2004 11 February :: 9.24 pm
:: Mood: mellow
:: Music: ..JuStiN'z AsShoLe MeSsaGe..
. CrAzii WeEk!! .
Todaii was g00d. I was crazii nerv0us th0. In 1st h0ur NiCk nd me were freakin 0ut cuz there were drug d0ggz c0min nd i had weed in my car. So0o me nd him were guna g0 t0 the clinic nd g0 h0me earlii but i saw CaMeRoN nd after talkin t0 him i decided n0t t0 cuz he calmed me d0wn! l0lz, but d0ggz dint c0me newaii..we hadda a l0ckd0wn. AhH, my sk00l iz s0o gaii..theii get s0o seri0us 0ver stupid shyt lyke that! It was s0o hard t0 be quiet f0r lyke 2o minutez under a fuckin c0mputer table!! HaHa, but newh0, after sk00l i t00k FaNNy h0me nd 0mg thiz kidd has the craziiest h0use. WoW, 7 bathr00mz nd lyke 5 bedr00mz wit a huge p00l nd iz juss CRAZiiNESS!! HaHa, s0o i sm0ked wit him nd then me nd JeNNy left. I'm s0o jeal0us 0f hiz crazii bigg h0use. Yea, me nd EriN r chyllen there all FriDaii nyte cuz i dun wana g0 t0 JaX'z cuz n0 0ne'z g0in nd me nd her r..i dunn0..weird n0w?! But g0in t0 FaN'z iz guna be crazii!! l0l, i juss g0t h0me t0daii nd cleaned my car cuz 0f the weed but EriN l0st a j0int in the car nd we cant find it!! l0l, i dun even kn0 y we cleaned it 0ut cuz me nd FaNFaN r juss guna sm0ke 0ut in it t0m0rr0w m0rnin! HaHa, aLeX FriEdBuRg nd me r bec0min relle g00d friendz cuz we b0th g0t 0ur license plate numberz taken d0wn by securitii guardz s0o wen drug d0ggz c0me theii r sure t0 check 0ur carz..l0l, we're such st0nerz! But yea, we g0t in tr0uble cuz stupid FriEdBuRg lit up a blunt in fr0nt 0f the guii. Newh0, i relle dunn0 wut'z up wit me nd JaX..i miss hangin 0ut wit her..she juss chyllz wit HaNNaH nd n0w WeiNeR 0f c0urse!! AhH, it sux s0o badd. But she called me nd asked me y i was mad cuz i was bein such a bytch t0 her t0daii..l0l, nd yea, i was juss givin her a hard ass tyme. But yupp, i dun think me nd EdDy r guna last..i mean, he'z n0t tryin t0 make thiz w0rk at ALL nd i juss wish i can get in t0uch wit him t0nyte cuz we DEF g0tta talk b0ut all these pr0misez he'z n0t keepin. IiGhTy, im 0utt lyke a handicapp sp0t at the special 0lympicz!! HeHe (( oNe ))
-->> JuStiN iz DEF an assh0le nd w0w, i miss JuNiOr!! I havent talked t0 him in crazii l0ng! _TeAr_ AwW, i think imma call him t0nyte!
W a N t . a . K i S s ? |
2004 9 February :: 8.38 pm
:: Mood: thankful
:: Music: ..ThAt 7o'z Sh0w..
. 00 yea, 00 yea .
HaHa, i DEF dunn0 where that came fr0m but newh0..let'z start fr0m SaTuRdAii. GrEaTt NyTe!! Me nd JeNNy hadd crazii funn..we g0t hit 0n lyke 42o tymez..l0l JeNNy! Yea, we have s0o manii j0kez fr0m that..C pe0ple!!, The BeAcH, 0mg TONY!!, SaVeR!, I lyke t0tallii missed the drive-thru, thanx sweetheart, 00 we r sum crazii bytchez! HaHa, craziiness!! I didnt get h0me till lyke 12.3o. Then SuNdAii, sh0ppin Daii!! It was c00l. 0mg, i g0t the cutest purse!! AhH, iz pink nd white nd it saiiz 'BaBii gUrL' 0n it..l0l, i l0ve it. But n0t az much az my c0ach purse. HaHa, but newh0, last nite was DEF crazii, but verii g00d nite. I decided t0 call EdDy nd we g0t in a fite cuz he was bein an assh0le nd he t0ld me him nd AshLeY r t0tallii 0ver n0w nd he dun want nuttin t0 d0 wit her at all! Yea, i guess she plaiied him 0r sum shyt. Nd i f0und 0ut she l0st her babii. So0o we g0t t0 talkin ab0ut h0w the last 4 tymez we g0ne 0ut, we alwaiiz seem t0 juss st0p talkin. Iz weird but he was upset b0ut that cuz he said he relle wantz me. He wantz t0 be wit me nd l0ve me nd he thinkz i'm the 0ne f0r him. He wantz t0 start a familii wit me nd he'd l0ve t0 be the daddii 0f my kidz. We talked b0ut a l0t last nite nd yea, we're g0in 0ut again. But thiz tyme it was different. Wen he asked me 0ut, he said n0 bullshyt thiz tyme we're relle guna d0 it nd nuttin iz guna get between us. I relle h0pe he'z rite thiz tyme but he t0ld me he will d0 nethin at all t0 make thiz w0rk nd he wantz t0 be wit me f0r ATLEAST 6 yearz..he said h0pefullii the rest 0f hiz lyfe. He said he thinkz b0ut me all the tyme nd h0w much he missez me nd h0w i've benn the best gurl he'z ever benn wit nd he respectz me f0r tellin him evriithin. He made me crii!! Yea, i relle am h0pin thiz tyme it lastz..i relle h0pe s0o. EdDy .n. ShAwNa -- 2.8.o4! HaHa, last year thiz tyme..it w0uld've benn 0ur 1 m0nth. But t0daii was strait. After sk00l, me nd JeNNy picked up ErBeAr fr0m sk00l nd we chylled nd went t0 the mall..hadd sum crazii funn nd st0le a c0uple thingz..u kn0, the usual. HaHaZ, then juss went h0me nd g0t McD'z!! I think me nd JaX r gr0win apart! JaX, please dun be madd at me wen u read thiz! But h0nestlii, her nd HaNNaH r relle relle cl0se n0w nd we dun hang 0ut that much n0 m0re. Dun get me wr0ng, i l0ve HaNNaH..but i juss feel lyke she'z makin me nd JaCki gr0w apart. I h0pe n0t th0. Newh0, JaCki nd JuStiN WeiNeR started g0in 0ut t0daii..HaHa, thanx t0 me!! U kn0 it WeiNz!! They're DEF the cutest c0uple at sk00l. Nd Er nd FaNFaN mite g0 0ut..im s0o0o happii..im such a matchmaker!! l0l, i als0 saw ChRiS, MiKe, JoHnNy, nd BrAd t0daii. EriN dr0ve by nd ChRiS t0ld uz t0 pull 0ver s0o we c0uld talk. WoW, he l00ked super h0tt t0daii..l0l. I gave him a hug..but i dunn0, im juss n0t feelin him n0 m0re. Nd then JuStiN called me fr0m a number i didnt kn0 s0o i answered nd he was madd cuz he saii i benn bl0win him 0ff nd all thiz shyt. Wutever th0, i aint guna w0rrii b0ut him nd the shyt he saiiz t0 me. Yea, that'z b0ut it. My lyfe iz s0o0o crazii..s0o0o much iz g0in 0n rite n0w..i'm crazii busiii. Newh0, thiz wkend iz guna be GREAT!! FriDaii, me, EriN, JaX, HaNNaH, JeNNy, AuTuMn, WeiNeR, FaNFaN, LucHi, NiCk MatThEs, DeSaNtiS, nd i think DeReK r g0in midnite b0wlin nd we're all all0wed t0 staii 0ver JaX'z h0use..iz guna be s0o0o crazii. Iz lyke my wh0le lil clique nd yea, iz guna be great. We g0t lyke 2 0uncez 0f weed nd lyke 80 beerz, nd b0ut 9 b0ttlez 0f alc0h0l..v0dka, Hq (( my fave!! )), HeNNeSy, BaCaRdii, etc. YaY, i cant wait!! HaHa, EriN iz 0fficiallii a p0thead..she sm0kez everiithin lyke craziiness n0w. HaHa, i l0ve u EriN!! Iighty, im 0utt..tired az fuck cuz i sm0ked t00 much t0daii. l0l, wut'z new?! (( oNe ))
W a N t . a . K i S s ? |
2004 7 February :: 5.37 pm
:: Mood: okay
:: Music: ..3-1-1 Cd..
