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:: 2003 30 October :: 5.44 pm
:: Mood: optimistic
:: Music: ..WaLkEd OuTtA HeAvEn--JaGgEd EdGe..

. HaLLoWeeN iZ tOmOrRoW! .
HaHaZ, i juss gotta saii one thing..for all the entriez in here where it saiiz none by music..i DEF was listenin to music but i couldnt memeber the song i was listenin to..HeHe!! Tomorrow iz funa rock..i cant wait at all!! Y do we have skool tomorrow..y cant i go to SBHS nd then i would be off of skool?! O well, s00n imma have a 4 daii wkend..lyke next week..yAy!! I luv the colorz on my journal..theii strait up balla!! Well, dunno wut else to saii, but i'll write back SaTuRdAii or SuNdAii, wenever i'll be home. Cant wait till tomorrow!! Ahh! LoLz, x0x. ..KiSsEs..

W a N t . a . K i S s ?

:: 2003 29 October :: 9.47 pm
:: Mood: bouncy
:: Music: ..HoLiDaE iNN--ChiNgY..

. GooD TyMeZ .
Heyz!! HaHaZ, i juss got home from ErBeAr'z houze..that was scrait up funn..lyke ALWAIIZ!! Gurl, i heart u s0o much. Newaiiz, wen i was over there i decided to call Eddy cuz of wut happen last nyte nd i kinda felt badd but i shouldnt of cuz i kno that wasnt my fault. Holy shyt, im s0o weak wen it comez to guiiz..aHh!! So0o i called him nd sum crazii shyt happen..LoL EriN!! Nd i dunno how to take it..lyke either waii iz badd but i juss hope it iz wut i first thought it was. Newho, juss strait up chyllaxin nd JaX, i'm s0o0o happii u feelin betta. LoL, NoV. 8 iz funa be fun az shyt..I cant wait..LoL, was it Nov. 8?? LoL, i cant member but it was suttin lyke that nd iz still funa be funn..i aint makin N0 planz for that wkend..iz KiKi .n. NaNa week!! HaHa, i cant wait till u get ur car..u guna have bulletproof windowz that saii: SHOOT THIS..LoL, i cant saii it..iz mean!! HaHaZ, well that'z bout it nd i dunno wut else to tell u, s0o i be writin back lataz..WooHoo, tomorrow alreadii be ThuRsDaii!! ..KiSsEs..

W a N t . a . K i S s ?

:: 2003 28 October :: 8.48 pm
:: Mood: groggy
:: Music: ..RaiN oN Me--AsHanTii..

. AnoTheR MoNdAii .
Interestin daii. Welpz, we got our ID cardz for skool nd they're not that badd..LoL, i agree wit JaCki!! Nd by the waii JaX, i rele hope u feel betta nd i'm s0o SORRIE for all the shyt u went thru thiz wkend nd i hope u feel betta real quick cuz i miss the _happii_ JaCki!! Newho, i talk to AnDrEw ((Yes, the one that i was rele close to nd then he screwed me over)) nd he told me to call him tonite. Iz lyke all i can think bout nd i want to, nd then i dun. I dunno wut to do nemore!! AhH, shyt'z confusin az hell!! But i think i wont..mayb thiz will help explain how i feel:

x0x S i S i x0x: yo i rele wanna call drew but suttin tellz me not to..wut would u do..honestlii
SpOrTyChIcC323: i dunno
SpOrTyChIcC323: i was never in that situation
SpOrTyChIcC323: w/e ur heart feels
x0x S i S i x0x: well, juss think if u were cuz i rele need help
SpOrTyChIcC323: like if sumthin tells u not too...then dont
x0x S i S i x0x: i dunno..i keep gettin mixed signalz
SpOrTyChIcC323: wait aa whiole then
x0x S i S i x0x: ur lyke the onlii one that knoz him lyke me
x0x S i S i x0x: wut?
SpOrTyChIcC323: wait a while then
x0x S i S i x0x: wut u mean??
x0x S i S i x0x: lyke call him tonite or wait a couple daiiz??
SpOrTyChIcC323: wait later to see if u want to
SpOrTyChIcC323: wait a couple days, but if u think u shoiuld tonight then call him tonight
x0x S i S i x0x: ok..imma call him now nd get it over wit
SpOrTyChIcC323: tell me wut happens
x0x S i S i x0x: ok..
x0x S i S i x0x: i def couldnt do it
x0x S i S i x0x: i lyke had his numba dialed nd then i was lyke i cant..s0o i hung up
SpOrTyChIcC323: then dont
x0x S i S i x0x: im not guna
x0x S i S i x0x: if he rele wants to talk..he'll call me
x0x S i S i x0x: i guess..
SpOrTyChIcC323: yeah
SpOrTyChIcC323: so then leave it at that
SpOrTyChIcC323: lol
x0x S i S i x0x: i guess..l0l..i juss feel bad not callin him
x0x S i S i x0x: but i DEF shuldnt..i dunno..i juss keep thinkin bout lyke wen i was in Ny nd havin late nite talkz wit u nd him nd i miss it a lot
SpOrTyChIcC323: if u miss him that much then call him
SpOrTyChIcC323: just remember wut he did
x0x S i S i x0x: yea..thats y i dun think im goin to
x0x S i S i x0x: iz not juss him..iz lyke me nd his relationship..we were rele close..i mean, i told him evrythin..u kno?
SpOrTyChIcC323: yeah
SpOrTyChIcC323: but hes a dick
SpOrTyChIcC323: adickted to u
SpOrTyChIcC323: just had to finish the song
x0x S i S i x0x: l0l..i wish he was

