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:: 2009 16 May :: 3.11am

Also, I now demand to be referred to as M.C. Creeper

that is all

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:: 2009 16 May :: 3.03am

I am so about Commander Spock

Doc McCoy was also kick ass.

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:: 2009 13 May :: 6.41pm

Real Fark Headline

"Man hits pedestrian at Home Depot and runs down a state trooper before leaving the lot. Hits a van, backs up and hits it again. Drives off screaming "WOO HOO" as he strikes several vehicles before crashing head-on with a semi. TA-DA"

Full Story

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:: 2009 13 May :: 2.55am

Everything burns, especially the world.

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:: 2009 12 May :: 6.14pm

Nostalgic of the GRCC days

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:: 2009 11 May :: 9.28pm


eta* retracted.

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:: 2009 9 May :: 10.15pm

sooooooooooooooooo booooooorrrreeeeed.

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:: 2009 9 May :: 3.28pm
:: Music: Death Cab for Cutie- Cath...

Soon everybody will ask what became of you...
pretty boring day today. Paul is at football camp, so I am making homemade bagels and doing laundry... just call me Martha. Except I just burnt my hand and it's starting to blister...

obligatory kitty picture.

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