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:: 2005 19 July :: 1.24am
:: Mood: chipper
:: Music: [Fall Out Boy ... Sugar, We're Going Down]

Is this more than you bargained for yet?

So everyone...how's it been going? Pretty boring here, lately that is.
I went to the mall a lil early to hang out with Corey & Sarah was there too, well...they were together and I met up with em. We saw John, Ben & Alan while we were there...talked to them for a few. Harry Potter. I am so glad no one else I talk to is obsessed with that, I don't think I could take it....ha. Yeah, anyway, I told Corey I was coming early and that he'd better play for me, so he did....it was greatness he played 'Holiday', 'Rape Me', 'When September Ends' and 'You and Me' I was like UHUHUHUH the whole time. =] That's so hotttttt. Yea well, once that ended I had to go to work. Really boring because we had about ehhh...maybe 30 customers all evening. But I like it that way. Free time = awesomeness! Oh...Sarah and I reported this old guy who always comes by and trys to get in the gate, and like begs people for money. The security guard told us that he as alztheimers (sp?) and they're gonna try to do something about him. Corey came down at about 9:30 and walked me out to the car n stuff. He makes me feel safe =] ...then I came home. Talked on the phone some, then mom and dad got online and booked a hotel for KI and stuff. I am looking forward to it in a way but then i'm not. I dunno....glad to be off work for 3 days though. Tomorrow night I think we're going to Banana Joe's. My moms being weird about it though. She won't tell me if i'm allowed to go for sure. I dunno why she's being that way about it...we're not gonna get into trouble, well at least i'm not, i'm a good kid. I just want to listen to music, possibly dance and hang out with friends. But yeah, Sarah wants me to spend the night with her afterwards. So I guess if i'm allowed to go, ima stay with her.
I'm watching a show on MTV now called T-Minus rock...and Fall Out Boy is #1. How great is that...? WOW. Yeah, i'm proud. This video is hilarious. Kinda weird but...you know. They are sooo flippin hot. Oh yeah, speaking of hot I had Holiday and Scars in my head alllllll day today. I was like SHUT UP! haha...but the vision of those guys in my head, man. I was like UHUHUHUHUH! LoL.
Well I think i'm gonna get outta here and maybe go to sleep or watch TV. Talk to y'all later!


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:: 2005 17 July :: 4.33pm
:: Mood: bored
:: Music: [Papa Roach ... Scars]

The Perfect Man

Hey everyone...what's goin on? I haven't done much of anything today. I woke up at like 10 something, for like 10 minutes...went back to sleep & woke up again at 1:15 when Corey called. I talked to him for like 30 minutes and then I went back to sleep and woke up again at 3...watched a little bit of Road Trip and now i'm watching Austin Powers. Heh, I love these movies. Goldmember is my favorite though. Hmmm...AnYwAy!
Last night was fun. WORK was terrible but, yeah. Before I had to go in, I got to talk to an old friend...Emily Ranson. I love her, and miss her dearly. I wish she would come back to Hannan! Anyway. When I got off work, Corey drove over to CiCi's and we ate then we came back to the mall and got Joe's car and went to Pullman Square and saw 'The Perfect Man' it was pretty good, but not as good as I had imagined. Oh well. Something funny happened during the movie, lmao. Well, it's funny and sad at the same time because who knows what was goin on...there were only 8 people in the theatre, including us. Well, there was this guy (well, if ya ask me he looked like a dike) and his little girl in front of us, she looked like she was maybe 3. I want to know why the hell a guy is taking his little girl to see that movie. It seems weird for some reason. Well...you hear her gagging, and she's like 'Daddy, I don't want no more popcorn!' and he was like 'Shut up!' and then a few minutes later he's like 'Do you want to go to the bathroom?' And she's like 'Yea, I was choking daddy, and I thought you would help me!' and he goes 'You need to be quiet' so they went to the bathroom and about 5 minutes later they came back. Well a little bit later we were all laughing about something, we weren't even being loud, seriously. I think it was the Sarah is love thing, haha...well, he turned around to Corey and was like 'I don't mean to be rude but can you all shut up we're trying to enjoy the movie' and Corey's like okay...well yeah I was really ticked. Joe had his 'knuckles' out. LmBo. I thought we were gonna have to whoop some arse! But yeah, we all flipped him off as we were leaving. Prolly didn't see us but who cares...he didn't deserve our attention. Flippin jerk. After we left the movie we went back to the mall parking lot to drop Corey off to get his car...and then Joe took me and Sarah home. The ride wasn't too lovely because he had only been out this road like once before so there was a lot of 'breaks' getting hit. LoL...we did 45 all the way from Milton - odd for Joe cause he's useta normally going 80. We got here at about 10:45. It was okay though...at least we made it safe. They came inside with me cause mom and dad weren't home, and Joe got to meet Jazzie...she went postal on him, she didn't like him at all. He even tried to give her a doggy treat but she didn't take it til they were leaving, lol. She's crazy. Yea I talked to Corey for a lil bit when I got in, then I went to sleep at like 1...and woke up at 1:45ish when mom and dad got home. Ate a taco from taco bell...haha and then went back to sleep.
We will just say last night was awesome, besides a few things. That's all. No details, unless your special...hahahahaha. What am I gonna do without Tabi all week? LoL...well I won't really be home all day Wednesday, Thursday & Friday...oh, and some of Saturday, for Kings Island. Well i'm gonna get outta here!

