! haha! Anyways. I was all like upset 2nite at the game (which by the way we played Buffalo and lost by 4...but it was a very good game) anyways back to Luke...cuz we kinda looked at eachother a lot but never talked once, then a few people told me he was talkin bad bout me! And yeah I figured out that he really wasn't! Kinda a misunderstanding that sum1 made! He was talkin bout another gurl. HAHA BEN. YOU KNOW! It's all good now tho! It's really weired tho that we get along a lot better now than we did dating...lol. Kinda sad but i'm glad we areat least talkin n stuff now. Let's hope we keep it up! Anyway. Tonite I think i'm goin to baby-sit my cousins when my aunt, uncle n parents go out so...Tabi n Jenn & all ya'll if u don't get home from TN til after I leave u all need to be on the net cuz i'm gonna try and get on the net at my aunt and uncles! :) I luv yee'z! HAPPY NEW YEARS EVERYONE! Hope ya have a fun-filled one! Ya know what I mean...lol! Don't drink and drive! Be careful! I'm gonna leave ya with a few quizzes I took earlier! Later!
Start time: 11:40
grade one teacher's name: Mrs.Pullin
last words you said: "Oh my lord! I can't believe I just said that" lololololol
last song you sang: Emerson Drive - Waitin on me
last person you hugged: Chad E
last thing you laughed at: Jazzie bein a tard
last time you said "I love you"': To Jenn, on the phone like 2 hrs ago
last time you cried: tonite at Wendy's
what's in your cd player: Mixed CDs
what colour socks are you wearing: White with a black nike check
under your bed: Nothin
what time did you wake up today: like 1!
current taste: Nothing lol
current hair: Down
current clothes: My mom's pj pants n my cheerleading top still
current annoyance: Certain people ;)
current longing: To be in Tennessee with all my friendz!
current desktop picture: A pic of Rascal Flatts with the words to I melt on it
current worry: Will I get to talk 2 my friends tommorow nite?!
current hate: I don't hate
story behind your username: My name n grad. year
current favourite article of clothing: My new hoodie! Honky Tonk Dance Hall, put on your dancin boots! LOL!
favourite physical feature of the opposite sex: Eyes...lordy be!
favourite place to be: Anywhere?
least favorrite place: Anywhere I don't wanna be
if you could play an instrument, what would it be: Guitar n Piano
favourite color: Pink
do you believe in an afterlife: I guess so...
how tall are you: 5'3
current favourite word/saying: SUUUUREE!!!!
favourite book: Alice bookS!
favourite season: Summer
one person from your past you wish you could go back and talk to: I dunno
favourite day: Friday
where do you want to go: To bed
what is your career going to be like: Ima be rollin in the dough...haha
how many kids do you want: I think i want 2 or 3
what kind of car will you have: I hope to have sumthin really nice, maybe a cougar
type a line you remember from any book: "Do most women really smoke cigarettes after they have sex?"
random lyric: Just hope no one can tell by the look on my face.That you're still in my heart always on my mind.A part of my every day.
Identify some things surrounding your computer: Lip gloss, jewelry, body spray, lotion, printer, candles
I am not: Sad anymore
I love: My friends and family
I hate: I don't hate
I fear: losing people I care about
I hope: Everything gets wayyyyy better here soon
I hear: The radio
I crave: Mountain Dew
I regret: NoThInG
I cry: Too much
I care: For my loved ones
I always: Think too much
I believe: In love
I feel alone: Rite now
I listen: To anyone who's advice sounds rite
I hide: My feelings
I drive: My moms car
I sing: All the time!
I dance: When i'm happy
I write: Right now in this thing
I play: Hard to get....j/k
I miss: The summer
I search: For sumthing to do
I learn: Something new every day
I feel: Like sleeping
I know: That it's bedtime
I say: Things that I probably shouldn't
I succeed: When I give it my all
I dream: About things I want to happen or can't wait for
I wonder: What will happen at the game tommorow
I want: To get over Luke
I have: To be sure of myself
I give: It my all...{lol}
I fight: too much with Luke
I need: To stop and make my mind up
finish time: 11:58
001- [x] Licensed:: Shamarie Danielle
-002- [x] Candles:: 15
-003- [x] 1st Breath:: 8.23.88
-004- [x] Sign:: LeO
-005- [x] Nicknames:: Lotz
-006- [x] School:: Hannan
-007- [x] Mascot:: Wildcat
-008- [x] K-12:: 10
-009- [x] Birth place:: Point Pleasant
-010- [x] K’shun:: Ashton
-011- [x] other places lived:: Winfield WV and sumwhere in FL when I was lol
-012- [x] Hair color:: Dark blonde
-013- [x] Hair Length:: Lil past my shoulders
-014- [x] Curly or Straight:: It's straight but it can be curly too
-015- [x] Tan or Translucent:: UM tan I guess...LoL!
