2004 26 August :: 9.05 pm
:*What is your name: Heather
*Spell your first name backwards: Rehtaeh
*Male or Female: female
*Astrological Sign: Gemini baby!!!
*Nicknames: Heath BBG Big Tittays Tig ole Bitties Big bobbs magee Sexierrrr
*Occupation: Sophmore at Santaluces Highschool '07'
*Height: 5'1...shawwty?
*Hair Color: light brown n like natural highlights...
*Eye Color: nice light brown!
*Where Do You Live:b-lakes in b-ToWn
*Screen Names: xshortygirel143x n beachgirely143
*E-mail Address: xshortygirel143x@aol.com
*What Does Your Screen Name Stand For: x are just ending letters lol shorty girel was an old nickname cause im a shorty n im a girEl n the E in girel is my own way of spelling it n 143 is i love u n beach girely is cause i love the beach n im a girely n once again 143 i love you
*Pets:2 kitttties My man--Gingi n my chica Star
*Number of Candles You Blew Out On Your Last Birthday Cake: 15
*Piercings: ears 3 in each n top right want belly tounge n thinking nose now
*Tattoos: dont want n*e
*Shoe Size: 8 and 1/2
*Righty or Lefty: riiightyyyyy holla bittchh!
*Wearing: light jean skirt with the green shorts under it n a black dressy tanktop
*Hearing:Sunshine Lil Flip
*Feeling: tiredddd...still have to do my hair n pick out 2 outfits one for school n one for the Kickoff game vs. Park Vista HOLLAAAAA n comeeee pleaseeeee
*Eating/drinking: nothing lol
Guys/Girls/Love/Kissing/And Other Stuff...
*Have you ever been in love?: yes...
*How many people have you said like 1 n meant it
*How many people have you been in REAL love with?: yes
*How many people have you kissed?:not gunna count!!!
*Have you ever kissed someone of the same sex?: yeap
*How many people have you dated?: not gunna count
*What do you look for in a guy/girl?:the whole package
*What's the first thing you notice about the opposite sex?: eyes n teeth
*What type of guy/girl do you usually go for?: the "ghetto" badass boys
*Do you have a crush right now?: yeah...chris...:(
*If so who is it?: ^^
*Do you believe in love at first sight? no
*Do you remember your first love?: yeah
*Who is the first person you kissed?: Chad Armstrong--Pre-K n made out Wade-6th grade at Rachaels Party in my closet told to by my sister!
*Do you believe in fate?: sure
*Do you believe in soul mates?: Perhaps.
*If so do you believe you'll ever find yours?: yeah...eventually
Music Stuff..
*What song do you swear was written about you or your life?: not sure
*What's the most embarrassing CD you own?: spice girels...efiel 65...ricky martin...bsb??
*What's the best CD you own?: ALL MY EMINEM/D-12 CD'S
*What song do you absolutely hate? not sure
*Do you sing in the shower?: lol duh!
*What song reminds you of that special someone?: idk lol
Your Bedroom/Sleeping Habits..
*What color are your sheets?: light green...kinna pastelish
*What color are your bedroom walls?: their oringinally white but emienm n pic's n writting takes them up really
*Do you have posters on your wall?: like 1000 eminem ones this cheer one from a newspaper in 1998 pic of me n friends n pics people drew
*Do you have a TV in your bedroom?:of course!
*How many pillows are on your bed?: 2 i sleep with 1 to hold stuff
*What do you normally sleep in?: boxers n a shirt or tanktop
*Describe your favorite pair of pajamas:some comfy boxers n a baggy or tanktop fir a shirt
*What size bed do you have?: twin
*Do you have a waterbed/bunkbed/daybed: regular daybed?
*Do you have your own phone line in your bedroom?: pssssh no im not rich lol
*Describe the last nightmare you had: errr its been awhile
*Do you sleep with stuffed animals?: yeap my 2 dalmation dogs i got when i was reaaaaallllllly lil n then i have a chair with some n my self in my closet filled lol
*How many people can comfortably sleep comfortably in your bed?: ME!
*Any unusual sleeping positions?: on my tummy with my arms n hands under the pillow.
*Do you share a bedroom?: nope
*Do you snore?: when im sick
*Do you drool?: when i had braces i did lol
*Do you have an alarm clock in your room?: yes i do.
