2005 2 July :: 2.56pm
alright, well, since my family is gone, i have nothing to do on the 4th. anyone that wants to hang out, gimme a call
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2005 2 July :: 11.28am
I'm back from LLC and Girl's State. Both were fun. I almost died at Girl's State, no air conditioning (anywhere). We were in the middle of Lansing and there were 90 girls crammed into a classroom at a time. With no fans. I think it was around 110 degrees.
I'm at the service desk now. I just checked my schedule, i have to work until ten monday (the fourth). That's dissapointing, but okay because fireworks aren't until 11pm and I still get to eat with my family at 1pm.
Ah, what fun working almost fourty hours a week!
Band camp is in a month.
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2005 2 July :: 12.36am
:: Mood: accomplished
:: Music: Meh
Damn virus
So I've been sick for the past couple of days. As always, my parents try to help, but our views on helping must differ. I view help as a way to remove some of the pain I've got. They just usually stack on more for me to handle. Such as mom calling me every 15 minutes to see how I'm about 7:00 in the morning. I told mom to leave the house unlocked before we left for my doctors appointment, and sure enough, she didn't. So when katie came to pick me up (Because if I went with mom I'd be confined to the car for around 2 hours) mom called me on my cell and told me she DID lock all the doors, so I would have to break a screen to get in. A specific, hard to reach one. I had no energy left, so katie climbed in for me. Thats why shes cool. Then I promptly collapsed on the bed for an hour. So today, I went with my dad to pick up fireworks from our secret source. Yea, I'm glad I went with him, or the fireworks display on Saturday would be more of a bottlerocket display. He picked up SEVEN different types of bottle rockets and said he was good. I only convinced him to put back 3...bottle rockets are over-rated. Much like sex. I would totally know. I really don't have much else to say, but I guess I'll type some more random stuff in here in a few days. Later
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2005 1 July :: 10.43pm
:: Mood: frustrated
Why ME?
What is wrong with me? What did I do to deserve the shitty life that I have?
I told you my deepest secret that I haven't told anyone and now you won't talk to me, What's up with that? I wish that you would just tell me what I did?
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2005 27 June :: 2.37am
:: Music: Strong Badian National Anthem
Its Quiz Time
Alright...I'm so bored that I have created THREE SEPERATE quizes.
The first one is easy, or for people who saw me in the halls one day.
The second one is moderate, or for people who have talked to me a couple times.
The third one is a bitch, and for people who listen to every word I say. Although, who does that?
So, anyway, here you go.
This shouldn't be too tough though...I mean, the answer looks you in the face the entire time, but...just...damn I'm bored. I need a job/life/girlfriend/something!
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2005 25 June :: 2.37am
:: Music: Whatever Nate has playing on his Comp
Holy crap
Woohu has been fighting me for quite awhile. Never letting me log in, and then when it does, boning me and not letting me type. Thats why I haven't said anything in quite some time.
*glances around*
Yup, thats totally why.
Anyway, life has been moving at its fun pace as always. Me and Katie broke up, which really shouldn't be news to anyone.
Oh, and if you want to bitch and whine about what an asshole I am for doing it, go right ahead. You all (Those who did, anyway) can suck it for just assuming I was some sort of dick only in it for sex or money or whatever. You don't know squat, so bear that in mind.
Other than that, I guess things have been going ok. I really need to get ahold of Spud more. I miss that rascal. Oh, the lovable adventures we'd go on, like that one time to the bubble gum factory in canada. I still have termites in my hair. Good times. Goooooood times.
I'm debating whether or not to go to Vermont for three weeks for work. (Which is another thing ppl can bitch at me for)
I dunno...its late at night and coherently thinking not I, so I'm just going to leave before I make a bigger ass of myself...if possible.
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2005 22 June :: 7.26pm
:: Mood: pissed off
I hate people who lie. Am I that bad of a person to be lied to? Am I that bad of a person to be avoided? I don't get what's wrong with me. Why is it that everyone I love doesn't seem to feel the same way? I wish that people would tell me the truth. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! I can't take it anymore. Should I give up on him? Some will know who I'm talking about.
