I got an invite to my high school reunion. The thought of going makes me want to cry.
I just saw these people. I haven't changed. My hair is a little shorter, I guess. I got new glasses. I've been dating the same guy I dated in high school for almost 6 years now and I've been living with him for the past 3 years. I'm a supervisor in a call center. None of these things make me want to see these people.
Oh and look at what the invite says: "Remember parents, even though children aren't invited, bring pictures!!" SOME OF THESE PEOPLE HAVE KIDS. KIDS THAT I HAVE TO FEIGN INTEREST IN. I'M NOT EVEN ENGAGED. PUKE PUKE PUKE.
Also, if I wanted to reconnect or see any of these people, I'd already have done so.
That being said, I still haven't decided if I'm going.
I support his general idea. People should be able to choose.
There are so many things in this world that you really can have a choice over. Life and death is at the top of that list.
You didnt choose to become alive. If you are living near death's door like the patients he takes are, then why shouldnt they have control over their own damn lives?
Religion or not seriously. Being forced to live a waking nightmare is not fair. Permanently disabled from the neck down? Rapidly advancing Alzheimer? That is just not right.
If the person wants that to be over, then let them have that choice.
Dont force them to hold on because you feel the need to hold onto them.
If you love something enough then you should let them go because of their own choice in the matter.
Dont let your pride override their will.
Consider me a horrible person for saying it if you wish. I dont care. I am entitled to my opinion and I believe in it.
Im a bit slow on the news so this is late but um...Im in the clear to report it!
The sun ate a comet on april 12-13; a rather big one too.
8minutes after this happened we started being bathed in its explosion radiation flare. A huge one too! We are still here and nothing went crazy. I was slightly shocked at this. The largest flare recorded in the last 15yrs. Spectacular image for ya on the link below too. Ya I know its color tone is wrong, its on purpose. Sun eats comet!