*What color is the carpet in your room?: this weird shit
*What's under your bed?: another bed lol.
What Is Your Opinion Of The Following?..
*Virgins: true pimpettes ((u can be a pimpette n not a hoe)) ((thats prob cause im a virgin lol))
*The Osbournes: ehhhhh...n/c
*Reality TV: i love it..its the best..
*J.Lo: don't care for her
*Emo music: depends on the song
*Valentine's Day: when a good one comes ill answer this
*Christina Aguilera's comeback: i like her
*Homosexuals: no problem as long as u dont try shit with me
*Abortion: gotta do what ya gotta do
*Inter-racial relationships:my parents would kill be but i it floats ur boat dont let anyone rock it
*Death:fuckingfuckedupshitihateititblowsthecock when its to someone who doesnt deserve it
*Pornography:i didnt know people could bend like that
*Prostitution:whatever they like.
*Britney's boob:F-A-K-E
*Gas prices in America: when i start driving ill complain...no fuck it to high!!!!
Have You Ever..
*Mooned anyone:ohh yeah
*Been on a diet:yeah...didnt work as u can tell
*Been to a foreign country: nope
*Broken a bone: nope
swallowed a tooth/cap/filling: no...
*Swear at a teacher: yeap
*Got in a fight:yeap
*Dated a teacher: What!? no. thats gross.
*Laughed so hard you peed your pants:no close tho
*Thought about killing your enemy: no im not phsyco i promise!
*Gone skinny dipping: n/c
*Told a little white lie:tons
*Told a secret you swore not to tell:yeah
*Misused a swear word and it sounded absolutely stupid: yeah!!
*Been on TV: Yeeeaaahh.
*Been on the radio?: no
*Been in a mosh pit: no
*Been to a concert: Duh
*Dated one of your best friends:yeah we dont really talk anymoreonly when we "bump" into eachother
*Loved someone so much it makes you cry: yeah!
*Deceived somebody close to you: nooo
*Broken the law: lol ohh yeah!
*Came close to dying: no
*Terrorized a babysitter: noo
*Snuck out of the house at night: yeahh lol dont really have to anymore
*Been so drunk you don't remember your name: lol Bri but hmm i dont think so
*Smoked: oh yeah
*Been arrested: close to it
*Had your tonsils removed: nope
*Gone to camp: cheer camp
*Won a bet: I think...
*Written a love letter: Ooohh yeah.
*Gone out of your way to be with the one you love: yeah.
*Written a love poem: yes indeedy
*Kissed in the rain: yeah it was pretty wet too lol
*Participated in an orgy:cant say i have
*Asked a friend for relationship advice: yes'm
*Had a friend steal your bf/gf: oh yeahhhhhh
*Watched the sunset/rise with someone you love: yea! omg i loved it soo much!
*Gotten a speeding ticket: no
*Done jail time: no
*Worn a uniform to work?: no
*Won a trophy:no
*Thrown up in public:prob.
*Bowled a perfect game: helll noo!! lol
*Failed/got held back:nope
*Got perfect attendance in grade school: nope
*Roasted pumpkin seeds: yeap
*Taken ballet/karate lessons:hip-hop--dance n karate
*Attempted suicide: N/C
Childhood Stuff..
*Did you play with Barbies/G.I. Joes: barbies
*Did you own Treasure Trolls: yeahh
*Did you watch Beverly Hills 90210: yeah
*Did you play Simon Says: yeh! i love that game
*Did you watch Fraggle Rock: wtf is that
*Did you wet the bed: nope!
*Did you believe there were monsters in your closet or under your bed: noo lol i dont get scared of monsters lol
*Did you wear the underwear with the days of the week on them: yeapp never missed a day
*Were you spoiled: ohh yeahh
*Did you go to the circus:i dont remember if i did
*Did you go to the zoo: yeah!
*Were you in a car accident: no thank god
*Did you build snowmen: yeah.
*Did you cry when you scraped your knee: oh yeah! that hurt like a bitch .
*Were your older cousins mean to you: no
*Did you think the Ninja Turtles really lived in the sewer:dont think so
*Were you afraid of the dark: nooo im good like that
*Did you have slumber parties: i still do! lol
*Did you have New Kids on the Block sheets, pillows, pajamas, sleeping bag?: fuck no
*Did you tease your hair out like Tiffany: ohh hell no!
