2003 20 December :: 4.49 pm
:: Mood: crazy
:: Music: ..SpAniSh XmAs..
. ToNyTe iZ GuNa Be CrAzii .
WoW, d0 i have a fuckin wh0le l0tta shyt t0 saii. Well, the nyte that i last wr0te was crazii. Me nd EriN were drivin ar0und nd shyt nd i saw thiz kidd 0n a bike s0 i turned ar0und nd we started talkin t0 him. Hiz name iz ChRiS. LoL, s0 wen i saii ChRiS n0w..it meanz him nd wen i saii FaN.FaN, then it meanz him. Newh0, i t00k him t0 the st0re nd then we went 0ver t0 thiz park in thiz neighb0rh00d by the train trackz nd we chylled wit him nd then we met JuStiN. Him nd EriN h00ked up..LoLz! Yea, s0 that was funn even th0 i g0t int0 tr0uble. So then yesterdaii was GrEaT! Well, i t00k JeNNy h0me nd we picked up her friend JoHn at Stranahan nd we played NsYnC d0wn there..LoL, it was s0o funnii. Then we dr0pped him 0ff nd then we dr0pped JeNNy 0ff. Then me n JaX chylled at her h0use nd then EriN called s0 we went nd picked her up. We all chylled f0r awhile at JaX'z h0use nd then we went 0ut t0 eat nd then me nd EriN decided t0 spend the nyte at JaX'z h0use nd get drunk s0 we went back t0 my h0use t0 get sum cl0thez. I decided t0 call ChRiS cuz i g0t his number nd he t0ld me t0 call him. He wanted us t0 c0me 0ver s0o we dr0ve t0 his h0use nd he livez lyke a neighb0rh00d awaii fr0m me. Wen we g0t there, these kiddz BrAd, SeAn, nd MiKe were there t00. MiKe iz ChRiS' br0..there lyke a year apart. 0 yea, ChRiS iz 18, BrAd iz 17, SeAn iz 15, nd MiKe iz 19..LoLz! We packed evrii0ne cept MiKe in my car nd dr0ve t0 the beach. Nd if u seen my car u w0uld think it was crazii t0 even trii nd fit 7 ppl in there but we did it cuz JaX was layin 0n evrii0ne in the back nd me nd ChRiS were chyllen in the fr0nt. So0o we went t0 the beach nd it was crazii c0ld nd then we left cuz we hadda be h0me s0o i dr0ve all 0f them t0 ChRiS' h0use. Nd 0 yea, EriN h00ked up wit BrAd nd JaX s0rta h00ked up wit SeAn..LoLz. But damn EriN was lyke makin 0ut all 0ver the place..it was great. U'z a PIMP! HaHa, nd then me, JaX, nd Er went back t0 JaX'z h0use nd drank sum crazii drinkz nd we all g0t drunk nd passed 0ut. Then t0daii, the 3 0f us went t0 Br0wArd MaLL. It was s0o much funn nd ChRiS called me t0daii s0o in a LiL bit imma get readii nd me nd Er r guna g0 chyll wit all 0f them. We're g0in t0 the beach nd the CiGaR FaCt0rY..wh00p wh00p. WoW t0nyte iz guna be crazii..i cant wait. ChRiS iz a relle sweet guii nd i lyke him. 0 yea, FaNFaN, thanx f0r jumpin 0n my car yesterdaii..that was h0tt..LoL, he did the ByE ByE ByE m0ve by NsYnC wen we were playin them ar0und sk00l. Yea, nd im am s0o0o happii that Er nd JaX r friendz n0w..theii get al0ng relle g00d nd im happii theii d0. Newh0, im b0ut t0 g0 get readii nd chyll wit my h0ttie ChRiS..haha, i'll tell u wut happenz t0nyte. 0 yea, me nd EdDy r 0ver again! But heii mayb it was sp0sed t0 happen s0o i can get t0 kn0 ChRiS. Nd yea, EriN never went t0 iNdiAnA cuz AvA cancelled at the last min. PeAcE (( oNe ))
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2003 18 December :: 2.48 pm
:: Mood: happy
:: Music: ..GrEeN dAii HiTz Cd..
. 1 MoRe dAii 0f FuCkEd Up Sk0oL!! .
