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I'm just uptight.

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:: 2004 2 October :: 12.14 am

One of these days I'm going to make a picture post for the month of September because I don't think I ever posted any from it. It'll be long though, so that'll definitely delay it. I'll do it when I'm not exhausted. Can't say when that'll be though.

not an android

:: 2004 30 September :: 1.19 am
:: Mood: accomplished

So for history, we had to write this letter to an elected official about a current affair or a topic of personal concern. It took a while to figure out what to write it on, but I finally settled on a topic that never fails to make me angry. Because my ego is huge, I decided to post my letter online. See below.

Dear Governor Schwarzenegger:

For a period of six months in 2002, the state of California collected data on the number of automobile crashes that cited cell phones or CB radios as a definite cause. Out of a total of 491,083 crashes, only 611 were caused by cell phones. However, unlike other crashes involving alcohol or seatbelts, cell phone use is difficult to detect and is entirely reliant on self-reporting or witnesses. A later study conducted by the California Highway Patrol of the data from the same six month period found that out of 5,677 crashes, inattention was a factor. Eleven percent of these crashes named cell phones as the reason for inattention.

The risk created by people using cell phones while driving is too great to be ignored. When it is taken into consideration that cell phone usage while driving causes a much greater distraction level than other activities such as listening to the radio or audio books and that drivers who use mobile phones are four times as likely to crash than those who do not, anyone looking out for the safety of mankind can easily see that a law restricting cell phone usage while driving is greatly needed.

I believe that California should follow the fine examples of the District of Columbia and New Jersey and impose a complete ban on cell phone usage while driving. A ban such as this would reduce the number of inattention and cell phone related crashes, therefore making our roads a safer place. If a complete ban is regarded as too strict, then perhaps we could emulate New York and ban hand-held phones while allowing the use of hands-free devices.

Some drivers may argue that cell phones are a necessity because of their extreme usefulness in emergencies such as crashes or flat tires. However, neither of these situations requires the use of a cell phone during the actual act of driving. A phone could be kept in a purse or glove compartment and still be on hand for the aforementioned occurrences. There really is no justification for using a cell phone while driving.

The risk of cell phone use while driving greatly outweighs the apparently nonexistent benefit. Personally, I would prefer being stranded on the road for a few hours from a flat tire to dying because of an inattentive driver with a cell phone. Would you prefer not to?


Nancy M. Myers

I even threw some Bartleby in there. You can't beat that. I am awesome.

not an android

:: 2004 20 September :: 4.43 pm
:: Music: "Right Behind You (Mafia)" +Our Lady Peace+

I don't know what the hell I did to my calf, but whatever it is, it's bad. I couldn't finish the workout today because it hurt so much. We weren't even doing anything hard! We had to do three one mile repeats, and I did the first one in like 7:20 and I had to stop because I just couldn't do it. Anyone who knows me well knows that I usually complain a lot about injuries, but I never let them affect my performance unless they're so bad I can't ignore them. If it doesn't go away in a week I might consider going to the doctor..but I doubt that because I have a deep distrust and dislike for doctors. Don't ask why. They're probably just going to tell me that the muscle's sprained or pulled or something and to not run. I could diagnose that myself. This is so frustrating though..god.

not an android

:: 2004 19 September :: 12.49 am

Good god I'm tired! So of course, instead of sleeping, I'm updating. I have my priorities all screwed up.

I spent basically the entire day in Irvine today for cross country. It was alright, but the bus ride down there sucked. For some odd reason I had to pee so bad and of course it takes forever to get to Irvine by bus. So um..I made the bus stop. Twice. That was a bit embarrassing, but I would rather make the bus stop than pee my pants. Good logic, I say.

So we finally get there and I'm still trying to figure out if I'm even going to run. I finally just said screw it, suck it up..and I ran anyways. I don't think I did too badly. I got twenty-eighth out of around two hundred, and I actually got a medal this time..haha. My calf hurt (and still does) so freaking bad after the race though. I kind of wanted to cut it off, but I don't think that would help.

I'm really comfortable right now (ignoring the pain all over my body) and I don't want to take a shower..bah. I've got my warm-up pants and my sweatshirt on, and I really don't want to change. I do need to shower obviously because I'm all nasty from racing, but do I want to? No. Not really. I'll probably fall asleep in the shower anyway.

2 may be paranoid | not an android

:: 2004 17 September :: 11.50 pm
:: Music: "Yellow" +Coldplay+

I just got back from Pepi's party a while ago. It was pretty fun, and I got to see people I don't normally get to see. That's always rad. I'd post pictures, but I am an idiot and I forgot my camera. Oh well.

