DO THIS BEFORE READING MORE: Add "Jessa" to your list of intrests. Why, you ask? Because Jessa is the Coolest person in the Universe, if you don't think so You Suck!!! Love you Jessa.


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:: 2003 6 May :: 6.56 pm
:: Mood: drained
:: Music: Love you out loud- Rascal Flatts

Ok so maybe I'll never finish that quiz thing.... oh well. If anyone really wants me to do it tell me.

Life is crazy lately. I've been extremely busy with KC/TC, CSHS, FFA and work. Our Banquet is next Monday.... I don't feel that we are ready for it. I think we are behind schedule and I am going to place a lot of the blame on Reyburn, even though I know that some of the problem is all of us officers that get stuck doing everthing and it's getting to be too much. I can feel that I'm becoming worn out or run down. I think some other people are too. I'm glad there's only about a month left of this craziness I deal with so much. In June I'm going to settle back into a normal, easy routine of work and FFA once in a while and friends on the weekends. This is basically the last summer before we all start moving on with our lives so we need to make it full of great times and so much fun that we can't remember it all. I need a list of the people that want to / are planning to go to B93 Birthday Bash with me... I already know that Hans, Baylee, Chrissy, and Stephanie want to. Katie and Lisa are you on the list too? I'm gonna need to know soon so I can get the tickets....since I have the hookup!

A Congratulations goes out to Hans for passing his Greenhand Degree Test with a 96%. Great Job! I can see some pretty good potential in him for next year..... How about the rest of you?

I'm outa words that anyone might care about at the moment so I'm outa here.


Choose my Destiny

:: 2003 1 May :: 7.03 pm

>Quick Quiz
>1. What time is it? 6:53
>2. Name as it appears on birth certificate: Stacy Marie Sevey....but everyone calls me Whore...maybe there was a typo
>3. Nickname(s): Freak, Whore, Lesbian, etc... you know the normal kind of high school nicknames
>4. Number of candles on cake: they didn't put a candle on the free sample of cake at orientation.... if you got one that's not fair and I'm going to complain to Great Day
>5. Birthday: I don't have a birthday, I heard that after 16 they stop
>6. Pets: STEPH, BAYLEE, KATIE, JESSA, HANS, LISA, BOB, and all those other ones I forgot
>7. Hair color: I don't remember....I threw the box away
>8. Piercing: Piercing sounds hurt my ears so I try to avoid them
>9. Eye color: depends on my mood...
>10. How much do you love your job: I absofuckinglutly love my job.... with out DIRT there would be no plants, no plants means no animals or people so I believe that dirt is one of the bear necessities of life
>11. Hometown: The underwear capital of the world, we love our unmentionables so much that we celebrate them with everyone
>12. Current Residence: I live in the upper south west corner of the big white farm house on 20 mile in solon township in the upper north west corner of kent county michigan which is in the midwest region of the united states in north america which happens to be in the north western hemisphere of earth which is the 3rd planet from the sun in the milky way galaxy in the universe...... don't ask for directions!
>13. Favorite Food(s): I love Peanut Butter... and pizza but usually not together
>14. Been to Africa: no but i seen a stuffed giraffe in Chicago
>15. Been toilet papering? only in the bathroom
>16. Loved somebody so much it made you cry? Yes but i've realised he was an ass and wasn't worth my tears
>17. Been in a car accident?nope but i almost hit deer everymorning on my way to school....maybe i should stop going
>18. Crouton or bacon bits? bacon bits are made out of soybeans... and croutons are stale bread so neither are very good
>19. Favorite day(s) of the week? i like the 8th day of the week i find it very realaxing
>20. Favorite word or phrase: "Wow" or "Hans, your mom gave me permission to hit you"
>21. Favorite Restaurant: i like restaurants that have convicted criminals tied to poles in them.... it's really great when they die there and then disappear
>22. Favorite flowers: Lilacs cuz the smell purtty
>23. Favorite Drink:good ole H20 (parents are around so i gotta say that)
>24. Favorite sport to watch: plant spinning

to be continued when dad gives the computer back......

>25. Favorite ice cream?
>26. Disney or Warner Brothers?
>27. Favorite Fast Food Restaurant:
>29. How many times did you fail your drivers test? 3rd times a charm
>30. Who is the last person you got e-mail from?
>31. Do you sing in the shower?
>32. Which store would you choose to max out your credit card?
>33. What do you do most often when you are bored?
>34. Most annoying thing people ask you?
>35. Bedtime:
36.Who will respond to this e-mail the quickest?
37.least likely to respond?
38. Favorite TV shows:
>39. Last person you went out to dinner with?
>40. Ford or Chevy? Gerald Ford or Chevy Chase?
41. What time is it now?

Choose my Destiny

:: 2003 28 April :: 8.52 pm
:: Mood: sick

Happy 19th Anniversary to my mom and dad.....
I thought I was gettting better.....obviously not. Skipped KC/TC this morning cuz I was sick. Went to 3rd though 4th hour then came home because I was sick. Tried going to work....come home after 45 minutes because between the heat and the nausea I was getting dizzy and feeling even worse. I'm so hungry but I haven't kept anything down today so far.....

Identity was a fricken cool movie! Steph's party was the awesomest. Jessa can rape me anytime...LOL. I was extremely cold even though we were all piled together, maybe next time more alcohol will keep us warmer. I think we should all get together and help with the VIP loft. Steph just tell me when and I'll try to be there.

Math MEAP's tomorrow.....that scares me because I haven't had to do any real math since last year.... I hope I do well.