*Did you believe in the Easter Bunny/Santa Claus/ and the Tooth Fairy: tooth fairy
*Do you believe in aliens: no.
*Name three things that are next to your computer:phone keys jewlery
*Do you wish MTV would play music videos: full ones!
*If you were to star in a movie, what kind of movie would it be: comedy or horror
*What would your movie star name be:Kylie
*Do you play any sports: cheerleading
*What's the scariest movie you've ever seen: not sure
*What is the best movie you've seen in the theater or rented recently:Mean Girels or butterfly effect or i forget the name of it lol
*What is the dumbest movie you've ever seen: freddy got fingered
*Do you drive: ilegally...permitted driver lol
*What is your dream car: not sure
*Do you think your good looking:if i didnt have my tubby
*Would you ever sky dive: yeah prob.
*Do you believe in Bigfoot: haha no.
*How many rooms do you have in your house: 3 bed 2 1/2 bath live-in room dinning room kitchen den garage
*Are you afraid of roller coasters: HELL NO!! lol
*Do you believe in God: uhh yeah
*Do you believe in Satan:sure
*Do you believe there is a heaven: yes--RiP Bambi!!<33
*Do you believe there is a hell: sure
*Do you own a pooltable: nope
*Do you have a pool: nope
*Do you have a dishwasher in your kitchen: yeah
*Do you like chocolate: not really
*Who/what is on your 2004 calendar: AOL
*Ever wished on a shooting star:i dont remember
*Do you carry any weapons on you: no lol
*Name something you can't get enough of: friends,boys,money
*Describe yourself in 3 adjectives:loud outgoing spontanious
How many kids do you want to have: 2
*Future daughters names:kylie torrey ashleigh n that pretty name me n jess saw
*Future sons names: chris tyler kyle...
*What is your ideal way to die: old age... painless
*How do you release stress: hit something yell cry
*Do you consider yourself a trendy person: sure
*Are you an artistic person: hell no lol
*Are you a realistic person?: Most of the time.
*Do you un-tie your shoes every time you take them off: deff. not
*Are you a strong person: yeah
*Are you a strong willed person: kinda..
*Who is the last person to e-mail you: myself or DanielleB. lol
*Do you hate chain e-mails: yes. spam blocker can only block so much. >.<
*Are you a deep sleeper:no lol
*Are you a good story teller: yeah.... "twisted thoughtz"
*What is your greatest accomplishment: suceeding in what i like to do
*Do you like to burn candles or incense: oh yeah...pussy smells good 2!! lol mich
*Do you have your own credit card: yes a mastercard giftcard thing
*Let's say you win the lotto.:fix my parents shit help out my sis buy a house n a nice ass xcar n then shopppp till i drop
*Do you have a check book:nope
*Do you like your drivers license: i cant wait to get it!!!!!!!!!!
*Do you tan easily: i tan easily
*What color is your hair naturally:once a blond always a blond...but now brunette lol
*How many fillings do you have: 0
*How many cavities did you have at your last dentist visit: 4...fixed 'em tho
*Worst feeling in the world?:being hurt
*Best feeling in the world: ill tell a when it happens
*Is the glass half empty or half full: i like tot hink of it as half full!
*Last thing you downloaded:ashlee simpson lala
*Do you catch yourself using online terms in your real life?:oh yeah
What do you think people think of you: they love me !
*Are you a likeable person: depends very much so on the person
*Do you love your bf/gf: :-(
*When are you moving: never.
*What's your favorite phrase:to many to name
--Heather signed out!
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2004 23 August :: 8.20 pm
* wendys
* taco bell
*mickey dee's
* homefries
*speghetti n meatballs
* cheeeese raviollis
* salad
* noddle soup
* fries
* Boys <3
* Chad Michael Murray
* Jess
* Mich
* Eminem
* sleeping
* Music
* Beach
* my computer
* Heather
* Heath
* Big titty girel
* tig ole bittys
* bitch
* hooker
* kylie--lol jess
* sexier....-n- sexica!! lol jess ((its a new thing ill fill u in))
* a Bra
* thong
* shirt
* pants/skirt/shorts
* my jewelry
* Makeup
* shoes/sandals
* Shower
* go to school
* talk online
* eat
* ChiLL w. Jess
* phone
* Jess
* mich
* kayte
* howie
* cj
* blues
* Black
* denim
* white
* Jessicas
* out
* school
* Jess<33
* Mich<33
* anywhee with Jess -n- Mich and our hott boys....hott boys....thats all we want...lol
boredemness is taking over.....