. WeN hApPiiNeSs iZ BaSeD oN LiEz iZ s0o HaRd t0 TeLL tHe TrUtH .
^^ I l0ve that s0ng..it remindz me 0f EdDy nd h0w all hiz liez made me feel happii nd all hiz truthz made me upset. I d0 miss him a l0t. I havent called him cuz i finallii realized that i needa st0p callin sum0ne wen all their guna d0 iz bring me d0wn. Iz benn hard but i havent called him since the SuPeRbOwL! He kinda remindz me 0f JuStiN in a l0t 0f waiiz. WoW, me nd JuStiN havent talked either. Ever since 0ur huge fite but 0 well..he called me last nite nd i picked up nd hung up. EriN'z pissed 0ff at him t00. So0o yesterdaii was s0o straight! In the m0rnin, me nd FaNFaN f0gged up my car nd g0t high az hell. Then after sk00l, me, HaNNaH, JaX, J WeiNeR, nd NiCk MaTtHeS f0gged it up again nd g0t madd high! Nd last nite, me nd EriN went t0 her br0'z partii nd then the m0viez. We saw BaRbErShoP 2 nd it SUCKED ass! 0mg, it was s0o b0rin..we b0th fell asleep. But yea, we f0gged 0ut my car t00 nd w0w, EriN g0t high f0r the first time..damn, thiz gurl iz guna be juss lyke me relle s00n..she l0vez sm0kin..sm0kin NETHiN! We were leavin the m0viez nd my car w0uldnt start s0o thiz relle nice kidd jumped it f0r me. Then we passed 0ut at her h0use. It was funn. T0daii, we went t0 the mall nd juss chylled there f0r awhile nd t0nyte, me nd JeNNy r g0in t0 GaLLeRiA nd the beach..iz guna be l0tz 0f funn..cant wait! So0o i was talkin t0 FaNFaN thiz m0rnin nd i g0tta put 0ur c0nv0 in here..he'z the greatest nd him nd EriN = h0tt c0uple. LoL, i'm 0nlii typin in the c0nv0 in the verii beginnin nd then EriN iz talkin the rest 0f the waii:
BgBaller: shawna!!
x BaBigUrL387 x: hey
BgBaller: wat up dawg
x BaBigUrL387 x: nuthin..chyllen wit erin
x BaBigUrL387 x: l0l, my car br0ke d0wn last nite nd sum guy hadda jump it f0r me
BgBaller: y does that not surprise me
BgBaller: u realize u tell me ur car breaks down everyday
x BaBigUrL387 x: l0l..i kn0..im n0t even guna tell u n0 m0re..ull alreddii kn0
BgBaller: lol
x BaBigUrL387 x: s0 wut did u d0 last nite
BgBaller: went to a party then dipped before the cops came
x BaBigUrL387 x: barbersh0p 2 was a relle badd m0vie
BgBaller: yeaa nex time erin chills wit fanfan
BgBaller: lol it WAS?
x BaBigUrL387 x: yea..s0o0o b0ring
x BaBigUrL387 x: l0l..u can sm0ke her 0ut next time
BgBaller: lol nooo thass ur job
BgBaller: wit ur dads chronic lol
x BaBigUrL387 x: l0l tru
BgBaller: tell her i say hi tho
x BaBigUrL387 x: she said heyy sexy
x BaBigUrL387 x: h0l up..i g0tta get reddii u can talk t0 her
x BaBigUrL387 x: wutz up
BgBaller: chillin sweet thang u?
x BaBigUrL387 x: same here
x BaBigUrL387 x: wut did u do last night
BgBaller: went to a party but a couple fights broke out soo the cops came
x BaBigUrL387 x: sounds like fun..and you didnt invite us
x BaBigUrL387 x: haha
x BaBigUrL387 x: jp
BgBaller: lol i figured shawnas car wouldnt make it
x BaBigUrL387 x: hahaha
x BaBigUrL387 x: u got that right
BgBaller: i couldnt put my precious erin in danger
x BaBigUrL387 x: aww
x BaBigUrL387 x: im always in danger...im always with her
x BaBigUrL387 x: lol
BgBaller: lol
BgBaller: yea its a danger juss standin anywhere near that car
x BaBigUrL387 x: hahaha
x BaBigUrL387 x: tru dat
BgBaller: i been drivin since 14!!
x BaBigUrL387 x: thanks for tellin me
x BaBigUrL387 x: lol
BgBaller: lol and im a lot better than shawna!
x BaBigUrL387 x: i no way..shes just the greatest driver in the whole world
x BaBigUrL387 x: u cant be better than her
BgBaller: lol
BgBaller: do u got ur liscence too?
