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:: 2011 14 June :: 3.15am

Day 19 - A song from your favorite album

that's right, bitches. fuckin' supertramp FTW.

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:: 2011 14 June :: 2.58am

Day 18 - A song that you wish you heard on the radio

you should want to hear this too.

2 Wasted Their Money | Spare Some Change?


:: 2011 14 June :: 2.37am

Day 17 - A song that you hear often on the radio

funny part is, it's a song about making money by getting your songs on the radio.

2 Wasted Their Money | Spare Some Change?


:: 2011 13 June :: 3.23pm

oh my little darling

you won't be mine forever

you weren't made for me

you were made to be free

Spare Some Change?


:: 2011 8 June :: 3.28am

repost of day 14, for interested parties
namely, me.

in retrospect, i probably should have paid more attention in piano lessons.

1 Wasted Their Money | Spare Some Change?


:: 2011 8 June :: 3.06am

Day 16 - A song that you used to love but now hate
Hate me if you want to. I'm sorry, but I've heard this song one too many times.

this video might just make me love this song a second time.

3 Wasted Their Money | Spare Some Change?


:: 2011 6 June :: 9.00pm

i've got to take the GRE.

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:: 2011 3 June :: 3.04pm

Fuck you, touch screen. I wanted to edit that entry, not delete it.


3 Wasted Their Money | Spare Some Change?


:: 2011 1 June :: 2.54am

Day 15 - A song that describes you
this took way too long to find. i like it though. practice practice practice until you get it right. then practice some more. i like the bass drum rolls, these guys are dialed in.

nothing fancy, but CLEAN. this is probably why i don't have friends. turns out it's hard to find drumline videos on youtube with match grip. but i still like what they have going on here. never thought i'd miss high school so much.

video doesn't allow embedding? WTF?

Spare Some Change?


:: 2011 1 June :: 1.35am

Day 13 - A song that is a guilty pleasure
i have a dancing plethora of guilty pleasures. i knew it either had to be jazz (which nobody else likes), country (which i typically don't like), or chick music. chick music was the obvious one, but i still had a hard time deciding, because i really kinda like chick music, as long as it's not just being that for the sake of attention.

and jewel's a fox. funky teeth and all, i'd do her in a heartbeat.

1 Wasted Their Money | Spare Some Change?


:: 2011 1 June :: 12.52am

Day 12 - A song from a band you hate
i don't care that it's catchy, which it is. i care that it's uninventive, redundant, and i've heard it a kajillion times. they raped grunge rock for the money, and successfully sold out to the man, sacrificing the art form in the process. the worse part is, so few people noticed.

2 Wasted Their Money | Spare Some Change?


:: 2011 1 June :: 12.34am

Day 11 - A song from your favorite band
really? you're gonna make me pick a favorite band? i have like ... seven, at least.

here's a really good song from one of my favorite bands:

yeah, we know he's hot. shut up and listen to the music already.

1 Wasted Their Money | Spare Some Change?


:: 2011 1 June :: 12.30am

Day 10 - A song that makes you fall asleep
okay, so anything worth listening to is going to probably keep me awake. if i really want something to put me to sleep it better be mindless, chill, and familiar. this is at least two of those, and far from mindless. brubeck was pure unadulterated genius at its finest.

no idea what the video is about, but the audio is from an album called "brubeck plays brubeck", which i have fallen asleep to many a time. piano jazz is always a good call if you're looking to calm the fuck down.

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:: 2011 1 June :: 12.16am

Day 09 - A song that you can dance to

well, since we already established that i can't dance, this one doesn't really work.

all i know is this groove makes my pants tight. if it doesn't at least make you tap your foot or nod your head or jiggle around in your chair or something, call a doctor, you may be broken.

2 Wasted Their Money | Spare Some Change?


:: 2011 31 May :: 1.49pm

last night i woke up from a dream reaching for you and when i found you i realized that when you go, i won't be able to sleep without you for a long long time.

Spare Some Change?


:: 2011 25 May :: 2.31pm

Refuses to give up. I'm SO close. I just can't let it go. So maybe I fucked up, I have to do this..otherwise everything I've worked for will be for nothing.

Graduating will mean everything to me.

I don't care if I have to move to Alaska for grad school. I will knock down doors until somebody lets me in. I want to help people, it's what makes me want to live. It gives me purpose and meaning in my life.

I WILL be something. I am a smart person, I can't just give up and work at the casino for the rest of my life. I need to push through these hard times. Maybe this is what will change my life around for the better.

When I think of my future, I know what I want, and it's not living in a dumpy college apartment, struggling to make ends meet living paycheck to paycheck.

I have to do this. I have to. I will.

Spare Some Change?


:: 2011 21 May :: 10.36am


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:: 2011 13 May :: 3.06pm

so last night nic told me something that really made sense. if you're upset about something or constantly worrying about something...don't. set aside 30 minutes of your day to actively think about it and to do what you can (if anything) to make it better. after that 30 minutes is up LET IT GO! for that day because otherwise you'll drive yourself crazy.

i really should start doing this. it's not easy though because thoughts easily pass through your mind that you don't intend, but i guess you just have to work on controlling it.

i realize i'm in a semi-crappy place right now, but maybe everyday ahead of me, i can do a little something to make it better.

today, i went through my finances and wrote in my planner all my bill due dates and amounts that automatically come out of my checking account..maybe it seems obvious or trivial but i don't keep track of that stuff usually very well and this will help me be a little less worried about finances. +1 for the day...

ps-i really appreciate the advice given on previous entries. it truly helped

Spare Some Change?


:: 2011 5 May :: 11.20pm

Day 08 - A song that you know all the words to

i could totally rock this shit at karaoke still. judge if you want to, i guess.

1 Wasted Their Money | Spare Some Change?


:: 2011 5 May :: 11.05pm

Day 07 - A song that reminds you of a certain event

always love me some four finger five. i remember getting sufficiently buzzed at one of their shows at founders and listening to this song and dancing my fool head off. which is sad, because i'm really a spectacularly terrible dancer. i apologize to whoever may have been forced to endure it.

Spare Some Change?

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