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Turtle and Bunny.

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:: 2007 10 March :: 9.58 am

kinda down.

i dont get to go see dropkicks tonight fuckin sucks.
but i do go get to see clutch next weekend if i can get a ride. but i probably wont because i'm a broke mother fucker without a vehicle.



3 commentscommentses | comment damnit.

:: 2007 3 March :: 6.27 am

man, i hate not being able to sleep, there is no place in this dorm that is comfy to sleep, the mattresses are like 4" think foam, so its pretty much like sleeping on rocks and the couch just isn't as comfy.

i miss my bed at home.

1 comments | comment damnit.

:: 2007 2 March :: 8.55 pm

"617 650 4328"

its one of the dude's from darkbuster's number.

Call them and tell them how badass they are.

4 commentscommentses | comment damnit.

:: 2007 27 February :: 10.24 pm

i hate being fucking sick... i hatei t so much.

3 commentscommentses | comment damnit.

:: 2007 27 February :: 6.48 pm

so yeah, we lost internet, i'm using B's computer, he still kinda has internet. its real slow though

1 comments | comment damnit.

:: 2007 27 February :: 1.20 am

man, AJ is right, i am a post whore.

but anyways, this is the first time in awhile i'll be getting to bed at a decent time, usually its like 12ish i go to bed and i can never sleep worth shit.

comment damnit.

:: 2007 26 February :: 9.37 pm

i found someone that spells tomorrow worse than mindy.

its courtney, brandon's g/f

CbRoWn 7 7 9 2 (9:34:30 PM): Neato
CbRoWn 7 7 9 2 (9:36:39 PM): i have detention all day tmrw hhaa

2 commentscommentses | comment damnit.

:: 2007 26 February :: 12.05 pm

You, my friend, have decided:

should i change schools back to michigan?
View Tally | Get Your Own |

opnions? thoughts?

36 commentscommentses | comment damnit.

:: 2007 26 February :: 11.51 am

i'm feeling pretty pessmistic lately.

comment damnit.

:: 2007 25 February :: 10.08 pm

there really isn't enough time on the weekends to do everything i want.

comment damnit.

:: 2007 25 February :: 4.48 pm

ohio bound and down.

11 commentscommentses | comment damnit.

:: 2007 24 February :: 1.40 pm

this is for me.
fucking 22RE toyota motor. it doesn't run anymore.

1 comments | comment damnit.

:: 2007 22 February :: 11.13 am

if anyone wants to get me an early birthday present or christmas present or just wants to have a good party with a badass live band.
we could find some people to pitch in.

1 comments | comment damnit.

:: 2007 22 February :: 8.55 am

fuck man...

i woke up today like an hour ago and my knee hurts and my left ankle hurts, and i have to drive home today... man i hate ohio.

comment damnit.

:: 2007 22 February :: 12.49 am

for those of you that think my college is easy, this was a problem we have to solve.

its made of .050 sheet
i think we have to be within 1/64th of an inch.
i'm pretty sure i'm close.

4 commentscommentses | comment damnit. | Random Journal