So0o mayb that will help. I dunno i juss dunno wut to do bout guiiz at all nemore..maybe i shuld juss be single for awhile nd stop thinkin bout them. I've benn ponderin bout it..LoLz KeL!! Newaiiz, nuthin rele new. x0x

W a N t . a . K i S s ?

:: 2003 27 October :: 11.35 am
:: Mood: loved
:: Music: ..AwNaw--?..

. LuViN LyFe .
YeSteRdaY was an awesum daii nd nite!! Me nd EriN chylled all daii nd went to Circuit City to get my puter nd Walgreens nd the mall. Then we got home nd made MaC nd ChEEsE nd CINNABON popcorn..LoL! Then we went over her houze nd burned sum CDz nd played football wit the HooDz, LoL, we havent dun that shyt in s0o long. Newho, on the waii back to my houze, i accidentallii called DaNieLa nd then she called me back nd we were talkin nd then she was juss tellin me she was chyllen wit KaTiE, AdaM, X-MaN, nd AnThoNy s0o i was lyke well, i wanna chyll wit u guiiz but i gotta wait till my mom getz home at 6. My mom iz fuckin AWESUM!! She let AdaM pick me up nd she dint even go out nd meet him nd she knew he was 18. Nd then she told me to pick my curfew nd i was lyke 1 am nd she'z lyke yea. HaHaZ, s0o0o wen i got out to the car, X-MaN nd AdaM were there. I alreadii knew X s0o i got to kno AdaM..it was s0o much fun on the waii back to DaNieLa'Z. X gave me thiz KooLaiD nd BaCardi GoLd to drink. Then we got to her houze nd watched ChiCaGo nd juss chylled outsyde nd smoked dn drank lotz. At 9.30, DaNieLa nd KaTiE had to staii at DaNieLa'z nd i told AdaM i dint wanna go home s0o we went to this kid DaNnY'z house nd chylled wit him nd PaT. It was s0o funn cuz it was me nd 5 guiiz nd i onlii realli knew 1 of them. Then PaT kept tellin me to do shotz wit him s0o i did lyke 2 or 3 nd we smoked again. Then i realized it was 1 nd i started flippin out cuz i was sposed to be home s0o i called nd told her there was an accident on Las Olas cuz she thought i was over LiTa'Z houze nd my mom was lyke ok. LoLz, s0o AdaM took X home nd then me. I had a reallii reallii fun tyme nd i dint get home till lyke 1.45 nd my mom dint even care. It was fuckin awesum nd i hope that she'll be that nice wen i get my LiCeNsE. OoO yea, nd last nite i talked to EdDy. He got his fone stolen nd that'z y it dun work nd he said to call him back at 10. Nd he told me he wasnt sick at all this wk s0o i dunno wut was goin on. LoLz, i called him at lyke 2 wen i got home nd changed nd we talked for a LiL bit nd WE GOIN BACK OUT!! LoL, thank u GOD!! I love him s0o0o much. U shulda heard the waii he said ilu last nite i was lyke bout to crii..HeHe well, i gotta do sum hw nd since i got my computer back i gotta load sum shyt on it s0o i'l be back lata. AwW, me nd EdDy'Z song juss came on (( 1 of them..LoL )). AwNaW HeLL NaW MaN..LoL, x0x ..KiSsEs..

