2008 7 June :: 10.26am
I have work again, later today.
After the whole postal scandal, I'm not sure what's going to happen in the next two months. The only thing I know is that I won't have to work with that group of people after August, and I doubt I will ever work with them again.
I can't believe the shit I go through to make $7.50 an hour.
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2008 4 June :: 2.18pm
:: Mood: aggravated
:: Music: Insanity
I forget the last time I updated, but I'm only going to start with Friday, I think. I got to go see Tom Petty at Van Andel, and holy shit was it awesome. Best concert I've ever seen, and I still think he has THE BEST THE BEST THE BEST THE BEST personality of any rocker. Just...I can't describe it. If you ever liked him and didn't go, you should feel ashamed, and then totally jealous of how awesome I am compared to you.
After that was a party at Emily's, and I could take or leave that. Had fun until Chris and Kevin left, and then it was just, "How long can you deal with drunks until you snap?". The answer was not very long, save a couple people that weren't preps that were fun to be around.
Saturday night was just a crazy excuse to go pick up the new mountain dew flavors and, allow me to give you my professional opinion on the matter.
SuperNova tastes like a weak weak weak strawberry candy.
Revolution tastes like berry drain cleaner.
Charged(?) tastes alright.
I'm just as disappointed in pepsi right now as I was when they unleashed that blue pepsi crap.
Monday I got to hang out with Chris, and it was like a breath of fresh air. Nothing but screwing around, clumsy gay innuendo, and watching the red wings take a million and a half shots and miss them all, while the penguins fucked around like a bunch of tards and won. As bad as it sounds for all 10 of the hockey fans out there, watching it just made me really really REALLY want football to start up soon.
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2008 1 June :: 8.43pm
I went to a baby shower this afternoon for the girlfriend of my parents' friends' son. It was long, but it made me very worried at myself. My body or my mind, I'm not sure which at this point, is telling me that it's time to have a baby; but my logical mind says "ohhh, no way, not yet."
And that's a good thing. I want to be prepared to have a child, even though you'll all tell me "you'll never be prepared," I mean that I want to be fairly financially secure, working in a good job, be settled in a semi-permanent apartment or house, and, of course, be married (eventhough I'm pratically already married).
I don't know...just seeing how happy she was made me want that. I want to be a mother someday...I don't even care if it's my biological child or not. I just want to be a mother.
...but, again, when I and Rueben are ready...even though I doubt he'll ever be ready.
oh, by the way, I almost passed out the other day because the temperature behind the service desk was at least 82 degrees. Hot.
2008 31 May :: 9.11am
I have to work again today. I had to leave work three hours early yesterday because I almost passed out. It's so warm behind the service desk because they haven't turned on the air yet and there is an overhang so there is very little air circulation.
Anyway, I'm taking a thermometer to work with me today to see just how warm it really gets. I swear it was around 90 up there yesterday (and humid)...and we have one small fan. We'll see. I can't work in conditions like that...
2008 28 May :: 10.01am
Played a super long game of monopoly last night with Rueben, Gunny, and Zach. It was pretty alright.
This is the first day of my "weekend"...the two consecutive days that I get to myself before I have to go back to hell.
Now I remember why I hate her so much...I'm helping someone at the service desk, they need a lane open, so they call and say: Michelle needs to open on lane whatever, so, then, even if I'm still helping someone, they go and tell people to start putting their stuff at that lane, even though I"m not there yet. And....about half of the time, they have to wait about five minutes because I"m still dealing with that customer at the service desk, and then when I finally get to the lane after dealing with some fucker at the desk, the people at the lane are all nasty to me because they thought they'd get through fast and they had to wait five minutes.
That, and people from rockford are really stuck up and bitchy.
It must be nice to have thousands of dollars in credit card debt and live in a huge house that you owe more on that it's worth, and still treat people like shit because you want to feel good about yourself.