-016- [x] Eye color:: Blueish green
-017- [x] Height:: 5`3
-018- [x] Weight:: around 120 or 125
-019- [x] Nationalities:: UhHhH
-020- [x] Boyfriend:: Nawwww
-021- [x] Girlfriend:: NOOO
-022- [x] Their Name:: ....
-023- [x] Their Age:: ......
-024- [x] Their School:: OK this is really makin me sad it's time to stop :(
-025- [x] k-12:: ....
-026- [x] Since when:: ......
-027- [x] How Long:: ......
-028- [x] Crush:: maybe
-029- [x] Their Name:: ……
-030- [x] Girl Friends:: {Close}...Sarah.Kim.Christy.Ally.Heather.Megan.Crystal.Marissa.Britt.S.Britt.B.<~~~ & MORE
-031- [x] Boy Friends:: {Close}...Bradley.TJ.Lawrence.Kevin.Burton.Trent.Brandon. <~~~lot's more
-032- [x] Best Friends:: girls: Jenn, Tabi, Bobbi, Amanda, Cody, Ben, Alan & Luke
-033- [x] Most Inside Jokes:: Jenn, Bobbi & Tabz
-034- [x] Best Room:: I love Jenn's room!!!
-035- [x] Craziest:: Christy, Crystal, Tabz, Luke & Ben
-036- [x] Sweetest:: Ally, Megan, Kim, TJ, Cody
-037- [x] Never Fight With:: Amanda & Cody
-038- [x] Always Fight With:: Luke & Ben
-039- [x] Family Members:: 4
-040- [x] Moms Name:: Renae
-041- [x] Dads Name:: Mike
-042- [x] Brother?:: Yeah
-043- [x] His Name:: Justin
-044- [x] His Age:: 21
-045- [x] Sister?:: nope
-046- [x] Her Name:: ...
-047- [x] Her Age:: ...
-048- [x] Pets?:: yeh
-049- [x] Kinds:: Dog & Cat
-050- [x] Names:: Dogs: Jazzie, Patches, Sunny, T2 & 3 point. Cat: Callie
-051- [x] Favorite Family Member:: Probably my cousins
-052- [x] Mom or Dad:: I'm mommyz gurl!
-053- [x] Thongs or Panties:: They're both okay
-054- [x] Boxers or Briefs:: Boxers
-055- [x] Hair up or Down:: Down
-056- [x] TV or Computer:: Both
-057- [x] Alone or Friends:: Depends on my mood
-058- [x] Mall or Movies:: Mall {shopping}
-059- [x] Beach or Boat:: Beach
-060- [x] Boyfriend or Single:: I like havin a boyfriend but sumtimes if the relationship isn't "perfect" it gets old
-061- [x] Heaven or Hell:: Heaven
-062- [x] Night or Day:: Nite
-063- [x] Big Crowd or Close Friends:: Close friends
-064- [x] Cup Cakes or Cakes:: Cakes
-065- [x] Chocolate or Vanilla:: Chocolate
-066- [x] Hugs or Kisses:: Hugs
-067- [x] Chocolates or Flowers:: Chocolates
-068- [x] Diamonds or Pearls:: Diamonds
-069- [x] Love or Lust:: LoVe
-070- [x] Hat or Visor:: Hat
-071- [x] Sneakers or Flip Flops:: Depends
-072- [x] Pants or Shorts:: Pants, shorts & capris
-073- [x] Skirts or Dresses:: Skirts
-074- [x] Purse or Wallet:: Purse
-075- [x] Curly or Straight:: Straight
-076- [x] VCR or DVD:: DVD
-077- [x] CD or Radio:: CD
-078- [x] Dog or Cat:: Dog
-079- [x] Cold or Hot:: Depends
-080- [x] NYC or Hawaii:: I dunno?
