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:: 2006 25 January :: 12.54 am
:: Mood: ich denke immer...
:: Music: alan parsons - i robot

so, about that life thing.

perpetually pensive. constantly concerned. invariably immersed in idle imaginings and malignant mental machinations.

i guess sometimes they're beneficent. but it seems to be the lesser proportion of the time.

anyway. i've been thinking. with various parts of my body. and in the end i still don't know what the hell is going on with me. and we had a nice talk today, even. and i'm still so lost.

Ich denke immer, aber auch glaube nicht.

i always think, but never know.

band tonight was a little more organized, which i appreciated. i still have all the same feelings of inadequacy though.

feelings are so fickle. yet so powerful. it's absurd. you can't rely on them for diddly squat, and in the end they serve little purpose. but life without them would be meaningless. so, i guess that's their purpose. feelings give life meaning. but they still suck. i'm sticking to my guns on that one. and yet they're awesome.

dammit! i'm so noncommital.

at the very least, they certainly make it extremely difficult to function properly.

well. g'night.

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:: 2006 23 January :: 4.41 pm
:: Mood: funny
:: Music: SOAD

funny "ha, ha," or funny like a clown?

yeah. so, last night's escapades were quite unexpected. not unpleasant, by any means, but thoroughly surprising and utterly disorienting.

and the same question i always have for myself... now what?

although it might be the same old question, it's definitely a new twist. very different.

i realize i'm being all cryptic. maybe *gasp* it's because i don't want to broadcast everything to the world. and that's when you say "then why are you typing it in your journal?" and really, it's a fair point. if i don't want you to know, then why am i telling you? it's because i need to at least get it off my chest... regardless of whether it's comprehensible to my audience or not. it's merely self-serving catharsis, okay? sorry, i know i'm a greedy bastard, but there you are.

yeah. i can't really think of much else at the moment. so i don't have much else to say.

although i have to say, this whole situation has had a very positive impact on my relationship with katie. that's really inexpressibly marvelous.

heinous. aww.

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:: 2006 22 January :: 2.45 pm
:: Mood: Apathetic
:: Music: Stabby Rip Stab-Stab

i must be emo...

hey guys. good weekend. no, GREAT WEEKEND! die gutes Wochenende.

i went skiing. did my radio show. had girls' night out. had guys' night out. did dishes twice. made french toast. cleaned the kitchen, top to bottom. and didn't do any homework.

what more could a growing college boy ask for?

sex? sure. but why would i, when i could clean the kitchen instead? i mean, seriously.

naw. lots of girl drama in the past week or two. still continuing. no sex though, which is a plus. that would complicate several matters much more than my puny, feeble mind could comprehend / tolerate.

"your head a splode"

oh jah, oh jah!

smile please. the world needs more lerts.

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:: 2006 17 January :: 12.00 am
:: Mood: messed...
:: Music: burnin' for buddy

well, i had yet another marvelous dinner... white rice, bacon and eggs. mmm... so good. with a little mrs dash. oh shit! i made coffee... whoops. i'm sure it's cold by now. oh well.





it's still warm! not piping hot, but hey. beggars can't be choosy.


i'm just totally weirded out. i didn't get over katie over break like i thought i had. so it's weird again with that. and hunter's ex is seeking psychiatric help, and i talked with her last night for a couple hours, and i really hope she's not into me. i mean she's nice and all, but that's a lot of baggage i would thoroughly regret.

and somehow i never realized it before, but ellen is crazy hot. i'm not sure just how i missed that vital part of the scene, but i did.

i've been running like crazy and accomplishing nothing all week already. well, i guess i accomplished something... i had band rehearsal tonight. that's right, band rehearsal. feel free to laugh now, or any time henceforth. i know i'm laughing heartily, myself. what foolishness, gah.

meh. well. yeah. 'tis life, for yon lad (me).

Heute, ich habe manchmal Hausaufgaben für Deutsch. Nach das, ich muss treffe mit der Schauer. Ich bin nicht so sauber (und habe verrückthaare)

das ist sehr... yucky.

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:: 2006 12 January :: 12.55 am

wow. first week and i'm already abandoning my homework.

this doesn't bode well at all.

but on the plus side, my social life is kicking some serious ass. and hunter is the best thing ever. well, maybe not ever. but he's good for me, in that "similar, yet different" sort of way. i really need to let go of my inhibitions, and get back to my instincts. not like buck wild or anything, but just a little more in tune. i'm so far removed from all that "human" shit, it's no wonder i feel detached all the fucking time.

i think i should go to bed. and i need to take a shower tomorrow morning. ahh... i'm so fucked. what did i do? what will i do?


you're falling deeper, deeper 3 into the deepest, most relaxing sleep you've ever had 2 the most relaxing sleep you've ever had... deeper, falling, sinking, relaxed 1.