Wuddup w00dle?! HaHa, i juss talked t0 KaThi RiZi..w0w gurl, i DEF miss u at STA. U were crazii funn t0 chyll wit! Newh0, EdDy iz h0nestlii an assh0le. I th0ught he was 0ver AshLeY but i guess i was wr0ng..GoD, i wish we were lyke wut we used t0 be. Nd n0w i dun think he'z guna g0 t0 SeBaStiAn..evriithin fuckin g0es wr0ng wen it c0mez t0 him nd me..i fuckin hate it!! But t0daii was c00li0. Cept wen 0ne 0f the teacherz had a heart attack nd put us 0n a h0ld but yea..my clique did XmAs presentz t0daii..i g0t sum 0f the cutest shyt..but i dun feel lyke typin it all..LoLz! YaYeRz, i get my car back t0nyte..i cant wait. Well, my EriN iz DEF leavin me t0 g0 t0 iNdiAnA nd imma miss her lyke craziiness!! Me nd her r g0in t0 her br0'z XmAs pageant shyt t0nyte s0o we can chyll bef0re she leavez me! But we kn0 SeBaStiAn o3 iz c0min up s0 iz all g00d. GoD, juss thinkin b0ut h0w weird iz guna be cuz evriiwhere i pass up there iz guna remind me 0f EdDy cuz me nd him chylled all 0ver the place up there last year..i miss it alreddi. FaNFaN, i s0rri b0ut t0daii but u dint have t0 get me sent d0wn t0 the 0ffice..LoL, i still l0ve u th0! Nd ur guna c0me h0me wit me t0m0rr0w!! Wh0oP Wh0oP. Wow, im madd tired cuz i dint get h0me till fuckin 2am last nyte cuz i went XmAs sh0ppin wit RiA nd she takez s0o fuckin l0ng but it was funn. I was flirtin wit the st0cker kidd at WaLmArT wh0 was madd h0tt. He was juss lyke, 'Babii u fyyynne!' LoL, w0w i shulda g0t hiz number..he was super h0tt. Well, i g0t a c0uple XmAs presentz last nyte. I g0t my m0m sum smellii shyt, AnDy sum m0re AdidaS c0l0gne but iz limited editi0n..0o0o! LoLz, nd i g0t my daddi a plant. I still g0tta get all my friend shyt. AhH, i l0ve my friendz..i have the best 0f the best. Todaii was crazii funn nd my clique cant be st0pped! CeFaLi, u have t0 make me my bracelet h0e! LoL, i feel taller..aW, p00r ChRiS. Lemme get that f0r u Mr. FaNFaN! HaHa, ur my best d00r stucker nd we make funn 0f evrii0ne..LoL! Ew, l00k at that dirrty freshmen nd w0w, she'z fat..i bet she has pimplez 0n her ass! LoL, ur s0o rand0m! Iighty, i g0tta c wut imma wear t0 the thing t0nyte. PeAcE (( oNe ))
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2003 16 December :: 4.25 pm
:: Mood: full
:: Music: ..VoiCeS iNsiDe My HeAd (HeHe)..
. WooHoo! CaR iZ geTtin FiXeD .
YaYeRz..cant wait till iz d0ne. Newh0, im relle w0rried b0ut my daddii..he has the flu relle bad nd i feel lyke iz all my fault. I sh0uld 0f m0ved 0ut f0r a c0uple daiiz till i g0t better 0r suttin. I'm afraid he'z guna end up in the h0spital lyke he did last year wen he had it! 0, i relle h0pe that dun happen. But me nd EdDy r 0nce again..g0in crazii. We fitein nd shyt lyke alwaiiz. Thiz s0ng DEF describez wut i feel b0ut him:
Every time we lie awake
After every hit we take
Every feeling that I get
But I haven’t missed you yet
Every roommate kept awake
By every sigh and scream we make
All the feelings that I get
But I still don’t miss you yet
Only when I stop to think about it
I hate everything about you
Why do I love you
I hate everything about you
Why do I love you
Every time we lie awake
After every hit we take
Every feeling that I get
But I haven’t missed you yet
Only when I stop to think about it
I hate everything about you
Why do I love you
I hate everything about you
Why do I love you
Only when I stop to think
About you, I know
Only when you stop to think
About me, do you know
I hate everything about you
Why do I love you
You hate everything about me
Why do you love me
I hate
You hate
I hate
You love me
I hate everything about you
Why do I love you
