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:: 2009 27 July :: 3.48am

I am tired from working late so here is this

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:: 2009 26 July :: 12.24pm

Hellions on parade

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:: 2009 23 July :: 7.50pm


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:: 2009 22 July :: 7.18pm

I'm Old Greg, I got something to show ya

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:: 2009 21 July :: 11.32pm

Dice really abandoned their fanbase by putting 1943 on consoles only.

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:: 2009 20 July :: 12.33am

Drinking a ping of HOPNOXXXIOUS from Walldorff that my dad brought me from up north.

This is the stuff of kings right here.

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:: 2009 17 July :: 12.47pm

Save gasoline, ride a motorcycle.

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:: 2009 16 July :: 12.59am

Random thoughts: -i am hungry- I get to buy groceries tomorrow yeehaw- I want to see stefs puppy- I want a new vacuum cleaner soooo bad- I have to get my new passport and license tomorrow- I can never sleep at night anymore- I am excited to start school and wear scrubs- I put up (past tense) with SO much for you, you idiot.- I wonder if you know deep down that you really did a lot of bad things, you were/are such a jerk and so fake, it really sucks because when you're not like that you are pretty fun - where did they all go? - I wonder if that really is why and the doctors are wrong and it will be a problem. I can only pray that it won't.- why does my kidney area always hurt like a sharp pain ... Not good.- I'm married, isn't that weird!?!? Hahahaha- and that concludes the random list of thoughts going on in my head.


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