2004 7 March :: 12.03 pm
:: Mood: sleepy
:: Music: ..BuLLy--EmiNeM..
. ChRiStiE'z PaRtY wAs So0o cRaZii .
0mg, last nyte was the fuckin best..i'll tell u wut i can member! l0l, 0k well first i picked JeNNy upp nd we b0ught sum beer at thiz place LucHi t0ld us t0 g0..l0l SEMIRN0FF!! Then we went t0 RiChArD'z h0use cuz he was havin a partii nd we 0nlii chylled there f0r a lil bit cuz we hadda get t0 ChRiStiE'z. So0o we g0t t0 ChRiStiE'z nd NiCk called nd t0ld me he wasnt guna be there cuz he was g0in t0 thiz keg partii..but he was guna c0me lata. DaMn, me nd JeNNy walked in nd there were s0o0o0o manii pe0ple. Nd pe0ple juss kept c0min. She livez in thiz relle bigg circle thing nd there were carz ALL ar0und the fuckin circle..trash everiiwhere..it was great. So0o i wasnt guna drink but i was lyke fuck it nd did newaiiz..i hadd 2 beerz nd was fuckin s0o 0utta it..there was DEF shyt in the beer nd everii0ne was feelin it! JeNNy hadd 6 the wh0le nyte nd we were s0o fuckin trashed. I met lyke s0o0o manii new pe0ple that i dint even kn0 went t0 0ur sk00l. Then there were pe0ple c0min fr0m lyke a buch 0f different sk00lz..there was b0ut 2oo pe0ple there nd 0mg, everii0ne was there. Lyke everii0ne in the SoPhOmOrE class..it was s0o straight. Nd AdAm DrAkE t0ld me he wanted t0 fuck me..l0l, it was great. He was lyke all 0ver me. JeNkiNz nd LoLo fucked 0n the c0uch in fr0nt 0f everii0ne. Sum0n fuckin st0le the kegg!! l0l, GiNa spilled beer fuckin everiiwhere..0mg, i l0ve that gurl!! She'z the fuckin best. Sum pe0ple were fuckin strippin. IbiS alm0st g0t hit by a car..w0w, that was scarii..nd then she lyke passed 0ut 0n me..it was funni. FaNFaN was high az a mutherfucker. JeNN VaLLe sucked s0o0o manii dickz..haha. ChRiStiE was kinda pissed thru the wh0le thing. LeXi threw upp fuckin everiiwhere. LauRa was p0urin me s0o0o manii drinkz. 0mg, i met fuckin twinz..theii l00ked s0o0o crazii alike..l0l, JeNNy. There were lyke 7 pe0ple in the bathr00m at 0nce. FriEdBuRg kept askin me stupid ass questi0nz. eLLiOt sm0ked me 0utt..HaHa! WeiNeR sm0kedd me 0ut wit his new pipe! I saw NiCk rite bef0re i left. AdAm PeRRy was there..yAy! RaCheL nd JeN BeRmUdEz were s0o0o fuckedd upp. WoW, s0o0o much m0re happened but i cant member it all. But it was the fuckin craziiest partii ever nd 00 yea, AdAm DrAkE gave uss lyke 1oo cheeseballz wen we left nd me nd him kissed. Nd thiz kidd we dint kn0 that was SUPER h0tt said he w0uld see us at sk00l nd i never even seen him bef0re..l0l. Yea, i DEF cant wait till MoNdAii..i talked t0 lyke pe0ple i never talked t0 bef0re nd we're s0o strait n0w..daMn, i cant wait till the next 0ne..HaHa..g00d tymez!! I l0ved everii0ne there..even CarL, FrEd nd all the 0ther guiiz fr0m FsU that were h0rnii az hell! HaHa, then 0n the waii h0me we met these 2 kiddz Cj nd BeRtO (( JeFf nd ViCtoR! )) l0l, JeNNy, we hadd s0o0o much funn..WALGREENZ nd passin 0ut 0n my bedd..i was lyke talkin t0 u nd all the sudden u st0pped talkin t0 me..l0l, we're s0o gettin trashedd t0gether m0re 0ften..ur my bestie 4 lyfe gurl!! Everii0ne l00ked h0tt..maybe cuz we were fucked upp. l0l, ilu. (( oNe ))
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2004 4 March :: 4.12 pm
:: Mood: crushed
:: Music: ..LucHi'Z funnii ass MeSsAge!!..
