2012 20 February :: 10.44pm
My car is seriously pissing me off. I leave in a week for training and the minute I replace the starter the frigging alternator goes out wtf Patti I thought we were good.
comment damnit.
2012 19 February :: 11.31pm
}ust when you give up something great comes along :)
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2012 19 February :: 8.28pm
I will no longer have a relationship with my mother.
I have had all I can take.
Apparently I am the only one of her kids who didn't turn out..
Fuck her. She can't even come over to see her granddaughter. She drops Reagan's gifts off at my sisters, and sends me a text telling me i can go pick them up. Really? That's fucking ridiculous.
I have turned out better than I should have considering she was my influence.
I am DONE!
6 commentscommentses |
comment damnit.
2012 13 February :: 3.24pm
yeah, so i love how I am a "bad person" because i don't go to work when i am sick. I mean honestly, if you don't have a job don't criticize me for taking a day off at mine just because you are pissed that I have a job and hate it, while everyone else you know calls to bitch because they can't get a job. I'm not bitching and whose business is it aside from me and my boss if I don't go to work.
Get real.
comment damnit.
2012 12 February :: 7.54pm
Reading my woohu journal shows me how much I have grown as a person. Funny how much my friend group has changed. I guess were all growing up differently some good and some bad. I will always remember the good times though. So excited for what this year will bring.
comment damnit.
2012 10 February :: 9.26pm
Can not believe I'm graduating in may, so excited. Loving my new puppy. Still haven't had a drink since new years, feels great. Things are defintely looking up this year.
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comment damnit.
2012 6 February :: 10.02pm
:: Mood: Numb
I don't know what to do with myself anymore.. It's like I lost all sense of purpose in life...
comment damnit.
2012 2 February :: 9.45pm
My mom took me tanning for 10mins today. She thought it would help with my seasonal depression. Nope. I'm burnt. My back is on fire and I just want to go lay in the snow.
comment damnit.
2012 29 January :: 10.18pm
My poor lillyAna has an upper respiratory infection. His eyes are all goopy and swollen. It's pure torture to watch knowing the only thing I can do is keep him warm and keep his eyes clean. The general rule is if it doesn't clear up in 5 days then take him to the vet. I don't know if I can wait that long. He really isn't acting sick other then the goopy eyes. He still spent all afternoon playing with toys and eating twice his body weight. It just looks really nasty. I'm just at a loss.
Oh. for anyone confused by this post, LillyAna is my moms gender confused cat.
comment damnit.
2012 27 January :: 11.30pm
Well here we are again. 23 Minutes in Brussels.
Difficult as always.
She doesnt make it easy. I know when she seems 'off'. She seems that way tonight. I feel like she hides it by praising me or praising my ability to overlook her strange ways.
Its not really easy to deal with this. I want to not offend her, especially if she has been drinking, that wont end well. She will resent me and not even know why or what was the problem(s).
"Sometimes I think that you don't like me as much as you did before."
How does one properly respond to that? Im nervous to answer it. Its loaded.
I do like you. I liked you more, yes. I want to like you as much, and try hard to do so. Its easy to do so. Whats not easy is how to deal with you acting stranger at times than others. The wait you put me through for a chance to try this thing out has hurt things. I see it and know it. Id like to think I overlook it 95% of the time too.
comment damnit.
2012 27 January :: 11.30pm
Well here we are again. 23 Minutes in Brussels.
Difficult as always.
She doesnt make it easy. I know when she seems 'off'. She seems that way tonight. I feel like she hides it by praising me or praising my ability to overlook her strange ways.
Its not really easy to deal with this. I want to not offend her, especially if she has been drinking, that wont end well. She will resent me and not even know why or what was the problem(s).
comment damnit.
2012 22 January :: 4.05pm
Why do I have to mediate between a grown man and a nine year old over whose turn it in on the computer? Get a job, Buy your own, Problem solved!
comment damnit.
2012 19 January :: 7.34pm
Thought work would help with my cabin fever. Nope. I need to get out.
comment damnit.
2012 17 January :: 11.44pm
starting to get cabin fever. Its making me really short tempered. I have even less tolerance for Chase's poor "cinderfella" attitude and Derek's back-sass. This could be bad.
I am actually excited for work Thursday.
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comment damnit.