W a N t . a . K i S s ?

:: 2003 25 October :: 10.11 pm
:: Mood: stressed
:: Music: ..NoNe..

. ShYt CouLd Be BeTtA .
..So0o last nite should of neva happened. I knew i had a bad feelin bout it nd i told RiA too nd she dint believe me. Well, i aint guna saii wut happen cuz i kno there'z ppl that read thiz that will go tellin other pplz, but i aint guna saii ne namez. But now all this shyt iz fuckin up my whole wkend nd i couldnt go to StePh'Z tonite cuz of it. But i guess im juss funa have to trii nd get my mind off of it but ..0o0o0o0..i hope thiz shyt stopz rite quick! So0o0o tonite imma juss chyllen at home nd waitin for EriN to get home from her HomecominG!! LoLz, then tomorrow iz our daii to chyllax nd shyt. Well, Gabriella was born..7 lbz, 3 oz at 2.35 pm on 10.23.o3! YaY!! Okk, imma go cuz im kinda tired afta bein out s0o late last nite. I'll write back lata wen i feel lyke it. PiZnEaCe nd i HEART u..LoLz, ErBeAr!! x0x ..KiSsEs..

W a N t . a . K i S s ?

:: 2003 24 October :: 3.35 pm
:: Mood: relaxed
:: Music: ..NoNe..

. SkOoL wAs FuNn .
Heii BoB [( HaHa Er )]!! Skool was kinda funn todaii. We had a sub in MaTh nd he was crackin on evrybodii. He called FaN_FaN uglii. LoL, iz ok tho cuz i told FaN that he wasnt s0o he was happii..LoLz! Nd i juss had lotz of fun. Last nite, i found out that EdDy'z benn sleepin for lyke 4 daiiz strait nd it seemz lyke he'z realli depressed nd that makez me sad cuz i feel lyke i shulda benn there for him but im not. 0o0o yea, nd i forgot to tell u that kid AnDreW'z gurl called me the other daii nd said all thiz shyt but iz cool now. Nd then AnDreW texted me last nite nd said he was sorrii for his babii mom..haha riight! Newho, tonite i told evrybodii that im not guna do nuttin cuz i havent been home for lyke the past 6 wkz on a Fridaii, but my daddii iz goin to plaii pool s0o my sis nd Andy nd sposedlii Bobby ((I dunno if thiz iz good or bad)) r funa go nd see Scary Movie 3 nd then go plaii pool at sum place by Bobby'z houze. LoL, i juss found thiz out lyke 5 minutez ago. Nd then im guna staii over my sis' tonite. EriN'z houze used to be my 2nd home but now iz RiA'z houze cuz i go over there evrii wkend to chyll wit them nd next wkend im goin for the ParTii!! WooHoo..i benn waitin for this for awhyle. I'm s0o happii that my sis nd me r s0o close. I was talkin on the fone wit my mommii last nite (( LoL, i tell almost evrythin to my mom )) nd she was tellin me that she never was close to her sisterz lyke me nd RiA r nd she also told me she was talkin to RiA nd RiA told her she'z s0o happi to have me az her sis cuz she feelz lyke im her best friend nd the onlii gurl she can trust. I was lyke AwWw cuz how manii ppl actuallii hear their own sis that'z 6 yrz older than them saii that. Newho, thiz tyme last wk me nd KeL were in a lot of trouble. LoL, KeLbeL! I dunno where that came from but then tomorrow i think imma go over CeFaLi'z houze for her partii thing nd since my mommii aint home then my dad wont care bout the partii. Nd Sundaii iz .P.I.M.P. daii wit EriN nd then we goin to c TiFf. Nd Mondaii i think im funa go to the mall wit DaNieLa, KaTiE, nd JacKi. That'z guna be sum funnii ass shyt cuz we all smoke out..LoLz. Wellz, that'z my wkend nd afta all thiz, then i CANT WAIT till RiA'z smoke nd drink partii. YaY! Ok, imma leave now nd get redii for my sis to pick me up. x0x ..KiSsEs..

W a N t . a . K i S s ?

:: 2003 23 October :: 4.07 pm
:: Mood: chillen
:: Music: ..NoNe..