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2004 23 August :: 6.10 pm
:: Mood: aching
:: Music: lala-ashlee simpson
Biology Times w/ Megan n Jean-- lol
Hey whats popin'? nmh just got back from Cheer practice..these are the times i really wish i had a boyfriend**...((soooo soar needs massage lol)) but yeah I have Megan..danny's ex in ym 5th hour n she sits behind me shes actully a awsome person n then theirs this kid Jean who sits in front of me.."my boyfriend" long story dont wanna type how it happened...well Jean was cheating on me with megan n heres how it went...
Jean--Hi babigurl... u no I love you 2 death and I wud neva cheat on u on ma own free will. girl I dont eva wanna lose you cuz life aint worth living without YOU!!
Megan--Hey Heather, I have a confession,your man has been cheatin on you..with me. Weve been "together" about 4 times now & Now Im pregnant w.his baby Im sorry to tell you this Please forgive me
Me-jean--your a bullshit liar -n- I hate you. How could you do that ^^ w/my good friend. FUCK YOU! <3Heather
Jean-Megan--that babi look ugly as hell aint no way im the babi daddi
Jean-Me--Babigurl I made a mistake, u no I'm only human and I'm man enuff to face ma honest mistake babi I love youmore than words can eva tell.
Megan-Jean--Bitch u r the baby daddy how do u know its ugly, it aint even born yet!
me-jean-- once again you lied how can you do this to me I was going to let you be the one.
Jean-Me--first of all plz tell me that i can still be the one. babi you're the sun that lights ma world. your love for me makes ma heart complete to and girel ima nigga the sex is always gonna be off the chain. Holla at your dadi. i love you. oh megan raped me i did say no she tied me up.
Megan-Jean--i only raped u once,not 4 times, u cant rape the willing.
me to jean-- Idk it's so hard 4 me to trust you and she just addmitted once but the other 3 tymes babe I can't go through that shit you got me fucked ^.
jean--me-- that girl tricked me every time saying that you were in her house and i shud come over cuz u needed ma help. every time i went in dhe wud hit me with a bat and tie me up i fell for her act cuz she looked so innocent. babidont worry now i no betta. i love u girlplz come bak to me
megan-Jean-- How could anyone be so dumb? Hell no bitch, quit yo lyin! im pregnant w.yo kid now u gotta be a man and help me.
Me-Jean--naw you sayin' all this now but then you gonna fall 4 her "innocent" act again!
jean-me-- Babi you cant blame da nigga the nigga is always the victim babi lets just forget about this and let me hit it tonight you the only girl that matters to me...
then jt ends up on my lap and he ((jean) was like what nigga thats my girel and i was like nah nah so he was like heyy megan and shes like what u gunna support this baby now and he was like pshhhh and then it was me in my desk megan behind me n jt to the side of us n jean walks over to megan n im like jean wtf u doin' n hes like oh sorry i thought she was u i need my glasses my fault babi!! lol funniest thing..you can tell we get bored but imma go now so
holla AtchA girel!
--Heather signed out!
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2004 23 August :: 5.55 pm
i saw this in a journal *comment and ask me up to 3 questions.
i promise to answer them truthfully.
if i dont comment back, then that means
your questions were stupid. lol. <333
have fun .. but not too much fun. lol*
got a great convo coming...
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2004 15 August :: 10.38 pm
Smart, pretty, outgoing young lady.
Daughter of Yvonne and Abraham Bechar.
Lover of animals, Eminem, and cheerleading.
Who feels curious, happy, independent.
Who finds happiness in music, the beach, and friends.
Who needs family, friends, and her cat.
Who gives friendship, love, and trust.
Who fears death, bugs, and disappointments.
Who would like to see Bambi Danielle, and Marshal Mathers.
Who enjoys the beach, the phone, and the computer.
