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This is your life, is it everything you wish it would be?

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:: 2004 18 March :: 10.16 pm
:: Mood: Woah tiredness
:: Music: Mom's screechy violin....STOP THE INSANITY!

Woah brody! Carazy!
Well my journal today shall consist of one thing MY VERY sad blondness....
*Chasmin's blond moment for the day

Well my mum was doing my hair (aka permed) yes chasmin does her hair every once in a while. Well I have to like wash the shit out of my hair and as I got in the shower I was turning the knob so it would get warmer, and my mom at the same time turned the sink on and the water coming out of the showerhead was like alot less and basically it was a drizzle and I'm like mom theres no water coming out....so she turns off the faucet and nothing happens and she comes over to the shower and looks at the knob and turns it the other way and was like..theres no water cause you were turning it off..I just put my head down in shame. And that my friends is my blond moment for the day..


Old and busted

:: 2004 17 March :: 7.13 am
:: Mood: Really not awake
:: Music: FUSE

HAPPY 9 MONTH'S RYAN I LOVE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
(will write more later)

Well today is Ryan and mines 9 month anniversary, and I honestly couldn't be happier. He is so perfect to me and is such a sweetheart. I have never had a bad time with him. No matter what shit we go through with my parents, I'm still going to love him the same and if it's possible even more. That's all I really want to put in here without grossing all of you out. I love you Ryan I hope for many more anniversaries.


Old and busted

:: 2004 7 March :: 5.37 pm
:: Mood: Wee!?
:: Music: Evanescence

God I really have nothing to write about...or I just don't want to write it
Dragons are powerful...
Your A Dragon! Whether your the fire, electric, or
ice dragon, you are very powerful and wise.
Fire Dragons usually live in caves, elctric
dragons live in valleys, and ice dragons live
in mountain tops. A dragon represents wisdom,
magic, love, grace, power, intelligence,
determinotion, hounesty, and freedom. You tend
to be a little explosive when your angry, so aa
dragon can cuase lightning storms, blizzards,
or heatwaves. Dragons are solitorey creatures,
or lay live together, just not near humans.
Whichever dragon you are, you certaintly are a
rare mythical creature.

What Mythical Beast are you?
brought to you by Quizilla


?? Which Of The Greek Gods Are You ??
brought to you by Quizilla

Old and busted

:: 2004 6 March :: 10.19 am
:: Mood: not awake yet
:: Music: Jet

Woohoo more unimportant quizes
Wow this is a really scary picture

Reincarnation: You are nice enough to go to heaven,
but Earth won't be as fun without you. So you
shall come back as someone or something else.
As a real optimist and lighthearted person, you
always see the good in things. People probably
respect you for your wonderful personality and
love for life. People like you make the world a
happier place (please rate my quiz)

**Where will you go when you die?**(now with pics)
brought to you by Quizilla

Old and busted

:: 2004 5 March :: 4.10 pm
:: Mood: spiffilicious
:: Music: Charlie Brown

little quiznizes
cuddle and a kiss
cuddle and a kiss on the forehead - you like to be
close to your special someone and feel warm,
comfortable, and needed

What Sign of Affection Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

What Sign of Affection Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

Take the What High School
Stereotype Are You?

You are SALUTE YOUR SHORTS. You are a wangsta who
knows business. You have fun in the sun and
know how to have a good laugh.

Which old school Nickelodeon show are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

Old and busted

:: 2004 4 March :: 9.20 pm
:: Mood: Hehe
:: Music: Norah Jones

I'm pining for the fjords
Hehe happy thoughts...EEEEEEE. God I really love Ryan. Well tonight was the first night of desert theater and it went really really well. Everyone was great. ESPECIALLY LORELEI! God shes a good singer. Oh yah and Lorelei my mom didnt notice so HA! Take that biznitch. Gah Atlantic at night is really freakay 'cept for the kitties they are cute I like them. Well that's all I want to put for right now. I love you Ryan.


Old and busted

:: 2004 2 March :: 9.52 pm
:: Mood: meep..
:: Music: EEE EVANESCENSE CD!!!!!!!!!

Ryan you bring me to life
Wow this week has really been shit so far...so much sadness it's just been driving me crazy. I have either been crying or wanting to cry half of the time. I don't even feel like putting it in here it will just get me depressed writing about it. I got the evanescence cd which made me happy...so pretty. Though I am dissapointed that My Immortal is different it doesn't have the cool rock part in it...but I can forgive them. I would love to be in a band like evanescense cause you can like sing pretty but with cool music and make it sound really spiffy. I really need to get a new cd player mine is so broken right about now it's sad. Next pay check that's what I'm getting. Meep Math FCAT tomorrow thats going to be fun. Well I need some sleep and yah. Goodnight all. I love you Ryan.