. RIP MaTt .n. eLiSe .
Heii! Todaii iz Elise nd Matt'z funeral. I wanted to go but i had noo ride. Newho, juss chyllen at the crib. My mom left todaii to go to Mt. Saride or sum shyt lyke that. Yea, she'll be back Sundaii. She'z the best!! She left me the straitener!! LoL, ilu mommii. I'm funna go to Erin'z wen she getz home to do her hair for tomorrow..her homecomin game! Well, i was super bored last nite s0o i filled this survey out. Newho, im outt now. Gotta change nd shyt nd then call my mommii to c howz she'z doin. §ˇ§ˇ P.S. Here it iz:

.. What time is it: 12.26am
.. Name: ShAwNa
.. Age: 1ne 5ive
.. Height: 5'4..shortii
.. Shoe size: 7 nd a half
.. Hair color: Blonde
.. Eye color: Blu
.. Location: 9five4
.. School: STA ‘o6..but I wanna be at SBHS! HeHe

.. Who do you live with?: Parentz..iz ok..i guess
.. Do you like him/her/them?: Sumtymez..it all dependz
.. Do you think you're spoiled?: No..but I kinda am
.. Describe your house: Iz small
.. Do you get allowance?: Noperz..never!
.. Do you get grounded?: Hell yez..YuCk!
.. If yes, how often?: A lot..im always ‘not following the rulez’
.. Is your picture hung up on a wall in your house?: No..it juss standz on the table..HeHe, rite next to EriN'z
.. Do you have any animals?: Snick ((Dog)) nd Elmo ((Fish)) nd Aayliah ((Fish)) iz half myne cuz im always takin care of her!

.. Do you like school?: Kinda
.. Do you get good grades?: Not reallii thiz yr
.. Do you even go to school?: Yea..im not a lozer that dropz out or failz cuz theii stupid
.. Do you have alot of friends @ school?: Imma lozer..HeHe, yea I do
.. Do you have lockers?: Yupperz
.. If yes, do you like the people your next to?: No! I hate Kelly, Collin, Kate, nd Tiff..LoLz, j.k
.. Do you like your teachers?: Sum of them
.. What teacher was your favorite?: Mr. B..howz ur clock..HaHaZ
.. Are you a perfectionist on homework?: Ha..NO!
.. Do you even do your homework?: LoLz, in the morninz
.. Do you ride the bus to/from school?: Nope..i live 2 minutez awaii
.. If yes... do you like your bus driver?: ---
.. Who you sit with on the bus?: ---
.. Who do you sit with at lunch?: Lotz of ppl: Jenny, Daniela, Jacki, Katie, Ayns, Lauren, Brit S, Laura M., Fan_Fan, Jenks, Sanchez, Jenn G., Jenn B., Christi, Steph, Cameron, HaHa_Cam-Ron..It dependz on the daii.

.. Soda: Pepsi
.. Color Pen: Black
.. Color: Pink, Babii Blu, Black, Red (LoL)
.. Family Member: RiA or LiL AnDy!
.. Friend: ErBeAr..muahz homedawg!!
.. Song: Breakup to Makeup - Ashanti
.. Class in school: Art..FaNnY .nd. CeFaLi .nd. AmY!!
.. Season: Winter..Sebastian nd Xmas nd my BDAY!!
.. Food: WaFfLe CriSpZ!!
.. Gum flavor: Spearmint or Bubblemint
.. Computer brand: ..Does it matta?!
.. Shoe brand: Adidas, And1, or Sketcherz
.. Store in the mall: 5.7.9 or Spencerz
.. Animal: Monkii or a Puppii
.. Book: Wut’z that?? LoL, I dunno..
.. Game: BlocK BreakerZ! LoLz
.. Day of the week: FriiDaii!! yAy!

This or That--
.. Blue/purple: BluE
.. Gold/silver: SilveR..LoLz, blu nd silver r Soph colorz!
.. Cherry/strawberry: Strawberrii..HeHe!
.. Pink/yellow: PinK
.. Blue pen/black pen: BlacK cuz iz cooler color.
.. Friday/Saturday: Either one..it dun matter!
.. Mxpx/Nofx: WoW! Thiz iz a super hard question..but id think id have to say MxPx
.. Rap/pop: RaP dawg, RaP
.. Rock/metal: RocK, most DEF
.. Gum/hard candy: Gum cuz hard candii getz annoyin
.. Skateboarding/biking: Bikin, cuz I dunno how to skateboard. Last tyme I did was wit KeviN nd I DEF fell on my ass a couple tymez
.. Reading/drawing: Drawin..it letz out ur stress
.. Walking/driving: Dependz, but prollii drivin..yAy, 2 more monthz till I get my license!!
.. Alone/not alone: Not alone..iz too lonelii by urself
.. 1 or 2: Dependz on wut ur talking bout..LoL, but prollii 2
.. Chocolate/vanilla: Chocolatey