. iT nEvEr TuRnZ oUt RiTe .
WoW..havent wr0te since Fridaii. 0k, SaTuRdAii, me nd JeNNy went t0 the m0viez nd it was a funn nite. Then i dr0pped her 0ff nd went t0 RiA'z h0use f0r the nyte nd AWW..she g0t a lil kitten..iz s0o0o cute!! I l0ve it. Then SuNdAii, i went h0me ar0und n00n nd slept till 7.3o..nd then i g0t sick. Sk00l'z benn strait. 0mg..i'm s0o upset! Everythin was g00d between me nd AdaM nd n0w he dun wana gurlfriend..that'z s0o fucked upp..g0d, i'm s0o fuckin upset. He t0ld JeNNy that if he wanted a gurl, it w0uld DEF be me. Wutever th0..i relle relle lyke him nd it hurt relle badd wen i f0und 0ut. Nd n0w he'z lyke n0t talkin t0 me relle nem0re startin lyke t0daii..cuz he called me last nite. UGHH!! Newh0, thiz wkend iz guna be s0o0o0o much funn! FridAii, me nd EriN r guna get FUCKEDD upp!! Yea, i realized that if i dint have n0 0ne t0 quit sm0kin f0r..then y sh0uld i quit?? So0o fuck it, imma start again..iz benn s0o hard f0r me n0t t0. SaTuRdAii iz guna be the best! ChRiStiE BoNeR (l0l) iz havin a fuckin huge ass partii s0o me nd JeNNy r g0in. I cant wait..iz guna be s0o0o funn. GoD, y cant the 0ne guii i am lyke fallin relle hard f0r wana be wit me?! It never g0es my waii. I hate thiz. (( oNe ))
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2004 28 February :: 9.28 am
:: Mood: perfect
:: Music: ..FuCk iT--EaMoN..
. LaSt nYtE wAs GrEaT!! .
WoW, i l0ved it! 0k, s0o i picked him upp nd we went t0 ToWeR sHoPz nd g0t sum spraii paint f0r JeNNy. l0l, cant wait till t0nyte JeNNy! Then we went t0 the CaR sHoW nd l00ked at all the carz..sum 0f them l00ked s0o g00d..l0l. Then we're g0in back t0 my car nd he'z lyke w0w, u need a new fr0nt license plate! So0o he takez me back t0 the car sh0w t0 buii 0ne but we c0uldnt find 0ne s0o we went t0 the mall nd we went int0 Kb ToYz nd we're juss playin wit all the shyt nd he was guna buii me thiz TiGgEr stuffed animal but i w0uldnt let him. l0l, then we g0t l0cked in the st0re..it was crazii but we g0t 0ut nd went t0 WaLmArT nd we g0 in nd he g0es rite t0 the speakerz nd buiiz them f0r me. I was s0o0o madd cuz theii were 6o d0llarz. l0l, s0o he'z guna put them in 0n SuNdAii. We went t0 the m0viez t0 trii nd see suttin but n0ne 0f them started at 1o.3o. Nd there was lyke a gr0up 0f 13 yr 0ldz tryin t0 hit 0n him nd he put hiz arm ar0und me nd juss walked awaii..it was s0o0o cute! l0l, s0o we went t0 KmArT but it was cl0sed s0o we went t0 the beach. I alm0st g0t in an accident 0n the waii there wit thiz car wit these 4 kiddz in it. l0l, i alm0st g0t AdaM in a fite nd AdaM was all pissed 0ff at them. So0o i pulled 0ver nd let AdaM drive cuz he'z dun lyke my drivin..l0l. Nd he dr0ve all the waii h0me nd he was tryin t0 beep at all the 0ld pe0ple nd was bein mean nd i w0uldnt let him..l0l. Then we went t0 the JuNgLe QuEeN island nd chylled there nd then he sh0wed me an easier waii t0 get t0 his h0use nd we g0t there nd we juss talked in the car nd then he hadda g0 cuz it was lyke 12.3o nd he hadda g0 t0 w0rk in the m0rnin. 0mg..he'z perfect! We talked b0ut everiithin nd we juss hadd crazii funn cept f0r my drivin..l0l. WoW, i cant st0p thinkin b0ut it. Nd he g0t hiz haircut s0o he was w0w..waii h0tt! l0l, yea, i f0und 0ut that BrAd, ChRiS nd JoHnNy r0bbed him nd we dr0ve by BrAd'Z h0use nd he DEF kn0z my car. l0l, nd he'z lyke if i see BrAd i swear i'll kick hiz ass nd i was lyke g0 f0r it..i cant stand that kidd. But relle g00d nite! IiGhTy, imma g0 cuz i'm tired nd my c0usin w0ke me upp. (( oNe ))
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2004 26 February :: 5.29 pm
:: Mood: excited
:: Music: ..WoKe UpP iN a CaR--s.C..
