im-sorry [ 0x-FwAh-Em-ChAn-x0 ]
2004 9 June :: 4.52pm
:: Mood: Ha.
Little Filler-outter
Fill this out and post it in the community
Give me three random colors
1. Purple
2. Black
3. Red
Your name is: Emily
You love: books
You want: some Pocky.
You wish: pigs could fly.
You have: a blacklight lightbulb.. that I believe to be deffective.
You need: some more band-aids..
Give Me Happiness
Im-sorry [ illusionofgaia ]
2004 8 June :: 12.30pm
:: Mood: d(^^)
:: Music: Saosin
Fill this out and post it in the community
Give me three random colors
1. Purple
2. White
3. Maroon
Your name is: Aaron Paul
You love: Cristina
You want: to die peacefully at the end.
You wish: People would stop being assholes. Fucking wonderful.
You have: One truly wonderful bestfriend, a very uncomfortable family, and the girl that i will never leave.
You need: New jeans to go with new shoes.... fucking superficial... wonderful
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Im-sorry [ illusionofgaia ]
2004 8 June :: 12.15pm
:: Mood: d(^^)
:: Music: Mookies last Christmas - Saosin
Hello, my names aaron. I found this community just today and i thought it was full of interesting people so i joined. Tata - Aaron
From throat and eyes came winter and reasons
I'm told to carry on
Sad overwhelms my senses drown oh I feel dependent
The feeling that you are honestly gone
I can't shake it... - Saosin
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im-sorry [ Aerii ]
2004 6 June :: 12.10am
"How horrid can one person be?
How shallow-minded may one person think?
The world is dying, the stars do fall
But only one thing matters....
And that's you."
Give Me Happiness
Im-sorry [ Admin ]
2004 5 June :: 6.15pm
So this is how it goes.
Forget it.
There's no use living in the past. But I really can't live in this moment because before I know it... It's in the past.
"Heaven's not a place that you go when you die
It's that moment in life when you actually feel alive
So live for the moment
And take this advice, live by every word
Love is just a hoax so forget anything that you have heard
and live for the moment now"
I cant...
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im-sorry [ shalee ]
2004 5 June :: 4.22pm
:: Mood: confused
I am so confused.. But, here goes:
1. Green
2. Purple
3. Blue
Your name is: Tori
You love: The rain
You want: Another chance
You wish: For everything
You have: Everything I dont need
You need: Love
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Im-Sorry [ Silvos ]
2004 30 May :: 4.47pm
Hey all...
I'm Sorry.
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im-sorry [ -nightsloth- ]
2004 20 May :: 9.07pm
well, hello there, memberes of this journal cul- err comunnity. Just thought I'd post. Just maybe. . . perhaps. . . . Well, the only news I have is that I got an orange piggy bank. With two little flowers on each side and swirls and confettieverywhere else. I call him FIESTA PIG! (a.k.a. festivis: mexican god of maracas and salsa, hey, who said mexicans aren't polytheists?) Ok. Comment whaaaaatever.
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im-sorry [ -nightsloth- ]
2004 15 May :: 1.37pm
Well. . . here's an Icon. Wait. . . nvm. I can't get it to copy paste. o_0 I'm so computer smart. Well, you could always stell my color scheme. It's pretty nifty.Here's the codes.
Journal and table bacround: #000000
Everything else: #009999
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