2008 25 May :: 5.34pm
working, my life is my work, my life's work, i hate where i work...it doesn't make a difference except to the pockets of people i'll never meet that cut my hours and short me help for their bottom line.
so be it, capitalist system.
i watched part of the libertarian debate last night. mike gravel was there. he doesn't fit in with the libertarians at all. he's one of the best leftist political minds and activists that our country has had in the past fifty years and he's forced to run for the libertarian nomination under a platform that he doesn't fully accept nor stand for only because he doesn't fit in anywhere else. i don't fit in anywhere, too.
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2008 20 May :: 8.13pm
:: Music: Saving Us
Yeah, I'm in a state of confusion these days. Don't really wanna blab about it here though.
Been trying to get a job and had absolutely no luck. I have no idea why. There isn't a 'convicted of raping children' tab on my resume or anything else, but I don't get shit for responses from anyone. I call back and its like talking to a guy I just caught jerking it.
"Oh...OH OH OH, hey there. Yeah, we hired someone last week. Sorry about that...yeah, I know I said I'd call you soon, but I'm a FILTHY LYING FUCKER"
It looks like I'll have to work at home all summer which I really really really really REALLY don't want to do, as I'm 22 and I should be doing something, but nope, no dice. Only other option is to go work at my Uncle's farm which is sadly looking more and more viable as time goes by.
Other than that, not much going on, just really bored in between failed applications, interviews, and constantly redialing the internet. Still have a few people that I need to call and hang out with, and I'll probably get on that in the coming days.
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2008 15 May :: 7.31am
I was there when John Edwards endorsed Barack Obama.
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2008 14 May :: 5.47pm
Well, almost a full year has come and gone since my last Woohu post, so I figure it's about time for a new one. Alot's changed in a year, which I suppose is just the natural course of things. Well, that's about all the detail I'm going to go in...
This has been another update brought to you by me
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2008 14 May :: 11.10am
I'm sick. It's disappointing.
Went to the dentist yesterday. I have one cavity that will be filled on June 10. Went to Meijer yesterday. I have five shifts next week, starting on Sunday.
I want to go and see Barack, but I'm not sure if I'll feel well enough to be jammed into an arena with thousands of people screaming their heads off. I'm already nauseated as it is.
I got my books from Amazon to help me study for the GRE. My favorite is the verbal flash cards. So many words! Now, if I could just remember some of them...
I also got a guide to the English portion of the test, and a dictionary of literary terms and theories. I can feel my nerdiness multiplying exponentially!
In other news, I woke up to the sound of pouring rain this morning, and although I promptly hacked up a chunk of mucus...it was pleasant for a moment.
2008 13 May :: 9.38am
:: Mood: crushed
I think I'm getting sick. Both of my parents are sick and I woke up this morning with a sore throat. Parents.
I have some errands to run today. I have a dentist appointment at 12:50 where they are going to tell me I have cavities and need fillings. I had cavities last time and I haven't been to the dentist since. That was about a year ago.
The I'm going to shoot on down to Meijer to go talk to Pat about giving me hours for next week. Then I'm going to stop at Independent bank in Cedar and deposit a fundraising check and some random pop can money for the frat.
Then I'll probably go to Rueben's and hang out with him.
Boo. Sore throat.
In other news, the Sand Lake Library has a "Classics" section that has about 25 books in it. I have my huge long list (reference 4 entries ago), and the only books I could find were War and Peace, Hamlet, and The Sound and the Fury...and the only reason I found The Sound and the Fury is because it's on Oprah's book club.
So...that means I'm going to have to order them through the KDL website; but searching on there reveals that KDL only owns one or two copies of the most revered works in English i.e. Paradise Lost and Canterbury Tales. And no, I'm not counting books on tape or "re-written" classics. Ugh.
I bet they have more copies of Ana's Story by Jenna Bush than copies of The Divine Comedy by Dante.
2008 12 May :: 10.05am
I just applied for a ten thousand dollar scholarship. Oh god, it would be wonderful...
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2008 2 May :: 12.32am
Things I have to read for the GRE. Note: I've read about 1/3 of these, but do I remember them?
