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Turtle and Bunny.

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:: 2007 5 February :: 10.28 pm

i'm running out of moniter space, i want another one....
its awsome to have so many windows open at once.

comment damnit.

:: 2007 5 February :: 8.37 pm

i have rediscovered the fun in playdough.
rock on.

2 commentscommentses | comment damnit.

:: 2007 5 February :: 11.47 am

i'm thinking baja truck....

3 commentscommentses | comment damnit.

:: 2007 5 February :: 2.10 am
:: Music: MC pee pants (MC chris) - i want candy

so cold, i hate ohio so much, i'm definatally hoping school is cancelled tomorrow.

in other news, things are looking up in life for me.
I'm hopefully getting a truck this weekend.
I've got some hours at howies
going to hang out with some friends.
probably some sledding saturday night after i work.

but like AJ said earlier "What the fuck happened to global warming?"
its like 0 we dont have a tempature in lima i threw some water out on the side walk, come back like 30 seconds later and its ice
i'm betting my car wont start tomorrow to drive to class, and i definataly dont want to walk the 1/4 mile with no temprature. 1320 feet is way way to far in this weather.

anyways, i go to bed happy tonight.

3 commentscommentses | comment damnit.

:: 2007 4 February :: 10.24 am

Action shot!

Didn't get any of AJ though, but this one is real good.

5 commentscommentses | comment damnit.

:: 2007 4 February :: 12.21 am
:: Music: clutch - the incompariable mr ripley


sorry for the drunk dials.
you guys rock.

3 commentscommentses | comment damnit.

:: 2007 4 February :: 12.07 am

i can't belive i wrote any of that...

i feel dumber now.

3 commentscommentses | comment damnit.

:: 2007 3 February :: 10.54 pm

lizzy sorry i drunk dialed you, i really am, i hate when people do it ot me.

this stuff rocks though. rock on dormbrew!@ i musta drank alto of it or asomthign

lizzzty, i really am sorry.

and if i called anybody else i'm sorry.
you guys are my favroite peoople

whoah man.

thuis post comeas from the cl.oset, cause we made it htere.

i just left a voicemail for mindy telling her she suckjs hahaha.

mindy, you suck haha!

cl;oset wine is great.

1 comments | comment damnit.

:: 2007 3 February :: 10.50 pm

if i drunk dialed anytone, i'm sorty man.

comment damnit.

:: 2007 3 February :: 10.34 pm

my camera, it wont take man.... it wont take.

haha, durnken update again
i aqwna one scotcatch and one beer.

man i'm drunck.

man where am i, i'm definatally not home.

this is crazy

allright ledzepplin.

i can'tspell, wine pong = bad idea. d

why do i always update this when i'm drunk. haha

this hobo wine is alot more than i expected
AJ wants antoher book, he's not gonna lie, haha

man, i dont know how many games of wine pong ilost haha
i'd like to thanks all my friend, like nate, and jimi, and phil and chelsea and courtany, and AJ and all the cool people out there.

andy, you rock man, man, i dont know even where i am.
youj ,knjow what i hate, skanks.... i really do, i wenout with one for like 2 years and it was a waste of my time and day.

holy shit it was 3-1 tonight in wiune pong, i totally got my ass whipped i think, haha

time for some drunk dialing and sutff. rock on

lizzy your first.
and then who knows who?

1 comments | comment damnit.

:: 2007 3 February :: 7.18 pm

so bored.... but it was fun.
BeaVer says:
wft dude ?
Mindy says:
BeaVer says:
BeaVer says:
Mindy says:
BeaVer says:
don't flip out on me
Mindy says:
what are you talking about
BeaVer says:
you just snapped at me
BeaVer says:
what'd you snap at me for?
BeaVer says:
Mindy says:
i'm not mad
BeaVer says:
your sure acting like it
Mindy says:
no, i'm just doing other things
BeaVer says:
yeah, okay... i see how it is

3 commentscommentses | comment damnit.

:: 2007 1 February :: 6.57 pm

so yeah, the wine is definatally alcoholic heh heh heh.

thirsty thursday as aj says.

comment damnit.

:: 2007 1 February :: 12.28 pm

Brandon already pissed dustin off....

comment damnit.

:: 2007 1 February :: 11.04 am

tomorrow i turn 20.5

6 months

comment damnit.

:: 2007 1 February :: 1.33 am

no home this weekend, at least i dont think.
which is okay, cause i have a roomate that is cool finally. (AJ) hA!
going to be weird having to share my room again. but oh well.
you guys taker easy.
good night.

comment damnit. | Random Journal