Who like's to wear jeans, tanktops, and skirts.
Resident of Boynton Lakes North in oynton Beach, FL.
By..Heather Lauren...((Autobiopoem))
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2004 15 August :: 10.45 am
:: Mood: ehh
:: Music: run-snow patrol--had to hear it Carly!!
First Week of School--Well hello!...the first week of school was interesting...Santaluces is nothing what i thought it was gunna be....i thought it was gunna be allllllll blacks which would of been fine but it wasn't theirs like alot of everything...hehe their are some FiNe AsS BoYz their lol HoLLa...lol but yeah my classes are piamp no complaints yet...i know at least a couple people in every class!!
1st--Informal Geometry... :( but i gots ((Ryan..Paige..Katie..Krystal..Nancy..and some other people there!!))
2nd--World history!!... :-((((...i hate Mr.Clarke..oh well i got ((Kevin..Thamara..n John in there!!))
3rd--Gym..((Kayte..Robert..n Joe are there!!))
4th--LMS..((Kevin..Kayte..Adam..Ryan..this fine ass kid lol..are there!!))
Lunch...Basically everyones there but Jess n Colletti.. :(
5th--...Biology.. ((Meagan..Danny's Ex..she's pretty tight..Thamara..Cj..are there!!))
6th--ShOp!!..((I have like my whole old first hour...Stephanie was there but she moved..:( umm John this girel Vanessa n this cute kid are there!!))
7th--...English II..((Fermin..Ryan..Lisa..Teresa..Brittany..John..Jasmine..n Benji are there!!))
so yeah my day is pretty much fun...plus me n Jess<33 have our locker in the senior hall so ha! right next to this FiNe ass bOy Chris i thought was hott last year as well!! lol its p.i.m.p... everyone thinks Jess is my lil sister lol!! n Kevin the kid who wants to fuck me wants to fuck my 'lil sis' as well!! haha dream on playa!...but yeah
This weekend-- Friday--chilled with Michelle Howie Mark Vincent Erik n Anthony... not much fun but ehh
Saturday-- TannEd.. Woo hoo! got some sun it looks iight gunna make it bettah today HopEfUllY...was gunna go to Jessica Myerz Party but michelle wasnt aloud out late n we had no rides...but it turns out we DID cause Vincent n Josh called but i missed it!!
Fermin called n wants me to piss in a cup for him so he dont fail for CokE and go to Rehab but i said no u told me u dont do it n u should pass your ga'damn self soo w.e...
that's about it for now...cept I WANT MY DANIELLE!!!!!!!!! i havent heard from her in awhile her numbers not working!!!!! and her journals scaring the shit outta me...i feel like she doesnt care or something or that somethings happening and she cant call me but she needs to me or wright me a letter even if all it says is...Just letting you know im Alright!! ga'damn imma go get breakfast n see where the sun is...
xO** Heather Lauren*
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2004 14 August :: 10.26 pm
1 dreamer |
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2004 14 August :: 5.04 pm
:: Mood: hott
:: Music: eurotrip
Type your name with your:
Normal: Heather
elbow:hj3eathbnere....not at all lol ((eath))
tongue: heather--...baller again!
chin: hhheratgfrhregftr......sureeeeee!
eyes closed and one finger: heather...baller!
back of hand: heaythj4er--haha
palm: hesathjeftr...lol
wrist: yhn4egt6yhndefr.....bahhh
that was interesting
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2004 11 August :: 10.35 pm
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2004 10 August :: 9.56 pm
end of summer...balled!!
got tipsy on jessicas b-day!!
some bois obssed with me lol....
schools tomorrow...:(..:)
got my hair done today looks piaammmp...n i got my Permitt
baller status...now what to wear lol
xO*Heather Lauren*
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2004 7 August :: 12.39 pm
 your fuck.