Yea, iz a deep s0ng nd i get tearz wen i listen t0 it cuz i dun wanna l0se him. He'z 0ne 0f the best thingz that ever happened t0 me. I wish me nd him we're lyke XaViEr nd DaNieLa. She was tellin me b0ut him t0daii nd h0w he iz her best friend nd her wh0le self. She als0 thinkz that i'm changin nd gr0win apart fr0m her. Nd we had a l0ng talk nd i t0ld her iz n0t lyke that..iz juss i f0und sum relle great friendz at sk00l nd i wana get t0 kn0 them nd shyt but i t0ld her we'll def hang 0ut this wkend if she has tyme cuz she said she missez chyllen wit me. But i dunn0, she keepz bringin JaX up b0ut h0w i'm alwaiiz wit her nd shyt but u kn0 i cant saii shyt b0ut that cuz JaX iz my 0ther best friend nd i l0ve her t0 death. We get al0ng s0o g00d nd she'z juss alwaiiz there. Iighty, well i think imma b0uce 0utta thiz mudda fucka. But bef0re i leave, EriN asked me yesterdaii wut 'best friend' actualli meanz..nd s0 i th0ught b0ut it nd here'z wut i g0tta saii:
A tru best friend iz 0ne wh0 iz alwaiiz there f0r u. They're willin t0 d0 wutever it takez t0 make u happii 0r cheer u up. They're 0ne 0f the verii few ppl that can make the tearz st0p r0llin d0wn ur cheekz. Theii can make u laugh wen ur in the w0rst m00d..even if ur b0iifriend 0f 0ne year juss br0ke up wit u. Theii kn0 h0w t0 have the craziiest tymez nd theii dun care wut 0therz think wen they're havin funn. Theii understand evriithin b0ut u nd kn0 everii last detail 0f ur lyfe. Theii lyke the same shyt az u nd can l00k at u nd tell u h0w ur feelin 0r even wut ur thinkin. U cant be madd at them f0r m0re than 5 minutez nd the th0ught 0f l0sin them, bringz a tear t0 ur eye. Theii laugh wit u, crii wit u, bytch wit u, hug u, nd juss l0ve u f0r wh0 u r. That'z a best friend t0 me! I heart u EriN..thx f0r evriithin!! b.f.f.t.t.e.n.m.w
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2003 14 December :: 10.54 am
:: Mood: disappointed
:: Music: ..GoD MuSt HaTe Me--SiMpLe pLaN..
. ShyT aLwAiiZ g0eS bAdD .
Well, Fridaii i w0ke up sick az fuck. I was thr0win up, dizzii az shyt, a h0rrible headache, high fever, s0ar thr0at, nd my legz were crazii weak. I was s0o pissed 0ff cuz i had t0 g0 take my drivin test nd i c0uldnt c0ncentrate. But it all went g00d nd i passed by 3 fuckin p0intz..i was s0o luckii..but ur pr0llii w0nderin y the fuck im n0t relle that happii..yea, well FriDaii i picked up JeNNy nd JaX fr0m sk00l nd i dr0pped them 0ff at h0me nd i never g0t t0 d0 all my planz cuz i was relle sick. But EriN came 0ver that nyte nd we chylled nd then we were watchin suttin 0n MTV nd it was lyke 8.oo nd we b0th fell asleep nd then i guess she went h0me..LoL..nd i didnt wake up f0r an0ther 14 h0urz. Then yesterdaii, me nd her filled 0ut a bunch 0f applicati0nz. Yea, s0 we were 0n 0ur waii t0 JaX'z h0use nd then JaX called nd t0ld me she wasnt h0me but then she asked me t0 call her m0m nd pretend t0 be my m0m nd tell her that she was guna staii 0ver wen she relle was guna chyll wit her man..nd i was lyke 0k have EriN d0 it..s0 JaX nd EriN were talkin nd then EriN talked t0 JaX'z m0m nd pretended t0 be my m0m nd it w0rked nd n0w Er nd JaX r friendz..yAyErZ! LoL, my 2 best friendz r friendz. LoLz, we all guna chyll next wkend..iz guna be crazii funn. But newh0, then me nd Er were 0n 0ur waii t0 my RiA'z h0use nd my car started fuckin sm0kin nd it was 0verheated s0 we st0pped nd thiz h0b0 helped me wit my car nd then we went h0me nd yea..my car iz fuckin dead. I think im gettin it fixed t0m0rr0w but it sux cuz i had planz t0nyte nd n0w i dunn0 if i can still d0 them unless i can take the EcLiPsE which myte happen cuz i t00k it a c0uple placez yesterdaii. But yea, s0o thiz fuckin sux that i dun g0tta car. Newh0, im 0utt f0r n0w. 0 yea, i havent talked t0 EdDy since lyke WeDnEsDaii but heii, he wantz t0 be an assh0le, then fuck it..but i was juss readin my last entrii nd that wh0le g00d stuff didnt last t00 l0ng. Iighty, im g0ne. (( oNe ))
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2003 10 December :: 4.49 pm
:: Mood: loved
:: Music: ..EaSt CoAsT AnThEm--GC..
. JaX iZ mY TwiN!! .