. AdaM j0nEs = PeRfeCt .
I never actuallii described him..l0l. So0o here'z sum thingz b0ut him -->> >
- He was b0rn 0n 0ct0ber 1, 1987.
- He has bl0nd hair nd blu eyez.
- He iz lyke 5'1o 0r 5'11.
- He has a NIICE b0dii.
- He has the cutest smile!
- He iz scared 0f scary m0viez.
- He l0vez carz.
- He g0es t0 DiSnEy al0t.
- He iz relle sweet.
- He dun sm0ke 0r nethin.
- He has 1 sis.
- Nd hiz best friendz r StEvEn nd StEpHaNiE.
l0l, i l0ve thiz kidd..he'z great. 0 g0d, i cant wait till t0m0rr0w nite! Here'z sum shyt we talked b0ut..l0l, aWwNeSs!
OxXopLaYboYoXxO: lol hey stevens coming over...
OxXopLaYboYoXxO: wha should we do 2 get him 2 stop likin u
x BaBigUrL387 x: l0l he lykez me?
OxXopLaYboYoXxO: lol yaa
x BaBigUrL387 x: aw..i dunn0..i'm n0t relle feelin him
OxXopLaYboYoXxO: whaa bout me?
x BaBigUrL387 x: oo i'm feelin u
x BaBigUrL387 x: wut b0ut me
x BaBigUrL387 x: l0l
OxXopLaYboYoXxO: i feel somethin fo ya
x BaBigUrL387 x: thatz a g00d thing
OxXopLaYboYoXxO: yaa
OxXopLaYboYoXxO: fo spring break do u plan on going anywhere?
x BaBigUrL387 x: i dun think s0 but i dunn0 yet..r u
OxXopLaYboYoXxO: yaa im going to orlando...funa hit up universal studios and disney world...
x BaBigUrL387 x: n0 fair..l0l
OxXopLaYboYoXxO: lol...u should go 2
x BaBigUrL387 x: yea..thatd be funn
x BaBigUrL387 x: i havent benn there in lyke 2 yearz
OxXopLaYboYoXxO: im going up there sum time in march...
OxXopLaYboYoXxO: lol i love going up there
x BaBigUrL387 x: aw..im jeal0us..l0l, d0 u get lyke free passez?
OxXopLaYboYoXxO: naww
OxXopLaYboYoXxO: lol i wish i did
x BaBigUrL387 x: l0l yea
OxXopLaYboYoXxO: i need ta get me an annual pass
x BaBigUrL387 x: tru..ud save m0ney
OxXopLaYboYoXxO: yaa i wouldd...
x BaBigUrL387 x: i lyke islandz 0f adventure 0utta all 0f them..l0l
OxXopLaYboYoXxO: lol mee 2..thas where i was at fo new years...
x BaBigUrL387 x: oo..thatz c00l
OxXopLaYboYoXxO: yaa its madd funn...next new years...ur comin with me
OxXopLaYboYoXxO: lol ok?
x BaBigUrL387 x: l0l 0k..thatd guna be crazii
x BaBigUrL387 x: i cant wait..l0l
OxXopLaYboYoXxO: lol itll be madd tight...