x BaBigUrL387 x: yeah since march
BgBaller: i love older woman
BgBaller: lol jkjk
x BaBigUrL387 x: haha...well i love younger men
x BaBigUrL387 x: lol
BgBaller: ooo in that case i take bak the jk's
BgBaller: hah
BgBaller: lol u better remember my bday
x BaBigUrL387 x: ill get u a special bday present;-)\
x BaBigUrL387 x: hahaha
x BaBigUrL387 x: jk
BgBaller: lol ooo la la
x BaBigUrL387 x: haha
BgBaller: i like surprises
BgBaller: lol
x BaBigUrL387 x: oh ull like this one
x BaBigUrL387 x: lol
x BaBigUrL387 x: r u havin a party
x BaBigUrL387 x: for ur bday
BgBaller: hmmm not that i kno of
BgBaller: the real party happenes when everyone leave except me and u
x BaBigUrL387 x: hahaha
x BaBigUrL387 x: wuts ur middle name
BgBaller: i dont have one
BgBaller: lol
x BaBigUrL387 x: according to shawna u do
x BaBigUrL387 x: lol
BgBaller: shawna a liar
x BaBigUrL387 x: haha
x BaBigUrL387 x: she said ur middle name was chris
x BaBigUrL387 x: lol
BgBaller: lol shes a liar
x BaBigUrL387 x: u might be right on that one
x BaBigUrL387 x: lol
BgBaller: my name is not chris chris fanfan
BgBaller: lol
x BaBigUrL387 x: yeah it is
x BaBigUrL387 x: lol
BgBaller: hah
x BaBigUrL387 x: dont u have a cousin with the last name wa wa
x BaBigUrL387 x: lol
BgBaller: lol
BgBaller: nooo!!
x BaBigUrL387 x: hahaha
BgBaller: so wat are u and shawna doin after she gets ready
x BaBigUrL387 x: goin to publix to pick up a cake
x BaBigUrL387 x: then goin tothe mall and proly hangin with this kid junior
BgBaller: lol shawnas gonna get some
x BaBigUrL387 x: hahaha
x BaBigUrL387 x: i want some
x BaBigUrL387 x: lol
BgBaller: how bout i come along to make the teams even
x BaBigUrL387 x: score
x BaBigUrL387 x: lol
BgBaller: lol
x BaBigUrL387 x: then i dunno wut else we're doin
x BaBigUrL387 x: u?
BgBaller: hmmmm im bout to jump in the shower then i dunno
BgBaller: maybe watch a movie
x BaBigUrL387 x: sounds like fun
x BaBigUrL387 x: especially the shower part
BgBaller: lol u should meet me in there
x BaBigUrL387 x: name a time and place baby
x BaBigUrL387 x: lol
BgBaller: haha i love this girl
x BaBigUrL387 x: wut movie r u gonna watch
BgBaller: maybe halfbaked cuz ive never seen it
x BaBigUrL387 x: barbershop 2 sucked by the way
BgBaller: lol yea shawna tol me
x BaBigUrL387 x: i never seen it either
x BaBigUrL387 x: i heard it was good
BgBaller: lol yeaa me too
x BaBigUrL387 x: lol
BgBaller: but if we watched it together we wouldnt see much of the movie
x BaBigUrL387 x: haha
x BaBigUrL387 x: probably not
x BaBigUrL387 x: shawnas ready so we gotta go...im gona miss u sexy
BgBaller: im gonna miss u more!
x BaBigUrL387 x: call shawnas cell if u want
x BaBigUrL387 x: i dont know about that
x BaBigUrL387 x: lol
BgBaller: lol
BgBaller: call me if u get bored while shawna gettin some.... ill keep u company
x BaBigUrL387 x: shawna saiiz--bye fan the y0ga man..i l0ve u!
BgBaller: lol
BgBaller: bye love n bye shawna!!!
HaHa, a l0tta firtin g0in 0n wit EriN nd FaNNy..hehe, h0w cute?! Well, im b0ut t0 g0 get reddii f0r t0nyte. Guna be sum crazii funn. I'll write lata sumtime. 0 nd by the waii, im s0o crazii 0ver JuNiOr..i seri0slii wana be wit him m0re than nethin else rite n0w! AhH, iz drivin me crazii. Iighty, im g0ne. (( oNe ))
W a N t . a . K i S s ? |
2004 3 February :: 5.55 pm
:: Mood: calm
:: Music: ..As U sLeEp--SoMeThiN CoRpOrAtE..
. GuNa Be a LoNg EnTrY .
Hey Hey!! So0o FriDaii nyte, me nd EriN went t0 the track, met these 2 h0ttiez but we ended up leavin cuz 0ur m0vie was guna start nd theii were kinda b0rin. We saw PeRfEcT sCoRe..well, EriN did cuz i fell asleep. But newh0, the ticket guii was hittin 0n me nd it was s0o0o funnii nd we juss started laughin at him. So0o then we came h0me, drank a lil bit nd then passed 0ut. SaTuRdAii, we went t0 the mall nd chylled at JaX'z h0use f0r a while nd then we came h0me. 0mg, we were 0n 0ur waii h0me nd it was rainin relle badd nd thiz CADILLAC st0pped in fr0nt 0f me nd i hit her. So0o she called the c0pz nd we pulled 0ver nd waited f0r them. I was cryin s0o i called GaViN'z dad RoGeR cuz he'z a c0p nd lyke the best guii ever. So0o he came 0ver nd g0t me 0utta the ticket nd he didnt rep0rt it. But there were 4 c0pz there cuz the ladii was sayin i was high nd all thiz shyt nd theii were guna search my car but RoGeR didnt let them! Thank God cuz i had LuChi'Z weed nd a b0ttle 0f HyPn0tiQ in the back fr0m JuStiN, EriN, nd JaX! Yea, s0o it was prettii scarii nd the ladii was a bytch but n0w i have a huge dent in the h00d 0f my car. But newh0, SuNdAii was s0o0o0o0o GREAT!! 