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:: 2009 29 June :: 12.57am

I fucking love the internet, it pits people against each other in ways they would have otherwise never believed.

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:: 2009 28 June :: 11.35pm

This space is dedicated to Billy Mays, for he has greatly improved our world.

And if you disagree with me I will challenge your knowledge of infomercials, because that's the highroad thing to do on the internet these days, oh yeah but no flamewars cause that's not cool right.

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:: 2009 27 June :: 2.35am

Will you die on your feet or live on your knees?

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:: 2009 26 June :: 12.26am

You are now breathing manually.

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:: 2009 23 June :: 10.32pm

"Maybe this is the new Cafe Racer macho. My bike is so much faster than yours that I dare you to ride it, you lame little turd. Do you have the balls to ride this BOTTOMLESS PIT OF TORQUE? " Hunter S. Thompson

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:: 2009 22 June :: 4.00pm

"yeah she's a little rough and has some issues but what broad doesn't ya know" - PhilHimself

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:: 2009 22 June :: 3.20pm


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:: 2009 22 June :: 1.51am

Selling my desktop, here's the craigslist link. I would make it a better deal for any folks that I know.

I'm much more interested in motorbikes and outdoors adventuring these days

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