DO THIS BEFORE READING MORE: Add "Jessa" to your list of intrests. Why, you ask? Because Jessa is the Coolest person in the Universe, if you don't think so You Suck!!! Love you Jessa.


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:: 2003 28 November :: 1.07 pm

Foxy Lady is coming to my house today.

You guys will all have to come visit her.

1 Opened Door | Choose my Destiny

:: 2003 26 November :: 6.32 pm

Here's a list of all the words that can be made by rearranging the letters in


2-letter words
aa, ad, ag, ah, ai, an, as, at, ay, ha, hi, id, in, is, it, ka, na, pa, pi, sh, si, ta, ti, ya

3-letter words
aah, aas, ads, aga, aha, aid, ain, ais, ait, ana, and, ani, ant, any, apt, ash, ask, asp, ava, ays, dag, dah, dak, dap, day, dig, din, dip, dis, dit, gad, gag, gan, gap, gas, gat, gay, ghi, gid, gig, gin, gip, git, gyp, had, hag, hah, hap, has, hat, hay, hid, hin, hip, his, hit, hyp, ids, ink, inn, ins, its, ivy, kas, kat, kay, khi, kid, kin, kip, kit, nag, nah, nan, nap, nay, nip, nit, nth, pad, pah, pan, pap, pas, pat, pay, phi, pht, pia, pig, pin, pip, pis, pit, psi, pya, sad, sag, sap, sat, say, sha, shh, shy, sin, sip, sit, ska, ski, sky, spa, spy, sty, syn, tad, tag, tan, tap, tas, tav, thy, tin, tip, tis, tsk, van, vas, vat, via, vig, vis, yah, yak, yap, yay, yid, yin, yip

4-letter words
aahs, adit, agas, agha, agin, aids, ains, aits, akin, anas, ands, anga, anis, ankh, anna, ansa, anta, anti, ants, ashy, atap, avid, ayah, ayin, dags, dahs, dais, daks, dang, dank, daps, dash, data, davy, days, dhak, digs, ding, dink, dins, dint, dips, dipt, dish, disk, dita, dits, diva, gadi, gads, gaga, gags, gain, gait, gang, gaps, gapy, gash, gasp, gast, gats, gays, ghat, ghis, gids, giga, gigs, gink, gins, gips, gist, gits, gnat, gyps, hags, haha, hahs, haik, hand, hang, hank, hant, haps, hash, hasp, hast, hath, hats, hays, high, hind, hins, hint, hips, hisn, hist, hits, hyps, ikat, inia, inks, inky, inns, inti, kaas, kadi, kain, kana, kapa, kaph, kata, kats, kava, kays, khan, khat, khis, kids, kina, kind, king, kins, kips, kist, kith, kits, kiva, knap, knit, kvas, kyat, naan, nada, nags, nana, nans, naps, navy, nays, nidi, nigh, nipa, nips, nisi, nits, padi, pads, paid, paik, pain, pang, pans, pant, papa, paps, pash, past, path, pats, paty, pays, phat, phis, pian, pias, pigs, pika, piki, pina, ping, pink, pins, pint, piny, pips, pipy, pish, pita, pith, pits, pity, pyas, pyin, sadi, saga, sagy, said, sain, saki, sand, sang, sank, sati, shad, shag, shah, shat, shay, shin, ship, shit, shiv, sigh, sign, sing, sinh, sink, sith, skag, skat, skid, skin, skip, skit, snag, snap, snip, snit, span, spat, spay, spik, spin, spit, spiv, stag, stay, syph, tads, tags, tain, taka, tang, tank, tans, tapa, taps, task, tavs, than, thin, this, tidy, tiki, ting, tins, tiny, tipi, tips, tivy, typp, typy, vagi, vain, vang, vans, vasa, vast, vats, viga, vigs, vina, viny, visa, vita, yagi, yaks, yang, yank, yaps, yays, yids, yins, yips