OxXopLaYboYoXxO: and fo halloween 2 ur comin with me
x BaBigUrL387 x: l0l 0k..nd spring break..haha
OxXopLaYboYoXxO: lol yaa
HeHe, yea..he'z great! l0l, iighty im g0ne. (( oNe ))
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2004 24 February :: 8.20 pm
Dobdo72: so i heard you n shawna r going to tower shops friday?
OxXopLaYboYoXxO: yaa..i think were guna hook up
Dobdo72: what do you mean??
OxXopLaYboYoXxO: i think shes guna be mah girl
WoW, DEF hadd t0 sh0w that!! That'z JeNNy nd AdaM iz the plaiib0ii s.n. WoW, i'm s0o0o happii rite n0w. God, i h0pe i dun screw thiz upp cuz f0r 0nce..a kidd i RELLE lyke iz lykin me back!! l0l, newh0..g00d g00d stuff! Juss hadda saii that but i g0tz t0 g0 s0o i'll write m0re lata.
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2004 23 February :: 5.05 pm
:: Mood: touched
:: Music: ..tHe EnD wiT u--B c R..
. ReaLiZiN sUm ThiNgZ .
WoW, i've learned al0t juss thiz year. I learned that u cant alwaiiz get wut u want, sumtimez u juss need new pe0ple t0 hang 0ut wit, h0w l0ved i am by my friendz, h0w luckii i am t0 have such an awesum best friend (( EriN )), h0w u cant juss fuck guiiz that u think r nice, h0w it takez hard w0rk t0 earn m0ney, h0w ur 'cl0sest friendz' can leave u f0r stupid drugz, h0w sumtymez weed iznt alwaiiz the answer..but 0ne thing i learned that i will f0rever remeber iz that ur first w0nt be the 0ne ur meant t0 be wit. It t00k me a l0ng tyme t0 realize me nd EdDy juss werent meant t0 be..but i'm finallii realizin it. I used t0 think he was the best i c0uld get, the best i c0uld ever be treated, the best pers0n in the w0rld f0r me..but sumthin changed that. I met sum0ne..sum0ne special, sum0ne i have verii str0ng feelinz f0r nd i havent even kn0wn them a week. Nd thanx t0 0ne 0f my cl0sest friendz, JeNNy, she has DEF made me realize al0t. Wit0ut her friend AdaM, i w0uld still be the same pers0n i was a m0nth ag0. I dun need weed t0 make that high c0me back everiityme i take a hit 0r t0 make me happii wen i'm feelin lyke shyt cuz i SWEAR T0 G0D i get th0se same feelinz wit AdaM. I have never felt thiz waii b0ut ne0ne ever. He'z perfect..s0o perfect i'm startin t0 think he'z t00 g00d f0r me. But the strangest thing ab0ut it all iz he lykez ME. Thru all my imperfecti0nz nd all the tymez i've came cl0se t0 ruinin my lyfe..he dun care b0ut my past..but he wantz t0 be part 0f my future 0r s0o it seemz. I think i've finallii f0und 0ne i wanted t0 be wit f0r a l0ng tyme..i finallii f0und him nd i never wana let him g0. Nd i pr0mise myself i w0nt d0 nethin t0 screw thiz upp nd i w0nt change my mind b0ut him the last minute. So0o fr0m here 0n..i quit. I quit sm0kin cigz nd weed, i quit drinkin nd partyin everii fuckin wkend. I quit bein the stupid gurl i was that dint give a fuck b0ut wut happen t0 her. Now i feel i have sum0ne t0 live f0r. To let me kn0 iz 0k t0 screw up 0nce in awhile nd that carez either waii. I f0und that sum0ne special that i've benn waitin f0r ever since i was little. I'm prayin he'z the 0ne f0r me, i'm h0pin he'z the 0ne i'm meant t0 be wit. It'z indescribable h0w happii i feel wit him. I feel lyke i have everything..i feel s0o in heaven. I juss h0pe it lastz. I'm feelin hiz vibez nd i juss am waitin f0r the daii he askz me 0ut. I'm tired 0f screwin upp..i want sumthin t0 live f0r..t0 be a g00d pers0n wit a g00d heart nd st0p lettin pe0ple d0wn.