HaHa, i luv u gurlie! Newh0, t0daii was g00d g00d. Last nite was me nd iCeY'z 11 m0nthz!! LoL, even th0 we br0ke up lyke crazii thru these m0nthz. WoW, i feel lyke this iz guna be a l0ng entrii. Drug d0gz came t0 sk00l t0daii nd i had juss b0ught weed fr0m my b0ii. Nd i was scared theii were guna c0me in my class..s0o i ate the weed! HoLii ShyT..i g0t s0o fucked up! HaHa, nd then wen i saw JaX she was fucked up t00 cuz she t00k her bar..even th0 theii cant smell barz! LoL, we skipped 1st h0ur t0gether nd we're talkin b0ut sum crazii shyt..i cant even member! HaHa, but it was great! Yea, s0o t0daii was juss chyll..kinda..LoLz, i dunn0 was it?? Yea, cept wen DeReK seri0uslii fuckin pissed me 0ff but wutever..dun wana talk b0ut it. HaHa, 2 fuckin daiiz till i get my license..u dun even kn0 h0w SL0W iz g0in..aHh!! 0k, s0o EdDy called me last nyte nd we hadnt talked since lyke SaTuRdAii 0r sum shyt. AwW u better c0me t0 SeBaStiAn babii!! It w0nt be the same wit0ut my babii b0i! LoL, but we 0nlii talked till 1 last nyte cuz i was crazii tired nd then he decidez t0 call me at fuckin 5 in the m0rnin!! He th0ught that was the tyme i g0t up f0r sk00l..but n0o0o, i get up DEF an h0ur lata. LoL, iz all g00d th0..even th0 he made me staii 0n the f0ne wit him till 6.3o cuz i was tired last nyte nd decided t0 g0. But he said that he dressed lyke a pimp yesterdaii nd he was lyke babii im a muther fuckin P.I.M.P nd i was lyke n0..u maii dress lyke 0ne but u besta n0t act lyke 0ne nd he g0es Nah nah..wen gurlz r all lyke babii can i have ur number, i tell them that i g0t a gurl waitin f0r me at h0me that iz m0re sexii than theii ever be! AwW babez, that was sweet. Yea, s0o last nyte he t0ld me that i'm perfect. Nd i was askin him y..cuz n0 0nez perfect nd speciallii n0t ME! Nd he'z lyke babii, ur perfect f0r me. U have the best fuckin l00kz ever nd t0 add 0n that..u have the greatest pers0nalitii..ur funni, smart, nd ur s0o crazii..nd thatz wut i l0ve b0ut u! AwW i relle h0pe we staii lyke thiz f0r awhile cuz im g0in crazii n0w 0ver him! Iz benn great. Seri0uslii, ive never felt thiz waii b0ut ne guii. Nd i w0uld d0 nethin t0 staii wit him. From the daii i saw him..i knew i wanted t0 be wit him. Nd i g0t wit him..nd iz juss weird cuz i went t0 SeBaStiAn juss t0 chyll wit my EriN nd i never expected t0 meet him. Honestlii, up there i was all depressed newaiiz cuz me nd RiCky juss br0ke up nd i was screwed 0ver by MaTt..but EdDy changed my wh0le attitude 0n that trip. God, that shyt made me believe in l0ve at first site..cuz az s00n az my eyez met his..i was in heaven. He'z lyke evriithin i ever wanted..i mean, sidez hiz temper nd all hiz shyt that i get al0t but evrii guii d0es that at sum tyme 0r an0ther nd pers0nallii, i think he'z gettin better at it..i h0pe s0o. Well, i cant take my car t0 SeBaStiAn thiz yr cuz u can 0nlii have 2 carz nd JoN nd EriN'z m0m r bringin their carz. The 0nlii waii i can iz if EdDy g0es nd then i can park it at hiz place. Nd staii there t00..LoLz! I cant wait f0r thiz trip!! Iz guna be crazii..i get t0 see all my b0iiz again..i miss them s0o much..i miss JoN, AuStiN, Sc0tt, ReD, GoAt (HaHa), STEVE!!, BiLLy, RoB..all 0f them..LoL, me nd Er met madd ppl up there. Wellz, 0ne m0re daii 0f sk00l cuz im takin FriDaii 0ff t0 get my license..wh00p wh00p. Then FriDaii, me nd JeNNy r g0in t0 the mall cuz im pickin her up fr0m sk00l. Then, imma dr0p her 0ff nd g0 get JaX nd we guna chyll till BriAn nd JoHn get t0 my h0use nd then we all g0in t0 a h0tel f0r the nyte. SaTuRdAii, me nd EriN r g0in t0 l00k f0r jobz nd then g0 t0 the m0viez nd then shez chyllen here f0r the nyte nd SuNdAii, we're tannin nd then im g0in t0 pick up LiTa nd we guna g0 t0 the beach. I cant wait..i betta n0t fail my test!! That w0uld suck s0o badd. Iighty, i g0tta g0. (( oNe ))
JaX, h0w we feelin?? G0000000D dawg..i mean c0wb0ii! HaHa, t0daii was crazii. ilu u s0o much gurlie..thx f0r evriithin my sister! x0x. ErBe@r, my truest p00piehead! SeB..wh00p wh00p lyke craziiness..saii wuuut?! LoLz, i heart u!! x0x. Nd a big c0ngratz t0 my 'gurlie' cuz she'z funa have a babii..im an 'AuNt' again!! LoLz, iighty. PeaCe
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2003 8 December :: 3.25 pm
:: Mood: anxious
:: Music: ..GoTtA Be--JaGgEd EdGe..