5-letter words
adapt, adits, adyta, again, aghas, aging, agist, angas, angst, ankhs, annas, antas, antis, antsy, aphid, aphis, apian, aping, apish, asana, ataps, avant, avast, avgas, avian, ayahs, ayins, dagga, daisy, dangs, dashi, dashy, davit, dhaks, dight, digit, dings, dingy, dinks, dinky, dints, dippy, dishy, ditas, ditsy, divan, divas, dying, gadis, gains, gaits, gangs, gappy, ghast, ghats, giant, gigas, ginks, ginny, gipsy, gnash, gnats, gypsy, hadst, hahas, haika, haiks, hands, handy, hangs, hanks, hanky, hansa, hants, happy, hasty, highs, hight, hinds, hinny, hints, hippy, hying, hypha, ikats, inapt, intis, kadis, kains, kanas, kapas, kaphs, kappa, kasha, katas, kavas, khadi, khans, khaph, khats, kiang, kinas, kinds, kings, kinin, kiths, kivas, knaps, knish, knits, kyats, naans, nadas, naggy, naiad, nanas, nappy, nasty, nighs, night, ninth, nipas, nippy, nitid, padis, pagan, paiks, pains, paint, paisa, panda, pandy, panga, pangs, pansy, pants, panty, papas, pasha, pasta, pasty, paths, patin, patsy, pavan, pavid, pavin, pavis, phpht, pians, piggy, piing, pikas, pikis, pinas, pings, pinks, pinky, pinna, pinny, pinta, pints, pipit, pitas, piths, pithy, pyins, saggy, saiga, saint, saith, sandy, sanga, sangh, sapid, sappy, satay, satin, savin, sayid, shady, shaky, shank, shiny, shiva, shtik, sight, skint, snaky, snath, spahi, spait, spang, spank, spiky, spiny, stagy, staid, staig, stain, stand, stang, stank, staph, sting, stink, synth, taiga, tains, takin, tangs, tangy, tanka, tanks, tansy, tapas, tapis, thank, thigh, thing, think, thins, tikis, tings, tinny, tipis, tippy, tipsy, tsadi, tying, typps, vanda, vangs, vapid, vasty, viand, vigas, vinas, visit, vista, vying, yagis, yangs, yanks

6-letter words
aahing, adapts, agapai, aghast, agings, aiding, angina, anting, apathy, aphids, aphtha, ashing, askant, asking, avians, avidin, daggas, dainty, danish, dating, davits, dights, digits, diking, dinghy, dining, divans, diving, dyings, dyking, dynast, gainst, gaping, gaskin, gating, giants, giving, gyving, hading, hadith, haggis, hating, hatpin, having, haying, hiding, hights, hiking, hispid, hiving, hyping, indign, inking, inspan, isatin, kainit, kappas, khadis, khaphs, kiangs, kidnap, kinins, kiting, knight, nagana, naiads, napkin, navaid, niding, nights, nighty, ninths, padnag, pagans, paging, paints, painty, paisan, panada, pandas, pandit, pangas, papain, papaya, papist, patina, patins, pavans, paving, pavins, payday, paying, pidgin, piggin, pigsty, piking, pinang, pinata, pining, pinnas, pintas, pinyin, piping, pipits, pipkin, ptisan, saiyid, sandhi, saning, sanity, satang, sating, satiny, savant, saving, saying, sayyid, shaggy, shandy, shanny, shanti, shanty, shindy, shinny, shivah, shying, siding, siping, siting, skiing, skinny, skying, snaggy, snappy, snippy, spavin, spinny, spying, stadia, staggy, stingy, stinky, stying, tahini, taigas, taipan, taking, takins, tankas, taping, thanks, thighs, things, thinks, tiding, tining, tsking, tyning, typing, vagina, vandas, vanish, vanity, viands, viking, vining, vising

7-letter words
against, anginas, anhinga, antigay, antings, antisag, aphagia, aphasia, ataghan, avidins, avidity, danging, daphnia, dapping, dashiki, dashing, dignity, dinging, dinking, dinting, dipping, dishing, dishpan, disking, distain, dynasty, gaining, gainsay, gaiting, gapping, gashing, gasking, gasping, gasting, gingiva, gipping, gypping, hadiths, haggada, haggish, handing, hanging, hangtag, hanking, hanting, happing, hashing, hasping, hasting, hatpins, hayings, hidings, hinging, hinting, hipping, hippish, histing, ignatia, inanity, insight, kainits, kidnaps, kinging, kingpin, kinship, kipping, kithing, knavish, knights, kything, naganas, naphtha, napkins, napping, navaids, nighing, nipping, nipping, padnags, padshah, pagings, paiking, paining, paisana, panadas, pandani, pandits, panging, panting, papains, papayan, papayas, paphian, pashing, pastina, pasting, patagia, patinas, pavings, paydays, phasing, pianist, piasava, pidgins, piggins, piggish, pigskin, pinangs, pinatas, pinging, pinking, pinkish, pintada, pipings, pipkins, pishing, pithing, pitying, pygidia, saining, sanding, sandpit, sapping, savanna, shading, shaitan, shaking, shantih, shaping, shaving, shindig, shining, siganid, sighing, signing, singing, sinking, sipping, skating, skiting, skiving, snaking, sniping, spading, spaying, spiking, spiting, staging, staking, staning, staving, staying, stygian, tahinis, taipans, takings, tanging, tanking, tannish, tapping, tasking, tidings, tidying, tinging, tipping, vaginas, vikings, visaing, yanking, yapping, yatagan, yipping