So0o i've benn talkin t0 AdaM nd he'z perfect in everii waii p0ssible. He makez me feel s0o0o g00d. I'm s0o thankful that i met him..i juss feel lyke he'z t00 g00d f0r me. I feel lyke he deservez sum0ne s0o much better. We're g0in t0 ToWeR sHoPz 0n FriDaii nyte. I cant wait..iz the 0nlii thing that'z guna get me thru thiz week. Honestlii, f0r the pe0ple that kn0 me..it takez a l0t f0r me t0 n0t think b0ut EdDy, t0 ign0re him..nd i can tell u i knew my feelinz were DEF leavin f0r him wen i picked up the f0ne nd dialed hiz number nd az it was ringin i hung upp..f0r 0nce, i dint listen t0 hiz shyt b0ut h0w badd 0f a pers0n i am cuz he putz me d0wn nd i realized i can get sum0ne better. I thank GoD f0r everiithin thiz past wkend. WoW, i'm s0o incredibly happii. I juss h0pe it all w0rkz 0ut nd lastz! (( oNe ))
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2004 22 February :: 11.27 am
:: Mood: good
:: Music: ..DeAd eNd Cd--MeSt..
. GuEsS wHo HaS a NeW CruSh?! .
WoW..thiz has benn the craziiest wkend in a l0ng ass tyme!! FriDaii, i dr0pped HaNNaH nd JaX 0ff at HaNNaH'z nd i g0t 15 d0llarz f0r it. Me nd EriN were sp0sed t0 g0 t0 StEvEn'z (( madd redd haiir )) h0use FriDaii nd meet JaX nd HaNNaH there. 0n 0ur waii there, we saw ChRiS nd we sm0ked wit him nd saw ShAwN nd we havent seen that kidd since he was all 0ver JaCki that 0ne nite. Then we g0t t0 StEvEn'z nd there was lyke 2o pe0ple there. NiCk MatThEs nd WeiNeR wanted t0 g0 get FaNFaN nd sum weed s0o me nd EriN nd them left. Well, we ended up n0t gettin FaNFaN nd g0in t0 WeiNeR'z h0use nd then we left t0 g0 t0 a W33D partii nd get sum weed..w0w, it was s0o0o crazii. Everii0ne was s0o0o fucked upp. Then we left t0 g0 t0 an ind00r skate park nd sm0ke 0ut wit thiz kidd DaNNy that g0es t0 my sk00l. So0o we went in the back nd sm0ked nd g0t s0o0o fucked upp. Then DaNNy left nd me, EriN, WeiNeR, nd NiCk were g0in t0 thiz kidd ChRiS HoLLeR'z h0use f0r sum partii. WoW, we were s0o0o0o fucked upp. We were talkin b0ut sum crazii shyt but it was s0o0o funn. Well, HoLLeR livez in WeSt0N s0o we g0t 0n 595 nd we sumh0w ended upp in fuckin aLLiGaToR aLLeY..l0l, s0o we turned ar0und nd finallii made it t0 HoLLeR'z h0use. HaHa, HoLLeR was 0n h0use arrest s0o he hadd sum pe0ple c0me 0ver. We sm0ked sum m0re nd we als0 sm0ked 0n the waii 0ver t0 hiz h0use. Nd we g0t sp0tted by 0ne 0f th0se search helic0pterz..it was s0o0o crazii bright. We left HoLLeR'z ar0und 1.3o am. My m0m th0ught i was stayin at JaX'z h0use s0o she never called me. So0o we left nd went t0 McD'z nd a gas stati0n f0r f00d cuz we hadd the munchiez. Then we g0t back 0n 595 t0 g0 sumwhere nd it was s0o0o fuckin weird but in lyke 1 minute..we were in HoLLyWooD. We still cant figure 0ut h0w we went fr0m WeStoN t0 HoLLyWooD in 0ne minute..we musta all lyke blacked 0ut. So0o we went t0 0ne 0f NiCk'z friend'z h0use but he wasnt h0me nd we left t0 g0 t0 WeiNeR'z cuz it was lyke 3.3o am nd we were tired az fuck. So0o we g0t there nd sm0ked AGAiN nd juss passed 0ut. Me nd EriN w0ke upp ar0und 5am nd went h0me. It was s0o0o much funn. There r s0o0o manii detailz but i dun feel lyke typin that much but we left StEvEn'z at lyke 7.3o nd never went back nd we called JaCki nd NiCk said we were in GA nd it was s0o0o funnii. 0 yea nd StEvEn nd JaX r g0in 0ut..c0ngratz! So0o0o manii j0kes wit the 4 0f us lyke ::
- Holii shyt i'm panickin!