.. Craziest: DEF .e.R.i.N.
.. Loudest: DaNieLa nd JacKi
.. Annoying: ERIN!! LoL, juss joshin u! Um, I cant saii.
.. Stupid: JenKz..LoL
.. Smart: JenNi
.. Fun: ErBeAr..LoLz, all the tyme.
.. Boring: Dun got no borin friendz..
.. Preppiest: LauRen
.. Punkiest: AyNs
.. Hyperist: EriN, JacKi, nd KeL
.. Trouble Maker: FaN_FaN! LoLz
.. Horniest: DaNieLa nd JacKi
.. Shy: JeSs
.. Sarcastic: KaTie
.. Shortest: DaNieLa
.. Tallest: JeNny
.. Prettiest: EriN!! She’z sexii..hehe!
.. Hottest: FaNnY!! LoLz
.. Richest: ChriSti nd JacKi

Girls Only--
.. Are you a virgin?: Well, since this iz a journal nd u cant lie in a journal..no. But if ur reading this, plz dun go tell a bunch of ppl cuz I dun want too manii ppl to kno.
.. Why?: Um, cuz I’m bout it..LoL StepH
.. Whats the farthest you've gone?: Um..im not a virgin!
.. Do you have a b/f?: This iz hard..i do but I dun cuz I haven’t really broken up wit him yet.
.. Do you love them?: YeA..veri much!!
.. Want to marry them?: I wish!
.. Are you a lesbian? (no offense): NoPe!!
.. What do you look for in a guy?: Ok..i have a list..LoL: tall, hott, funnii, calls wen he saiiz he will, respectz me nd my friendz, honest, doesn’t cheat or do T00 manii drugz, sweet, luvin, carin, listenz to me, outgoin!, PDA, knoz wut he wantz in lyfe, smart [(Not dorkii)], nd thatz all for now!
.. Do u like ur guys short or tall?: TALL..HeHe
.. Do you like your guy to be OBBSESSED w/u?: No, but he cant be lyke distant
.. Are you REALLY girly?: Not reallii gurlii, but im gurlii
.. Do you like barbies..still?: Umm..no
.. Were/are you a tom-boy?: Nope..never was

.. Done drugs: Yup Yup
.. Do drugs: Yup..tryin to stop!
.. Ciggarettes?: Dun do them, but ive tried them
.. Ever been locked in your room and the doorknob fell off?: Noperz, but I got stuck to a doorknob one tyme nd I got picz. It was s0o funnii nd EriN’z dad had to unhook me nd everyone was laughin. LoLz
.. Ever snuck out: All the tyme!
.. Do you like the color pink: Yup Yup
.. Ever gone camping: HELL YEA!! Holii shyt, crazii stories bout that! HaHa, eRiN!
.. Are you prude: DEF not!
.. Do u even know what prude means: DuRr, or I woulda said dunno wut that meanz..
.. Ever had a temperature of over 103 deg.?: Yup Yup
.. Do you know who the rock group "Sublime" is? (they rock): HeLL yEa they do!!
.. Wear a thong?: Yup Yup
.. Ever seen the movie "Ferris Buellerer's Day Off"?: Nope Nope
.. Did you like it?: ---
.. Do you share you're you toothbrush?: Nah..thatz nastii!
.. Do you have AIM: Yupperz..LiLbLoNde115 or x0x SiSi x0x
.. A Livejournal?: No ma’am
.. Are you online 24/7: Nope..im not a lozer lyke RoGeR!
.. Do you like unicorns: Not reallii
.. Last place you were: JV football game wit LoLo..s0o much funn! I c the score, Omg PhiL, Bo Derrick, She cried!, nd s0o much more..LoLz
.. Last person you talked to: Online_EriN nd Phone_EdDy
.. Are you bored with this survey: Not reallii..iz givin me suttin to do.
.. What time is it now: 2.20am..LoL, it took me a long tyme to do this shyt. Tyme to go sleepii now. x0x

W a N t . a . K i S s ?

:: 2003 21 October :: 2.48 pm
:: Mood: energetic
:: Music: ..HoeHoe'z VoiCe..