8-letter words
adapting, advising, agisting, anhingas, antiking, antiship, antiskid, anything, aphagias, aphidian, ataghans, athanasy, aviating, daphnias, dighting, gainsaid, gipsying, gnashing, gypsying, hagadist, haggadah, haggadas, hangings, hangtags, highting, ignatias, inkstand, insanity, invading, kingpins, kingship, knapping, naphthas, padishah, paganish, paganist, painting, pandying, paphians, patining, phantasy, pinkings, pintadas, sainting, sapidity, savaging, savannah, shanghai, shanking, shipping, sighting, skipping, snapping, spanking, sphingid, staining, standing, stanging, stinging, stinking, tankship, tappings, thanking, thinking, thinnish, vapidity, yatagans, yataghan

9-letter words
antiaging, antikings, anythings, aphidians, dysphagia, haggadahs, haggadist, hindsight, hypanthia, kidnaping, knighting, kyanising, paintings, skydiving, thinkings, vanaspati, vanishing, yataghans

10-letter words
divagating, gainsaying, indagating, kidnapping, navigating, paganising, paginating

11-letter words
advantaging, painstaking, phantasying, shanghaiing

12-letter words

1117 words found.

1 Opened Door | Choose my Destiny

:: 2003 25 November :: 5.31 pm

Just Keep Swimming!
so yeah, I haven't updated in a while.

Life's good I guess.

I don't think I have to work tomorrow or Friday so if anybody wants to do something me.

I love Finding Nemo. I'm gonna rent it and have everybody over to watch it....after I ask my mom if that's all right.....




6 Opened Doors | Choose my Destiny

:: 2003 22 November :: 10.45 am

500 a night

You Would Make $500 a Night!

You won't have to resort to the streets to earn your cash...

But you will spend most of your time at a brothel on the wrong side of town!

How Much Could You Make as a Prostitute?

More Great Quizzes from Quiz Diva


Choose my Destiny

:: 2003 20 November :: 5.38 pm

I'm gonna be a bulldog now...
I got accpeted to FERRIS!


2 Opened Doors | Choose my Destiny

:: 2003 19 November :: 8.56 pm
:: Mood: stressed

Today was sorta stressfull compared to what the last few days have been like.

I was late for KC/TC for two reasons.
1. We had a sub- driver that was late picking us up at the high school.
2. The idiots in the back of the bus can't figure out when to shut the fuck up and behave for half an hour, so the driver pulled over twice to yell at them and threatened to bring everyone back to Cedar and not let us go to KC/TC for the day.

KC/TC went ok. I didn't miss to much in the last week. Steffen wasn't there today, so I hung around Jon. Which is an ok deal too.... They are both really hot. I almost missed the bus back to Cedar because Mrs. Pratt can't tell time....

Everything was fine then until the officer meeting. I'm glad we got it done fast. I think that may be a record for us too..... a meeting that only lasted half an hour...
Baylee if you want help figuring stuff out for the retreat just ask me.

Made it to work by 3:15 and was out of there by 4:55 so that was fast and easy.

And that's all for now.

Choose my Destiny

:: 2003 18 November :: 8.34 pm

I really hope I get to go to KC/TC tomorrow. I really miss my guys. :( Although I don't miss Mrs. Pratt at all.

My body is all out of wack because of being sick and all these 2 hour delays. I wish they would end!

Well I guess that's it for now...

3 Opened Doors | Choose my Destiny

:: 2003 17 November :: 6.41 pm

when was your first...
with tongue?:14
handjob/fingerbang [received]?:-
handjob/fingerbang [given]?:17
oral experience [received]?:-
oral experience [given]?:17
anal experience?:-
do you like...
coital sex?:yeah
oral sex?:don't know
anal sex?:don't know, prolly not
making out?:yeah
handjobs/fingerbangs [receiving]?:don't know
handjobs/fingerbangs [giving]?:yeah
being submissive?:yeah
being dominate?:ehh
this or that
lube or spit?:whatever
condoms or rhythm?:condoms
missionary or cowgirl?:missiionary
doggy or standing?:don't know
food or ice?:food
thick or long?:long
number of partners::1

sex SEX sex brought to you by BZOINK!