-081- [x] Movies or Books:: Movies
-082- [x] Water or Soda:: Both
-083- [x] Fruits or Vegetables:: Fruits
-084- [x] Rain or Shine:: Shine
-085- [x] Sunrise or Sunset:: Sunset
-086- [x] Princess or Queen:: Princess
-087- [x] Candle or Lamp:: Candle
-088- [x] Shower or Bath:: Shower
-089- [x] Pen or Pencil:: Pen
-090- [x] Blue or Black Ink:: Black
-091- [x] Phone or Person:: Person
-092- [x] E-Mail or IM:: IM
-093- [x] Journal or Diary:: Journal
-094- [x] Sun Tan or Tanning Salon:: Both
-095- [x] Family or Friends:: Depends on the occasion
-096- [x] Boyfriend or Friends:: Both
-097- [x] Moon or Stars:: Stars
-098- [x] Gold or Silver:: Both
-099- [x] White Gold or Platinum:: Both
-100- [x] Hair Spray or Gel:: Mousse!!!!
-101- [x] Sweet or Sour:: Sweet!
-102- [x] Black or White:: Black
-103- [x] Pillow or Blanket:: Pillow
-104- [x] Favorite Movie:: 2 Many
-105- [x] Favorite TV Show:: Lizzie McGuire, Sister Sister, So little time, 8 simple rules
-106- [x] Favorite Color:: Pink
-107- [x] Favorite Number:: 8
-108- [x] Favorite Actress:: Hilary Duff, Kate Hudson
-109- [x] Favorite Actors:: Ashton Kutcher & Matthew Mcconehey
-110- [x] Favorite Song:: Rite now...I can't take you anywhere
-111- [x] Favorite Month:: July
-112- [x] Favorite Holiday:: Christmas
-113- [x] Favorite Food:: LoTz
-114- [x] Favorite Drink:: Mountain dew
-115- [x] Favorite Sport:: Cheerleading, football & basketball
-116- [x] Favorite Channel:: Disney, CMT, ABC family
-117- [x] Favorite Radio Station:: 93.7 & 97.5
-118- [x] Favorite CD:: As of now, Toby Keiths
-119- [x] Favorite Day of the Week:: Friday
-120- [x] Favorite Season:: Summer
-121- [x] Favorite Place:: My room
-122- [x] Favorite Store:: Aero, JC penny & Dawahares
-123- [x] Favorite Scent:: Pearberry & Warm Vanilla sugar from B&BW
-124- [x] Favorite Grade:: 6th and 9th
-125- [x] Favorite Room:: MyNe!
-126- [x] Favorite Flower:: Pink Rose
-127- [x] Favorite Teacher:: Linger & Lambert
-128- [x] Favorite Cartoon Character:: EeYoRe
-129- [x] Favorite Book:: Any of the Alice books
-130- [x] Favorite Quote:: ?
-131- [x] Favorite Girl Name:: Briana, Kelli Jo, Haylie, Carli
-132- [x] Favorite Boy Name:: Landon, Hayden
-133- [x] Favorite Phrase:: SURE!!! lol
-134- [x] Shoes Usually Worn:: Blue Nike's - Pink K-Swiss' - Brown LEI boots
-135- [x] Bottoms Usually Worn:: Jeans
-136- [x] Top Usually Worn:: UM different shirts...lol
-137- [x] Hair Usually Worn:: Down & Straight
-138- [x] Jewelry Usually Worn:: 2 rings, hoops in the 1st hole and birthstone in the 2nd, watch, and rubberband...LMAO
-139- [x] Make Up Usually Worn:: Foundation, blush, eye shadow, mascara, lip gloss
-140- [x] Nail Polish Usually Worn:: None usually
-141- [x] Piercings?:: yea
-142- [x] How Many:: 5
-143- [x] Where:: 2 in each ear and belly button
-144- [x] Do You Want More:: YUP!
-145- [x] Where:: Tounge
-146- [x] Tattoos:: None
-147- [x] How Many:: …
-148- [x] Where:: …
-149- [x] If You Don’t Do You Want Any:: Yep
-150- [x] Where:: Lower back
-151- [x] What:: I dunno yet
-152- [x] Do You Believe in Aliens:: Not really
-153- [x] Do You Believe in God:: All the way
-154- [x] Do You Believe in Heaven:: Yup!
