2009 27 April :: 1.59pm
Oh my gosh I am watching wedding shows and tearing up like crazy at every little thing- imy shower was yesterday and it was a total blast, stef did sucha good job planning and executing it I am so so so so excited for our wedding ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh yay roman I love you I can't wait
say something
2009 25 April :: 3.04am
Insight from Batman and Alfred, two of my favorite people.
I want to be more than a man, I want to be a symbol. I want to be uncorruptable and stand for things, do what a hero can't and be the bad guy when it's needed.
I am the bat, the night is mine.
say something
2009 24 April :: 10.14pm
:: Music: Erin McCarly- Love, Save the Empty
Little girls don't know how to be sweet girls/ Mama didn't teach me/ Little boys don't know how to treat little girls/ Daddy didn't show me...
lots of weekend plans... now through mid summer.
say something
2009 22 April :: 4.08pm
This is now my desktop picture

Quickpost this image to Myspace, Digg, Facebook, and others!
say something
2009 21 April :: 5.44pm
you want that mantra?
wanna drink that kool aid?
say something
2009 17 April :: 1.30am
so I'm really drunk....
prime minister Aso gave me 12000 yen today...
while making my poor ass happy, it also made me sad for the people working here.
I suppose they had the right idea in that I will spend it IN japan and not send it anywhere else or save it for America.
good night.
say something
2009 14 April :: 10.47pm
:: Music: OAR- This Town
In the morning wake me up/ And tell me everything/ So I can understand your world/ And you can understand my dream...
who needs twitter? i've got woohu.
say something