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:: 2009 29 May :: 11.27pm

Rock Gym was pretty excellent.

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:: 2009 29 May :: 2.45am

Updating from my new lappy, Codename: SoundBite

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:: 2009 22 May :: 11.18pm
:: Music: Modest Mouse- She Ionizes and Atomizes

She ionizes and atomizes/ Then turns to sunlight/ He realizes and itemizes/ Pulls harder than gravity...
i am certain that i am a serious hypochondriac.

Among several other things, I've recently discovered that I have Precordial Catch syndrome.

Freakin sick of going to the dr office like 12 times a month. The girls at Bronson even know how to spell my name, CORRECTLY.

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:: 2009 19 May :: 9.21pm

people, stop dissin my music!

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:: 2009 19 May :: 2.52am

Watching my elders get buried is one thing, but your peers, your friends that is just well disheartening.

Tomorrow is not a good day.

We will miss you Eric.

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:: 2009 18 May :: 8.21pm
:: Music: Ingrid Michaelson- The Way I Am

If you were falling, then I would catch you.
You need a light, I'd find a match.

Cause I love the way you say good morning.
And you take me the way I am.

If you are chilly, here take my sweater.
Your head is aching, I'll make it better.

Cause I love the way you call me baby.
And you take me the way I am.

I'd buy you Rogaine if you start losing all your hair.
Sew on patches to all you tear.

Cause I love you more than I could ever promise.
And you take me the way I am.
You take me the way I am.
You take me the way I am.

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:: 2009 18 May :: 6.13pm

For the first time in my life I can't sleep. This never happens. Like, you don't understand- I normally can sleep WHENEVER , wherever for how ever long I wish. Like when I'm bored, I just sleep sometimes. I have never hjad this problem but for some reason I am sooo tired but I can not sleep. I got about an hour last nite and trying to nap since I left work and I can't. On top of it all, I am really sick and feel like total crap so I really need the sleep. Ugh this really sucks and I look like a zombie. Wtf?

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:: 2009 17 May :: 5.26pm
:: Music: Eric Hutchinson- Ok, It's Alright With Me

I'm sick of just starting plans/ I wanna spend the rest of my life...

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