2006 18 February :: 9.09pm
It's two degrees man and everything is still covered in ice, weak.
I got some wicked pictures of all the trees though. Here's my favorite.. [ I made my mom stop on the side of the road to get it, so I am glad it turned out! ]
Read more..
Anyway, I am so glad the power is back. It was truly miserable. Sammie and I were cracking out man. I'm not even going to get into details. All I have to say about not having power is...LAME.
I've hung out with Sammie for four days now. It's awesome, because she is so much like me that I don't get annoyed with her. She's bahmb dig and we're getting married. But, really...she's my best friend and I wish she could walk with me for Graduation. Too bad she's a sucky sophomore.
I saw Brokeback Mountain today. It was soooo good. I cried for the last ten minutes of the movie. I suggest seeing it, unless you're one of those homophobes that is closed-minded and needs to suck it up and get some balls. Yeah, that's right.
Break has actually been a lot of fun for doing nothing. I don't want it to end.
Well, I need to get going. I've got things to do.
(Like call you)
17 Doubts |
Do you doubt my Genius!?
2006 18 February :: 12.28pm
Sammie is pretty cool and so are you.
(I love being able to call you at any given moment again)
2006 16 February :: 2.30am
:: Music: Metallica-- Sanitarium
Heading to Katsu soon. Yay!
Do you doubt my Genius!?
2006 15 February :: 8.08pm
(I miss you all ready)
I am so happy. I can't get the smile off of my face ever since last night.
This is just what I needed.
2006 11 February :: 11.34pm
Shake that laffy taffy!
Swirl was fun. I'm glad I went, but my feet are in agonizing pain right now.
"I get fast really ready."
"This sad is so song."
I could not talk today..
[Oh, and pictures from Swirl and Spring Hill are soon to come]
Night ya'll.
9 Doubts |
Do you doubt my Genius!?
2006 10 February :: 3.43pm
:: Mood: Anti-snowmetic
:: Music: Graveyard Dirge
I hate the snow
So mother nature decided to screw me over this weekend. Im slightly ill, sore throat and stuffy nose, and It's gonna snow...fuck you the weather, and to hell with you the snow.
Oh well, perhaps the weekend after I get back from Katsu the guys and I can get together and work of stuff. Oh well, one can hope for the time being.
Im gonna go back to listening to graveyard dirges.
Later folks
2 Doubts |
Do you doubt my Genius!?
2006 9 February :: 7.39pm
Every line makes me cry, 'cause every word was a lie.
There I go again, reading old journal entries.
I don't suggest doing that.
2006 6 February :: 9.18pm
What an awesome night.
The show went great. I am so proud of everyone. You guys are all amazing, seriously. For the amount of time we had to do this and all the stress we all went through.. I just can't believe we pulled it together. But, we did and I am so happy.
Yeah, I messed up a line. I was completely beating myself up over it. But, ya know what? For having a two page monolgoue and only messing up one line, I should be thankful. And when a few other people sort've messed up like I did, I didn't care and it didn't stick out in my mind. It was just normal and ok, so that helped me a lot. Some people said they noticed, but I picked it up so fast that it didn't matter. Others completely didn't notice, so whatever.
After the show a lady came up to me and told me that my scene made her cry and it was one of her favorites. That made me so happy.
Thanks for all the other compliments as well. Whoever showed up to support me/us: thanks. [Thank you Matt and Jake for coming. It's good to see some old friends]
One more night. I hope I don't mess up that line again, haha.
Oh, and H apologized and said that he was very proud of me. So, that helped.
I am good now. And not to sound full of myself in any way, but I am proud of myself, because from the start I didn't think I could do this. I didn't think I could memorize more than a line. I didn't think I could get up in front of all those people being only a few feet away.
But, I did.
3 Doubts |
Do you doubt my Genius!?
2006 6 February :: 5.05am
:: Music: Bloodsimple-- Blood In Blood Out
Yet Another Guerilla Update!
So whats up ladies and gents. Yeah the only reason im up at this moment is my lack of remembering the Networking classes' homework.
Anyhow, not alot is going on, a little fight with Meem, but all is patched up. Happy happy. Katsu is comming up, this week is operation MAKE MONEIES!!!!111ZOR and yeah as you can see im all over the place with the nonsense.
So I started a new hobby a while back, and hopefully this comming saturday Im gonna get some practice in, if not that, then work on some storyline stuff...gotta work hitting someone with a steel chair in somehow ^_^
So Meem's new friend Jen sounds cool, at some point I assume she just might introduce me to her instead of telling me about their random and often funny conversations. Who knows.
Katsu is a comming which means I'll get my anime fix...although, its been 2 years since I went to a convention, and I am a wee bit nervous. Since this will be the first time I've gone without my friends, but then again, Im going with my best friend, so that accounts for some alleviation on my poor poor nerves. Parker is susposed to be there, so I'll try to find him at some point maybe hang out with him a bit, Im also hoping to see Heidi again this year, I saw her last time I went to Katsu, and well, I attribute my love of art to her, she really got me interested in art and whatnot. That and while this will sound pig headed, she was pretty, but thats not to say that I in anyway perfer her to Meem, I love my Meem, when she isn't punching me in the nuts....
So yeah, I think Jesse invented some new holiday that he won't tell me about. Crazy Jesse, you can't do that....or can you..
Great, now he's gonna burn my bathroom down and claim is was a holiday requirement.
On room notes, Mom said something about selling this house...I have no plans on moving till I can move out on my own...which will be soon, hopefully.
Ok, I need to sleep
Sleep good,
Night Hoes...I mean my 3 to 6 devoted readers...
Im glad you people still read this, makes me feel like someone listens.
Even if it is a crazy hoe or two....and a gay guy...that makes joke about me being white trash...I hate you..
Do you doubt my Genius!?
2006 5 February :: 6.05pm
:: Music: Cliff Ritchey
Something that struck me as interesting was when my group leader from Spring Hill came up to me and told me she was impressed with how well I knew myself. She said that it was awesome, because most girls have no idea and can't answer those kind of questions that fast. And I am going in the right direction. It made me realize how much I really do think and how much I pick myself apart. I was asked what the three things I would change about myself were. I said unmotivation, being too dependent on other people, and how I am always mad about something/can't relax. Another question was what my biggest fear was and I said making the wrong choices. We were also asked what truth was. When you think about that, it's actually extremely hard to answer. I think there's only one kind of truth and those are solid facts. But, the truth we live by isn't always true, because solid truth is lost. People choose their own truths (even though logic is ruled out). Everything is turned into something else. I don't know, it's hard to explain. We talked about other things as well, but I won't bother boring you any longer.
I know none of this matters to you. She just made me see something in myself. I know exactly who I am and that's comforting, because no one else does and I didn't think I knew either.