0mg, i went t0 madd partiez. First, i went 0ver JuStiN'z nd we drank a c0uple beerz nd i met sum 0f hiz friendz nd then i went t0 JuNiOr'Z nd we juss chylled nd watched the game but i didnt drink cuz i hadda drive all the waii t0 my sis' nd i alreddii drank at JuStiN'z. So0o i get t0 my sis' h0use nd BoBbY iz lyke madd drunk. I take him t0 the st0re nd iz juss me nd him nd we were juss chyllen. Shyt happenz but N0, we didnt fuck! LoL, then we sm0ked nd went back t0 RiA'z h0use nd chylled wit evrii0ne. 0mg, RiCky was there nd h0o0o0olii shyt i didnt kn0 he was guna c0me nd he l00kz s0o0o0o g00d n0w but he'z g0t a gurl he'z benn wit since AuGuSt! Yea, but they're relle relle cute t0gether nd i'm happii f0r him. I kinda miss the waii we were. Lyke even th0 we 0nlii went 0ut f0r a week nd i br0ke up wit him cuz i'm stupid, he was relle relle sweet t0 me. But newh0, me nd BoBbY g0t in a fite cuz we were b0th drunk nd all i member iz he'z an assh0le! LoL, s0o i went h0me ar0und 11 nd then left nd went t0 EriN'z h0use nd met her friend HaiLee..aWw, she'z relle relle sweet. So0o i t00k HaiLee h0me but bef0re we t00k her h0me we went t0 HoLLyWoOd BeAcH nd g0t ice cream nd juss hung 0ut. Then thiz kidd was hittin 0n EriN nd it was funnii s0o she callz FANFAN! AwW, their s0o cute. She'z lyke heii babii, i l0ve u nd FaNFaN was juss sweet talkin wit her. Then we dr0ve HaiLee h0me nd went h0me nd went t0 bedd!! YeStErDaii was c00l. I t00k LuChi, JaX, nd JeNNy h0me nd it was all g00d. Nd 0f c0urse FaNFaN hadda make funn 0f my car..hehe, i l0ve u th0 my h0e! 0 nd after sk00l me nd EriN went t0 JuStiN'z h0use nd me nd him g0t in a fite nd 0mg, i cant stand him nd i'm seri0uslii guna be pissed 0ff at him f0r a l0ng tyme. Nd i talked t0 ReYnaLdO..we're g0in 0ut sumwhere FriDaii. I relle relle lyke thiz kidd..i never felt thiz waii b0ut ne0ne. I seri0uslii think he'z the 0nlii nice kidd in LauDeRdaLe sidez FANFAN!! Yea, nd t0daii was crazii..i g0t my rep0rt card nd i cant believe h0w g00d i did since i NEVER d0 my h0mew0rk nd hardlii studii. But w0w, im s0o upset cuz 0ne 0f my best friendz, JeNNy iz guna get kicked 0utt cuz she has a 1.6 gPa nd i swear all my friendz cant keep leavin..iz 0ne after an0ther nd s00n iz guna me my twin, JaX, nd that DEF cant happen cuz i l0ve her t00 much..l0l, she even wr0te she l0ve me 0n her ID tag. Yea, s0o0o that'z prettii much it. G0tta g0 call EdDy cuz we g0t in a fite last nyte nd he made me feel badd f0r sayin wut i said s0o imma saii s0rrii..i kn0, i'm waii t00 nice t0 him but heii, i l0ve him t00 much t0 let him g0. LaTa -->> (( oNe ))
W a N t . a . K i S s ? |
2004 30 January :: 3.55 pm
:: Mood: angry
:: Music: ..WaRpEd ToUr 2oo2..
. i HaTe StA s0o0o MuCh!! .
Yea, all my friendz r gettin expelled. Now, LuChi w0nt be there nd he'z lyke the m0st awesumest kidd at my sk00l. I think he'z guna get back in th0..i relle h0pe s0o. But my wh0le gr0up g0t in madd tr0uble yesterdaii cuz we g0t caught by the c0pz..0mg, it was s0o crazii..i was lyke s0o0o pissed 0ff cuz the c0p was a dick but g00d thing we 0nlii had cigz nd n0 weed. Jax was in I.S. yesterdaii wit Mr. B nd i went in there lyke a milli0n tymez yesterdaii nd hung 0ut wit her! Newh0, sides yesterdaii, sk00l'z benn 0k. I t00k LuChi h0me yesterdaii nd t0daii nd he b0ught me sum cigz cuz he the BEST!! HaHa, i l0ve the kidd. So0o thiz wkend iz guna be s0o great. Tonyte, me nd Er r gettin relle relle drunk 0ff 0ur assez wit madd pe0ple. Then SaTuRdAii, we were sp0sed t0 staii at JaX'z h0use but she'z gr0unded cuz 0f wut happen s0o we're guna g0 t0 the m0viez nd then chyll wit FANNY!! HaHa, i think him nd EriN r funa h00k up..yAyErZ! Then SuNdAii..sUpErBowL!! I'm g0in t0 ReYnaLdO'z h0use (( Now kn0wn az JuNiOr..heh! )) nd get relle drunk again. He g0t in an accident lyke TuEsDaii nd fucked up hiz car nd he was relle pissed 0ff s0o i gave him a hug nd t0ld him t0 feel better nd that he'z awesum! Yea, he'z s0o0o fuckin h0tt. Nd w0w, he DEF has the best pers0nality! Todaii was crazii..i hadd D lunch nd it was crazii..w0w, i met a shyt l0ad 0f SenioR'z nd me nd FaN juss chylled wit Mr. B! Yea, then me nd JeNNy went t0 fill my car up nd we met thiz kidd LeO nd hiz friend..0mg, hiz friend l00ked juss lyke EmiNeM nd he was a crazii h0ttie but he was relle shy! Newh0, i'll write after the wkend nd let evrii0ne kn0 wut'z g0in d0wn. 0 yea, EdDy iz guna be a daddii s00n..yAy! PeAcCe -- (( oNe ))
-->> For all the pe0ple that started spreadin the shyt that happen yesterdaii relle needa get their st0rii rite 0r shut the fuck up..sum0ne changed the wh0le st0rii nd made it h0rrible nd it g0t ar0und t0 the DeAn s0o t0 all th0se pe0ple..fuck u, u werent there s0o u dint kn0 wut relle happen! Iighty, im g0ne juss hadda get that 0ut.
W a N t . a . K i S s ? |
2004 25 January :: 9.42 pm
:: Mood: hung over
:: Music: ..JeW cD..
. ToTaL CrAziiNeSs nD iM CrAzii HaPPii!! .
