2007 1 August :: 12.12 pm
posting this for box since he's got no internet.

comment damnit. |
2007 23 July :: 3.03 pm
random stuff i've found in my room so far.
3x hungry howies hats
1x Beth's AC/DC shirt.... tried it on, tight in my arms loose the rest of places, doesn't fit right.
more to come
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comment damnit. |
2007 20 July :: 7.23 am
i hate this job, i wake up every morning and dread going to work. It really makes it hard to get up in the morning.
i'm going to quit...
comment damnit. |
2007 19 July :: 7.27 pm
anyone want to move out?
with 4 people and utilities and shit i think we could get this place for under $450 a month per person.
imagine the partys
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comment damnit. |
2007 15 July :: 5.10 pm
because $500 into the motor and some stolen 33's never looked so good.

after a little bit of cleaning, wash, wax, some aromorall.

thanks phil justin and will.
16 commentscommentses |
comment damnit. |
2007 15 July :: 12.09 am
i think i want to join the Freemasons.
comment damnit. |
2007 12 July :: 8.50 pm
this is my first update from my car.
its raining downtown here in grand rapids.
comment damnit. |
2007 11 July :: 10.15 pm
so, I've been through 2 colleges, multiple jobs and still can't find anything i want to do in life.
I'm thinking maybe the military is right for me.
I've got a few friends in, Bill loves it, My friend Richard just re-enlisted for another 2 years in the navy and is trying to get into an officer program. I think it would give me some direction in life.
thinking of maybe being a combat engineer in the army. but thats the first branch i've looked into.
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comment damnit. |
2007 9 July :: 7.13 pm
i missed doing algebra.
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comment damnit. |
2007 9 July :: 11.21 am
another $82 down the hole.
timing chain set, head gasket, timing cover gasket.
more to come. i'll probably get it all back together and get it running right and i'll toast a water pump or something.
in fact there is a good chance of it with all the sediement i found in the coolant journals.
comment damnit. |
2007 9 July :: 8.29 am
i should get to class on time.
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comment damnit. |
2007 5 July :: 11.12 pm
when i get this paid off, its going to get 4gigs of ram...
that is all.
comment damnit. |
2007 5 July :: 7.46 pm
time to find my calculator.
comment damnit. |
2007 5 July :: 12.03 am
I havn't updated in awhile, I havn't had anything interesting going on lately.
At least nothing worth writing about.
Just a list of stuff to do:
1. Clean room, I hate the clutter.
2. Get the Helicoil kit for the truck, along with a 40mm frost plug and some red engine enamel
3. schedule classes for fall.
4. read chapter 15 for english, Submit paper and topic proposal.
5. chapter presentation thing, due monday i do the one that starts with C heh, can't remember it right now.
6. critical reading assignment summary due on monday. holy shit to much english for a weekend.
Today was alright. Justin came over then phil and will came over and we went to see transformers, bitchin movie :D
i've got so much catching up to do on stuff, i missed 2 classes this week because i drive a peice of shit car and it wouldn't start.
Girls are confusing... wich brings me to a joke i heard along time ago.
"a man is walking along a beach and finds a magic lamp. the guy picks the lamp up and rubs it and a genie pops out and tells the guy that he will grant him one wish, the guy says "okay, i dont like flying so can you build me a bridge to hawaii i want to go there on vacation" the genie looks at the guy and says some thing like "well... do you have any other wishes that one is hard to do" the guy looks up and the genie and says "can you teach me to understand women?" and the genie replies "would you like that bridge 2 land or 4?"
i need to find direction in my life, it keeps me happy and content, so if anyone has any ideas, let me know. thanks
comment damnit. |
2007 2 July :: 1.18 pm
rough day. I can't write a paper.
new computer though.
toshiba satellite laptop.
1 gig of DDR2 ram, 200gig harddrive, AMD athlong turion 64 x 2 mobile, ATI x1200 mobile video card.
got some bitchin speakers to it, the 1.3 mp in moniter webcam,
and mother fucking windows vista.
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comment damnit. |