2009 21 August :: 6.31pm
This is what happens when little kids try to bug me in online games
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2010 19 August :: 5.08pm
i hate when people talk about their BLACK friends or their BLACK boyfriend loudly and often like... trying to prove that they have friends of another race or something... there's this girl that is constantly talking about her BLACk boyfriend and showing his picture and saying how she doesn't care what color people are ... "you could be purple. as long as you're cool"
that's nice and everything but i dont know it bothers me when people talk about it like they are trying to prove a point or something.
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2009 19 August :: 12.52pm
Classes this fall:
Database systems
Unix using Linux
Cisco Wireless Network Administrator
Computer Security and Assurance
This semester is either going to be really fucking cool or really fucking hard.
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2009 18 August :: 11.53am
i like to eat giant turds.
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2009 13 August :: 11.58pm
i wish i had longer legs and perfect skin and
shitty shit. theres so much more to say but it doesn't even matter.
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2009 13 August :: 1.13pm
Got the results of my MRI, torn cartilage and a micro fracture, have to go to a specialist.
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2009 8 August :: 12.36am
oh and i'm considering buying a spray tanning machine for like 200-300 bucks and like offering spray tanning services ...somehow... someway... i'm not really sure how it would work but it just seems like a good idea.................
i dont know.
because think about it, if i have a tanning package- that is bed tanning.. it costs me at least 40 bucks a month which works out to....woo! $480... yeah. thats a shit load.
now if i had a spray tanning package it would be even more.. let's say 60 bucks a month... $720..
now the machine is a one time fee. and as soon as i figure out how much the solution costs i can do some more math. but i know it would at least SAVE me money in the long run because i am never going to be okay with being naturally pale. i can't do it. i just feel icky.
and then i could like somehow do spray tan parties or schedule appointments i dunoooooooo maybe i could work something out with people that do purse parties or whats it called... pure romance. thats it. i could like do spray tans there
i dont fricken know i'm just thinking theres a good idea somewhere in there with all this bed tanning scares about arsenic and shit.
roman thinks i should start my own business i just dont know.
what do you think about a business that gives you a paycheck and when you go to cash it there are no funds in their account??? do you think that's shitty? i do.
thats why i fricken call them out on it and then they act like its no big deal so i get pissed. whatev........
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2009 8 August :: 12.32am
i nevvvvvvvvverrrrrrrrr used to have a problem falling asleep. now it seems like i never can. i hope this is just a short phase because i love my sleep.
i just think it's really weird how different everyone is from each other. like i think it's weird i have friends that like, live with their parents whereas i am married and cooked a new mexican/noodle casserole thing for my HUSBAND tonight and like.... that was exciting.
it's strange how different everyone's lives are.
now if my job situation, money situation, and house situation could catch up maturity wise to the rest of my life... that'd be great.
ps. jessie kae i love you and i hope everything is getting better. call me when you are able.
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