Old and busted

:: 2004 28 February :: 5.28 pm
:: Mood: Really BORED!

Fun little quizes
You are Lucy!

Which Peanuts Character are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

huh that was weird I took this test and I got her. Coolness, I guess I should have gotten Lucy who knows.

You are the mystery woman

Which Ultimate Beautiful Woman are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

You are soooo LOVABLE!
Waaah! You're so LOVABLE! Everybody likes you,
because you're a great person to have around
and it's always happy about everything ^^.
congrats! and...can I hug you?? plz! ^///^

Yet another personality test ^-^ (nice anime pics!) NEW outcome!!
brought to you by Quizilla

Congrats! Your a Pure Angel! Angels, as far as most
of them go, are all compatabile creatures, but
Pure ones simply are symbols of God. Pure
Angels always appear when a child is born, when
a rainbow is seen, or when someone shares their
first kiss. They never grow old, an can appear
in the shape of a naked woman with white, bold
wings. Pure angels are the carriers of god, and
show their love to everyone in the world.

What Kind of ANGEL are you? (For Girls only) This Quiz has amazingly Beautiful Pictures!
brought to you by Quizilla

light fairy
You are the light fairy. She who is of comfort, and
friends. She who is nice to anyone who comes
her way. Beware of who you make friends with,
some friends can turn their backs. You can see
things in people that others cannot. This is an
awesome trait, keep up the good work!

**The ultimate Fairy quiz**(anime pics!) !**improved**!
brought to you by Quizilla

Old and busted

:: 2004 27 February :: 7.09 pm
:: Mood: Meh
:: Music: Jet

School rules suck
Well today was...crap. Ryan and I were at lunch and I went to give him a hug and Mrs. Garvin saw me doing this and she calls me over to her and was like "Haven't I talked to you about this before?" and I was like yah.. and she was like come with me so Ryan and I followed her to her office and she was looking for what punishment to give us. I think she was going to give us a referral but she asked Mrs. Robinson had she ever dealt with us before and she was like no but I have seen them before, and she just said to give us detentions after school...fun. Well Mrs.Garvin called my mom and well that was not fun at all...gah. Anywhoo other stuff happend but I don't feel like writing it. I'm not allowed to go to the movies tonight, and Ryan and I have decided for us to cool down on the whole hugging each other thing. Well this was just a GREAT day. I love you Ryan...


Old and busted

:: 2004 26 February :: 6.33 pm
:: Mood: mmm happiness
:: Music: Charlie Brown soundtrack...good stuff

Damn the movies!
Ahh what a pleasent day. Let's see Ryan and I left school on my bus and walked to the movies from one of the stops. And we got to the movie area and we were going to sneak into Eurotrip and the only other movie that was playing around that time was Confessions of a Teenage Drama Queen so we bought tickets to see that. Well we get inside and we go to where our movie was playing and Euro trip was like right there and we sit and wait for the movie to come on then all of a sudden theres like happy music...and Ryan and I look at each other and all of a sudden the title of the movie comes up on the screen and it says Confessions of a Teenage drama queen and were like....OMG...no...it was funny though so we go and try to find Euro trip on our side but no sucess so we go watch 50 first dates again yay. I need to thank Brandon cause now I have a thing with licking Ryan MWAHAHAH! Anywhoo we get out of the movie and we go get some Ice cream and have an ice cream war which was fun. Then my mom came and picked us up so she could take me to my piano lessons which went well. Then we went home and Ryan and I went down to the park and sat on the bench under the canopy of flowers and things prettyness. It was peacefull and nice, just laying on his lap and the sun shining and the wind blowing. I really really enjoyed it. Eee happy times. Then he walked me home, and that was the end of our day together. Mom made dinner and it was a roast yay? BUT the great part was the scalloped potatoes THEY ARE SO YUMMY i LOVE these kind of potatoes. Well that's it for now. I have to finish my not even close to done spanish story book....fun. I love you Ryan with all my heart!


Old and busted

:: 2004 23 February :: 7.29 pm
:: Mood: Really giddy
:: Music: Still Charlie Brown

God I am so happy right now. I got the part of Lucy in the Charlie Brown musical at school. I really wanted her part and I got it. EEEE so excited. I can't wait to actually start working on this musical...my first fun one, and real one. God I really think this is going to be fun even if I do have to work with both Houchins and Castanza my two favorite people....not. Anywhoo I'm going to get some ice cream tonight at Kilwins with my mom for a celebration. She made some Fried chickin, collard greens, and risotto (it was a black dinner for a moment there until the italian came in). Well that's it for now.


