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:: 2009 24 May :: 7.25am
:: Mood: calm
:: Music: "Thinking of you" By: Katy Perry

It's early.
Well, today I am going with Kayliegh, Grandma, Dan, Chase, Derek, and a friend of Chase's choice on a "surprise vacation" thing. Kayliegh will probably be over around 10 to pick me up. I still have some packing to do, although I did most of it last night. I mostly have to just pack my pillows, a blanket, some clothes, and maybe some other things, I'm not sure.But, we'll be gone until late Tuesday. It should be fun. I don't know why, but I am feeling pretty sick to my stomach right now. I just feel like at any mintue I could throw up, nauseous. Or however you spell that. HaHa. I got to talk to Brendon for a couple minute last night, he said camping sucks without me. Well Brendon, you should have let me talk to Ryan directly so I could know the real time line of this camping trip. Unfortunately it wasn't from Saturday to Sunday, it was from Friday to Monday. Yeah, my mom was already having a hard enough time letting me go with boys over night, but 3 nights, no way in hell. So Brendon, your loss. HaHa. But, I better go. I have to switch over the laundry and pack some of my remaining things. Bye.


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:: 2009 17 May :: 3.55pm
:: Mood: creative
:: Music: "Beautiful" By:Akon

Well, it's my birthday. Brie and Dylan got me presents and gave them to me last night. Here they are:
Brie- Vanilla Sugar candle, Orange cranberry candle, and a card.
Dylan- 2 starbucks vanilla coffees, cotton candy, 8 pack of fun size snickers, and a card.

Aubri also came over today and gave me a book, a canvas panel, tubes of acrylic paints, and she straightened my hair. Brendon's supposed to come over, but I called 20 minutes ago and guess what...he's sleeping. I told him not to sleep late. But, I knew he would. Whatever. I'm kind of bored though. I already painted on the canvas panel. The background is black and I painted white and purple flowers all over it. My mom loves it. I'm pretty proud of it. Aubri said it's gorgeous, so, ego boost for me. HaHa. I'm all done up, hair, make up, dressed, but I have nowhere to go. I'll probably call Brendon again and have them actually wake him up. But, we are having my birthday dinner and brownies tonight. Then I am opening the presents my mom and Doug got for me. My mom keeps teasing me, making me over-excited. She keeps saying "You're going to love your presents". HaHa. But, better go. Bye.


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:: 2009 16 May :: 2.00pm
:: Mood: creative
:: Music: "Full Moon" By: The Black Ghosts

Birthday Fun
Well, last night was a bomb ass night. Me and Kayliegh had Taco Bell for dinner, then we went to the movies, then came home and played video games. We saw "X-Men Origins: Wolverine". I looooooved it. Especially when Hugh Jackman was butt naked running around, HaHa. The movie was pretty badass, if you ask me. Then, I'm not sure what the name of the video game is, but it has to do with Samurais and fighting, and that was a kickass game. I ate too much though. HaHa. I ate more than half the bag of Medium popcorn to myself, then continued eating donuts and soup at Kayliegh's. It was an awesome night overall. And I want to say Thank you sooooo much again Kayliegh. I had alot of fun and I really appreciate it. Even when you were calling me whore and bitch, it still made me happy. HaHa. But, tomorrow is my birthday, and it's the only time where I will actually be opening wrapped presents. Everyone else took me shopping, went to the movies, or gave me money. Nothing wrong with that though, just stating that my mom actually wants me to open presents. I told her just going shopping would be fine with me, but, she wants me to open something. Then, even though I'm not supposed to eat it, we are having chili for my birthdy dinner. And I'm not much of a cake person, I like brownies more, so we are having those brownies with cream cheese mixed in them. But, my birthday is going to sort of be celebrated again in June. Like I have wrote before, me and my Grandma H. are going shopping, and I don't know when, but my dad is still taking me to get inked. So, pretty excited for those too. But, I better go. I have laundry that needs to be done. Bye.

P.S.- 1 MORE DAY!!!!!



:: 2009 13 May :: 11.47am
:: Mood: calm

Well. the Garage Sale is in 2 days. I hope the weather cooperates. We just have to grab a couple things from the basement and the attic, then make signs and we are done. Well, aside from having to set up and what not, we are done. I definitely feel a hundred times better than I was the other day. My cold started late Saturday night, and it got worse, the calmed down alot. My nose is still somewhat stuffed and I do cough up crap, but, it's definitely gotten better. I'm sure my smoking doesn't help with the phlem in my throat, but who cares. It's just phlem. HaHa. I'm around chapter 12 in that White Oleander book. The book is definitely better than the movie. That's usually how it turns out. Except How to Deal.The book sucked hardcore and the movie was a million times better. One of those rare cases where movies outdo the books. But, since I got that book, I have a nightly ritual. I wait until all the kids and Doug go to bed, so it's quiet, and then I make a cup of tea and just sit at the dining table and read anywhere from 2 pages to 4 chapters. I'm glad I got this book. It's nice to have something that allows me to escape from reality for however long I choose. But, I better go. Bye.



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