Peace Out. (I'm gonna go try to get better)

1 Opened Door | Choose my Destiny

:: 2003 23 April :: 6.46 pm

Yep I'm still sick...
MEAP tests are turning out to not be as bad as I thought.

I went home today after lunch and slept all afternoon! It was great. I'm starting to feel better but I still have a fever and cough.

That's all for now.
Peace Out.

3 Opened Doors | Choose my Destiny

:: 2003 21 April :: 9.17 pm
:: Mood: sick
:: Music: Three wooden crosses....

I can't breathe.....
I hate being sick. It ruins my whole day (and probably week). These cold pills aren't working..... they are supposed to dry out my nose not my mouth.

I wish this cold rainy nasty weather would stop, I'm really ready for a big streach of warm sunny days with only a spring shower once in a while to keep the dust down at work.

AAC meeting gave us a lot to do in 5th hour for a couple weeks. I can hear the boys complaining already because they have to do work while us girls (aka FFA members) get to do other stuff and still maintain higher greades than them without doing the classwork! It's so great.

Well MEAP's start tomorrow so I get to miss 3 days of KC/TC this week and next. Which is ok other than taking tests for 3 hours a day really really sucks. At least Stoken will be in the same room as me....we can cause some trouble there I think.

I really need to get pumped up about FFA and work. I'm kinda slacking I think. That shall be my goal after MEAP's, to get more involved again in FFA and actually enjoy my job (I would already if it was warmer).

Peace Out.
Love ya'll...yes even you!

2 Opened Doors | Choose my Destiny

:: 2003 20 April :: 7.30 pm

Holidays Suck!
I hate any holiday that involves family...

At least I didn't have to deal with my cousin Tiffany and her boyfriend, Eric. I really can't stand them. Which is pretty pathetic since they've been together about 3 years now. I only see Tiff about 3 or 4 times a year and if Eric is with her she basically forgets the rest of her family is alive, well accept for Ashley .... so there goes talking to them. So that puts me with Samantha and Amanda... the freshmen. Amanda is pretty cool but Sam is basically just like Tiff. Family sucks. I don't know why I bother anymore.

I ate way too much today...I feel like I could puke.

3 Opened Doors | Choose my Destiny

:: 2003 15 April :: 9.17 pm
:: Mood: tired

Today was pretty tiring.

I picked up trash this morning at KC/TC, it was kinda gross but really not as bad as it could have been. At first it was just me, Samantha and Steve...but then Brandon joined in too because he saw that as an opportunity to go with Steve on a smoke break in the middle of class..... They are so retarded sometimes.

I did absolutly nothing in Harrison's class today and really didn't care. I still hate her and wish she would fall off the face of the earth.

Lunch was kinda boring without Baylee there to tease about being a Jessa called me a whore, (like she does everyday).....Lol. She's great, I love her.

Ag. Biz still really really sucks. I can't wait till it's over. Reyburn becomes worse and worse everyday.

Hans is still upset that Chrissy and I can't give him a ride home anymore.... I wish I could though. I kinda miss hanging out with him.

Went to work thinking I'd be moving plants all was I wrong! I started out potting with Stacy B. then had to take a small load of plants down below with Andrea then did more potting with Stacy B. untill 4ish then the new girls started (they are identical twins.....) so they were potting what I was working on. I got moved to the dirt pile to pot bigger plants.....which is ok other than Marc and Tim were there too.... (they kept looking at Stacy and I on the Gator alot) Marc kept calling me a slacker....I haven't figured out how that's possible seeing as I got to work early and left late.... 45 minutes overtime....and I'm a slacker? He's screwed up. LOL. But he can be funny at times.....and he's cute so it's all good.

Now I'm really tired. I should just get off the computer and go to bed.....but for some reason I'm still lusting over Bob and can't leave untill later.....


3 Opened Doors | Choose my Destiny

:: 2003 14 April :: 6.52 pm
:: Mood: Eh..

People are weird sometimes.
Well I decided I should probably actually write in here instead of just read other peoples journals.

Back to school today... that was pretty boring, but I really wasn't expecting anything to great. The worst part of it was when I walked in to Reyburns class and Lubbers was there. I thought he was supposed to be gone.....Obviously I'm not paid to think. It also wasn't good this morning when I get to school and Reyburn is walking down the hall (in what appears to be his pajamas) towards the boys locker room to take a shower...That is not something I needed to know. I didn't know that the locker room were made for teachers to shower in....

Work was ok today. I moved plants the whole time. Dan always asks me everydat how school was.... IT'S ALWAYS BORING DAN. You don't need to ask every single day, but I guess if that's your way of making conversation it'll work. Marc and Tim kept looking at Chrissy and I evey time we went by them on the gator. I'm still not sure if they were looking at us or the Gator...Maybe it's better not knowing. I'm not sure why Bryan got another job if he's still going to show up a couple times a week just to chat and see how things are going. He might as well do a little work while he's there....

Well that's enough for today I think.

Peace Out!

1 Opened Door | Choose my Destiny

:: 2003 13 April :: 5.37 pm

Damn you's your fault I keep doing these quizzes.....
I am not a type of music
You're nothing, really. But you're nice.

What type of music are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

Blue info
Your Heart is Blue

What Color is Your Heart?
brought to you by Quizilla

What Is Your Animal Personality?

brought to you by Quizilla

Karl Urban: you like them tall, dark, sexy and fun.

Which guy are you destined to have sex with?
brought to you by Quizilla

Choose my Destiny

:: 2003 10 April :: 6.02 pm

well i'm back. I missed ya'll. Talk to ya later.

3 Opened Doors | Choose my Destiny | Random Journal