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2005 18 June :: 10.57pm
I made a Quiz for you! Take my Quiz! and then Check out the Scoreboard!
2005 17 June :: 10.40pm
Life In General
I don't know what's happening. I've been hanging out with Joey and it makes me really happy and it feels so nice, but I think that what I told him on saturday pissed him off or something. It seems life he's avoiding me or something. It makes me sad, cuz I want to hang out with him but he's always gone, or has more important things to do. I wish that we could hang out sometime soon. I wish that I could spend the night at his house again, it was so much fun. I'm so in love with him and I don't think that he really knows it. I need to spend the rest of my life with him and I hope that he feels the same way. Well all for now. Joey get a hold of me.
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2005 16 June :: 9.26pm
here's to good friends.
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2005 15 June :: 11.30pm
alright... people suck. let's leave it at that
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2005 13 June :: 10.01pm
:: Mood: busy
I'm leaving Wednesday morning for my leadership camp sponsered by the Rotary (the one where i could get a $1,000 scholarship) and then I'm getting back Saturday night only to leave again Sunday morning for Girl's State at MSU. I'll be gone to that one for a week. That one might give me the chance to go to Washington D.C.
I finished my cashier training and when I get back I'm moving up to the service desk. I've been doing almost nothing for a while. I have cd's to make and piccolos to deliver, yet I find myself sitting in my room that should be condemned because of disorder.
I took my ACT saturday morning at GRCC, in an unairconditioned room. It was absolutely horrid. Finally, though after the English portion we got moved to another room that was airconditioned. It felt like heaven. I swear that room got up to over ninety because it was smaller than a normal highschool classroom and had like thirty five people in it, and no fan, in Grand Rapids. Ah, well, so in another four to seven weeks I'll get those results back. I think I did between a twenty five and a thirty, but I wouldn't really know. I got my report card. I'm up to a 3.871. It's a little less than expected, but what do I expect after getting a C in Algebra II last year? I'm still waiting for my elusive AP chem test results.
Tomorrow I have a piano lesson with Jenny. I started playing Jingle Bells with both hands Saturday. It was very exciting, yet excruciating to listen to, I'm sure. I thought perhaps, that it would fool the weather, and it would go from ninety five to fourty or twenty. Eh, I should have wished on a wishing well, too. That would have sealed the deal.
I bought Koala Yummies for my camps. They're scrumptious.
Good night.
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2005 8 June :: 11.51pm
This could get interesting.
2005 7 June :: 11.12am
:: Music: Marching Band Show
Yesterday was really fun. Rueben and I went to see Madagascar. The little lemur thing is so cute! It makes me want to have a little lemur baby.
(such a band dork)
Then we went to Old Country Buffet. They have really good macaroni and cheese. Then we randomly drove places and ended up at home depot looking at paint and concrete, then to J.W. Peppers where I got Syrinx by Debussy. Now there is a solo. Then we came back to my house and got some towels and my bathing suit and went to baptist lake and went swimming. Well, I really only actually swam for about five minutes....since it did take me about twenty to finally get up the courage to take the plunge. The water was cold; or maybe I'm just a chicken.
In any case, I got Jessie her birthday present. We went to Hobby Lobby before the movie (because we went to Star). It's very cool. Of course I can't disclose what it is. It's classified information and if you knew I'd have to kill you, of course.
A few other things went quite well yesterday too.
Today I'm off to Jenny's for a piano lesson and then I'm training five to nine for a cashier. I'm moving up to the service desk, even though I'm not eighteen. The S.C.'s are throwing a fit about it, but it was the managers who are doing it, so I guess it's not that big of a deal. I'm not eighteen so I can't sell tobacco and lottery, which is about seventy five percent of the business up there, but as long as I have someone else up there with me who is over eighteen everything will be just fine.
Anyway, it'll all work out in the end, now won't it?
ACT is Saturday. I'm hoping for at least a thirty. I should be getting my AP chem test results anytime and my report card also. That reminds me, I should go check the mail.
2005 5 June :: 5.19pm
i love how when i write something real, something that i feel, or something that bothers me... i get no response from my 'friends'
but the instant i post a stupid survey, i get 10 responses.
love it.
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