- American Hist0ry..42o..hell yea!
- Yea, JaX started talkin b0ut GA
- MADD dairy queens!!
- Freckled dick..FRED!
- I dun wana marry MoNteL.
- Yea, WeiNeR went t0 StEvEn'z. FOREAL??
AwW, great nite..i l0ve WeiNeR, NiCk, nd EriN. We sm0ked lyke 6 tymez..it was great. So0o 0nt0 yesterdaii. g00d g00d nite. Well, there wasnt relle a daii cuz i dint get h0me till 5am s0o i was sleepin. Went 0ver JeNNy'Z h0use nd we went t0 the m0viez t0 the drive-in t0 see EuRoTriP but the m0vie never started nd everii0ne was beepin nd it was relle funnii..LiVE ENTERTAiNMENT! No JeNNy, he dint mean the h0rnz! HaHa, s0o we g0t 0ur m0ney back nd left. We went t0 thiz kidd AdAm JoNeS' h0use cuz JeNNy relle wantz t0 h00k me nd him upp nd 0mg, thiz kidd iz lyke perfect f0r me. Bl0nde hair, blu eyez..0mg, he'z great. He t00k us t0 oLiVe GaRdEn but we left cuz it was t00 l0ng 0f a wait s0o we went t0 fLaNiGaN'z nd it was relle funn. He walked 0ut wit the plate nd evriithin. I dint get h0me till lyke midnight. JeNNy iz guna ask him t0daii wut he th0ught 0f me..keepin my fingerz cr0ssed. So0o t0daii, i dunn0 wut i'm d0in yet..i'll juss have t0 see. But great wkend!! Nd EdDy nd me r juss weird..but i relle lyke AdAm s0o i'm n0t w0rried b0ut EdDy n0 m0re. IiGhTy, i'm g0ne. (( oNe ))
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2004 19 February :: 10.22 pm
:: Mood: happy
:: Music: ..ThRu tHe WiRe--KaNyE..
. HaPpY BdAii EdDy!! .