I have so many things that I need/want to do this weekend it's not even funny. Of course, the things I want to do obviously take priority (in my mind) over the things I need to do, but I do need to do the things I need to do, and I am totally rambling and repeating myself right now. It makes sense in my head, alright? Alright.

I really need to learn how to manage my time. Also how to not get injured all the time. Seriously, until I started doing track and cross country, I never ever got injured in any way. Before last soccer season, I could truly say that I had never pulled, sprained, broken, twisted, or whatevered anything. The worst injury I had ever gotten was twenty-two stiches in my chin from rollerblading. I still haven't gotten injured terribly yet, but I've pulled both hamstrings pretty badly and I think I strained my calf or something, because it freaking hurts. I don't even know if I'm going to run tomorrow..we'll see. I don't want Standley to get mad at me for not running, but I don't want to hurt my calf worse..gah. I don't know what I'll do.

Something exciting happened today, but I can't for the life of me remember what it was. Must not have been that great then. Eh.

I hate being stressed and tired all the time. I can't don't want to do it anymore. Can't I just quit at life? I'm losing anyway.

2 may be paranoid | not an android

:: 2004 14 September :: 7.27 pm
:: Mood: aggravated

This seems pretty dang cool.

I wish I didn't get distracted from homework everything so easily. It's really frustrating.

not an android

:: 2004 13 September :: 5.25 pm
:: Mood: excited

Paris Hilton will be making an appearance Tuesday night at Walmart at 6:00 PM to sign copies of her book. BE THERE.

It's funny because she thought they sold walls at Walmart..hahaha. Skank.

In other news: my laptop came in the mail today. Rock.

3 may be paranoid | not an android

:: 2004 11 September :: 1.38 pm
:: Mood: exhausted

"Thank you for shopping with Dell.

This e-mail is to confirm that your order shipped on 09-10-2004.

Based on the shipping method chosen at the time of purchase, your order is expected to arrive within 1-5 business days."

Yeah that would be my laptop. Yessssss.

I'm excited. But god I'm tired..tomorrow is my ONE day to sleep in, and I swear to god, if ANYONE wakes me up, regardless of who you are, you will die. Violently.

I guess I did alright at the meet yesterday for my first race. The first sixty-five people got medals, and um..I was sixty-sixth. Yeah. I don't know what my time was though because I forgot to look. During the race I felt like crap and decided that I hated cross country, but afterwards I was in a really good mood despite the fact that my shins were killing me. Odd. Gabby, Mo, and I went on the beach afterwards and found a bunch of pretty rocks. The whole day yesterday was basically pretty dang fun.

We got home around nine or so and then I called Jeanette and invited her over. She stayed until eleven thirty and then I had to eat and take a shower afterwards, so I didn't get to bed until one or one thirty. (This is going somewhere, promise.) I was excited because I would finally be able to sleep a little for the first time this entire week. However, that obviously was not to be..

BECAUSE I GOT WOKEN UP AT FREAKING SIX IN THE MORNING BY GABBY. Die. Today was "kidnap the new people" day for cross country. They captured all of us, brought us to Central and made us run a warm up, and then we got in a circle to stretch. As we're stretching, we see some of the girls walking over to us from the cars with their hands behind their backs. Waterballoons and silly string, of course. After that was all done with, they dressed us up in these really silly outfits and made us hold signs and parade around Bouquet for a while. I had to wear this wig thing that was curly black hair attached to a red scarf and fairy wings. Interesting, but not bad compared to some of the other girls' outfits..bwahaha. We finally got to go to breakfast at Denny's after that. I had a lot of fun, but I am so freaking tired!

Also had our first soccer game today for AYSO..we lost, 2-1. Close game though. I was secretly laughing at everyone because they were all so hot and so tired (because it was probably around 105 degrees) and I was perfectly fine. I guess cross country does some good..hahaha.

I am going to go try to sleep before the soccer party tonight. Futile, but eh. Maybe I'll get an hour in.

Sorry this was long and boring. I actually felt like typing up exactly what I did for once. Apologies.

4 may be paranoid | not an android

:: 2004 10 September :: 3.17 am
:: Music: "Fake Plastic Trees" +Radiohead+

I never sleep anymore. The past three days I have gotten about seven hours total, and tonight I will probably only get two and a half or so. Goddamn.

It's my own fault really, so I can't complain. But still.

not an android

:: 2004 2 September :: 7.17 pm

And now, after many broken promises and aggravating delays, I am finally posting pictures. You can celebrate now. These date back to exactly a month ago..been a while, hasn't it? Heh. Because there are so many, I'm going to link them by section. That way, if you don't really care about something, you can just skip over it. And we begin. Read more..

15 may be paranoid | not an android | Random Journal