. FanFan iZ tHe YoGa MaN .
HaHa, damn FaNNy..ur such a pimp. LoLz, he made 0ut wit lyke 4 gurlz thiz wkend! Aw, hez gr0win up s0o fast. LoLz! Well, t0daii was c00l. It went by fast cuz we had sum mass shyt. 3 daiiz till i get my license!!!!!! AhH, i cant wait. My m0m said i c0uld drive t0 sk00l t0daii nd i was guna but i didnt cuz if i g0t st0pped than i w0uldnt be able t0 get my license till im 18 nd im n0t guna fuck it up n0w. But i seri0uslii cant wait. LoLz, i alreddii have crazii planz thiz wkend. Newh0, i benn thinkin a l0t latelii b0ut me nd EdDy nd 0ur future..if we have 0ne. See, iz guna be s0o different wen AshLeY has her babii. I'm s0o afraid that wen she d0es imma be 2nd t0 evriithin nd the babii iz guna be first nd s0o iz AshLeY. Dun get me wr0ng, i luv kidz nd i think maybe a kidd w0uld make him gr0w up in sum waiiz, but i juss dun want him t0 think that gettin back wit her will be better f0r the babii nd than leavin me. He dun even want a kidd but they're alwaiiz t0gether n0w cuz he'z g0in t0 d0ct0r'z app0inmentz wit her nd shyt nd i kn0 she hatez me nd i dun want her t0 make him think he needz t0 be wit her. I'm juss relle scared b0ut it n0w cuz i dun want the 0ne pers0n i care f0r s0o much t0 let it all g0 lyke he'z dun bef0re. I dunn0, maybe it w0nt be lyke that th0. I h0pe n0t. I guess i'll juss have t0 see wut happenz. Well ryte n0w, my best friendz at sk00l w0uld DEF be JaX, JeNNy, nd FaNFaN. Theii r alwaiiz there f0r me n0 matter wut nd i luv them s0o much. I luv all my friendz but me nd JaX r s0o cl0se n0w nd ChRiS tellz me EVRIITHIN n0w..iz craziiness. Nd JeNNy iz juss JeNNy..LoL, i wuv her! But me nd JaX r real tyte nd im glad we r cuz she relle understandz me..lyke m0re than ne0ne..sidez my ErBe@r! 0o0o, i g0t my system put in my car last nyte! YaYeRz, iz the greatest. Well t0daii i was demanded by FaNFaN that he has t0 drive my car all the tyme. LoLz, ur s0o mean. But yea, s0o i guess i'll let him drive 0nce 0r twice but ryte n0w..onlii Er nd him can drive it unless im relle fucked up, then sum0ne else can but n0 0ne else cuz i dun want it fucked up! Yea, s0o im kinda b0red s0o i think imma g0 d0 suttin. My babii'z here s0o im pr0llii guna g0 watch a m0vie wit him 0r sum shyt. Newh0, i'm g0ne. (( oNe ))
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2003 6 December :: 2.31 pm
:: Mood: cold
:: Music: ..PeRfeCt--SiMpLe pLaN..
. CuZ We LoSt iT aLL :: NuTtiN LaStZ 4eVa .
