2008 8 April :: 7.41 am
erin was here last week, she's amazing.
she left satuday, i'm sad.
I miss her alot.
anywho, i've been up since noon yesterday, i worked from 11pm till about a half hour ago, its sleepy time.
night night
comment damnit. |
2008 30 March :: 9.12 am
i have my erin.
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2008 27 March :: 5.03 pm
bowling till 9:30
clean a bus
ride to chicago with danno and ryan
tomorrow: meet erin at the airport at 9:17am
hang out with erin, dan, ryan, and jeff tomorrow, get some chicago pizza, help danno pack
erin and myself hop a train to the mitten and we hang out here for a week, then i have to drive her back to o'hare and she heads home to texas :(
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2008 24 March :: 9.11 pm
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2008 20 March :: 8.09 am
i'm pissed/ grumpy as shit today.
don't know why.
still hate my job.
comment damnit. |
2008 19 March :: 12.52 am
last night was epic.
compareable to a led zeppelin reunion concert.
comment damnit. |
2008 15 March :: 12.54 pm
i pissed jennie off that works at howies,
i'm building her a cake right now.
comment damnit. |
2008 14 March :: 11.08 am
gonna be a good day, i've got that feeling.
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2008 10 March :: 12.43 pm
so, did anyone else think it was funny that on "my name is earl"
when Chubby(burt reynolds) died, his son little chubby was played by norm macdonald?
"you see, its a oversized hat, its funny"
comment damnit. |
2008 10 March :: 1.21 am
i hate how this job dictates my life.
i hate having to wait till 10:30 on my saturday night to go to work before i can go out and have fun with my friends.
comment damnit. |
2008 8 March :: 9.21 pm
so, yeah, i've got better things to be doing right now in grandrapids than sitting around waiting for a fucking bus to come in.
but, i've got to wait till 10:30 so i can go clean this peice of shit thats probably going to be trashed by some fucking jr highschool peices of shit.
I have to clean it tonight because the mother fucker leaves tomorrow morning at 8 am.
I relly really like this job, i'm just sick of all the bunkass hours. 8-5 then come back at 10 and do these busses that have to leave in the morning.
its dumb, really dumb. fuck it.
comment damnit. |
2008 8 March :: 2.05 am
worked today from 8-4:30 5:30-7:30 went to a birthday party, then from 10:30 till 3:30 i worked.
and i have to go back tomorrow at 8pm and work, then i have 2 busses on sunday to do
comment damnit. |
2008 5 March :: 11.57 am
so i've decided to work myself into the ground to pay off some bills and shit.
work from 8-3ish
get out, come home take it easy for a little whiel
howies from 5-10:30
get out there get up to the shop clean another bus or two. ~2 hours per bus
go home, sleep for.... 6 hours or so, wake up go to work do it all again.
comment damnit. |
2008 4 March :: 7.09 am
I don't know how much longer I can do this job, I'm starting to get extremely irritable and angry at the stupidest little things.
I'm pissed off now. really pissed off, and i've got no reason to be at all.
This shit is fucking weak.
comment damnit. |
2008 2 March :: 5.50 pm
25 days 20 ish hours.
washed and buffed the stang today.

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