So0o0o yesterdaii was madd crazii! EriN came 0ver nd we went t0 JuStiN'z h0use nd we chylled there..he gave me a jacket t0 keep cuz i was s0o c0ld nd yea, i l0ve the jacket! Then we went 0ut t0 eat nd we were guna g0 t0 the m0viez. 0n 0ur waii there i was talkin t0 ReYnaLdO (( I want him s0o badd..i have the hugest crush 0n him!! )) cuz he called me nd my car startz sm0kin s0o i pull 0ver nd iz fixed n0w but ReYnaLdO staiied 0n the f0ne wit me f0r 2 fuckin h0urz juss t0 make sure i was guna be 0k nd i g0t scared cuz i th0ught my car was t0tallii dead s0o i was cryin nd he calmed me d0wn nd t0ld me it was guna be 0k. Then he was guna c0me get me cuz i was scared nd he livez all the waii in HoLLyWooD nd i was in 0akLaNd but he was guna d0 it juss f0r me! Then thiz 18 yr 0ld kidd c0mez nd fixez my car nd yea, n0w iz all g00d. Me, EriN, RiA, nd AnDy saw BuTtErfLy EfFeCt last nite..w0w, it was such a g00d m0vie. We went t0 the drive-in nd there was a huge ass fire lyke 2o feet fr0m uz nd theii were evacuatin evrii0ne but we dint leave..HaHa, we alm0st g0t burned!! Me nd EriN g0t h0me ar0und 12.3o nd then we walked 0ver to JuStiN'z nd drank sum g00d shyt. We g0t back t0 my h0use ar0und 1.3o nd ReYnaLdO said t0 call him wen i g0t h0me s0o i did nd i w0ke him up cuz he was sleepin but he dint care that i w0ke him up nd i talked t0 him till 5.3o in tha m0rnin drunk az fuck! Me nd Er made these drinkz nd it was 3/4 vodka nd juss a LiL bit 0f orange juice..theii were crazii str0ng. At lyke 3am, ReYnaLdO said he was guna c0me get uz nd take uz t0 hiz h0use s0o we c0uld watch a m0vie nd juss pass 0ut there but i started feelin relle sick s0o we ended up n0t g0in. He was s0o sweet wen i was feelin badd..he was all lyke if i was there i w0uld take care 0f u nd i'll c0me 0ver if u want me t00. Then we started talkin b0ut past b0iifriendz nd gurlfriendz nd yea, it was a g00d nite. I'm relle feelin thiz kidd..A L0T! He'z perfect..he d0esnt d0 drugz, sm0ke, nd he barelii drinkz. Nd he'z s0o0o fuckin rich..AhH! N0t t0 menti0n, crazii h0ttie! Newh0, we talked a l0t t0daii t00 nd me nd ErBeAr went t0 BB wen he started w0rkin at 5 nd chylled wit him nd then we left nd went t0 JuStiN'z again..LoLz! It sux that we c0uldnt g0 t0 ChiLi CooKoFF but iz cuz i hadd n0 m0ney t0 buii the ticket cuz i used it all t0 fix my car! But newh0, i talked t0 EdDy last nite nd he asked me 0ut nd i accidentallii said yea cuz i was drunk nd he'z lyke c0me pick me up..i wana be wit u nd live wit u f0rever nd get awaii fr0m evrii0ne here nd i alm0st went t0 get him but i c0uldnt drive cuz i was s0o fucked up. Madd hang0ver thiz m0rnin!! Yea, s0o i dunn0..we're guna break up cuz i want t0 be wit ReYnaLdO rite n0w. We're g0in t0 hiz h0use f0r the SuPeRb0wL..guna be s0o0o crazii! Yea, iz benn a great wkend but n0w i g0tta d0 h0mew0rk nd sum laundry..sk00l t0m0rr0w..UgH! (( oNe ))
-->> JaX, i h0pe ur t0ngue startz feelin betta..i missed u t0daii! ErBeAr, we r such pimpz! I l0ve u lyke a fat kidd l0ve cake nd ur the bestest!! U kn0 h0w much i lyke ReYnaLdO..he'z perfect!
W a N t . a . K i S s ? |
2004 24 January :: 11.40 am
:: Mood: crazy
:: Music: ..CaLi--PhAnToM pLaNet..
. ThiZ wKeNd hAs BeNn ThE FaShiZzLe!! .
HaHa, i havent wr0te in a h0t while! ThuRsdAii, me nd EriN went t0 bLoCkBuSteR (( BB )) again t0 see ReNaLdO! Yea, nd he gave me hiz number nd then he asked f0r mine nd then me nd Er left cuz i t00k her t0 her friend'z h0use nd 0n the waii back he called me..l0l, but i dint answer s0o he called me again nd i was 0utside sm0kin a blunt wit my sis nd AnDy nd he left a message. YeA, s0o i called him back nd we talked f0r awhile. Then i went t0 g0 pick EriN up at lyke 9.3o nd then g0 0ver JuStiN'z but that never happen cuz me nd her g0t in a stupid fite..l0o0o0ng st0rii but iz all g00d n0w. So0o0o, yesterdaii was fuckin great. I sm0ked the fattest blunt wit my sis in the m0rnin nd i went t0 sk00l high az fuck nd i c0uldnt drive s0o i picked up FaNFaN nd let him drive nd g0 get JaX nd we all juss chylled..me n JaX were s0o0o0o high!! Then after sk00l, me, JeNNy, JaX, nd LuChi all went t0 LuChi'Z h0use nd evrii0ne g0t high cept f0r JeNNy. HaHa, it was s0o0o funn!! Nd LuChi f0rg0t that he hadda cat nd we juss sat there f0r an h0ur nd juss talked b0ut stupid shyt. 00 nd i let him drive my car 0ver t0 thiz place t0 get cigz f0r me..hehe, ilu LuChi!! Then me, JaX nd JeNNy left nd i dr0pped JeNNy 0ff at h0me nd then me nd JaX went t0 my h0use. We were s0o0o fucked upp! Yea, s0o0o we left my h0use nd went t0 thiz kidd StEvEn'z (( he g0es t0 my sk00l nd has madd RED hair..but such a c00l kidd!! )). His friend was guna pierce 0ur t0nguez but i dint want mine dun cuz i dint have enuf m0ney nd after watchin him stick thiz big ass needle in JaX'z m0uth, i decided i w0uld wait..HaHa! Then we chylled at StEvEn'z wit him nd a bunch 0f 0ther p0theadz..theii were c00l. We left cuz JaX was in pain nd went t0 get lyke m0uth wash nd stuff. We went t0 her friend AuTuMn'Z h0use nd chylled there f0r awhile..aWw, i luv AuTuMn..she'z such a sweetie!! HeHe..then we went back t0 my h0use cuz i was spendin the nite at JaX'z nd i g0t my shyt. We g0t t0 her h0use nd ate dinner at lyke 11.3o..LoLz, nd then we went t0 get ice cream. Then thiz 0ther kidd fr0m 0ur sk00l (( JaCk )) br0ught 0ver sum pillz s0o we c0uld get all hyper..yea, u kn0 wut kinda pillz..l0l! Nd it was c00l. We passed 0ut nd w0ke up earlii. We went t0 a P0RN0 st0re thiz m0rnin!! 0mg, fuckin sick ppl..haha, it was s0o funnii th0. Then i left nd n0w i'm h0me. Tonite, me nd EriN r g0in t0 JuStiN'z nd the RaCetRaCk nd then she'z stayin 0ver. Tom0rr0w, me, EriN, JaX, JoHn, BriAn, HaNnAh ((fr0m sk00l)), ShEa, CaRoLiNe, ChAd BuRkLeY, CamEroN DeSanTiS, nd RyAn DiDhArt are all g0in t0 the CHiLLY C00K0FF!! 0mg, we r guna have s0o much funn wit all them ppl..iz guna be great nd n0w ErBeAr getz t0 meet all the 0ther pe0ple i chyll wit. We're guna drink lyke madd crazii!! I cant wait nd i'm n0t drivin s0o i get t0 drink cuz JaX'z man, JoHn, iz pickin me nd EriN up..such a sweetie!! HaHa, wut a crazii wkend..dun u wish u were me?! HaHa, juss playin. Iighty, i'll write after the wkend! (( oNe ))
W a N t . a . K i S s ? |
2004 21 January :: 8.43 pm
:: Mood: grateful
:: Music: ..HoTeL--R. KeLLy..