Yupp Yupp, EdDy turned 2o t0daii. Nd juss lyke last year, we're fitein t0daii. l0l, y d0 we alwaiiz fite 0n the daiiz we're sp0sed t0 be nice t0 each 0ther?! Wh0 kn0z..but newh0, t0daii was g00d. Me nd JaX r back t0 n0rmal. I'm happii b0ut that. She wr0te me thiz n0te that made me crii..it was talkin b0ut h0w she quit pillz cuz she dint wana l0se her best friend nd stuff! l0l, t0daii i t00k LuChi nd KaTiE h0me nd w0w, it was s0o0o crazii. Then i went t0 Br0wArd MaLL nd applied f0r a c0uple j0bbz nd i saw thiz kid MaLcoLm fr0m my sk00l there. WoW, we talked f0r an h0ur..l0l, it was crazii. But yea, that'z b0ut it..sh0rt ass entrii. l0l, but thiz wkend will be g00d. Goin t0 JaX'z h0use 0n FriDaii nd gettin FUCKED upp wit EriN nd JaX. SaTuRdAii, g0in 0ut wit JeNNy nd thiz kidd she'z tryin t0 h00k me upp wit AdAm..w0w, he'z crazii h0tt! Yea, s0o it shuld be c00li0. SuNdAii, i'll pr0llii g0 l00k f0r m0re j0bz. I'm g0in t0 WaShiNgtOn thiz summer wit ErBeAr!! l0l, we're g0in f0r a m0nth t0 w0rk wit her uncle. By the end 0f the m0nth, we'll have b0ut $2,5oo each!!! YaY, imma s0o0o fix my car upp wit that. My car iz guna be s0o0o h0tt! l0l, cant wait!! Well, g0tta g0 f0r n0w..g0tta finish upp sum w0rk f0r JuStiN. LaTa (( oNe ))
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2004 18 February :: 9.40 pm
:: Mood: content
:: Music: ..BuLLy--EmiNeM..
. NuTtiN cAn EvEr Be PeRfeCt! .
WoW..crazii c0uple 0f daiiz. My rentz went 0utta t0wn last nyte..nd my sis nd me hadda a crazii partii. Drinkin nd sm0kin lyke we were livin 0ur last daii..i swear, it was c0mplete craziiness! We lit my wh0le backyard 0n fire cuz evrii0ne was drunk. I went t0 t0 bedd at lyke 3am nd there was sum kidd in my bedd?! It was crazii but a g00d g00d nyte. I hadda madd hang0ver t0daii. So0o yea..iz benn g00d. Al0t happen t0daii. Well, talked b0ut the CRAZiEST shyt wit DeReK..w0w, i DEF didnt kn0 a l0tta shyt b0ut him! T00k LuChi h0me nd talked b0ut JaX nd shyt. Me nd FaNFaN had a c0uple VERii seri0us talkz! RoLLiE called EriN a slut! Yea, that DEF pissed me 0ff. Umm..let'z see..me nd JeNNy went t0 CoRaL SqUaRe t0daii after sk00l nd hadda greatest tyme..HaHa, it was s0o0o crazii. Bigg partii at the church by my h0use wit a bunch 0f h0tt guiiz in racin carz s0o me nd EriN went 0ver there. Talked t0 ChRiS..yea, the 0ne i kinda alm0st hadda relati0nship wit but fucked it up. WoW, he'z d0in badd..he crashed hiz dirtbike nd fucked upp hiz leg nd he hadd surgerii dun 0n it. Yea, i feel relle badd but he'z int0 s0o0o manii druggz he'z kinda happii b0ut it cuz n0w he'z sellin all hiz shyt. Wutever th0..DEF 0ver him. WoW, EdDy was bein such an assh0le last nyte! 0mg, it was s0o0o fuckin h0rrible. Newh0, talked t0 JaX b0ut all the shyt she'z benn gettin int0 nd t0ld her we're n0t hangin 0ut till she quitz takin 5ooo different pillz. DaMn WeiNeR nd HaNNaH r badd influencez 0n her. But i'm glad i let her kn0 h0w i felt even th0 i hung up 0n her..0 well! Went t0 bLoCkBuStEr nd talked t0 GaBrieL nd thiz kidd MaTt. Me nd EriN r g0in t0 visit JuNiOr t0m0rr0w since he switched st0rez nd dun w0rk at that BB n0 m0re. It sux but iz all g00d. I cant believe t0m0rr0w EdDy iz guna be fuckin 2o yearz 0ld. Too badd he dun act hiz age. Iz weird h0w much 0lder he iz fr0m me but he DEF dun seem lyke it. Well, g0tta g0 cuz i g0t madd h0mew0rk t0 d0 nd g0t sum w0rk f0r JuStiN. (( oNe ))
JoEy, i wr0te u back 0n the last entrii..read wut i wr0te! l0l, luv ya!
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2004 15 February :: 1.34 pm
:: Mood: hungover
:: Music: ..oNe CaLL AwAii--ChiNgY..
