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:: 2006 7 August :: 11.53 pm

gramma' phone

seriously guys. please take the initiative to not make stupid spelling and usage mistakes. it's aggravating. i don't expect perfection. hell, i know my journal is all wrong most of the time. but at least i try. i see so many people not caring, and thus, not trying. it makes me sad.

i had a good weekend. saturday night i had dinner at panera with shannon. after dinner, we went to my dad's new house and changed the oil in the truck, fixed the tail light, carried the filing cabinet downstairs (holy god was that thing ever heavy. it is never leaving that basement), and walked to the ice cream place. then we came back to mom's and watched 'the producers'. i enjoyed it. not that we were paying all that much attention. then we had a nice long talk. it was very emotionally draining, but well worth it. i think we got to sleep somewhere around six.

sunday we lazed around the house in the morning. we went to meijer. i got some essentials. then we went to dinner at the fondue place by celebration. it was expensive, but it was flippin' sweet! the food was absolutely amazing, the ambience was spot-on, the waitstaff were all very relaxed and cordial. they had about seventeen pages of wine selections, all of which i was too young and too poor to try. perhaps when i'm older and wealthier we can go back. that would be fun. or we could find new different places. that would be fun too.
after that we went fishing. after fishing, we went straight to bed. i was pooped. and then this morning we just lazed around the house again until i had to go to work.

i missed kevin, but apparently they practiced yesterday. i'm a slacker with a girlfriend.

it was a good weekend. i have to pay my rent this week. and get some gas. so, that should cost me over 400 dollars. good thing i made over 400 dollars last week. damn.

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:: 2006 5 August :: 2.05 am

10 hours - no lunch.

10 am start time tomorrow.

chris is tired. and will be for the next 24 hours, at least.

but once i get my paycheck, it will be all better.

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:: 2006 4 August :: 11.30 am

i was going to take a picture of my scruff before i shaved, but alas, i can't find my camera.

and i need to shave. so, it's going. bye bye. it only took two weeks, so i figure if i dedicated a solid month, it could be a full-fledged beard. however, i hopefully will never have to go a month without seeing shannon, and i will shave for her, so... there you have it.

libby just made me a mad lib. it was delicious.

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:: 2006 3 August :: 1.37 am
:: Mood: tired


so, i worked ten hours tonight. which means several things:

- didn't get to talk to shannon.
- got out at 1am (which is just depressing).


i'm trying to milk it for all it's worth, since it's the only positive aspect of the situation, and i really need the money.

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:: 2006 2 August :: 2.49 am
:: Mood: kinda ticked.

fucking come home already!!!

gosh. they're stupid, i'm telling you.

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:: 2006 1 August :: 11.59 am
:: Music: Incubus - A Crow Left of the Murder

sausage patties (not links)

this weekend was a lot of fun.

next weekend will be a lot of fun. i'm changing my oil saturday. it's been like 7,000 miles, so i figure it's time.

tomorrow i'm doing lunch with my cousin, before she goes to ireland. should be cool.

today i'm doing laundry, going to work, and lifting weights. because i'm cool like that.

i made a list. because i always make lists. it really helps to get all that shit out of your head, and onto something that is less likely to forget. and i can pull it out and add more later.

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:: 2006 29 July :: 2.32 am

well. another late night.

which would be fine, except i have to get up in the morning.

that could put a damper on things.

and i decided it's worth being a little late to the party, in order to go home and change my clothes and shower and stuff beforehand.

i'm so unprepared for life most days.

one week down. it don't take no guff.

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:: 2006 26 July :: 11.50 am

note to self:


(you will, won't you?)

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:: 2006 26 July :: 11.28 am

:: unentitled ::

oh man. less than a month now until i'm done with work. that's unbelievable. it went so damn fast. which is good and bad, i guess. i'm not getting as rich as i thought i would be getting.

hopefully the home improvement place in allendale needs a forklift operator. i'm fully licensed. i now have 3 months of intensive experience. that should be enough, i think.

in other news, shannon's this weekend was a rockin' good time. the movies were funny and felt good. the beach was warm, and freezing-ass cold. the blueberry pancakes were absolutely spectacular. and the talking was super-duper great.

i guess kevin and dylan might be coming over tonight. or maybe i misunderstood. that happens all too often. it would be fun if they did.

two weeks is a long time to go without any attention. i kind of backed myself into a corner on that one though. and i know it's just for me to prove to myself that i can do it. nothing more than that. i mean, why would anybody else give a shit? exactly.

i'm looking very much forward to the mackinac trip. i'm also looking forward to havoc at hastings, the following weekend (labor dabor). and there is also move-in to look forward to, which is something like 3 weeks away. two weeks. something. i don't even know. it's getting here much sooner than i anticipated, i know that much. but i'm pumped and jazzed and all that, just the same.

credit card bill (camping trip) - $100
bells - $100
havoc pre-registration - $20
internet @ apt. - $90
rent - $350

total - $660 (otherwise known as two weeks' pay)


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:: 2006 17 July :: 12.43 am
:: Mood: much better
:: Music: genesis (yes, still)

alrighty. i'm doing a lot better. and to evidence the change of spirit, i now entail the assistance of a webcomic, directed particularly at one shannon rench, who i assume will be internet stalking me tomorrow sometime before i talk to her.

i could be wrong though.

because they want to know what the hell is wrong with you.

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