Milton, John Paradise Lost 27 5
Chaucer, Geoffrey Canterbury Tales 22 7
Shakespeare, William King Lear 20 5
Pope, Alexander The Rape of the Lock 17 5
Anonymous Beowulf 13 6
Swift, Jonathan Gulliver's Travels 13 5
Shakespeare, William The Tempest 13 5
Marlowe, Christopher Doctor Faustus 12 5
Gray, Thomas Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard 11 4
Thoreau, Henry David Walden 11 5
Spenser, Edmund The Faerie Queene 11 3
Alighieri, Dante The Divine Comedy 10 3
Sophocles Oedipus Rex 10 4
Faulkner, William The Sound and the Fury 10 4
Shakespeare, William MacBeth 10 3
Arnold, Matthew Dover Beach 9 5
Dickens, Charles Great Expectations 9 3
Swift, Jonathan A Modest Proposal 9 3
Shaw, George Bernard Arms and the Man 8 5
Plato The Republic 8 5
Keats, John Ode on a Grecian Urn 8 4
Shakespeare, William Othello 8 4
Jonson, Ben Volpone 8 4
Homer The Iliad 8 1
Fielding, Henry Tom Jones 7 5
Tennyson, Alfred Lord Ulysses 7 4
Joyce, James Ulysses 7 4
Congreve, William The Way of the World 7 4
Bronte, Emily Wuthering Heights 7 4
Dryden, John All for Love 7 3
Fitzgerald, F. Scott The Great Gatsby 7 3
Shakespeare, William Hamlet 7 3
Forster, E.M. Howard's End 7 3
Milton, John Lycidas 7 3
Homer The Odyssey 7 3
Johnson, Samuel The Preface to Shakespeare 7 3
Byron, George Lord Don Juan 7 2
Milton, John Comus 6 4
Pope, Alexander An Essay on Criticism 6 4
Anonymous Everyman 6 5
Hardy, Thomas Jude the Obscure 6 4
Wordsworth, William Lyrical Ballads 6 4
Shelley, Percy Bysshe Ozymandius 6 4
Richardson, Samuel Pamela 6 4
Sheridan The Rivals 6 4
Sterne, Laurance Tristram Shandy 6 4
Tolstoy, Leo War and Peace 6 4
Eliot, T.S. The Waste Land 6 4
Shakespeare, William Henry IV, Part 1 6 3
Shakespeare, William As You Like It 6 3
Johnson, Samuel History of Rasselas, Prince of Abyssinia 6 3
Amis, Kingsley Lucky Jim 6 3
Melville, Herman Moby Dick 6 3
Malory, Sir Thomas Le Morte D'Arthur 6 3
Johnson, Samuel The Vanity of Human Wishes 6 3
Dickens, Charles Hard Times 6 2
Shelley, Percy Bysshe Ode to the West Wind 5 5
Forster, E.M. A Passage to India 5 4
Aristotle The Poetics 5 4
Goldsmith, Oliver She Stoops to Conquer 5 4
Anonymous Sir Gawain and the Green Knight 5 4
Eliot, T.S. Tradition and the Individual Talent 5 3
Chaucer, Geoffrey Troilus and Criseyde 5 3
Thackerey, William Vanity Fair 5 3
Spenser, Edmund The Shepheardes Calender 5 3
Shakespeare, William Romeo and Juliet 5 3
Faulkner, William A Rose for Emily 5 3
Spenser, Edmund Amoretti 5 3
Coleridge, S.T. Biographica Literaria 5 3
Dostoevsky Crime and Punishment 5 3
Dickens, Charles David Copperfield 5 3
Thomas, Dylan Do Not Go Gentle Into That Good Night 5 3
Webster, John The Duchess of Malfi 5 3
Pope, Alexander An Essay on Man 5 3
Steinbeck, John The Grapes of Wrath 5 2
Hemingway, Ernest Hills Like White Elephants 5 2
Johnson, Samuel Life of Cowley 5 2
Etherege, Sir George The Man of Mode 5 2
Browning, Robert My Last Duchess 5 2
Eliot, T.S. Journey of the Magi 5 1
Tennyson, Alfred Lord In Memoriam A.H.H. 4 4
Eliot, T.S. The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock 4 4
Flaubert, Gustave Madame Bovary 4 4
Cervantes Don Quixote 4 4
