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Turtle and Bunny.

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:: 2013 17 March :: 10.54am

Well after monday were down to one dog, that will be weird. Poor shadow puppy has another ear infection, good thing I saved the medicine from last time. Well Jordan had a job interview friday and another tommorrow so hopefully he gets something with full time hours. Part time is not working for our flex money or wedding saving. We tasted tested our second choice for venue thursday and taste testing our first choice this thursday. So far all have been good, so hopefullly it will continue. Finally getting new floors in the kitchen, then all the floors in my house will be done since move in, only took 4 years lol. Many more plans for the house in the works, so excited to see how it all turns out.

comment damnit.


:: 2013 11 March :: 3.51pm
:: Mood: drinking in bars
:: Music: drinking in bars

drinking in bars
yes. YES. Y. E. S. yes.


(the website is not the best, but it's nice to have one place where all that information is consolidated and presented in real-time)

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:: 2013 25 February :: 7.17pm

although i realize quite well that my life is nobody's responsibility but my own, i still wonder why it falls to me. if this life is such a gift, why does it usually seem like a hopeless pile of shit that is apparently mine to sort through. and better yet, even if you do go and get messy and start trying to make sense of it; trying to make it better, it is the job of the rest of the world to keep piling more shit on.

even worse is the realization that you're doing it to everyone else too. all of this shit that you never asked for, but has been thrust upon you for caretaking, is rolling downhill. even if your intent is to leave the smallest footprint possible, the accidental shit that you produce, or is heaped upon you, winds up landing on the ones near to you that also don't deserve it. so it comes off as you being a lazy son of a bitch, that can't adequately handle their shitload. and then the neighbors hate you. the family loves you (if you're lucky), but hates to see you struggle, hates to see you continually fail, and honestly - hates dealing with your excess shit all the time.

then it seems impossible, insurmountable, just looking at what effort you already did put into it, back when you bought into their system and their propaganda, and convinced yourself that their dream was your dream too, when you still wound up here, so dismally short of their goals, or yours, or basically anyone's. what makes a goal attainable? what differentiates the good aspirations from the bad? does it even fucking matter when you're not going to reach any of them, regardless of whether or not that's actually what you want and need and are capable of?

i know that life's not all bad. it's also not all sunshine and rainbows and happy feels. these are inevitable facts of existence in this world. important, in that you can't appreciate the good without a taste of the bad. and even some things that are unpleasant can ultimately turn out to be beneficial.

but it's really hard to keep trudging on when you don't even know where you're going. and if the way that you're headed is the 'right' one. and when you come to realize that after all that trudging, you're no further along, no closer to the destination that isn't even really there. it's so hard to keep going. because you don't know what the point is anymore, or if there ever was one to begin with.

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:: 2013 25 February :: 1.38pm

Shoot him, then cut out his tongue. And then shoot his tongue.

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:: 2013 24 February :: 3.30pm

Well this week sucked, I havent had a week like that in a long time. So glad things are already looking up.

comment damnit.


:: 2013 22 February :: 1.05am

what the what?
this is like, super-duper waaay cool. in a way that only sound and math enthusiasts can fully enjoy.

i realize that they don't necessarily sound that different as you change them, but that's because it's just a basic tone generator. it would be fun to be able to compose something that is a combination of different pitches, and play around with how altering the waveforms would change the harmonic interaction. some reverb would also be nice.

comment damnit.


:: 2013 18 February :: 2.42am

Sometimes I just start shit with people for no reason. You know, because it's fun.

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:: 2013 14 February :: 10.08pm
:: Music: Taken 2

Valentine's day

i have successfully stopped complaining, simply by forgetting that today is valentine's day. several times. even after many reminders.

i honestly like valentine's. if halloween is a woman's excuse to dress up all slutty, then valentine's - in my perception - has always been the best excuse to be overly, disgustingly chivalrous; which i enjoy immensely.

the prevalence of suitable subjects upon which to inflict my chivalry has been minimal of late, so - being single - i have grounds enough to bitch about another hallmark holiday, but the truth is: i like this one. i just haven't had cause to celebrate it in awhile. so i forgot.


halfheartedly seeking sexy rumpus. sorry for the awkward.

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:: 2013 12 February :: 11.50pm

Funny how some of yall put on such a pretty front over on that there facebook, then come on here and just bitch bitch bitch. If you dont like something about your life, CHANGE IT.

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:: 2013 4 February :: 12.47pm
:: Mood: awake

Man oh man. Got my old job back :) I start tomorrow. Not a dream job, but it's income. I'm going to have to get back in the swing of using manners and people skills to assholes. Oh well, I did it once, I can do it again.

comment damnit.


:: 2013 2 February :: 11.58pm

Need solidarity.

comment damnit.


:: 2013 31 January :: 3.48pm

Tryed on my first wedding dress today, so exciting. Finally found a ceromony spot, frederick meijer gardens. Its looks so pretty and we will get some great pictures. Three weeks of weight watchers and down 10lbs. I got a job interview tommorrow at the doctors office, where I have been trying to get in forever. I would love a mon thru fri job 8 to 5, no weekends or holidays. I'm crossing my fingers I get it. Loving life :)

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:: 2013 30 January :: 7.47pm

finally met someone that i like. confessed to my attraction. feeling was reciprocated. i expressed my reluctance to pursue things further, due to both of our lives being big piles of shit at the moment, which need to be sorted out prior to any involvement. she agreed.

not sure if making sound decisions based on logical analysis of situation
or habitually blocking own cock

seriously, i've done it before. but that was unintentional. i feel that the intent in this scenario is important. either way, shit's complicated, man.

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:: 2013 12 January :: 3.37pm

My first bridal show was a blast! I got tons of ideas and great deals. I started wt watchers and already down 6lbs, hoping I can keep it up. Shadow puppy is getting so big, I cant believe last year around this time I could carry him around.

comment damnit.


:: 2013 8 January :: 7.25pm

There's no luck, you make your luck. Be a champion everyday.

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