. EriN iz My BeStEsT FriEnD f0r LyFe!! .
T0daii was strait..me nd EriN went t0 bLoCkBuStEr nd chylled there f0r 2 h0urz talkin t0 ReNaLdO..LoL, he even let uz g0 in hiz car nd get m0ney nd yea, he'z an awesum guii! He such a sweetie t00 nd i relle relle lyke him! Newh0, haha EriN'z awaii iz crazii funnii: i swear we meet guys newhere...first dunkin doughnuts, now, BLOCKBUSTER!! haha..snap attack.. Chex- mix is great just like dorks...you know he luvs us sisi...we been in a short kidz car!! dru tat, dru tat!!..haha..be back lata. <> imma work at blockbuster!!!!! LoL, i l0ver her! 00 yea, JaX iz back!! YaYeRz..im s0o happii. She'z sleepin 0ver FriDaii nite nd i think JeNNy nd EriN r t00..LoL, the 4 0f us back t0getha again..wh00p wh00p!! Newh0, EriN met LuChi t0daii..LoL, i br0ught her t0 sk00l after i picked her up nd she chylled wit me nd all my ppl..evrii0ne lykez her..yAy!! HeHe! I saw ChRiS again t0daii nd i dunn0, im n0t feelin him at all n0w. Iz all s0o0o c0nfusin. I juss g0t back fr0m chyllen at JuStiN'z h0use nd it was funn. I l0ve him but sumtymez me nd him get int0 stupid fitez! UgH, i dunn0. But imma g0 cuz i'm crazii tired but lemme put thiz c0nv0 0f me nd EriN in here wen we g0t in a big ass fite (( ReAd iT!! )):
SpOrTyChIcC323: whatever i dont want to start more crap
x BaBigUrL387 x: exactlii but i never w0uld 0f said it if u dint saii it first..nd if u dun wana start it..then iz never guna end
SpOrTyChIcC323: if we do start it it will never end anyways
x BaBigUrL387 x: 0k then
x BaBigUrL387 x: s0o i guess either waii it aint guna end
SpOrTyChIcC323: i just said it because of what you said and thats wut came to my mind on that moment
x BaBigUrL387 x: i guess ur rite then..y r we even talkin
SpOrTyChIcC323: did i say that
SpOrTyChIcC323: no sorry i didnt
x BaBigUrL387 x: saii wut
SpOrTyChIcC323: y we even r talkin...oh you said that, gotcha
SpOrTyChIcC323: (not being sarcastic believe it or not)
x BaBigUrL387 x: 0k dun take it seri0uslii im tryin t0 st0p thiz shyt nd ur siitin there g0in 0n wit the sarcastic shyt..lemme kn0 wen u relle wana talk seri0us b0ut it
x BaBigUrL387 x is away at 11:08:23 PM.
SpOrTyChIcC323: i wasnt being sarcastic by the way
Auto response from x BaBigUrL387 x: -->> I DiD juss l0se my best friend.
xBaBigUrL387 x: ..0k
Auto response from SpOrTyChIcC323: i need to think...don't know when I'll be back...it might take a while. i think i just lost someone special, my best friend, my sister, my other half...
x BaBigUrL387 x: erin, i l0ve u s0o much nd i cant stand wen we get in these fitez but it happenz s0o fuckin much n0w nd i hate it..i seri0uslii feel lyke we're guna get in 0ne 0ne daii nd then it wil never be the same again. im s0o scared t0 l0se u cuz ur h0nestlii 0ne 0f the best ppl i ever met nd i dunn0 wut i d0 wit0ut u. all i can think b0ut iz thiz stupid fite nd i can sit here nd cry b0ut it h0pin ur feelin the same waii..ilu t0 death gurl nd i w0uld d0 nethin t0 make us staii best friendz h0nestlii..we g0tten thru s0o0o much that i dun understand h0w all thiz stupid shyt can change it n0w..wutever, im s0rrii f0r everythin i said nd i take it all back but h0nestlii, the 0ne thing i wana kn0 iz y u act lyke that wen i call u nd ur wit ur friendz but i dun want it t0 start shyt. newh0, i juss want u t0 kn0 that i relle d0 luv u nd i juss wana w0rk thiz shyt 0ut
x BaBigUrL387 x: ur m0re than juss my best friend, sis, nd my 0ther half, ur the 0ne pers0n that wit0ut u i dun think i c0uld be here..seri0uslii, u've g0t me thru s0o much
SpOrTyChIcC323: i seriously havent noticed why i ever did that. i thought i was just sayin it normally and i didnt mean for it to hurt you or come off in an attitude way. stop sayin how im one of the best ppl blah blah blah, because if i was i wouldnt have done anything ive done in the past week or so. I don't think the losing you thing will ever happen. It's like if we stop being friends, we just cant stop. we always start talkin again no mater what because we know we'll always be there for each other and that these fights wont get so far as to the point of no return, i mean the point of not talking. i know you take back what you said, but that's still cross my mind and i wont be able to help it. like how much ive changed and how i walk away when crap starts and im sorry i dont believe that part..you have jacki and jenny who are 2 cool people, if i wasnt here im sure you would do fine with them. I'm not superwomen and i dont plan on being her, shes too i dunno, super. I can take back what ive said, but i know youll still think about it one day, but im sorry about whatever i said. i still promise im gonna change because im me and i will do it. i dont know why i did in the first place, i liked me the way i was, i just didnt want you to think im no fun and couldnt do anything with you cuz im like that...sometimes i like to drink because of the way im feeling that day, like to get away from stress and problems that are happening, but i think i only did that like twice. the other times i dunno, i just wanted to...and that is all i thought about, this dumb fight...i was just thinking...thinking about the way it would be if we werent friends again, thinking how to end it, wondering how i could change, imagining how it would affect us, a whole bunch of crap...i love you gurl so much...you are like the only one that understands where im comin from cuz u have been there since the get go, right when everythin happened, like me with you. i like havin you as my best friend because who else would i share my brain with...lol...nah really though you are the greatest if anyones suppossed to be great here, its you, not me, if i was great, i would be a whole different person, a better person, one that would never let you down..thanks for loving me anyway
SpOrTyChIcC323: i heart you
x BaBigUrL387 x: i heart u t00..nd u dun needa change i l0ve u f0r wh0 u r nd i dun want u t0 change..i juss said it cuz i was upset nd i h0nestlii, c0uldnt end 0ur friendship if i tried, i w0uldnt be able t0 st0p thinkiin b0ut it if we even tried..nd u R the greatest..i dunn0 h0w much 0f a failure 0r screwup i w0uld be wit0ut u in my lyfe..nd i will alwaiiz l0ve u even if u r havin a bad daii 0r week 0r juss n0t feelin lyke talkin cuz ur my best friend..better friend than i have ever hadd in thiz wh0le lyfetime nd nuttin nd n0 0ne can get between us 0r change all we've benn thru..i l0ve u lyke crazii
x BaBigUrL387 x: nd i c0uldnt survive if i juss hadd jacki nd jenny..even if evrii0ne in the w0rld was my friend..nd u werent, i still c0uldnt d0 it..i dun care h0w manii friendz i have..wit0ut u, im nuttin
SpOrTyChIcC323: u r like the only one i tell all my crap too. i mean hailee and abby are there and all, but its different, you lisen and understand where im comin from with all my crap, like i said u knew, bob, u knew when everything happened. when everythin happened, abbys family is like almost perfect, sometimes her parents are mean, but hey all are, and hailees, its just her and her mom because her dad died, but i dunno, with you its just different. I like that different. i know i can count on u even if i was 3 hrs away. you would always be there, someone i can talk to and i like that, cuz, u and i both know, if i dont have u to talk to, i would be talkin to myself 24/7. ..and ure not a screw up, u arent stupid either, i think u are smart and u can do nething u set ur mind to...i think u could do alot even if i wasnt there, maybe more for all the times ive called u dumb, i dont think you are by the way, just sum stuff u do, as u do to me..