-155- [x] Do You Believe in Hell:: Yea
-156- [x] Do You Believe in Angels:: Yes
-157- [x] Do You Believe in Magic:: Sorta
-158- [x] Do You Believe in Fate:: Yea
-159- [x] Do You Believe in True Love:: Yes
-160- [x] Do You Believe in Ghosts:: Yep
[How old?]
The big 1-5! lol
[Where do you live?]
[1 sentence that sums you up]
I'm Shama. I'm sweet til ya p!$$ me off. I love country music and hot guys! lololololol
Student at Hannan. 10th Grade!
It's not really a wallet but it looks like one! LoL...It has my learners permit, money, and pictures in it!
I have a purple one, black one, and a lime green one
Purple and white
[Jewelry worn daily]
2 sets of earrings, belly button ring, 2 rings, watch, rubberband, and sumtimes a necklace
[Pillow cover]
Yellow, pink & purple flowers
{Reversible} purple and blue flowers, and on the other side baby blue and white checkers
CuTe OnEs -- OfCoUrSe
Blue Nike's, Brown LEI boots, and Pink K-Swiss'
[Favorite trousers]
Nice word, trousers lol! anywayz...my favs. are my Levi's
[CD in stereo right now]
NoNe Yet
two in each ear and belly button
[What you are wearing now]
Mom's PJ pants and my Disney world shirt
Nottin rite now
[In my mouth]
Teeth & a tounge!
[In my head]
Whole lotta air
For things to get better soon
[After this]
Hittin the hay! lol
[Talking to]
No 1
Nothing rite now
[Person you wish you could see right now]
All my friends that are in TN, where I should be!!!
[What is next to you?]
My bed, mouse & mousepad
[Something that you are deathly afraid of?]
Terrorist attacks
[Do you like candles?]
[Do you like hot wax]
Depends...haha naw j/p
[Do you like incense]
[Do you like the taste of blood]
UM gag me
[Do you believe in love]
[Do you believe in soul mates]
[Do you believe in love at first sight]
[Do you believe in Heaven]
[Do you believe in forgiveness]
Why yea
[Do you believe in God]
[Who is your worst enemy?]
[If you could have any animal for a pet]
A sweet baby munky!
[What is the latest you've ever stayed up]
I've stayed up all nite before
[Ever been to Belgium?]
Yeah I go there all the time
[Can you eat with chopsticks]
[What's your favorite coin?]
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2003 26 December :: 7.49 pm
:: Mood: blank
:: Music: Scotty Emerick & Toby Keith - The Taliban Song
Hey, hope everyone had a good Christmas! Mine was pretty good cept for a few things...(Ya'll know what I mean. It's really gettin to me still i'm really upset.) N let me tell ya "IF" ur sum1 who said some CRAP to him...kiss my - and mind ur own business! That's jus really how I feel about it cuz look at what's happend! BLAH! Anyways...i'm gonna tell ya'll what all I got for Christmas! At my Grandma Becky's on Christmas eve I got a purse, some body spray, 2 shirts, and some charms for my bracelet. Then on Christmas morning I got 2 pairs of pants, a hoodie, 3 shirts, new pair of k-swiss shoes, a portable cd player, a dvd player, the Freaky Friday dvd, Toby Keith's cd, Keith Urban's cd, a crapload of make-up & bath stuff and lotion, a new cellphone (it's the crap it's a lil teeny Motorola flip phone!) The Sims-Makin Magic, some Care Bear stuffed animals, and a few candles...I think that's all! lol Ohh yeah...and alotta candy n odds n ends in my stocking...lol. Then after we opened presents here we went to my other Grandma's and they got me some jewelry n make-up and $20. WOWNESS...yeah lol. Christmas dinner was great! I'm depressed...Tabi, Jenn n Kim and a few others are goin to Tennessee with the Church the 29th thru 31 and I almost got to go but Mom would'nt let me...GRR >:( I guess i'll be okay though cuz they told me they'd call me. It still sucks tho...lol! well i'm gonna go I have a good song to show ya...they call it a patriotic love song. HEHE! It's great!
