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:: 2009 24 September :: 11.44am

Hey you're not allowed to rent here anymore!

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:: 2009 22 September :: 1.31pm

PhilHimself is my xbox live for all the XXXBAWKSSS folks

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:: 2009 18 September :: 12.25am

This thread sucks, prove me wrong.

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:: 2009 14 September :: 6.24pm

From spike's Top 10 White Trash Heroes of Cinema

1. That's right. Luke Skywalker. Before the sci-fi haters come out of the woodwork to crucify me, take a deep breath and listen to my reasoning. Here are some of the things we know about Luke:

* He lives on a patch of dirt in the middle of nowhere
* He has lots of beat-up vehicles in his front yard
* He's a greasemonkey
* He likes to make out with his sister
* He lives with his aunt and uncle ‘cause his dad killed his mom

Luke Skywalker is the classic definition of white trash. And, by definition, he is the prototypical redneck. Keep in mind he lived in a galaxy far, far away eons before we earthlings even climbed out of our evolutionary puddle.

If anything we should love Luke more, not less. He's the classic example of pulling oneself up by one's bootstraps. Luke is the poster child for Republicanism – and, at the same time, embodies liberal ideals. He could give Obama a real run for his money and kick McCain's ass at the same time – with no hands, to boot.

In the end, Luke is proof that it's not the vehicle you drive or the parents you have, but what's inside that makes a true hero. Although it doesn't hurt if you have a lightsaber and a robotic hand.

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:: 2009 12 September :: 2.47pm
:: Music: The Features- Lions

Oh, girl what are you thinking
I'm thinking that we
Should stick together
I reckon that we
Should follow our hearts

Let's stick together
Let's follow our hearts
Not even lions can tear us apart

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:: 2009 11 September :: 9.32pm

Imperfection is an opportunity to be better.

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:: 2009 10 September :: 10.39pm

does anyone know why when i connect to my home network on my blackberry- it says i'm connected and everything but my browser wont let me open any pages?

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:: 2009 10 September :: 9.32pm


No more living at home for me. Ever. :)

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