x BaBigUrL387 x: yea but i w0uldnt be half the pers0n i am wit0ut u nd i want u t0 kn0 that..nd i kn0 that feelin cuz i can tell a milli0n ppl suttin thatz 0n my mind but the sec0nd i tell u i feel better b0ut it..h0nestlii, im n0t guna be able t0 live wen u leave f0r c0llege
SpOrTyChIcC323: i always forget ur a yr younger than me, or im a yr older than u when it comes to school until someone is like wut grade r u guys in and we dont say the same thing...it sucks a lot.. i dont think i can live on my own for a year w/o u
SpOrTyChIcC323: i will love it when i have breaks..im so comin down here
SpOrTyChIcC323: or up here...wherever i go
SpOrTyChIcC323: i might go to a nearby school though so i dunno
x BaBigUrL387 x: yea..nd im c0min up there..0r d0wn..iz hard enuf t0 g0 a week wit0ut chyllen wit u
SpOrTyChIcC323: i know for real...u better come to my graduation
x BaBigUrL387 x: ill be the first 0ne there
SpOrTyChIcC323: haha
SpOrTyChIcC323: u best be
SpOrTyChIcC323: we should go to the same school so at least we can room together and what not
x BaBigUrL387 x: yea..we never g0ne t0 the same sk00ll..thatz kinda weird wen u think b0ut it cuz m0st ppl that g0 t0 diff sk00lz g0 there 0wn waiiz by high sk00l but that dint happen t0 us..thank g0d
SpOrTyChIcC323: i know right
<<-- LoLz, i kn0 iz l0ng but the first part iz the best nd the rest iz juss inside j0kez nd shyt. Newh0, i'm s0o0o happii t0 have a best friend lyke her. I heart u ErBeAr!! (( oNe ))
W a N t . a . K i S s ? |
2004 20 January :: 6.02 pm
:: Mood: confused
:: Music: ..AdDiCtEd--EnRiQuE igLeSiaS..
. LoVe = ConFuSiN aZ HeLL .
!? WuDDuP pLaYaZ ?! HaHa, newh0, juss g0t h0me fr0m drivin ar0und nd pickin up my babii b0ii! LoLz, i hadda wkend relati0nship wit thiz kidd JoEy..n0 n0t u JoEy, but i l0ve u t00! I br0ke up wit him last nite. We chylled MoNdAii nd i saw him ThUrSdAii but iz all g00d. He'z a friend 0f a friend 0f a friend kinda thing. See, he asked me 0ut nd i th0ught he was j0kin nd i was high newaiiz nd i said yea but i lyke us waii better az friendz! Yea s0o SuNdAii, i saw ToRqUe wit EriN nd then we went t0 JuStiN'z nd chylled f0r awhile. Then 0n 0ur waii back h0me, we g0t int0 a big ass fite nd it was crazii nd i th0ught that was it f0r 0ur wh0le friendship but that will never happen. I'll put the c0nv0 0f us in herre lata. Yea, then yesterdaii i picked up JoEy nd him, Er, nd me went sh0ppin lyke all 0ver the place nd then we came back nd chylled nd i t00k him h0me. Then wen i g0t back h0me, i went t0 bLoCkBuStEr wit EriN t0 see thiz kidd ReNaLdO that we alwaiiz talk t0 there..he'z s0o awesum. Yea, s0o him nd hiz friend were the 0nlii 0nez w0rkin nd we chylled at bLoCkBuStEr f0r a l0ng ass tyme nd theii let us eat the f00d there nd juss talk t0 them. We hadd s0o much funn. 0mg, ReNaLdO iz prettii cute nd he has the GREATEST pers0nality nd he'z 19 nd juss graduated fr0m SouTh..LoL yea, i kn0 lyke evriithin b0ut him cuz he asked me all these questi0nz nd shyt nd then i asked him sum. Nd last nite, he st0le my f0ne wen i was behind the c0unter l00kin f0r the free m0vie rental thingz nd he called my m0m nd was all lyke heii m0m..blah blah blah! LoL, he'z crazii nd i f0und 0ut he lykez me. I relle lyke him t00 but i dunn0. I'm s0o c0nfused b0ut guiiz rite n0w. EdDy wantz me back nd i l0ve him t0 death but i dun wana g0 0ut wit him nd then in a c0uple weekz break up again..i'm gettin relle sick 0f that shyt. I kinda wana be wit ChRiS n0w nd wut i dun understand b0ut the wh0le ChRiS thing iz that..i've benn wantin a guii t0 care f0r me az much az i care f0r EdDy nd ChRiS def cared b0ut me that much..nd maybe m0re cuz he t0ld me that he hadd thiz feelin b0ut me he never had wit ne 0ther gurl bef0re nd all the 0ther gurlz, he juss wanted t0 fuck them, but he said he wanted t0 be wit me..t0 l0ve me nd care f0r me f0r a verii l0ng time. But wut i dun understand iz az s00n az i get a guii that i've benn prayin f0r..i t0tallii ditch him nd leave him nd i have n0 fuckin clue y..i think i'm scared t0 get hurt again but i kn0 ChRiS truly felt that waii b0ut me cuz even BrAd t0ld me he c0uldnt st0p talkin b0ut me f0r that wh0le week. Nd then BrAd..AhH..he'z the 0ne i relle want but i cant d0 that t0 EriN cuz i kn0 h0w much she lykez him! But i saw BrAd yesterdaii nd he tried t0 bl0ck the r0ad wit his g0-ped thing s0o i c0uldnt get by nd i dunn0..i g0t by him s0meh0w! Nd n0w ReNaLd0..he'z s0o0o sweet! Nd super cute! I'm s0o0o c0nfused. Nd i benn thinkin b0ut JoEy t00 but i dunn0..iz s0o0o hard t0 try nd pick which 0ne u wana be wit. Nd u kn0 wut else sux iz that me nd JuStiN r in a fite nd that sux cuz n0w i cant get nethin fr0m him f0r my j0b..sum advice: dun be g00d friendz wit ur b0ss! Sk00l was iighty..after sk00l me nd JeNNy went t0 oFFiCe DePoT nd then i t00k her t0 w0rk! Iighty, im split lyke an fat kidd g0ne an0rexic..LoL, EriN! (( oNe ))
-->> > JaXiE!! YaYeRz, ur c0min back t0nite..im s0o0o happii! HaHa, s0o much t0 talk b0ut wen u get back..ilu gurl! Gettin 0ur t0nguez pierced thiz wkend!!
