2006 3 October :: 12.37 am
:: Mood: exasperated
:: Music: thunder
you should buy my car.
burning hair is pretty much the worst smell ever.
and somehow, i think it smells worse when it's your own.
son of a bitch.
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2006 20 September :: 10.36 pm
should i feel guilty for being pissed? i don't think so. i want to eat. i want to go home. i want to not have to do this shit.
hell, i daresay i'd even rather having to buy books.
son of a bitch, man.
she didn't really need to print off 150 copies of the habitat for humanity thing did she? i had to print of MY things. aren't I more important than her? and i can't get the marihuana one to work. that makes me sad.
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2006 19 September :: 5.46 pm
:: Music: simon and garfunkel
we're doing dinner with professor eick tonight. it's been a few months since i've seen him, so that's cool.
aside from that, i'm at college, doing college things.
like, my radio show.
and harry potter club.
and sociology (i.e. cross-dressing and writing journals and reading articles)
and psychology (i.e. thinking about thinking and writing journals and reading articles)
and german (i.e. schlafen)
and film (i.e. watching movies and writing journals and reading articles)
and radio plays
and trying to get a job
and having lots and lots of sex
and doing laundry
you know; college stuff.
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2006 5 September :: 4.47 pm
:: Music: Tool - Lateralus
der Universität ist sehr schwer! sehr viel, sehr groß hausaufgabe immer!!!
aber ... ich will leben. ich weiss das.
und meine wohnung hat ein geschirrspülemachine. das ist sehr toll!
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2006 29 August :: 11.47 pm
:: Mood: tired
that's really kind of an interesting contradiction... the fact that they can't spell "back to school" anymore.
anyway, i'm back, and school is where i'm at.
i live here:
10266 Laker Lane
Allendale, MI 49401
mail me things that won't explode or set off a metal detector. the anthrax i'll deal with.
good to see everyone's still alive. and i figured it was high time i asserted my own continued existence.
but i'm tired. and i have lots of homework already. and i'm trying to clean. and it's just not working out. but school is fun dammit. i'm busy this weekend. why do i do this to myself?
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2006 16 August :: 2.01 am
:: Mood: selfless, cold and composed? except for not.
:: Music: BnL - Born on a Pirate Ship
man. so, i've been working on getting the truck ready. i took the cap off today. it looks better without it, but i need to put it on, so that way our stuff stays dry while we're camping, and so it doesn't blow away in transit. but it's pretty badass right now. and it's more fun to drive. i'm enjoying it, anyway. but the neighborhood nazis are sure to not be crazy about the truck cap now sitting on our front lawn, so i have to be quick about this. but it can't go back on until i wash the truck, fix the license plate lights, and replace that plate glass window on the front of the cap. which is proving to be a bigger bitch than i first anticipated. i can't even find a damn window to put in. lowe's said that they could have me one for 62 dollars, in about a month and a half. i basically gave them the finger and left. except, without giving them the finger. but i'm going to get up tomorrow morning and cruise plainfield looking for a hardware store. there's bound to be one somewhere. hopefully they can hook me up with some plexi and i'll be able to rig a setup to fit it into the opening. and there was this nasty-ass tar sealing the old window frame to the cap. it got all over my hands, and on my toe, and on the floor of the garage. sticky as shit. but i'm better now.
kevin is coming over tomorrow night. it's been awhile since i've had my fix. i asked mom for some booze. we'll see if that happens or not. either way it's bound to be a riot. but i'm feeling much more comfortable with my alcohol situation, which is good. i'm not so nervous all the time about it.
lifted weights tonight. that was a good time. we hit 'em pretty damn hard. i'll be sore tomorrow, but it feels good. i'm gonna try and bench 250 on thursday. wish me luck. that's pretty fraggin' heavy. but i did 245 tonight without too much trouble, so i'm feeling good.
now i have to go to bed, dammit.
be tired!
it didn't work.
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2006 13 August :: 11.59 pm
i updated myspace. because i'm a loser, and i had nothing better to write about since last night.
went to church like i said i would. went out on the boat like i said i would.
we went to aunt sally and uncle gerry's cottage. i had forgotten how nice it is up there. i just love it. and the water was so warm. i was sad we didn't have more time to go swimming. but it was nice just to get out on the boat. and apparently i have all of these reputations that precede me.
and i have this problem with finding these really cute shirttail cousins, which it kind of weirds me out that they're cute. and i sometimes get the vibe like they think i'm cute too, and they're just as freaked out about it as i am. it's interesting.
speaking of which, apparently i'm somehow distantly related to emily rowe. i thought that was interesting. and again with the cute cousins. meh, whatev.
time to go do something not at all productive, until i pass out.
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2006 13 August :: 2.48 am
:: Music: yes
i'm going camping in a week. i'm moving into my apartment in a week. i'm starting school in two weeks. i'm going out on the boat tomorrow. i have to get up for church.
i'm frickin' tired.
i'll go to bed soon.
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2006 11 August :: 2.22 am
:: Music: DMB - Crash
i love hudsonville ice cream. i like it better than plainwell ice cream.
primarily because i've never had plainwell ice cream, but secondarily because i grew up on hudsonville, and tertiarily because i like to tease shannon.
time for bed. setting my alarm for 9:30. hope i wake up.
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2006 9 August :: 4.56 am
ever since saturday, my sleep schedule has been all fucked up.
i mean, it was well worth it, but still. i'd like the turbulence to stop now.
i'm setting my alarm for tomorrow morning. hopefully i'll get into bed at a reasonable hour tomorrow night, and back into the swing of things by thursday. or i'll just keep on keepin' on.
tomorrow i have to make a couple of phone calls, and drive out to allendale to pay my rent.
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