2010 19 April :: 7.37am
Look what I found
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butt fun anyone?
2010 18 April :: 2.41am
someone get me 8 grand so I can buy this
Read more..
6 flashed |
butt fun anyone?
2010 17 April :: 3.47pm
My desktop background =]

butt fun anyone?
2010 17 April :: 3.37am
Im a bit slow on the news so this is late but um...Im in the clear to report it!
The sun ate a comet on april 12-13; a rather big one too.
8minutes after this happened we started being bathed in its explosion radiation flare. A huge one too! We are still here and nothing went crazy. I was slightly shocked at this. The largest flare recorded in the last 15yrs. Spectacular image for ya on the link below too. Ya I know its color tone is wrong, its on purpose.
Sun eats comet!
butt fun anyone?
2010 16 April :: 7.52am
>< alarm clock didn't go off this morning... gonna late into work... wonder what the VP is gonna say about me not wearing my uniform! haha
butt fun anyone?
2010 15 April :: 9.56pm
I wish I could vent and write about all my problems
like I used on woohu-but I've changed a lot since like age 15 when I first started using this and the difference is I actually care about keeping my personal life private. Sucks when you need an outlet though.
butt fun anyone?
2010 15 April :: 7.07pm
back to work at wolverine tomorrow.
saving monies for dune buggy after i pay some bills. mmm dune buggy.
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butt fun anyone?
2010 15 April :: 8.28am

butt fun anyone?
2010 15 April :: 1.21am
This took place right across the street.
butt fun anyone?
2010 14 April :: 3.15pm
i was looking back at past posts of mine and the times sure are changin. its been mega crazyness since my accident with my mustang about 4 years ago, my fall 3 years ago, my apartment at ramblewood and all that jazz.. pure crazyness.. it feels like i was so young back then. well that should be enough for today i think...
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butt fun anyone?
2010 13 April :: 8.19pm
does anyone know if i am on my computer and it just starts randomly doing stuff like my mouse moves on its own and/or my internet page i'm on goes "back" to another page or windows move around ..random stuff like that..
is it because i have a virus or something and if so what can i do?
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butt fun anyone?
2010 13 April :: 5.27pm
I don't know what else to do really. I try and it gets no where. So, I give up. I have to be done. You're not happy and I don't know what else to do. I miss the way you were. You're not the same anymore. I cry all the time thinking about you. What's going to happen to you. I just want to give you a hug and tell you that every thing will be ok. Because, they will. I just don't know how else to help. I'm sorry.
butt fun anyone?
2010 13 April :: 5.01pm
wow... its been i think 2-3 years since i have logged in here >< ages have come and gone.. so much changed in my life and the world..
3 years and 1 day to be exact
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butt fun anyone?
2010 13 April :: 12.18am
Really? when you search free porn on google you get... porn?
2 flashed |
butt fun anyone?
2010 11 April :: 8.39pm
I should be happy about the way things are going right now, and I am. But, how can I stay happy when you are not happy? I'm doing the best I can for you right now and I hope, you can see that. Things are going to get better.
butt fun anyone?