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:: 2005 16 July :: 1.22am
:: Mood: calm
:: Music: [Montgomery Gentry ... Something To Be Proud Of]

Another one of those pointless entrys...

LALA! Today has been exceptionally boring. I actually like going to work now because those are the days I get to see Corey & sumtimes Sarah. Hmm...I slept late today then got up and talked on the phone then went to Chili's with mom and dad and then went to Value City & Wal-Mart. Ehh, we got home around 11, dad stayed on here forever then I finally got to get on here. Well, Corey didn't call me like he said he was gonna and I was all depressed then I got on the net and he was on...he said he'd tried to call a few times but couldn't get thru (cause dad was on) and he appologized like a million times for not calling sooner but he worked all day...so. It was okay. haha. He's going to 'make it up to me' or so he says. LoL....he said he would play for me tomorrow. YAY! I can't wait.
I gots to work 12-6 but i'm gonna try to get down there sooner. Afterwards, I think we're all gonna go see a movie. I'm 'cited. YAYZ! Well i'm gonna go now, that's all I really had to say. Pointlessness!

Because i'm bored...
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:: 2005 15 July :: 1.18am
:: Mood: bitchy
:: Music: [Hawthorne Heights ... The Transition]

Don't read this unless you're extremely bored...

Wow...you know? Today was interesting. LOL. Not really. I got up at like 11 and got ready to go to the FFA meeting....it was over by 1 so I came back home went to sleep and got up at 2-3? and took a shower and got ready for work. Me and Sarah got to the mall at like 4 (she had to take some stuff back) and ended up runnin into Joe and Corey because they had to work too and were down there. So we walked around for a bit and they had guitars sitting out in Sam Goody and Corey went in there and played some of you and me =] he was playin that thing with his bare fingers, he said he don't even have feeling in those fingers anymore that he uses to play with but anyway, he was really good. I was proud...people were around n I was like 'I KNOW HIM!' haha. Well Joe left and it was like ten til so, we walked with Sarah to pee and when we were outside Corey was fiddlin around with his lil leather ae bracelet and i'm like that's awesome n pretty, I like it! and he took it off and put it on me...haha. So now I have his bracelet. It's really cool looking...plain but good. Then I went to work. HA. Yeah, umm. While I was working he brought me his Hawthorne Heights CD to borrow which I totally love! I have been listening to it since I got home. Great...you should go out and buy it, right now. hahaha. I'm suprised I like it as well as I do. After we got off work, me and Sarah went to Bob Evans to see Ben but it sucked cause we only got to talk to him for like 2 minutes. SO...worthless, really. My soup didn't taste right and Sarah's grilled cheese had too much cheese. It's cool though. We went and talked to Joe at Arby's for a few then came home. Yeah...and here I am, sittin here bored, not able to sleep - nothin new. Don't gotta work tomorrow, gots to work 12-6 Saturday tho. I think I may go see a movie sometime over the weekend. Ahh, who knows what i'll get into. We're going to Kings Island next week but amazingly, i'm not looking forward to it one bit. I dunno who's even going.
Some things are still on my mind. Well, things that have taken place in the previous year or two. But, I DO think it's going away for the simple fact that my parents have been very unsupportive of my feelings on it lately, i'm so mad at the situation, so i'm trying to avoid it. I've thought of checking up, but...i'm learning to let go. Something I gotta do, I think it's working so far. I've had some help. Go me...*dances*
Well i'm outta here, gonna go watch some TV or something. I don't know! NIGHT!


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:: 2005 14 July :: 1.34am
:: Mood: excited
:: Music: [Fall Out Boy ... Sugar, We're Going Down]


SO! Work today was so boring! Me and Rae had the worst luck, lol. It was sad. I dropped a box on her head, it was quite funny but I felt bad cause I laughed so hard. LOL. The pop machine was acting up, and making loud noises so we had to have someone fix that then the ice cream decides it's not gonna freeze, and comes out all runny...haha. Corey came down to talk to me like 3 different times, cause he was there helping his dad move stuff from the old golf place to the new. He is so nice to me, it just makes my day!! LoL. I also ♥ his new background on his phone. Few of you know what I mean. Yea, I know....I suck me and my no-detailed journal entrys. Oh well. If you ever wanna know anything that i'm beating around the bush about, just ask and i'll tell you unless I hate you. J/K! haha. Yea....um. Anyway. I talked on the phone for a lil while after I got home then I got on the net and I have been since. Yeehaw. Mom has been a lil angry with me lately cause I don't eat like, anything. I can't help it. I duno what's wrong with me i'm just never hungry. All I had all day today was a blizzard and 6 chicken nuggets. Maybe it's the heat or the sickness I feel after I leave work every night. I swear, that popcorn makes me want to puke.
Speaking of mom, I think she might let me go to Banana Joe's Tuesday night, if Sarah, the gang...Darrell and all them go. I hope so!! I am so excited about this! I asked dad about it and he didn't seem to care. I was like 'You need to tell mom YES!' and he's like 'Ok? Do I?' I'm like UMMM YEAH! haha. I just wanna go out and have fun. I wanna dance! I got my fingers crossed. This journal is lame anyway, I need a LIFE all I ever talk about anymore is work & Corey, well Sarah too. LoL. But yeah, I gots an FFA meeting tomorrow at noon & I'm riding with Sarah to work and then I think we're goin to eat at Bob Evans afterwards...to see little Bendy. Aw. haha.
Well I think i'm outta here...! Later y'all!


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