Joyce, James Dubliners 4 3
Austen, Jane Emma 4 3
Shaw, George Bernard Major Barbara 4 3
Eliot, George Adam Bede 4 3
Melville, Herman Bartleby the Scrivener 4 3
Huxley, Aldous Brave New World 4 3
Milton, John Samson Agonistes 4 3
Wilde, Oscar The Importance of Being Earnest 4 3
Moliere Tartuffe 4 3
Boswell, James The Life of Samuel Johnson 4 3
O'Neill, Eugene Mourning Becomes Electra 4 3
Edwards, Jonathan Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God 4 3
Butler, Samuel The Way of All Flesh 4 3
Wright, Richard Native Son 4 2
Sophocles Antigone 4 2
Conrad, Joseph Heart of Darkness 4 2
Anonymous Sir Patrick Spens 4 2
Hawthorne, Nathanial The Scarlet Letter 4 2
Orwell, George Shooting an Elephant 4 2
Woolf, Virginia To the Lighthouse 4 2
Wycherley, William The Country Wife 4 2
Wilde, Oscar The Critic as Artist 4 2
Swift, Jonathan A Description of a City Shower 4 2
Frost, Robert Design 4 2
Villon, Francois/Rossetti The Ballad of the Dead Ladies 4 2
Mill, J.S. On Liberty 4 2
Marlowe, Christopher The Passionate Shepherd to His Love 4 2
Wilde, Oscar The Picture of Dorian Gray 4 2
Shakespeare, William Richard II 4 2
Fielding, Henry Joseph Andrews 4 2
Defoe, Daniel Moll Flanders 4 2
Twain, Mark Huckleberry Finn 4 2
Bruegel Icarus (painting) 4 1
Plath, Sylvia The Mirror 4 1
Raleigh, Sir Walter The Nymph's Reply to the Shepherd 4 1
Keats, John Ode on Melancholy 4 1
Dickenson, Emily If I Could Stop 4 1
Holmes, Oliver Wendell The Chambered Nautilus 4 1
The Venerable Bede Historia Ecclesiastica Gentis Anglorum 4 1
Virgil The Aeneid 3 3 Burney,
Fanny Evelina 3 3 Thomas, Dylan Fern Hill 3 3
Keats, John Endymion 3 3
Milton, John Areopagitica 3 3
Voltaire Candide 3 3
Heller, Joseph Catch .22 3 3
Miller, Arthur The Crucible 3 2
Joyce, James The Dead 3 2
Boccaccio Decameron 3 2
Tolstoy, Leo Anna Karenina 3 2
Dickens, Charles Bleak House 3 2
Godwin, William Caleb Williams 3 2
Miller, Arthur All My Sons 3 2
Meredith, George The Egoist 3 2
Finch, Anne Adam Pos'd 3 1
Burns, Robert Ae Fond Kiss 3 1
Paine, Thomas The Age of Reason 3 1
Mencken, H.L. The American Language 3 1
Donne, John An Anatomy of the World 3 1
Fleming, William Arts and Ideas 3 1
Raleigh, Sir Walter The Author's Epitaph, Made by Himself 3 1
Wilde, Oscar The Ballad of Reading Gaol 3 1
Browning, Robert The Bishop Orders His Tomb 3 1
Cooper, James Fenimore The Deerslayer 3 1
Sidney, Sir Philip The Defense of Poesy 3 1
Yeats, William Butler The Dolls 3 1
Stevenson, Robert Louis Dr. Jekyll
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2008 1 May :: 10.17am

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2008 23 April :: 10.02am
It's getting so close...the end of the semester, that is. Today is my day off...tomorrow I have KKY meetings and I get installed. I work Friday and Saturday. I have an exam on Monday morning, and two on Thursday.
Then I'm done. Well, I'll be up here for another week working...but then I'll be done. Then, back to living with the parents, going to the dentist for the first time in a year (I'm sure I have numerous cavities), getting my brakes checked out, settling in, maybe do some lounging. Who knows.