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:: 2014 14 April :: 9.48pm

things i should be doing right now:

getting ready for bed

things i'm actually doing right now:
my taxes

Procrastination: Hard work might pay off later, being lazy pays off now.

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:: 2014 6 March :: 6.39pm

Cancer update: Still sucks. Dont get it.
Mortality is an odd concept. When faced with someone you love keeling over it looms large in your mind. It changes alot of how you feel about your own life.

When the protagonist of that story rolls off her death bed and decides to keep living its really a bit jarring. I'm not complaining, its wonderful, but to a certain extent I was very ready to deal with Gloria's death. A lot of mental turmoil goes into preparing for that. For the time being, though, I can continue pretending everyone will continue living forever.

I just realized something while I was typing this. Now I know which of my parents I get my procrastination streak from.

Ahhaha... Dont judge; She'd laugh.

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:: 2014 14 February :: 2.32am

I feel like a 16 year old girl again. Not the best time in my life...
The same man keeps breaking my heart time and time again.
I can’t help but always be there for him. I am unable to separate myself from him.

And it’s fucking killing me.

I broke up with my past 3 boyfriends. It just wasn’t right. I know this.
But how am I supposed to move on when I gave my whole heart to someone else?

That’s not fair to the men I am dating. And I know that.

What I don’t know is how to make these feelings stop.

After a year and a half of not being with you, you come back into my life and it’s like I’m unable to function. Paralyzed by your presence.

What the hell is my problem.
Why can’t I just leave you and be on my merry way?

I have to do something but am completely at a stand-still.
I would rather have you in my life than not. Even if it’s just as friends. Because after all, you are my greatest friend.

But emotionally I am a shit show because of it.

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:: 2014 4 February :: 9.55pm

Two months till the wedding. Its so close. Sending invitations this week. So excited for my bridal shower. So excited for our future. Many big things happening this year.

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:: 2014 14 January :: 12.12am
:: Mood: frustrated

So things have been going terrible lately. I had a terrible day at work Friday. Don't remember the last time I was yelled at so many times. I just felt completely worthless and could not do anything right. My self esteem was in the toilet by the time I left. I was expecting to get in some kind of trouble today at work, but instead no one said anything. So I guess that's good. Then I wake up Saturday morning ready go to the bridal show to get some last things done for the wedding. Which I feel really behind on and stressed about how much money it cost. The basement flooded. So spent the whole Saturday cleaning up water. So happy for my family and jordans dad and stepmom that spent there whole day helping clean it up. Pretty sure the carpet is ruined though. Good thing my home owners insurance will pay for it but have to pay a 500 deductible. I feel like my house smells so bad. I just cant wait for this to be over. Between this and being screwed by taxes in this house, starting to wonder if I should of moved. I do love this house, but though getting a newer house would be less problems. Just feeling very frustrated. Vent over.

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:: 2013 15 December :: 11.08pm

Desolation is a lonely place.

You can describe in prose, and use words to shape it.

But, just like a cold breeze, you'll never feel the full effect unless you're right there in the moment.

Even for a moment; a cold breeze feels like the end of it all.

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:: 2013 15 December :: 11.03pm

a friend of mine post this on facebook a few days ago...

i read it and realised that i'm an introvert...
life made alot of sense afterwards.


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:: 2013 15 December :: 2.43pm

4 months till the wedding. So excited for 2014. So many exciting things. Get to marry the love of my life and then try to start a family next summer. Loving our new house. Excited to start the new year.

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:: 2013 3 December :: 11.45pm

The way out is through, but I can't get through.

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:: 2013 3 December :: 8.11pm

every day... i'm miserable.

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