2004 1 May :: 10.02 pm
I learned the difference between gospel and southern gospel today.
Gospel is cool
Southern gospel isn't.
More later. Maybe.
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2004 28 April :: 3.43 pm
If you're gonna get into it.........
GET INTO IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
That is all. You can go back to your regularly scheduled program now.
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2004 21 April :: 7.37 pm
Scary-You'll all wanna send me the loony bin after reading this.
Life is possibly the weirdest, most tragic experience you'll ever um...experience in your.....um life.
Why the hell do people do drugs when sober life isn't sober at all? At the moment trees and rocks are moving of their own free will (in my head).
I saw the bee of conciousness today.
It rained on me that I might feel the chill of the world.
But the sky changes everytime I look at it, what a masterpiece.
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2004 20 April :: 5.22 pm
Well, I took my dog to the vet in Cedar Springs today and got real lost along the way. First, I took 131 south instead of north but I realized my mistake and got off right away. Then I drove down some random road for reasons unbeknownst to me. Then I drove down more random roads and got even loster (if thats a word). It was pretty tho. Then I found 131 north and got to Cedar Springs but turned the wrong way, and drove down more random roads until I found the vet's. All said and done I was 45 minutes late. How cool am I?
This old guy who was leaving came over and talked to me for a couple minutes. He had this odd looking bird that looked awful sick. I think it was a baby. I almost cried.
I hope his bird lives.
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2004 19 April :: 4.44 pm
:: Music: NPR
Me and KT did our druid presentation today. I think we did ok considering we didn't know what we were going to say until we got up there. I was afraid we wouldn't be able to get it to last 10 minutes but we did. Hooray for us.
Yesterday at my bible study I wrote something and read for my friends and they thought it was cool and made me read it again. Maybe I'll post it here at some random time.
In other news:
Preparing for retirement can help ease the way.
1. Grab the nearest book.
2. Open the book to page 36.
3. Find the fifth sentence.
4. Post the text of the sentence in your journal along with these instructions
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2004 15 April :: 5.22 pm
For Kyle
Demon Hunter is gonna be at the Intersection July 1. It's $10, all ages. Just thought I'd let you know.
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2004 13 April :: 3.34 pm
Ahhh, the second day after spring break. I hate school. My car's in the shop. The battery's shot.
I'm a vegetarian. I gave meat up for lent and I'm not going back. I just thought I'd let y'all know.
Other than that, I have nothing to say.
Have a good day.
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2004 7 April :: 12.45 pm
:: Mood: yuck
I discovered a rotting deer leg in the yard today. My brother's dog must have dragged it there when she was loose yesterday. I moved it so the dogs can't reach it when they're tied up in the yard. It was nasty. Rotting deer carcasses look better in pictures.
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2004 7 April :: 10.00 am
I got my permanent drivers licence yesterday. I don't look too awful in the picture.
In other news, another reason why I don't listen to the radio (if anyone cares) It's hilarious and sad:
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2004 5 April :: 2.03 pm
Well it seems my car is going to the shop again. It doesn't want to start. Stupid car. Never buy a ford. Unless you want it to be at the mechanic's on a weekly basis. Aside from that, life is peachy and I'm enjoying spring break! I hope the rest of y'all are too.
Never mind. My mom thinks it's safe to drive the thing the way it is. It might just need a new battery. So I'm gonna go, um drive somewhere now. I still wouldn't recommend fords, though.
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2004 3 April :: 8.44 pm
I got a new guitar today. It's a black Telecaster with P90 pickups. It rocks. And rolls. My mom doesn't know yet. That's probly a good thing.
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2004 1 April :: 5.30 pm
from "Fahrenheit 451"
"Is it because we're so rich and the rest of the world's so poor and we just don't care if they are? I've heard rumors; the world is starving, but we're well fed. Is it true, the world works hard and we play? Is that why we're hated so much? I've heard rumors about hate, too, once in a long while, over the years. Do you know why? I don't, that's sure! Maybe the books can get us half out of the cave. They just might stop us from making the damn same insane mistakes!"
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2004 28 March :: 2.09 pm
:: Mood: anxious (positive connotation)
I passed my driver's test yesterday. Today is a 'tweener day. I get my liscence tomorrow. I'm excited. That is all.
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2004 20 March :: 1.16 pm
Random thoughts
I have no idea why I'm updating. Because I can, I suppose. I wish it would rain like it was earlier. That was beautiful. No one's home. It's real quiet.
I wish I had something else to say.
It'll be alright.
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2004 18 March :: 4.32 pm
:: Mood: see below
:: Music: Grief-Lifeless
Today sucked. I'm not sure why but it did. I guess because it meant nothing. I used to think "Oh boy, I can't wait till I get out of Rockford so I can figure out what life really is!" But I'm finally starting to realize that if I don't find it here I won't find it anywhere. So I guess I'll never know. Fuck.
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