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Turtle and Bunny.

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:: 2006 12 October :: 11.58 am

cold, hungry, stupid car.

comment damnit.

:: 2006 11 October :: 6.59 pm

hey box, you remember that day we did donuts in rowlands field with the brown blazer and the wheel came lose?

Someone took a picture of it.

1 comments | comment damnit.

:: 2006 4 October :: 11.15 pm

anyone selling a car cheap?
i've got a buddy looking for somthing.

4 commentscommentses | comment damnit.

:: 2006 29 September :: 9.40 pm

I own justin at the internet

comment damnit.

:: 2006 26 September :: 1.22 pm

so yeah, i'm sitting here, and beth is trying to unbutton my pants.... with her mouth... kinda funny, well actually really funny.

8 commentscommentses | comment damnit.

:: 2006 21 September :: 11.33 am

so i'm watching an infomercial on "the total gym"
and this guy comes up to chuck norris and is like "there's no way you can get a body like from working out on this thing"
as soon as he said that, i thought chuck was gonna give 'em a roundhouse to the face.

3 commentscommentses | comment damnit.

:: 2006 21 September :: 11.19 am

beth passed her drivers test

comment damnit.

:: 2006 14 September :: 1.17 pm

this is.... different.

comment damnit.

:: 2006 29 August :: 9.33 pm

whoever has 2-way and me on their list, beep me and tell me who it is, i've got a new phone and lost all my contacts, and my usb cable wont hook up to this phone :(

1 comments | comment damnit.

:: 2006 29 August :: 9.27 pm

finally figured out how to get pictures from my phone to computer
even though my phone is dead now :(

Fucking lazy ass Andrew

Box, you should remember this

4 commentscommentses | comment damnit.

:: 2006 26 August :: 4.20 pm

So yeah.... beth and i are driving down 5th street in the cutlass, wich has no exhaust whatsoever, its loud as hell, there is this old lady who is checking her mail, as we get closer beth keeps saying "do it, do it" i'm like "naaa"
then we get next to her and i did it, I revved it up and the old lady jumped about 3feet into the air and made a "ooohaaawww" noise.

so today, with the cutlass, we have scared 2 skater fags and one old lady.

2 commentscommentses | comment damnit.

:: 2006 23 August :: 1.35 pm

last night i had the ride of my life.
Went to josh's house last night in the cutty, decided to check the valve lash just to make sure everything was right, Andy did it right.
Then decided to get a little more timing out of it, fucked with trying to get the distributer in it and the oil pump rod lined up awhile, finally got it, putted out of his drive way down to he paved road and hammered on it and damn....
It just went, it neesd the carb tuned still but it screamed, way awsome.

4 commentscommentses | comment damnit.

:: 2006 20 August :: 8.16 pm

this is great

comment damnit.

:: 2006 10 August :: 11.46 am

So yeah, I just told beth i didn't want to take her home, and she threw a tempertantrum and was kicking her feet on the bed and everything, you guys should have seen it, it was fucking great.

2 commentscommentses | comment damnit.

:: 2006 2 August :: 3.07 pm

wow, i got 9 emails today from various forums telling me happy birthday.
i think its funny they were all the same message too
it was pretty much
"Hello skife,

We at (forum name) would like to wish you a happy birthday today!"

1 comments | comment damnit. | Random Journal