Old and busted

:: 2004 23 February :: 7.27 pm
:: Mood: Happy!
:: Music: Charlie Brown soundtrack...good stuff

More useless questionaire thingies
What is your name?:Chasmin
Are you named after anyone?:Yes some realator in Cali but we changed the spelling
What's your screename?:Blueicingfairy
Would you name a child of yours after you?:Maybe most likely not
If you were born a member of the opposite sex what would your name be?:Dunno
If you could switch names with a friend who would it be?:I wouldn't I like my name
Are there any mispronounciations/typos that ppl do w/ your name constantly?:yes they add and e at the end of my name
Would you drop your last name if you became famous?:No
Your gender::Female
If not, do you want to be?:Hell no
Birthdate::November 8, 1988
Your age::15
Age you act::It varies
Age you wish you were::16
Your height::5"6"
Eye color::Dark Brown
Happy with it?:mmhhmm I think they are pretty
Hair color::It's dark brown but sometimes it's red
Happy with it?:Sorta
Your living arrangement::Mom, her b.f
Your family::??
Have any pets?:yah a few
Whats your job?:hostess
Addictions?:Diet coke
Do you speak another language?:Spanish
Have a favorite quote?:Why's the Rum gond?!?
Do you have a webpage?:No but I have an online journal
Deep Thoughts About Life and You in it
Do you live in the moment?:Huh?
Do you consider yourself tolerant of others?:Yesssss
Do you have any secrets?:A few
Do you hate yourself?:Sometimes
Do you like your handwriting?:only on my good days
Do you have any bad habits?:yah a couple
What is the compliment you get from most people?:Nice boobs
If a movie was made about your life, what would it be called?:umm let me get back to you on that
What's your biggest fear?:Dying paifully
Can you sing?:HELL YAH
Do you ever pretend to be someone else just to look cool?:no
Are you a loner?:unfortunately no
What are your #1 priorities in life?:not getting in trouble with the parents...that doesnt work out to well
If you were another person, would you be friends with you?:Probably
Are you a daredevil?:On certain things..?
Is there anything you fear or hate about yourself?:Yah my weight...thanks to my mom
Are you passive or agressive?:Passive
Do you have a journal?:Yes
What is your greatest strength and weakness?:I'm a forgiving easy going person
If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?:Hmm nothing that I can think of
Do you think you are emotionally strong?:Yes
Is there anything you regret doing/not doing in life?:Yes deffinately
Do you think life has been good so far?:Yah pretty much
What is the most important lesson you've learned from life?:Think positive
What do you like the most about your body?:Everything
And least?:Nothing
Do you think you are good looking?:Yah sorta
Are you confident?:Yep or at least I act it
What is the fictional character you are most like?:Don't know
Are you perceived wrongly?:Not really
Do You...
Do drugs?:Nope
Read the newspaper?:Somtimes like every blue moon
Go to church?:Nope
Talk to strangers who IM you?:Rarely
Sleep with stuffed animals?:Yep! Hehe Doggy and Teddily bears
Take walks in the rain?:sometimes
Talk to people even though you hate them?:yah for certain people
Like to drive fast?:Oh yah
Would or Have You Ever?
Liked your voice?:Yep
Hurt yourself?:yes
Been out of the country?:Yeppers
Eaten something that made other people sick?:hmm yah
Been in love?:YESSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!
Done drugs?:Aleave?
Gone skinny dipping?:Yah
Had a medical emergency?:yes
Had surgery?:have I...I don't think so
Ran away from home?:nope just contemplated it
Played strip poker?:I don't even know how to play poker
Gotten beaten up?:Not meanly...hehe Ryan
Beaten someone up?:Yah Ryan
Been picked on?:Yes
Been on stage?:Yes
Slept outdoors?:Yah
Thought about suicide?:Yes
Pulled an all nighter?:unfortunately that was sorta fun
If yes, what is your record?:34hrs
Gone one day without food?:Yah
Talked on the phone all night?:no
Slept together with the opposite sex w/o actually having sex?:Yes but people don't believe me
Slept all day?:No...wait....yes I have
Killed someone?:No but I wish I could
Made out with a stranger?:yah...I'm not proud of it
Had sex with a stranger?:No
Thought you're going crazy?:All the time
Kissed the same sex?:Yah
Done anything sexual with the same sex?:Yah
Been betrayed?:...not that I know of
Had a dream that came true?:Don't know
