2010 8 May :: 11.01pm
Dr. Death is a good movie.
I support his general idea. People should be able to choose.
There are so many things in this world that you really can have a choice over. Life and death is at the top of that list.
You didnt choose to become alive. If you are living near death's door like the patients he takes are, then why shouldnt they have control over their own damn lives?
Religion or not seriously. Being forced to live a waking nightmare is not fair. Permanently disabled from the neck down? Rapidly advancing Alzheimer? That is just not right.
If the person wants that to be over, then let them have that choice.
Dont force them to hold on because you feel the need to hold onto them.
If you love something enough then you should let them go because of their own choice in the matter.
Dont let your pride override their will.
Consider me a horrible person for saying it if you wish. I dont care. I am entitled to my opinion and I believe in it.
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butt fun anyone?