0mg, last nyte was the CrAziEsT!! HaHa, i went h0me wit JaCki after sk00l nd we chylled 0ur grillz..LoLz. We sm0ked cigz lyke crazii. Nd then we went t0 the m0viez. We saw the 'ghett0' m0vie HoNeY. We dressed in Nascar shirtz, b00tz, nd 0ur c0wb0ii hatz nd we said h0wdii t0 evrii0ne. It was s0o great. We went t0 TaRgEt at CoRaL RiDgE nd we g0t lyke 4 bagz 0f marshmall0wz nd c00kiez!! LoLz, nd we didnt even eat it..we threw it at these uglee azz gurlz in the m0viez wit us cuz theii were grillin us wen we were gettin 0ur ticketz. Nd wen we went t0 CoRaL RiDgE we t00k pix wit SanTa!! LoL, he was funnii! Then we went back h0me nd made sm0rez wit0ut the ch0c0late. We made it 0ver CANDLEZ! LoL, h0w ghett0?! We juss chylled nd she talked t0 JoHn f0r lyke 5 h0urz nd then FaNfAn called me s0 i talked t0 him f0r a lil bit. He wanted t0 chyll but he c0uldnt find a ride. Iz all g00d th0. AwW, c0ngratz t0 JaX nd JoHn. They're g0in 0ut n0w s0 im relle happii f0r her. Nd i kn0 she lykez him s0 much. Nd JoHn iz relle mean t0 me..LoL, jk. YaYeRz, 6 daiiz till i get my license!!!!!!! WooHooZ! Then at 2.30 in the m0rnin, we snuck 0ut nd walked crazii milez t0 WaLgReeNz cuz we were guna bum cigz but there were c0pz there s0o we b0ught there peach ringz. Then we g0t back t0 the h0use nd watched a m0vie nd i passed 0ut nd JaX talked t0 JoHn. It was crazii funn th0. 0 yea, here r me nd JaX'z g0alz f0r lyfe:
1. Go t0 a ghett0 m0vie in c0wb0ii hatz (( Dun alreddii ))
2. Play sum gaii music d0wn SiStRuNk at 3.30 in the m0rnin.
3. Take a bar nd g0 t0 CiTy FurNitUre nd pass 0ut 0n 0ne 0f the bedz.
4. Take a r0ad trip t0 FoRt MeYeRz f0r JoHn nd BriAn.
5. Move t0 aLaBaMa t0gether.
HaHa. Nd sum 0ther funnii shyt last nyte was:
1. H0wdii partner..c0wb0ii.
2. Iz all gravii babii.
3. 5 finger disc0unt..wut if u 0nlii had 4 fingerz?!
4. Wut if God sm0ked cannibus..hit the b0ng lyke sum 0f us?!
5. Powdie!
6. Get L-O-W?!
7. Wen i m0ve u m0ve..JUSS LYKE THAT!
8. U thexy li0n, u!
9. AwEsuM PoSsUM.
10. YeSsSsS!!!!
Yea, last nyte was great nd n0w JaX iz happii that i put all thiz in herre f0r her. Nd me nd EriN r back t0 n0rmal again. GooD GooD. I havent talked t0 EdDy s0 i dunn0 wutz g0in 0n. He never called me back last nyte. 0kie d0kie..s0 t0m0rr0w i get my system put in nd yea. CONGRATZ TO ALICIA ND DUBER! I h0pe u guiiz staii t0gether f0r a l0ng time..i kn0 u will. LoL, theii g0t married last nyte. I used t0 chyll wit Alicia. Evrii0ne iz gettin s0o much 0lder. But newh0, imma g0 call sum0ne juss dunn0 wh0 yet. Yea, imma call JeNNy. LoL, PoWdiE! (( oNe ))
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2003 4 December :: 4.29 pm
:: Mood: annoyed
:: Music: ..AttiCuS cD..
. Go FuCk uRseLf EriN .
Damn, juss cuz i was pissed 0ff at EdDy yesterdaii dun mean i g0tta be pissed 0ff at him t0daii. S0rrii we w0rk 0ur shyt 0ut EriN. I dun fuckin care if u hate him cuz i l0ve him nd if u dun lyke it then wutever. I'm n0t ch00sin him 0ver u but u act lyke hez s0o fuckin h0rrible f0r me nd u think u kn0 him but all u member b0ut him iz the badd shyt! Newaiiz, t0daii was prettii g00d. I f0rg0t t0 saii ThAnX t0 FaN-FaN f0r the sh0ut 0n the radi0 b0ut my bdaii nd the ball00n. I luv u!! Well, the reas0n i was s0o pissed yesterdaii was cuz it was my bdaii nd i hadnt talked t0 EdDy yet nd cuz wen i called him sum0ne answered nd said it wasnt his f0ne. So0o i th0ught he was juss d0in it cuz he didnt wana talk s0o i juss went t0 sleep. Well, i was wr0ng cuz if he didnt wana talk, then he w0uldnt 0f called me last nyte. He said he left his f0ne at sum st0re nd wen he went back, it was g0ne. Nd EriN u can saii wutever u want b0ut it but u kn0 he w0uldnt 0f fuckin called me if he didnt wana talk! Yea, s0o his BdAii present t0 me was his 'sweet talk' nd i get my 0ther present lataz (( WiNk )). AwW, he said the cutest shyt t0 me last nyte. It was great! Yea, s0o we talked till lyke 4am nd i was s0o fuckin tired..i 0nlii g0t lyke 2 h0urz 0f sleep! But wutever, atleast i went t0 sleep happii nd n0t sadd. KeL, 0mg im s0o s0rrii..i DEF didnt mean t0 hit u wit the water b0ttle..i luv u!! ChRiStiE, thanx f0r BITIN me t0daii. LoLz, 0ur babiifacez g0t married!! Nd JaX, thiz wkend iz guna be GrEaT! LoL, iighty im g0ne. (( oNe ))
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2003 3 December :: 9.53 pm
:: Mood: thankful
:: Music: ..HeAdStr0nG--TrApT..