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:: 2006 9 January :: 1.09 am
:: Mood: calm


it's good to be back. so goood. i just feel so at peace.

Es ist später dann meine Schlafszeit. Ich habe Klasse am 9 Uhr.

Guten Nocht! Bis Morgen!!!

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:: 2006 7 January :: 4.48 pm
:: Mood: yawning
:: Music: none

winter camp '06
whoa, shit.

this weekend was interesting. but i'm glad to be back in the real world. ordinarily, i like a break from the real world, but since my real world has been completely messed up for like the last year, i think i would appreciate a little bit of reality much more than detachment from it.

speaking of detachment, in addition to bob (my inaugural experience) rich brought a fifth of Jägermeister, which we did in rounds. and bruce brought a fifth of crown royal, which we did in rounds.

i tried a labatt blue and a corona, but beer just is totally not my thing. i much prefer the harder liquor, in smaller quantities. it just makes more sense to me. plus i think with my stomach thing, i just can't handle all the carbonation. i can only drink non-carbonated alcohol, apparently.

but yeah. i was thinking this was a caffeine headache, but upon review, it may be a hangover. i didn't realize i drank that much. whoa.

needless to say, i'll be starting as big a health kick as possible from someone as lazy as me, as soon as i get to school.

which is TOMORROW!!! SO EXCITED!!! i get to see the GIRLS again!!!

after a weekend in the woods with a bunch of drunk guys bandying about homo-erotic insults, the girls are going to be a wonderful change of pace. this is going to be fantastic!!

ah. and now, for a coke! (just in case this is a caffeine headache like i first suspected.)

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:: 2006 5 January :: 1.50 am
:: Music: ben kweller

gunnie, you sick fuck!

How Insane Are You?

Created by andy and taken 118091 times on Bzoink

Your problemSexual Addiction
Will it be curedForget about it

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:: 2006 4 January :: 1.39 am
:: Mood: wanting to be sleepy. but it weren't.
:: Music: dav brubeck

went to the hookah lounge again tonight. hung out with rob. probably go up there tomorrow and play for awhile. i'm super excited about that.

winter camping thurs/fri/sat

move in sunday. class monday.

this is happening so fast. but since i know i'm not going to be ready, i'll simply prepare for my unpreparedness... which requires a surprising amount of advance preparation.

i watched the road runner dvd today. that was good. bugs bunny will be a good one too, i'm sure. i'd like to see marvin the martian and "hossenfeffer" and all those old things. it was fun to see speedy. and like i said, coyote today. and foghorn leghorn. and pepé. oh, so good.

maybe i'll remember to bring the lappy tomorrow or something. i have to get a bunch of stuff i've forgotten at kevin's. my blanket, sweater, cell phone, bag of candy, shock mount, etc.

i'm such a doof.



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:: 2006 2 January :: 11.29 pm
:: Mood: tired
:: Music: that buddy rich tribute...

teh '06

well, as in a birthday, the new year doesn't feel any different. i mean, there are phases and horizons and beginnings and endings all the time. and no calendar can dictate when and where and why, as far as i'm concerned. but still, i'm looking forward to experiencing new things, and many of them are bound to happen at some point during 2006. but i have no idea what they are, who they involve, or precisely when they will happen. but i suppose that's the fun of it.

spent the weekend at kevin's. that was a blast, but i got kinda pissed at his dad. i'll try not to take it personally. i half-installed his cd-spieler, which i'd rate around 90% complete, but he's happy and that's what counts. and honestly, it was a fairly clean install... just not complete. i'm definitely getting better at it, slowly but surely. and the wiring junk was fun. dad said it sounded like he had factory "premium sound", hence all the bullshit. but the 6disc changer i'm half certain was aftermarket. it could really be either, i suppose.

i went to hunter's last night, and we talked for like 2 hours. i've never connected with anybody like that before, other than my dad. and it was just so different and so amazing, and i really want to do it again. i know, make your gay jokes, i'm totally setting myself up for them. but i mean this very seriously. i mean, c'mon, the kid's dad committed suicide. i'm not gonna start laughing about that shit. but it was just amazing. and he's helping me realize my own genius, but at the same time, he's even more brilliant than i could ever be, so it keeps my ego in check. it doesn't make me superior to the rest of the world. just different. and i think i like different. and all the different kinds of ingenuity there are. it's just so cool.

it's bedtime soon. a little more surfing to do, but i'm more or less finished.

possibly hookah bar tomorrow. rob's back in town. winter camp this week.

good things to look forward to. oh, i got some of my books today too. i'll have to go to ubs and brian's for the rest. meh.


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