2007 7 October :: 9.51 pm
good news, new haircut.

"they call me mr. clean"
comment damnit. |
2007 7 October :: 8.38 pm
66.07 hours for a hungry howies check for next week.
mmmm money.
the kegger went horriable.
there we're random ass highschool kids there.
people driving stupid
people making a shitton of unneeded noise.
so jenny kayleigh and i bailed and went to jennys
people came with us and took the keg.
people came after the keg, almost had a fight.
lots of douchebaggery
somehow i got blamed for a bunch of stuff, fuck you guys that tried blaming shit on me.
shit's weak.
anywho, going to do another starter in the yota, this one did the same shit as last time. fucking napa.
comment damnit. |
2007 6 October :: 12.47 am
thinking hurts, girls are confusing.
work was interesting tonight.
i don't know what to think on some things right now.
i do know there is a party tomorrow
and that i'm going to the lumberjack breakfest.... lesbians...
why does music always sound better like this?
my mouth is dry.
i wonder what the dog things.
hopefully things go well at the party tomorrow, i won't drink much, maybe play some flippy cup....
played quarters last night.
will swallowed my quarter.
will puked my quarter back up
i wiped it off and kept playing with it.
Its a 1982 quarter, blackish in color. It was bouced on the shelving unit that i was sitting in front of.
bonnie is dumb.
work is one of the few things keeping me sane. by the looks of it i'm going to get all the hours i need now.
hopefully buying a 4 runner next weekend.
my truck doesn't like me much.
i'm thirsty.
i want some ice cold water, out of a chilled glass bottle.
red flannel tomorrow, i've got to work. i hate working on red flannel.
andy, i'm sorry for not going to your bon fire, i just got out of work and i have to be there at 10 am tomorrow.
that fucking music boosters want pizza at 10:15 or some shit
they want tax exemption too. fuck them, they tip for shit, it takes forever to find a parking spot, they order a shit ton of pizza and give you like a dollar.
i'm glad i don't work inside.
maddie dog is dreaming, i wonder what about. i always think chasing squirrls.
i'm just writing random thoughts down.
i think i want to play drums.
sweet dreams everyone.
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comment damnit. |
2007 4 October :: 1.50 am
nightly update.
things that are going good:
work, and lots of it.
Friends, they are good.
Tempo, because its sold
I might buy another toyota, an '86 4runner with the same motor as my truck, this thing is rusty but trusty. I'd swap the motors this spring, drive the runner through the winter, have my motor rebuilt over the spring with a port job on the head some bigger injectors and maybe some other mods.
Then part the 4runner out when i get the rebuilt motor in the truck.
the bad:
the brand new starter took a shit in my truck today at work, starter is locked up but the siliniod engages
still have some bills to pay.
justin moves in 11 days. wich would be nice if he was moving to GR, but his ass is moving to Florida. one of my best friends is just leaving. he's like a brother to me, i'm deeply sadded.
tomorrow i've got to swap a starter on the yota, then go bowling mmmm bowling, i love bowling.
comment damnit. |
2007 3 October :: 10.12 pm
got home from work tonight and the dog was wound, decided to run with her, went all the way to howies and 3/4 the way back before the dog decided to slow down.
comment damnit. |
2007 3 October :: 2.44 am
:: Mood: uncomfortable
:: Music: flogging molly [whiskey on a sunday]
should i even call hungry howies a real job?
its not much work at all.
oh well, i had fun today.
its really windy out right now i'm enjoying the crap out of it.
i really don't know what to post, i kinda miss having a girlfriend, but whatever you know?
i downloaded some flogging molly today, actually the whole album "whiskey on a sunday" lots of acoustic stuff on it, i dig it.
i want to watch a movie right now. maybe something is on the tv.
see you guys tomorrow
comment damnit. |
2007 2 October :: 4.23 pm
the gogo tempo is gogo gone.
$200 i still need to pull it off the jack stands so the guy can come and get it.
he's got the title, i've got the cash.
comment damnit. |
2007 2 October :: 12.32 am
36 hours or so in at howies so far. thats last week and today.
my only day off is thursday, there are 2 people comeing to look at the tempo tomorrow, one guy said he is bringing a dolly and $250 in cash.
i'm excited. I need the money.
i'd probably just throw it in the bank for awhile though.
comment damnit. |
2007 30 September :: 11.54 pm
no more partys for awhile.
heh heh.
stupid hangovers.
next week is going to be busy.
my day off is thursday, i have bowling that night, during the day i'm definatally going to attempt wheel bearings on the toyota.
howies keeps me busy now, i like it.
i'm to busy to spend money so all i do is save it.
comment damnit. |
2007 27 September :: 10.32 pm
Read more..
rawer i can survey too
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comment damnit. |
2007 27 September :: 9.59 pm
done good tonight.
game 1. 101
game 2. 180
game 3. 151
i'm getting better.
comment damnit. |
2007 27 September :: 3.10 pm
today i got some shit done i needed to, not that big of an acomplishment but i did stuff. I made the list last night
1. Call comfort suite in sandusky to see if my charger is there.
2. Close chase account
3. Clean room
4. work on truck
5. Put cutlass and tempo on craig's list for cheaper (also put r/c truck up for sale
6. get bills orginised (sorta did this)
7. Cash Check
8. Bowl
9. go to chase
10. Adjust lifter on the truck.
11. pay $26 to best buy.
12. build battery box for the toyota (probably end up doing it saturday.
i still have some more stuff to do but yeah, i feel a little bit acomplished today.
comment damnit. |
2007 27 September :: 11.45 am
lots of things have happened since i updated last.
i'm single again, jen and i decided the distance wasn't working between the two of us. we are still friends.
my laptop charger is gone, the hotel said they don't have it at all.
it dissapeared i guess.
the battery fell out of the 'yota on delivery last night, the positive terminal landed on the crank pully, killed the battery. I stand by the wal-mart "never start" batterys, if they go bad during the warranty, you get a brand new one. Lindsey took me to wal-mart last night.
I got home from ludington yesterday, Chelsea, chris and i went up there to fuck around. we saw some elk. it was good times.
jennie is giving me alot more hours and hungry hell. money is good.
thinking of donig the 63" chevy spring swap on the yota. MMM flex.
thats all for now i guess. eric's birthday saturday after werk. red flannel the next weekend, then sometime in october is my silverlake trip. then a mounds trip on thanksgiving i think.
3 commentscommentses |
comment damnit. |
2007 24 September :: 11.05 am
i died again in my dream.
i was some sort of warrior/hero in the roman era, probably 80BC or so, i went through this village and killed a bunch of people, i had mercy on the rest of the village and this guy decided he was going to kill me, i wasn't armed at the time and i started running and the next thing i could tell is that my head was falling. it was weird.
i dont like dieing in my dreams.
comment damnit. |
2007 23 September :: 7.59 pm
worst part of the whole weekend, i left my laptop cable in the hotel.
FUCK, lucky my brother has the same lappy as i do.
i'll just make a trip to best buy tomorrow and get another one.
comment damnit. |