. Go0o ShAwTi, iZ uR BuRfdAii! .
Wh00p Wh00p..16!! LoL, well last nyte EdDy called me at 8.30 nd then he hadda g0 nd he said he w0uld call me back nd he never did, s0o i called him nd EriN was pissed that i was callin him cuz he needz t0 call me 0n my BdAii..but n0 hez g0tta be his fuckin self! Yea, s0o i called nd AhH..letz juss saii he made me fuckin crii nd thiz iz sp0sed t0 be a g00d daii nd he fuckin ruinz the shyt 0utta it!! Newh0, sidez that, t0nyte was s0o great!! we went t0 FriDaii'z f0r dinner! LoL, s0o far i g0t 22 ball00nz f0r my bdaii fr0m friendz nd fam nd FriDaii'z!! LoL, we had a crazii nyte nd AnDy p0pped 0ne ball00n nd suck the helium nd started singin iN tHa cLuB t0 me! AwW..LoL!! I luv u man..ur the best..muahz!! Yea nd after sk00l was s0o funnii..h0li shyt! JeNNy, me nd LiTa were fuckin wit ppl usin my ball00nz nd haha, it was great!! Nd JeNNy came 0ver after sk00l nd we hung 0ut nd had crazii funn! LoL..Newh0, i had a bunch 0f shyt i was guna write but i kinda cant member cuz im prettii fuckin pissed 0ff rite n0w..s0o thanx EdDy f0r makin me feel lyke thiz! God, i wish i c0uld juss be able t0 leave him but i fuckin cant..i relle wish i c0uld th0. 0k, well im startin t0 get relle upset s0o i think imma g0. (( oNe ))
x BaBigUrL387 x: heii
SpOrTyChIcC323: hoe
x BaBigUrL387 x: heii
x BaBigUrL387 x: skank
SpOrTyChIcC323: hussey
x BaBigUrL387 x: bytch
SpOrTyChIcC323: whore
x BaBigUrL387 x: slut
SpOrTyChIcC323: cunt rag
x BaBigUrL387 x: c0ck sucker
SpOrTyChIcC323: thank you...pussey eater
x BaBigUrL387 x: shytface
SpOrTyChIcC323: penis wrinkle
x BaBigUrL387 x: bunkhead
SpOrTyChIcC323: fart face
x BaBigUrL387 x: asswhipe
SpOrTyChIcC323: butt floss
x BaBigUrL387 x: shithead
SpOrTyChIcC323: fuk face
x BaBigUrL387 x: muther fucker
SpOrTyChIcC323: fruit loop
x BaBigUrL387 x: cracker
SpOrTyChIcC323: crackhead
x BaBigUrL387 x: assh0le
SpOrTyChIcC323: pothead
x BaBigUrL387 x: clitface
SpOrTyChIcC323: boob sucker
x BaBigUrL387 x: cumlicker
SpOrTyChIcC323: butt licker
SpOrTyChIcC323: yeist maker
x BaBigUrL387 x: 2centh0e
SpOrTyChIcC323: nothin cent hoe
x BaBigUrL387 x: that w0uld be free
SpOrTyChIcC323: it sounded ghettoer that way
x BaBigUrL387 x: peniscuntassbytchwh0re butt fucker
SpOrTyChIcC323: im not ur friend
SpOrTyChIcC323: so dont talk to me
x BaBigUrL387 x: i heart u 2
SpOrTyChIcC323: nope
SpOrTyChIcC323: i dont heart u
x BaBigUrL387 x: oo yea
SpOrTyChIcC323: oo no
P.S. JaCkaLiE, feel better chica! Ilu l0tz!! Nd EriN, yAy..we 0fficiallii the same age but 0nlii f0r 3 m0nthz cuz then u turn _17_..wh00p wh00p!! i HEART u s0o much gurlie!! 0ur c0nv0z r the bestest! Ur my sister by an0ther mister..0r a br0ther by an0ther m0ther! LoL, muahz!
