2007 13 April :: 11.33 am
i totally didn't expect to end up where i did last night.
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2007 11 April :: 7.45 pm
shits weak....
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2007 11 April :: 2.05 am
i just found an hour long step by step video on how to build a pneumag frame.
i'm doing it as soon as i get my bills cought up
comment damnit. |
2007 8 April :: 1.20 am
tonight, bored enough to gather big news 1 2 and 3 lyrics and songs and read the lyrics with the songs playing.
i wonder what happened to jason kipp after he emerged from the belly of captian bly.
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2007 6 April :: 10.30 am
he lives in texas.... at least thats what google tells me.
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2007 3 April :: 2.12 am
i'll get this computer fixed yet.
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2007 2 April :: 1.04 pm
highlight of today was giving the dog a bath.
she's so hyper right now... and she splashed around alot in the tub, its good times.
comment damnit. |
2007 1 April :: 5.46 pm
:: Music: skife
just a quick update.
last night the quarter landed on tails.
allision is having a girl.
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2007 30 March :: 11.32 am
so yeah, i was in the back of a cop car last night.
i didn't have my lisence on me, i'm driving down 17 mile see a sherif at shaner i drive by him he pulls out behind me and follows me, he gets right up on my ass and what i belive is he runs my plate number. pulls me over like just past the 25mph speed limit sign in town. asks for my registration and license at home, he asks me to step out of the car and into the back of his cruiser. i ask why he pulled me over and he says because i have the wrong plate on the car.... i'm thinking WTF right there because i know the plate is legal, its my plate justin was probably with me when i got it. (the cop also never checked the registration) he reads off the plate number to me while i'm looking at it.... and wow the dumb fucker can't type while he's driving, so he just says "you know you've got a taillight out you should get that fixed" i tell him i will and he lets me out of the car, i was so pissed. the cock sucker didn't even apoligise.
this is why i now hate cops
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2007 29 March :: 10.47 am
so i'm just hanging out with kayleigh right, and were talking about telemarketers and stuff and how her little brother dupes them all the time.
so i had to get one today
this lady call here's how it went
lady: hell is deinnis bevier there?
me: no i'm not here right now.
Lady: well can you call me back at 1800 somthing when you are?
me: sure thing
i can't belive that shit just worked.
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2007 28 March :: 10.51 pm
so GRCC sent me a paper today saying that i have to take their admissions test, no big deal right?
they send me the testing hours and stuff saying that the test is just a walkin test, no appointment needed... they say it will take 2.5 hours and then they say "please arrive 15 minutes early"
I dont get it.
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2007 27 March :: 2.40 pm
fucking ford.
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2007 25 March :: 8.19 pm
NPPL hunington beach division 2 xball championship game
splat kids V throttle
1v1 at the end of the game, a guy from splat kids' gun went down, he chased the guy from throttle down with a hand full of paint and threw it and hit the guy in the mask FTW!
they are still debating it though.
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2007 24 March :: 5.32 pm
Went and hung out with Tim today...
started talking about paintball guns...
about the good old days.
got my cocker timed.
then started talking about mags
I was like "my next gun is going to be a mag" and he's like "what do you want on it?"
i walked away with a classic mag with twist lock barrel, i owe him like $85.
and i got my tanks filled free.
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2007 24 March :: 2.49 am
nate, you'll appericate this.

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