~The Taliban Song~
~Toby~ I'm just a middle-aged middle-eastern camel herdin man
I got a little two bedroom cave here in north Afghanistan
Things used to be real nice then they got outta hand since they moved in
They call themselves The Taliban
~Scotty~ Oooh, oh yea the Taliban, oooh the Taliban baby oh yeah
Now I ain't seen my wifes face since they came here
They make her wear a scarf over her head
That covers her from ear to ear
She loves the desert and the hot white sand
But, man she just like me
Naw she can't stand the Taliban
~Toby~ Oooh, oh the Taliban, baby
~Scotty & Toby~ But you know someday soon we're both gonna saddle up
And it'll be ride camel, ride
My old lady, she be here with me
Just smilin right by my side
We should do just fine out around Palestine
Or maybe, Turkmenistan
We'll bid a fair adieu and flip the finger to
The Taliban
~Scotty~ Now they attacked New York City
Cause they thought they could win
Said they would stand and fight until the very bloody end
Mr.Bush got on the phone with Iraq and Iran and said
Now you sons-of-bitches, you better not be doing any business with that Taliban
~Toby~ So we prayed to Allah with all of our might
Until those big U.S. jets came flyin in one night
And they dropped little bombs all over their holy land
Man you shoulda seen em run like rabbits they ran
The Taliban
~Scotty & Toby~ But you know someday soon we're both gonna saddle up
And it'll be ride camel, ride
My old lady, she'll be here with me
Just smilin right by my side
We should do just fine out around Palestine
Or maybe, Turkmenistan
We'll bid a fair adieu and flip a couple fingers to
The Taliban...
We'll bid a fair adeiu and give a big boner to
The Taliban...
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2003 23 December :: 5.09 pm
:: Mood: upset
*Christmas Eve, Eve...*
Hey everyone...i'm pretty sad rite now. If ya don't know why...it's cause me and Luke broke up last nite. I feel awful about it but it was just gettin worse every day and we had been tryin to fix the problem for like what seemed like forever, we just didn't talk or spend enough time together, it would have been 6 months for us on Sunday :( I really, really wish it didn't have to be like this! I love him to death and I still like him...who knows where it will go from here! But sumthin I do wanna say is thanx to all my friends for bein here for me cuz I wouldn't have got thru it without you...even though i'm not really THROUGH it yet! I really just don't wanna let it all bring me down where it's almost Christmas n stuff. I can't believe it's almost here! I mean tommorow is Christmas eve! I can't wait til Thursday morning...presents :) I'm happy for all the troops and their families...how they got to come home for Christmas...that makes me so happy! It's great...well i'm gonna go i'll try to update sometime soon! *MeRrY cHrIsTmAs!*
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2003 22 December :: 1.51 am
:: Mood: loved
:: Music: Toby Keith - American Soldier
I LOVE THIS SONG...D/L IT...it's great!!!
Hello everyone...yea I know it's like almost 2AM n i'm still up but my brother n Brittany just came in for Christmas and they didn't get here til like 12 so i've been talkin to them. They were wrappin presents and they had an empty roll and they were yellin douche and biotch thru it to eachother...lol it was great! But anyways...2nite, I went to church...yea. GLADLY!!! Sarah was Mary and Cody was Joseph...it was so funny they had on like the older clothes and they looked so bored thru like the whole thing...then 1 time Cody had to sing a song to the baby Jesus and the words were on it's stomach and he was holdin it like 2 feet away from him...HAHA The end of it was very sad...Chris Edmonds wore his National Guard uniform (I think that's what hes in) and he held a flag n just stood there and this tape played and it was like God talking about Sept.11 and he looked like he was gonna cry...Me and Tabi were cryin our eyes out...but there was this 1 part that was like, I was on the 110th floor in the trade center with a man, and I helped keep his hands steady and give him some privacy while he called his wife to tell her he wasn't coming home...Okay...I really need to start going to church so I seriously think i'm gonna start going at least once a week now. I just need him in my life more than I thought I did!...yea I think ima go to the varsity girls game (today). Probably but i'm hopin Jenn can go with me...but i'm gonna take a quiz for ya since it's been a while since I put one on here...XOXO byebye
Name: Shama
Name backwards: Amahs
Does your name mean anything?: I think but i'm not sure what?
Were you named after anyone?: oh gosh don't get me started on that one, it's embarrasing. LoL
Nickname(s): Lotz
Screenname(s): CutieHHS2006
Date of birth: 8.23.88
Place of birth: Pleasant Valley
Current location: Ashton
Sign: Leo
Religion: Christian
Height: 5'3
Shoe size: 8
Hair color: It's bout 22 different colors but if I hadta call it 1 I would say dirty blonde
Eye color: dark blue/light green
What do you look like?: ^ shouldn't that have explained?