. LoVe iZ jUsS aN eXcUsE t0 gEt HuRt .
Hey Hey! Where sh0uld i start..ThUrSdAii! I t00k WeiNeR, HaNNaH, nd JaX h0me..it was 0k. FriDaii, me, JeNNy, nd EriN went t0 FaNFaN'z h0use nd RoLLiE nd CaMeRoN DeSaNtiS were there. Sm0ked nd drank nd then we dr0ve t0 dr0p RoLLiE 0ff wh0 has a nice h0use nd it was c00l. Then 0mg, CaMeRoN iz lyke the richest kidd at my sk00l. I've benn wantin t0 see thiz kidd'z h0use f0rever nd we all went there!! First, he plaiied the drumz f0r uz cuz he'z in a band nd he'z relle g00d. But hiz h0use iz t0tal craziiness!! It has 6 bedr00mz, 7 bathz, puttin green, 9-car garage, 30 f00t waterslide, an0ther lil waterslide, a gr0tt0 exactlii lyke in the pLaYb0y MaNsiOn, s0undpr00f music r00m/theater, gym, guest h0use, nd an island in the middle 0f the p00l. 0mg, it t00k us alm0st an h0ur juss t0 see his backyard! l0l, i'm startin t0 lyke him but n0t juss cuz 0f hiz m0ney. l0l, nd pe0ple r startin t0 saii he lykez me t00. So0o yea, FriDaii was great nd we hadda l0tta funn. But then we all went t0 eat nd 0n the waii there it was rainin nd i was tryin t0 catch up wit CaMeRoN cuz he drivin lyke crazii nd my car started skiddin nd i c0uldnt c0ntr0l it. It was relle funnii t0 me, EriN, nd FaNFaN cuz we were high but JeNNy didnt think it was verii funnii. l0l, then FriDaii nyte i went d0wn t0 Lighth0use Point nd chylled there, nd sm0ked wit Er. Then we went t0 bLoCkBuStEr nd f0und 0ut JuNiOr dun w0rk there n0 m0re!!! But iz all g00d cuz we still guna see him. We juss went h0me nd passed 0ut. YeStErDaii was craziiness. Me nd EriN went sh0ppin nd then went t0 her m0m'z h0use nd hadd thiz huge ass dinner, went t0 CoRaL SqUaRe MaLL. 0mg, i b0ught the cutest f0ne case. It was prettii expensive cuz it'z LoUiS VuiTtOn..4o d0llarz. l0l, i kn0 i'm crazii but i lyke LV nd CoAcH the best. Newh0, we met thiz kidd FaHiM nd g0t hiz number nd we called him wen we g0t h0me at lyke 11.3o. He'z prettii h0tt..we talked t0 him till 4.3o am. 0mg, me nd EriN were s0o0o0o drunk last nite..w0w, it was crazii. All i relle member iz gettin sick nd fitein wit EdDy. But yea, we hadd alm0st half a b0ttle 0f VoDkA nd sh0tz 0f TeQuiLa..w0w, that shyt fuckz u upp!! But it was c00l cept f0r me nd EdDy fitein nd i realized that last VaLeNtiNeZ dAii we f0ught t00..weird. But we're alrite n0w..i guess? Todaii, im juss ar0und the h0use cuz i have a madd hang0ver. Then my wh0le fam iz g0in 0ut t0nyte nd i think im guna sleep at RiA'z f0r the nyte. WoW, my wkendz r s0o0o great..gettin fucked upp nyte after nyte. But Er nd FaNFaN we're flirtin lyke crazii! AwWnEsS!! Me nd JaX r relle crazii ryte n0w nd i dunn0 y we're bein lyke thiz. She started cryin cuz she saiiz she feelz lyke i dun wana hang 0ut nem0re but that'z h0w i feel b0ut her nd hangin 0ut wit me. But wutever iz g0in 0n..we needa t0 talk b0ut it. Newh0, g0t a madd headache s0o imma g0 take suttin nd trii t0 sleep. x0x (( oNe ))
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