W a N t . a . K i S s ? |
2004 18 January :: 8.17 am
:: Mood: cold
:: Music: ..YeAh--UsHeR ft. LiL JoN/LuDa..
. TiReD aZ a MuThEr FuCkEr!! .
Yea, i hadda get up earlii cuz i slept at my sis' h0use last nite nd i hadda c0me nd saii bye t0 my uncle cuz he'z leavin t0daii. I dint take my car t0 my sis' th0 s0o i made her get up nd take me h0me. LoL, ilu RiA!! Newh0, midtermz were hard az fuck! I sm0ked lyke crazii bef0re them wit JaX, FaNFaN, LuChi, J WeiNeR, nd a shyt l0ad 0f JuNi0rZ. I meetin s0o manii m0re ppl n0w that i'm in a different clique. I'm actuallii relle happii that me nd JaX dun chyll wit 0ur 0ld ppl. I mean, we still d0 nd all my 0ld friendz we're c00l, but my new friendz r crazii funn!! Lyke 0mg, imagine chyllen wit all the st0nerz all daii, evriidaii nd that'z wh0 me nd JaX r wit. FriDaii, i g0t sum relle g00d cigz fr0m LuChi. Then, me nd JeNNy met these 2 H0TT kiddz 0n FriDaii nyte. Well, we saw the 0ne wen i dr0ve CeFaLi h0me 0n WeDnEsDaii nd then we saw them again. Newh0, FriDaii nyte was the fam reuni0n. Thank God RiA nd AnDy were there t0 save me! It was crazii th0. My uncle g0t s0o drunk nd he g0t in a fite wit my dad nd wanted t0 fite him nd i started cryin cuz i g0t scared but then AnDy calmed him d0wn. AnDy iz the best..seri0uslii, he'z pr0llii the best 'br0' ever! I sm0ked 0ut wit RiA, AnDy, my daddii, nd my uncle. LoLz, h0w fuckin awesum iz that t0 sm0ke wit them. It was great. I dint get high th0 cuz we 0nlii had 0ne j0int nd shyt, 2 hitz dun get me high n0 m0re..HaHa, i luv that s0ng. Nd that nyte, AnDy called me beautiful. It felt kinda weird but i dunn0. So0o SaTuRdaii, me nd JeNNy went t0 MiaMi nd then t0 aDvEnTuRa..that was sum crazii shyt! It was funn. Then last nyte i went t0 the m0viez wit RiA nd AnDy nd B0BBY!! LoL, we saw Cheaper by the D0zen. BoBBy iz single again! I seri0uslii dun think i'll ever get 0ver thiz kidd. He was the first guii i ever relle wanted nd i went 0ut wit him at 14 nd i still lyke him. We messed ar0und but dint fuck..LoL, n0 m0re fuckin f0r SiSi! But then we all went back t0 the h0use nd g0t s0o fucked up we hadd HeNNeSy nd HyPn0tiC..l0l, FaNFaN'z fave drink! Then ViC came 0ver. I g0t relle fucked up nd i w0ke up sleepin next t0 AnDy 0n the c0uch nd my sis was passed 0ut in the kitchen nd BoBBy was in the bathr00m juss layin there nd ViC..we c0uldnt find him nd then we f0und him 0utside sm0kin a j0int at fuckin 7 in the m0rnin. Yea, it was crazii funn nd i have a madd hang0ver t00. Newh0, t0daii me nd JeNNy r g0in t0 BeAcHpLaCe wit the 2 h0ttiez we met. Nd my ErBe@r iz c0min back t0nyte s0o we guna chyll. She went t0 UF t0 juss visit it.That sux that she'z leavin f0r c0llege after next year..y d0es she g0tta be a year 0lder than me?? I hate it nd imma miss her s0o0o0o much! JaX iz in CoLoRaDo freezin her ass 0ff! HaHaZ, but next wkend me, JaX nd maybe Er r gettin 0ur t0nguez pierced..iz guna be great! Newh0, i benn thinkin a l0t b0ut ChRiS nd y i juss suddenlii dint lyke him..i mean, he was h0tt as hell, l0ved t0 sm0ke, super sweet, nd was s0o0o fuckin pr0tective 0f me ((pr0tective enuf t0 curse at a c0p that accidentallii tripped me)) nd i dunn0 wut made me n0t lyke him. I see him all the fuckin tyme n0w nd i kinda miss him but i think i have m0re feelinz f0r BrAd. BrAd iz crazii h0tt..he was a mini BoBBy..bl0nd hair, blu eyes, lyke 5'11, nd the nicest b0dii. I dunn0..mayb iz cuz ChRiS iz SpaNiSh nd i'm n0t relle int0 SpaNiSh guiiz n0 m0re. But wutever, i relle wanna be wit BrAd. EdDy called me but i dint answer..that was super hard f0r me but i dint call him back either. LoL, iighty i'm 0utt lyke a fat kidd in d0dgeball. (( oNe ))
P.S. i l0ve JoEy lyke a fat kidd l0ve cake. HaHa, ur the bestest nd i d0 l0ve u. ;)
W a N t . a . K i S s ? |