Righty, lefty, or ambidextrous?: righty
Gay, straight, bi, or other: Straight
How old are you mentally?: I'm you're typical teenage gurl!
Describe yourself in 5 words: talkative, sweet, caring, goofy, moody
What are your worst qualities: I am too emotional...sad n I think about stuff way too much
What are your best qualities: I can make my friends n family laugh, I usually always know what to say, I care about everyone...and I can't think of anything else right off hand
Who Is Your...
Best friend(s): Jenn, Tabi, Bobbi, Amanda, Ben, Luke & Alan
Best friend you trust more than anyone: I trust all of em but i'd hafta say Jenn & Cody...I only say that cuz I talk to them about probs more than ne 1 else.
Best friends {your sex}: Jenn, Tabi, Bobbi, Ally, Heather, Kim, Sarah, Crystal, Amber W, Brittany S & Summer
Parent(s): Mike & Renae
Worst Enemy: HmMmM well...
Favorite on-line Guy(s): Cody
Favorite on-line Girl(s): Jenn & Tabi
Funniest friend(s): Tabi
Craziest friend(s): Well technically all of them if ya think bout it...lol
Loudest friend (s): Amber Whittington, Crystal & Christy
Do You Have...
Any sisters: nope
Any brothers: yep
Any pets: 1 cat 5 dogs
A disease: Umm hopefully......NO
A pager: nope
A personal phone number: my cell
A leather jacket with studs on it?: nope unfortunately not...lol
A heroin needle: I wish...haha no just kidding!!!
A pool or hot tub: yep
Car: YeAh
Describe Your...
Personality: I love to have a good time and laugh...I can be moody if ya make me mad, i'm usually happy unless sumthin really made po'd me...I love niceness and I really care about my friends and family =)
Driving: It scares me but u gotta do it
Car or one you want: a cougar or cavalier
Room: it's very bright and messy!
School: Hannan
Bed: double bed with drawers on the bottom of it
Relationship with your parent(s): We get along mosta the time...we argue a lot but we usually get over it within 10 mins. lol
Do You...
Believe in yourself?: mosta the time
Believe in love at first sight?: no
Consider yourself a good listener: very good
Consider yourself a good friend: pretty much yea
Get along with your parents: most usually
Save your e-mail or conversations: only if I think they are important
Pray: just about every nite
Believe in reincarnation: I dunno?
Like to make fun of people: depends on the situation...sumtimes it makes me mad
Like to talk on the phone: it's okay
Like to drive: pretty much...but i got my learners permit like 2 mos ago n i've only drove a couple times since then cuz i'm scared
Get motion sickness: naw
Eat chicken fingers with a fork: nope
Dream in color: I think so
Type with your fingers on home row: mosta the time
Sleep with a stuffed animal: no
Right next to you...
On the walls of your room: posters
On your mouse pad: gateway thingy
Your dream car: Bright pink cougar
Your dream date: A sexy country guy...make him a country singer...lol for ex.>(Chris Cagle, Brad Mates, Brian McComas, Toby Keith, SCOTTY EMERICK!!!
Your dream honeymoon spot: sumwhere romantic
Your dream husband/wife: Toby Keith really turns me on cuz he's big n beastly and hes a country guy haha...but ya i'd hafta say Brad Mates
Your bedtime: usually on weekdays at 12 and weekends bout 2 or so
Under your bed: nothing
The single most important question: Will you marry me? haha...
Your bad time of the day: early morning
Your worst fear(s): losing someone who means a lot to me
The time?: 2:31
The date?: Dec.22
The best trick you ever played on someone?: I dunno?
The weirdest food or drink that you like?: Jus about everyone thinks cheese dip or cheeseballs are gross but I love them!!!
Your funniest experience: Oh Lord...I wouldn't know where to begin
Your scariest moment?: The man that was chasin us at Bobbi's
The silliest thing you've said?: i swear i've gotten lots ditzier lately...the other day, I fought with Mr.Linger bout deer...I didn't think the bucks had ears but they do...lol
The funniest or most desperate thing you've done to get the attention of the opposite sex?: I can't remember anything i've done...prolly just flirted
The craziest thing that's ever happened while with your friend(s)?: Me and Amber at the beach when these guys kept passin us and tellin us to flash em for money...it was scary lol
The worst feeling in the world?: when u feel like no one cares about you and uve just been let down big time
The best feeling in the world?: havin someone really care about you and want somethin to do with ya, also I feel great when I make my parents proud
Number: 8
Color: pink
Day: friday
Month: I dunno
Song: Right now...it's I can't take you anywhere and Love you out loud by Rascal Flatts
Movie: Theres way too many to name
Food: Chicken and mashed taters n gravy
Band: Brooks & Dunn...Emerson Drive...Rascal Flatts lotz more...