Broken the law?:Jaywalking!
Met a famous person?:Johnny Depps stunt double
Have you ever killed an animal by accident?:No
On purpose?:NEVER!
Told a secret you swore you wouldn't tell?:Yah...
Stolen anything?:Yes
Been on radio/tv?:Yes
Been in a mosh-pit?:Nope
Had a nervous breakdown?:No
Bungee jumped?:Yes
Had a dream that kept coming back?:Yes
Belive in life on other planets?:Sometimes
God?:No not really
Love at first sight?:Yes
Yin and yang (that good cant exist w/o bad)?:Nope
Easter bunny?:no...-le tear-
Believe its possible to remain faithful forever?:Depends
Believe theres a pot of gold at the end of a rainbow?:Hehe...no I've been there, there isn't any
Do you wish on stars?:Sometimes
Deep Theological Questions
Do you believe in the traditional view of Heaven and Hell?:No
Do you think God has a gender?:No
Do you believe in organized religion?:No
Where do you think we go when we die?:In a casket in the dirt
Do you have any gay/lesbian friends?:Yes
Who is your best friend?:Jessie Neville
Who's the one person that knows most about you?:Jessie Nevill and Lorelei
What's the best advice that anyone has ever given to you?:I don't know
Your favourite inside joke?:What's this white stuff in my sink!?
Thing you're picked on most about?:My boobs
Who's your longest known friend?:Jessie
Shyest?:Don't know
Closest?:Does it ever end
Smartest?:Nope it's still going on
Ditziest?:I think it's over
Friends you miss being close to the most?:Jessie
Last person you talked to online?:Brandon
Who do you talk to most online?:Ryan
Who are you on the phone with most?:Ryan and Lorelei
Who do you trust most?:Ryan, Lorelei, and Jessie
Who listens to your problems?:Ryan, Lorelei, and Jessie
Who do you fight most with?:No one really
Who's the nicest?:Ryan
Who's the most outgoing?:god are we doing this again
Who's the best singer?:....
Who's on your shit-list?:Ooo BRiaN BellaMy
Have you ever thought of having sex with a friend?:Yes
Who's your second family?:Jessie Neville
Do you always feel understood?:Sometimes
Who's the loudest friend?:Jessica Corretjer
Do you trust others easily?:Depends
Who's house were you last at?:Ryans
Name one person who's arms you feel safe in::Hehe Ryans
Do your friends know you?:Basically
Friend that lives farthest away::Not sure
Love and All That
Do you consider love a mistake?:Nope
What do you find romantic?:Little things don't know
Turn-on?:Hehe breathing
Turn-off?:Not breathing
First kiss?:2nd grade
If someone u had no interest in had interest in dating u how would u feel?:Meh
Do you prefer knowing someone before dating them or going:Yah I actually do
Have u ever wished it was more socially acceptable 4 a girl 2 ask a guy out:Yah
Have you ever been romantically attracted to someone physically unattractiv:Yes
Do you think the opposite sex finds you good looking?:I dont know I guess
What is best about the opposite sex?:???
What is the worst thing about the opposite sex?:The fact that they are male
What's the last present someone gave you?:Hehe A pretty white Teddy Bear THANK YOU RYAN!
Are you in love?:YES AND IT'S WONDERFUL
Do you consider your significant other hot?:Hell yah and sexy
Who Was the Last Person...
That haunted you?:Donald Nogum
You wanted to kill?:Felix Hallyburton
That you laughed at?:Ashton
That laughed at you?:Megan
That turned you on?:Ryan
You went shopping with?:My mom
That broke your heart?:no one ever has
To disappoint you?:Telvin
To ask you out?:Stephen from camp
To make you cry?:hmm...don't want to put it
To brighten up your day?:Ryan
That you thought about?:Ryan
You saw a movie with?:Ryan, Lorelei, and Brandon
You talked to on the phone?:Lorelei
You talked to through IM/ICQ?:Brandon
You saw?:Erin
You lost?:Katie
Right This Moment...
Are you going out?:Later on
Will it be with your significant other?:No my mom
Or some random person?:...my mom is pretty random
What are you wearing right now?:A shirt and pants
Body part you're touching right now::my finger?
What are you worried about right now?:Nothing
What book are you reading?:None at the moment
What's on your mousepad?:A mouse...
Use 5 words to describe how you're feeling::how about 5 letters H-A-P-P-Y
Are you bored?:Not really
Are you tired?:yah a little
Are you talking to anyone online?:Nope
Are you talking to anyone on the phone?:No
Are you lonely or content?:Content
Are you listening to music?:Nope watching TV