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2003 2 December :: 4.16 pm
:: Mood: excited
:: Music: ..EriN'z GheTt0 MiXtApE..
. WooHoo..LaSt dAii 0f My 15tH yEaR!! .
HaHa, hellz yea!! 10 daiiz till i get my license!! Wh0oP Wh0oP. Well, yesterdaii i didnt write nd i dunn0 y but newh0, it was crazii funn. ErBeAr came 0ver after sk00l nd we chyllaxed f0r a h0t min. nd then RiA nd AnDy came 0ver nd all 0f us were talkin. Then theii left nd my m0m came h0me nd me nd ErBeAr went t0 get WeNdY'z!! LoLz, then we juss talked nd shyt cuz i havent seen her in F0REVER!! LoLz, but t0m0rr0w'z dinner iz guna be s0o crazii. Iz 0nlii guna be me, RiA, AnDy, my babii, MoMMii, DaDDii nd ERBE@R!!!! LoLz, i didnt even ask if she c0uld c0me..my m0m was juss lyke, 'Well, i think EriN sh0uld c0me since she'z part 0f the fam.' LoLz, h0w cute iz that?! HaHaZ. Newaiiz, yesterdaii i was relle d0wn nd shyt cuz 0f all thiz EdDy shyt nd i was guna call him, but then i membered wut i t0ld him that i w0uldnt be the first t0 call..s0o i didnt. Nd i said t0 myself, 'Maybe he'll call..damn, it w0uld take 0ne fuckin miracle f0r that t0 happen.' So0o last nyte after i finished my laundrii nd shyt i was gettin readii t0 g0 t0 sleep nd then my f0ne ringz nd iz EDDY!!!!! Nd i wasnt even guna answer it but i did cuz i knew if i didnt, he w0uld juss keep callin till i did. Nd he was lyke, 'Babii, y rnt we talkin?' HaHa, well i t0talli went 0ff 0n him b0ut that nd u kn0 wut i fuckin f0und 0ut?! Sp0sedlii, he was j0kin that nite we were 0n the f0ne b0ut that 0ther gurl nd he didnt kn0 i t00k it seri0us nd then i asked him b0ut the c0nv0 0nlyne nd he SWAREZ it wasnt him nd he dunn0 ne0ne wit that s.n. So0o i started readin him the c0nv0 nd he had n0 idea wut i was talkin b0ut s0o i believe him..BUT..that meanz sum0ne iz fuckin ar0und wit me nd i relle dun fuckin think iz funnii at all!! Nd im n0t playin ar0und cuz wen i find 0ut wh0 did it, imma be s0o fuckin pissed..lyke theii didnt kn0 i was guna talk t0 EdDy ever again?! 0 shyt, i cant wait till i find 0ut wh0 did that shyt t0 me..but i kn0 it hadda be sum0ne i t0ld b0ut the wh0le thing. But yea, s0o we talked f0r lyke an h0ur nd i wanna saii we back t0gether but i dun wanna cuz i'm afraid if i d0 thiz shyt aint guna last. But i'll guess i'll see cuz he pr0mised t0 call me t0nyte..s0o0o i'll c wut g0es d0wn. I relle h0pe shyt g0es g00d thiz tyme wit me nd him. Nd h0ly shyt, i didnt wanna saii thiz till i t0ld ErBe@r..BUT HE'Z STAYIN IN SEBASTIAN F0R A FUCKIN WEEK!!! AhH, i s0o0o cant wait. Crazii picz 0f me nd him that ill put up in here!! That shyt iz guna be s0o funn nd he als0 said that wen we leavez 0n the 4th, he'z guna drive back here wit me nd Er in my car!! Holii shyt..iz guna be crazii. HaHa, we had the greatest c0nv0 last nyte..if u aint blu, den u aint tru! AwW, i L0VE him lyke crazii!! I relle h0pe it lastz thiz tyme. He said he missez me m0re than i can ever imagine. Nd i think that iz relle fuckin weird cuz a c0uple entriez back i had that az my title nd it was meant f0r him. YaYeRz!! I get t0 sleep wit him f0r a wh0le fuckin wk..guna be s0o crazii!! We guna sleep in my car..hahaZ!! Newaiiz, i juss g0t 0utta detenti0n wit KeLLy! LoL, we had t0 staii late cuz we were talkin but 0 wellz..i luv my KeLbeL!! JaX iz makin me a shr00m necklace az im typin thiz..LoLz, im 0n the f0ne wit her! 0kie d0kie, i think imma g0 n0w. I h0pe EdDy callz me t0nite..he besta! Iighty, im 0utt. (( oNe ))
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