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Turtle and Bunny.

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:: 2007 16 January :: 6.55 pm

so i know this is a weird request, but does anyone have a spare lamp laying around, its kinda dark in my dorm room since my roommate took his lamp with him, the bastard also took my shelves.

4 commentscommentses | comment damnit.

:: 2007 15 January :: 8.50 pm

sledding tonight at meijer midnight, meijer on 10 mile. it'll be fun, bring sleds, and people.

2 commentscommentses | comment damnit.

:: 2007 15 January :: 1.14 pm

so andy, when did you change the saying?

6 commentscommentses | comment damnit.

:: 2007 12 January :: 2.13 pm

man, talk about a bonding day, my dad took a vacation day today, i thought we'd hang out or somthing, i was sitting there talking to him about cars and shit and he just kinda puts his headphones on and plays his PSP, kinda sucks.

to all of you who can hang out with your dad, props to you.
i wish i could.

3 commentscommentses | comment damnit.

:: 2007 9 January :: 8.58 pm

Have you seen me?

2 commentscommentses | comment damnit.

:: 2007 7 January :: 1.42 pm

hey phil, there is a $16 check hanging on my fridge, sorry i forgot to give it to you last night, just stop by some time today and my mom will give it to you.

comment damnit.

:: 2007 7 January :: 1.22 pm

hey phil, remember when we were at mindy's and we were talking about cats and stuff and i mentioned fruitcat but mindy wouldn't let me use her computer to show you.

i present to you......
Fruit cat.

4 commentscommentses | comment damnit.

:: 2007 3 January :: 9.57 am

so yeah, dustin didn't pay internet bill so we are out of intetrnet at the dorm, fortunatally me and josh are sitting here in front of CP 14 and getting a shitty connection, but its free and we dont have to pay, haha fuckers.

i made it here safe, i really wish i had internet in the dorm though.
i'll be home this weekend josh has to go to the eye doctor, i have to get my pillows and blanket, i kinda forgot 'em.

4 commentscommentses | comment damnit.

:: 2006 31 December :: 2.15 pm

happy birthday to:

Kevin cuppett
Lizzy's brother Justin Bloss

5 commentscommentses | comment damnit.

:: 2006 28 December :: 7.13 pm

quote of the night

"why do you have a leg thingie hanging on your bedpost?"

1 comments | comment damnit.

:: 2006 26 December :: 12.15 pm

New years
anyone have plans for new years, i think we need somthing huge. or somthing medium sized crammed into a small place so it seems huge.

anyone have plans yet?

1 comments | comment damnit.

:: 2006 23 December :: 1.53 pm

so why do girls think this is cute?

7 commentscommentses | comment damnit.

:: 2006 20 December :: 12.13 am

so yeah, class was a complete waste.
went there, sat around, bullshitted. Played some cards with a buncha people and baboolal

2 commentscommentses | comment damnit.

:: 2006 19 December :: 4.43 pm

RIP grandma barb.
its been one year ago today since you left.
your number is still on my phone :(
I miss you.

5 commentscommentses | comment damnit.

:: 2006 18 December :: 4.07 pm

the probe decided to spew tranny fluid the other night, I got my refund check in the mail from sallie mae, anyone know of a $300 car for sale? that runs decent.

9 commentscommentses | comment damnit. | Random Journal