2004 24 August :: 2.03pm
:: Music: Emerson Drive- I'll Die Tryin'
Hey! Well Shama's big ol' 16 now....Tabi ur SO young....LoL. Well Me Tabi and Cody went to Shama's house. I didn't talk for a long time. I was an outcast...:( After awhile I started talkin' cuz I couldn't be quiet any longer even tho I felt bad...lol. Tabi and Cody were like glued to the olympics...me and Shama were like hmmmm....lol. But yeah after Cody left they watched Funniest Home Videos and omg I never heard anyone laugh so hard in my life....my gosh u guys were great tho...it sounded like u were dying from laughin. Sorry I talked on the computer a lot Shama...but hey....I still was close to u...u were like 5 feet away....Neways this morning I had to leave Shamas early it was depressing cuz I had to go to the big bad doctor. He said the ligiments...or however u spell that....that are connected to my sternum were messed up...and if i keep doing a lot then yeah it will take a long time for it to heal so he gave me medicine...and i'm gonna take it easy on the practices...I guess I will have to skip the game Friday...that depresses me...it hurts to move...but hey thats ok!! LoL...well i'ma go so I can talk to Tabi Shama n Crystal on the net....bye bye!!!
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2004 21 August :: 12.55pm
:: Music: Ying Yang Twins- Whats Happenin'
Hey Guys! What is up!? uhuhuh!! Ain't that grand? Yeah well...hmm....I dunno if I said already in here that i'm playin volleyball...but yeah I am....I made Kimmay play too. I didn't say I play good tho...cuz yeah...I suck....really bad =( The ball slammed me in the face today...but hey! thats ok! It hurt really bad...It depressed me cuz there were tears in my eyes....just thought i'd let ya know! Well me and Kimmay went to the Meigs Co Fair last night. My momma and poppa took us. It wasn't as great as the Mason Co Fair of course but it was grand becuz yeah it was a fair. Big Bad Bill was there...he is grand. Pretty Much Yeah! Kim talked to her Good Ole Steve...and Scott was kinda just there. Um...yeah Big Bad Bill waved at me but I kinda turned my head cuz i'm retarded so Kim had to wave....I did smile back at him tho. Ohhhhhhhhhhhh Bud....we had to leave at 9:30 tho cuz the rain started pourin' down. Oh but I love the way it stopped as soon as we got in the car.... =( Ummm I'm gonna go cuz Kim is here...and I know she is bored. There's good ole cheerleading practice at 5...then the scrimmage is at 6, so hopefully it will be fun. uhuhuhuhuh!!! bye guys!!!! Yeah!! What?! OK!! <<< I had to say that...sorry...LoL...well bye!
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2004 15 August :: 7.17pm
:: Music: Petey Pablo - Freek-A-Leek...lol
The Fair was great...I miss it a lot :(
Tears...Kimmay....u and ur Stevie....haha member what I said about staying the D*mn here...haha... Shama and Tabi...u guys know why I was running from u...if u dont just ask me...I have a reason. Hopefully Me and all u guys will get to go to Meigs Co. Fair next week...Well I will talk to u all later...i might update more about this past week later....oh how can I forget BIG OLE BILL...haha...bye guys!!
Jimmy Wayne is a Hottie!!
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2004 7 August :: 10.26pm
:: Music: Ashlee Simpson- Pieces of me
Hey guys! Yesterday was a rough day. Right Tabi?! Haha...I'm so sore. Cheerleading try-outs. But yeah...I made it...Shock! haha...Yeah well... I need to lose weight. Neways, after that I went to the mall with Kim Shama n Grace. We got shirts made for when Jimmy Wayne is gonna be at the fair. We made one for him too and we all signed the back of it. It's great. I was so tired and in pain walking thru the mall. We didnt walk that far but becuz of cheering and jumpin up and down from like 9 in the morning til almost 6...yeah well that gets ya tired and sore. LoL...Tabi knows cuz shes bout to die too. Well, this morning we went up to the fairgrounds and put our campers up. All the people from around here are like together. It's like a big ole group. We own that camper spot! Haha...Me Tabi Shama n Kim are like all real close, and of course we have our walkie-talkies...isnt it great? Haha me aka Shiniqua....Tabi aka Rosie....lol...I cant wait to talk to the traffic directors again...that was so much fun. Haha...well I will be going...oh one more thing..I just finished my Final for English..I'm so glad!! No more English!! I have to get up early and take My calf Co-Co to the fairgrounds tomorrow...ttyl!! bye bye!!
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2004 1 August :: 10.28pm
Hey guys! Just got back from an adventureous day with Shama n Cody. LoL. It was great. At first, me and Shama were angered at Cody because we were going to watch a movie, but people were working on his truck so yeah...we didn't have enough time. Anyways, we went to the Super China Buffet beside the Mall...and Cody hates chinese...haha. Me and Shama own so we went .... He wouldn't go up and get his own food...so me and Shama had to get a plate for him. We piled it so high up with food. LoL. I hate egg drop soup tho...blah!! We had to force him to eat. And yeah, he was acting like a 5 year old...right Shama? Haha...and yeah Shama threw a strawberry on him and it got on his shirt...haha. Oh...and Cody laid down $5 dollars down for a tip..and all he ate was like 1 thing...me and her were like omg dont give that! and Yeah...the waitress was standing right by us the whole time...OOPS! Me and Shama took 2 back out from it...I got one and she got one...LoL...we r great. After that we went to the mall...well actually JCPenney, I bought a shirt to wear for when I show my calf at the fair. It's purdi. =) We were gonna go to church...but Cody wanted to go to the mall instead...we kinda forgot that it was a Sunday and that it closes at 6 tho...oh well...lol. We decided to go to the new wal-mart. It was ok...I seen Tabis aunt Sis...and her cousins Chandler and Dylan. Omg Me Shama and Cody were so poor...we didnt bring that much money...so yeah...we ran out. He paid for Shama's dinner so he didn't have enough money for a game he wanted...he borrowed $14 from me...so that cleaned me out and when he bought the game...it cleaned him out...Shama had like 10 and 2 in change. She bought a caboodle...and we seen a key chain...we had to get it....lol. ..when we were walking outside...i was all excited about our key chains...i was looking for them...and her caboodle dropped to the parking lot...and we opened it up and it was broke...so i had to go back in the store...and we exchanged it for another 1...lol. There was a Kenny Chesney look-alike in front of us in line...he was great! Right Shama? lol...well on the way home...Cody let me drive ...he said he had a headache...I didn't think he was serious about me driving tho. I was like omg really?! when he said I could drive...He said that I wasnt a bad driver. I was kinda nervous cuz it was the 1st time for me driving after dark and after all it was his new truck...but yeah...I pulled over at Ashton Upland Rd and he drove the rest of the way to my house. We were kinda driving illegal cuz yeah he is not 21 but oh well...lol. I only got up to 65 . I had a lot of fun 2nite...Shama...did u?! LoL...well im gonna go...almost 7 days til the fair!!! woot woot!! well bye bye!!
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