Really Long Survey (over 200) brought to you by BZOINK!

Old and busted

:: 2004 22 February :: 3.40 pm
:: Mood: So tired
:: Music: Korn

Rubber ducky your the one!!!
I am so tired right now. I just got off of work, and I worked an hour and a half longer then I was supposed too. It was so crazy today it was so packed there was like an hour wait for about 3 hours. We had a party of 40 when I left. It was so funny there were these two ladies who came while there was a long wait, and they started complaining right when they came up. They waited for about 20mins before they started being bitchy again, but they waited again but finally they got fed up and left. Well about 2hrs later they came back and they ask what the wait is and it was a lil' shorter then before like about 20-25mins then they were like can we sit at the bar and we were like yah if there is a seat well they were going to go sit in these two seats but people were already sitting there and i told them that and they are like do you not want us to eat her or something? and I didnt say yes though I wanted to. Well they were like this if fucking stupid that bitch. I was just happy they left. There were some other bitchy people. Working as a hostess really makes you hate people. This quizno's comercial is really a scary comercial with those lil' singing things. Oh I saved a lil wormy today he was crawling along the street and I saw him and saved him by throwing him in the grass yay for me! Well that's about it for now. I love you Ryan.


Old and busted

:: 2004 20 February :: 11.36 am
:: Mood: Sad
:: Music: Jet YAY I have their CD

This is your last chance honey!!! doodly doo
Well I went to the movies tonight. That was fun. I went on a double date with Lorelei and Brandon. They are really cool to hang out with cause they are really spiffy and fun. We met at the movies and went to Applebees for dinner that was silly and fun we had some good moments. We finished up there and started heading down to the movies when we ran into Tiago and he gave me 2 of the 50,000 cd's he is going to burn for me.(I exaggerated the number) Well the cd's were Jet and the new Korn cd. I'm listening to Jet right now I really like them it's a pretty cool cd. We kept on walking and I ran into some old friends (currently friends) Amaris, Anna, and Shannon. I knew them from St.Vincent's. Amaris dyed her hair to this pretty black purple color and she looked really hot with it. We finally got to the movie area and we met everyone there aka: the whole "Group" we stopped and talked to them for a bit. Then we got in line to get our tickets for Welcome to Mooseport. Well we were about to go inside when I ran into some friends from MSOA Danielle, Peter, and Carly or something like that I dont remember her name. We go inside and we found out everyone else was buying tickets to the same movie and we were like yay...I dont know why though. ANywhoo. We hang out in the lobby by our movie and we are deciding whether if we wanted to see the Moosport movie and we see everyone coming so we decide ok were going in. We go all the way up to the tippity-top and we get through like the begining of the movie before Brandon decides he doesnt want to stay in there for reasons I won't put in here. So we go back out into the lil' lobby area thing and we decide to go into 50 first dates that was a really cute movie I liked it. We left the movies and went to BAM and hung out in the comic section which Brandon so recently descoverd it's being there which was sorta funny. He licked my hand and I was like GROSS!! and we got into a licking war which was actually pretty fun. We headed back to the movie area to say bye to everyone and I started to get sad cause I knew the night was ending and I wasnt going to get to see Ryan tomorrow. We chatted with everyone for a while beat up Tiago good times. Then the 4 of us left and went to 7-Eleven and went to go get brain freezes but they were out of like the good stuff so we bought miscillaneous (Sp? Damn that word) stuff. The whole time there was this cop watching Ryan and I which was pretty scary. I really do hate cops. Well Lorelei dropped me off and Ryan came and gave me a kiss goodnight and I got REALLY sad. But all of us were laughing at me including myself cause I did something stupid. Then I went inside and started listening to some Jet watched some TV then went to sleep. That was my night fun stuff. I love you Ryan have fun at band practice tomorrow.


Old and busted

:: 2004 19 February :: 7.46 pm
:: Mood: Perky...with pain good mix
:: Music: Daddy's Hands-Ragtime

Weird things? I don't know
Let's see what's going on in Chasmin's life, what would Chasmin want to do? What would Chasmin like to do? Why am I talking to myself in third person....? Anywhoo. Ryan talked to my mom today and they got that over with so that's good. I went to the mall today with my mom to get a B-day present for my friend. I ALMOST got a pair of Dr.Martins but they didn't have my size...my feet are so big. I am probably going to get them next week. My mom got a piar but of a different style. Right now I am watching Volcano it's a good movie. I dont think I am going to be able to hang out with Ryan this weekend which makes me sorta sad. I might get to hang with him tomorrow but we are still not sure. Saturday I am going to go look for a job on Atlantic ave, I really don't want to work at Luna Rosa anymore. My arm is I think strained from carrying so many heavy bus tub thingies. Anywhoo I think I am going to give Ryan a call right now, and finish watching Tv. Well I'm out. I love you Ryan.


Old and busted

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