Season: Summer
Sport: Cheerleading
Class: STEPS...last year
Teacher: Lambert & Linger
Drink: Water & Mountain Dew
Veggie: celery, cucumbers
TV Show: Sister Sister, Lizzie McGuire, 8 Simple Rules, Full house...
Radio Station: 93.7 & 97.5
Store: Aeropostale & JcPenny
Animal: dolphins
Flower: pink roses
State: Rite where i'm at is great + Tennessee & South Carolina
This or That...
Me/You: Me
Coke/pepsi: Coke
Day/night: Night
CD/casette: CD
Jeans/khakis: Jeans
Car/truck: BIG OL TRUCK
Tall/short: Tall
Lunch/dinner: Dinner
Gap/Old Navy: Old Navy
Lipstick/Lip gloss: Lip Gloss
Silver/Gold: Both
Alcohol/Weed: UHH no.
Love + Relationships...
Do you have a bf/gf?: Yep
Do you have a crush?: Yep
How long have you liked him/her?: Been datin 6 months
Why do you like this person?: well there's a lotta reasons
If you're single... why are you single?:
How long was your longest relationship?: The one that I am in now
How long was your shortest relationship?: like an hour
Who was your first love?: No1 yet
What do you miss about them?:
The Past...
What is the one thing you would change about your past?: nothing because i've learned from it ALL
What is the biggest mistake you've made in your life?: hmmm...
Last thing you heard: "i'm an American soldier, an American"
Last thing you saw: well other than the comp screen, Toby Keith's sexiness...OMG that cowboy hat with the bandana under it!!!!! WOOOH!!!
Last thing you said: love you 2
Who is the last person you saw?: Brittany
Who is the last person you kissed?: Luke
Who is the last person you hugged?: Cody
Who is the last person you fought with?: I dunno really
Who is the last person you were on the phone with?: Jenn
What is the last TV show you saw?: Controversy...is that a show??? lol well if not, Roseann
The Present...
What are you wearing?: Yellow and blue PJ pants and a white t-shirt
What are you doing?: listenin to music
Who are you talking to?: no1
What song are you listening to?: American Soldier
Where are you?: living room
Who are you with?: Jazzie
How are you feeling?: sleepy
Are you in a chatroom?: no
The Future...
What day is it tomorrow?: Tuesday
What are you going to do after this?: go to bed
Who are you going to talk to?: I dunno...lol
Where are you going to go?: in my bed
How old will you be when you graduate?: 17
What do you want to be?: Beautician
What is one of your dreams?: to be a country singer....and to make a lot of money and have a nice home n husband
Where will you be in 25 years?: hopefully married with kids and a good job n home n stuff
Have You Ever...
Drank?: ya
Smoked?: yea...EWWWWWWW
Had sex?: NOPE!!! virgin n proud...lol
Stole?: long time ago
Done anything illegal?: noperz
Wanted to die?: sorta said it but not really meant it
Hit someone?: yeah
Do you write in cursive or print?: I usually mix em both together lol
What piercings do you have?: belly button and ears twice
Do you drive?: yeah
Do you have glasses or braces?: contacts
What do you most like about your body?: my eyes hair n butt
And least?: breasts...LOL and my legs
How many fillings do you have?: well I had 2 but I lost those teeth
Do you think you're good looking?: yea
Do other people often tell you that you're good looking?: well if they like me...an sumtimes my friends do
Do you look like any celebrities?: none I can think of rite off
Do you wear a watch?: yep...Luke got it 4 me =) hehe
How many coats and jackets do you own?: HAHA like 4 pullovers and 4 winter coats then like 5 or 10 thin coats and dress coats
Favorite pants/skirt color?: denim
Most expensive item of clothing?: probably a pair of my shoes
Most treasured?: hoodies
What kind of shoes do you wear?: nike's but I love k-swiss
Describe your style in one word: prep/ME!!! lol
How long does it take you get ready in the mornings: when I take a shower in the morning, like an hour n 15 mins but when I take a shower the nite before...bout 30 or 45 mins
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