People have you loved?:including friends...lots
People have you kissed?:counting jessa...4
Commandments have you broken?:i can't even list the 10 how am i supposed to know if i broke 'em?
Places have you lived in (for over 3 months)?:2
Countries have you been to?:US, Canada, Mexico
Languages can you speak fluently?:English
People are you talking to right now?:0
Times have you been in a car today?:2
Different kinds of meat have you eaten?:6 i think
Different kinds of liquor have you tasted?:don't remember
Jobs you have held?:1
Years of school have you attended?:k - working on 12
Shows have you been to this month?:by shows do you mean when jessa takes of her clothes?
Friends would you call "close"?:what's close?

How Many.... brought to you by BZOINK!

Act your age:17
Born on what day of the week:wednesday
Chore you hate:dishes
Dad's name:rick
Essentail make-up item:none
Favorite actors/actresses:Angelina Jolie
Gold or sliver:silver
Instruments you play:clarinet
Job title:nurseryman
Living arrangements:with my 'rents.
Mom's name:Tanya
Number of socks you own:haven't counted
Overnight hospital stays:none that i remember of
Quote you like:How 'bout no Scott.
Religious affiliation:none
Time you woke up today:7:55
Unusual habits:I play in dirt....
Vicious thing you've done:um..... don't know
Worst habit:biting my nails
X-rays you've had:arm and teeth
Your favorite season:spring
Zodiac sign:capricorn

[the alphabet survey] brought to you by BZOINK!

Coke or Pepsi?:vanilla coke
Love or Lust?:love would be nice....
tv or movies?:movies
cats or dogs?:cats
meal or dessert?:meal
east coast or west coast?:either
tall or short?:tall
football or baseball?:football
soccer or basketball?:basketball
outside or indoors?:outside
blonde or brunette?:blonde
apples or oranges?:grapes
aol or yahoo?:yahoo
stars or moons?:stars

This or That brought to you by BZOINK!
What makes you laugh?:stupid people
Who is your hero?:myself
Who would you want to be tied to for 24 hours?:Steffen
How many pairs of shoes do you own?:like 15
Seriously... Where does the other sock end up?:wouldn't you like to know?
Who do you blame for your mood today?:the man
If the Internet were sex... I would:be addicted
Have you ever seen a dead body?:only animals
What is something scientists need to invent?:more time
What should we do with stupid people?:keep them from reproducing
Have you ever broken a bone?:yep
Do you watch local news? Why?:not often
What happens after you die?:your dead
How big is your bed? Big enough?:full, yep
How long do you think you will live?:until i die

Random Thought Provokers brought to you by BZOINK!

What do you think of Mexicans?:send 'em back
Jews?:pizza is better
Do you like Canada?:only for the cheap drugs
I just got my own way, instead of you getting yours. Are you pissed?:if your my brother
Does Britney Spears turn you on?:nope
Have you ever gotten suspended or expelled from school?:nope
If so, what for?:
If you had to,would you kill the love of your life, or 30 strangers?:30 strangers, the world is too populated anyways
What's better? An amusement park or a water park?:amusement
Do you like cats?:yep
Kruisenga's an ass, isn't he?:sometimes, but not too much
On a scale of 1-10, how much do you like your parents?:5
What do you think of retards?:ehh
What do you think of fat people?:i am one....
Fire = yum:true

Your opinions and such. brought to you by BZOINK!

That's all for now.

Choose my Destiny

:: 2003 17 November :: 5.58 pm
:: Mood: crazy

2 hour delays are crazy
no make that the school is crazy....

instead of starting with 3rd hour like we have for the past forever, they switch it up on us and start with 1st hour...... I don't have a 1st or 2nd I had to find something to do with that extra 80 minutes...

Band was a lot of fun this morning Steph. We should do it again sometime!

I miss KC/TC though....

oh well I'll live.

1 Opened Door | Choose my Destiny

:: 2003 17 November :: 8.39 am

If I were a [feminine] gay man... by 38886
Your name
Your Gay Man NameKenny
Your Gay Man OccupationCatholic Priest
Your Stereotypical Gay Man TraitTight pants
Your Gay Man Music of ChoiceBritney Spears
Your Gay Man Cause of DeathMobbed on way to Canada
Created with quill18's MemeGen!

Choose my Destiny | Random Journal