. HaPPii BdAii BaBii .
YaY!! Todaii iz my babii'z BdAii!! Aw, i cant believe he'z alreadii 3. Three yrz ago todaii i was chyllen in the hospital wit EriN waitin for him to come..that was a great daii!! Newaiiz, tonite we havin a famili partii. Thiz yr we not havin a big one, juss lyke the close familii to AnDy. So0o iz juss funa be Erin, Ria, Andy, Lubs, Manda, my mommii nd my daddii! But iz gune be funn cuz it alwayz iz no matta whoz herre. But Lubs nd Andy r funa pick on me. LoL, they alwayz do! Newho, juss chyllen nd waitin for my daddii nd Andy to get off of work. Todaii was PSAT daii..YuCk! Ohh yea, JaCki, im sowwie bout the whole Dan thing, but u got s0o manii guyz lined up. GooD LucK wit Sean..he'z a good kidd..HeHe, ill talk to him for u tomorrow. Newho, juss chyllaxin. OoO yea, nd me nd Erin chylled last nite nd i straitened her hair nd we lyke did s0o much stupid shyt last nite, but it was coolio. K-MarT wit Andy..holii shyt, he couldnt lyke wait to go see all the toyz nd then he opened the babii'z present nd started playin wit it..FrEaK!! HaHa, iz all good tho. Well, imma funa go cuz there aint nuthin else to say cept that AnDreW iz an asshole nd s0o iz EdDy. Guyz suck nd they all lie bout EVERYTHING!! AhHh. Iz aiight tho cuz me nd ErBeaR r goin guii-shoppin thiz wkend..LoL, iz funa be funn shyt. Our tradition be startin again. Yea, we juss guna do that []D.[].[]V[].[]D shyt again (HaHaZ) nd then go see TiFf in the hospital. She'z havin her babii on the SAME DAII az GaV'z B-daii. LoLz, i cant believe they changed it. Newho, im out lyke a fat kid in dodgeball. §ˇ§ˇ

.R.I.P. Matt nd Elise .R.I.P. We miss u nd love u. But we'll never forget the memoriez of u guiiz. // 1986-2003 \\ << Too young to die. x0x

W a N t . a . K i S s ?

:: 2003 19 October :: 12.31 pm
:: Mood: blah
:: Music: ..NoNe..

. i WuV My MoMMii .
Well, i dint getta chyll wit Andrew nd his bro tonite. But i went shoppin wit my mommii nd got sum shyt lyke clothez nd other stuff. It soundz gaii to be shoppin wit ur mom on a Saturdaii nite but i dun care cuz i havent benn home on a wkend since SuMmEr nd my mom iz realli awesum. I tell her lyke almost everything. Yea, s0o0o me nd her juss talked nd we got home a lil less than an hour ago nd todaii was juss kinda chyll nd i DEF needed that shyt. WooHoo, MarLiNz won the game tonite..LoLz, i watched it wit my daddii!! HeHe, well AnDreW called me s0o i think imma call him back nd then prollii go to sleepii cuz im prettii tired. So0o0o i'll write back lataz. Oh yea, nd i cant stand EdDy no more..excuse after excuse. x0x (( I wrote lyke 3 tymez todaii..HaHaZ )) ..KiSsEs..

W a N t . a . K i S s ?

:: 2003 18 October :: 4.03 pm
:: Mood: pissed off
:: Music: ..NoNe..

. ThiZ WkEnD SuX .
AhH! This wkend iz goin s0o wrong for me. I was guna go to Katie'z partii but i got the fuckin tymez screwed up nd now sum ppl r all pissed at me cuz they think it was juss my excuse. That shyt reallii pisses me off, but fuck it. Newaiiz, Am'z partii iz tonite but i reallii dun wanna go cuz the biggest bytch iz funa be there nd i dun wanna deal wit her lyke i do every fuckin daii!! So0o Andrew called me this mornin nd was lyke 'U wanna chyll tonite?' I reallii reallii want to cuz he was there for me last nite nd he reallii helped me out nd he'z an awesum kid. So0o imma tell my mom imma go out wit EriN or sum shyt nd then juss have him pick me up. He said his bro iz funa be there too nd i think his bro iz prettii cute even tho they dun look nuttin alike. Well, i'll juss c wut my mommii saiiz bout tonite. So0o, i'll be writin lataz. Oh yea, nd evryone..i'm once again .S.i.N.g.L.e., but not exactlii luvin it. Yea, i dunno wut my problem iz..iz lyke i need him by me or i cant even function. Kkz, I'm leavin now. x0x ..KiSsEs..

W a N t . a . K i S s ?

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