What swear word are you? brought to you by Quizilla
haha whats with this...everyone says i have that fuck u attitude behind my speech lol w/e
1 dreamer |
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2004 4 August :: 1.26 pm
last couple of nights have been pretty straightttttttt lol heres what happened
monday--went to fermins around like 10 n was just straight fucked up all night with michelle n fermin n soap n dirt n ryan n kinna westli i drove westlis car lol but yah anyways we stayed up all day n then on tuesday we went home at like 9:30 in the morning went down to the DMV to try n get my permit but my number was not gunna be called so we dipped i got 2 pairs of pants n a shirt to go with my skirt n 2 pairs of shoes...then on wensday we went to fermins n they got goldslauger<33 but we dipped cause rj called n went to mikes at like 11 n fucking idk it was boring for awhile mike was being mean but then that pill hit him n he was being nice....we were kinna flirting but i didnt really wanna cause michelle likes him but so do i n then i was sitting on top of him n we kissed n idk....hes 20 n prob. doesnt like me n michelles my homegirel but idk she kinna pissed me off last night i jsut dont know why....she stayed at mikes last night n me n jess dipped at 2:30 n then we went till fermins till like 4 n my curfews 1 lol w/e then this morning me n michelle were talking on the fone n she was like what ya wanna do tonight n i was like idk i think everyones goin' back to mikes but i felt unwanted yesterday so idk if i wanna go n she goes what when u were sitting on him so w.e fuck that shit that pissed me off joking or not u always mean it a lil when u joke around so w/e thats about it last night i non-stopped thought about danielle...mikes got the pictures from the service in his room n the flowers n thats all i thought about... i was just staring at her number in my fone wiht nothing to do with it n everytime we drove past jfk i would just get so mad idk what to do anymore but michelles talking to me n imma go tell her wassup..peace out be safe
*Xo*--Jess mike rj joe fermin danielle michelle n the rest *oX*
xO* Heather
p.s at fermins me n jess finished thatr goldslauger whhhhhhhhhhhhat lol jess was --fuck--ed-- up lol! so was i!!
i like mike... this blowssssss
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2004 2 August :: 1.33 pm
x. Slept in your bed:me
x. Saw you cry:friends
x. Made you cry: the passing of an excellent person n the leaving of one of my bestfriends
x. Spent the night with: mich jess n other people
x. You went to the movies with: idk
x. You went to the mall with: my mom
x. Yelled at you: idk
x. Sent you an email: kaitlyn n jess
x. You kissed: no comment...((anthony)) other doesnt count!
x. Said "I Love You" and meant it?: yea
x. Gotten in a fight with your pet: no..
x. Been to New York: yes
x. Florida: i live here
x. California: no
x. Hawaii: no
x. Mexico:no
x. China: no
x. Canada: no
x. Danced naked: no
x. Dreamed something really crazy and then it happened the next day: kinna
x. Wish you were the opposite sex:yeap...so i can see how it is to think with just ur dick
x. Wanted to tell someone something but didn?t: yea
x. Had an imaginary friend: no
x. Things you like in a girl/guy: dont worry about it
x. Do you have a crush on someone: yeap yeap
x. What book are you reading now: none
x. Worst feeling in the world: to loose someone close to u
x. What is the first thing you think when you wake up: what time is it
x. Future daughter's name: not sure i like ashleigh n torrey n nikkie
x. Future son's name: not sure i like mike n josh n kyle
x. Do you sleep with a stuffed animal:yeap yeap
x. What's under your bed: another bedcase
x. Favorite sport to watch: cheerleading
x. Current Age: 15
x. Siblings: sister
x. Location: sis's room
x. College plans: only a sophomore
x. Piercings/tattoos: both ears ((3)) right top
x. Boyfriend/Girlfriend: single n ready to mingle
x. Do you do drugs: not really
x. Do you drink: yeah
x. Who are your best friends: mich jess DEEEEEEE daniel n rach
x. What are you most scared of: death
x. What clothes do you sleep in: boxers n a shirt
x. Where do you want to get married:no clue
x. Who do you really hate: couple of people
x. Been in Love: yea
x. What type automobile do you drive: not their yet
x. Do you have a job: nope
x. How long have you had it? ...
x. Do you like being around people: kinna
x. Are you for world peace: who cares?
x. Are you a health freak: kinna
x. Have you ever loved someone you had no chance with:i wouldnt say love reallllly liked but thats diff. now....since yea
x. Have you ever cried over something someone of the opposite sex did: yea
x. Do you have a "type" of person you always go after?: no
x. Want someone you don't have right now: ehh so-so
x. Are you lonely right now: not really
x. Ever afraid you'll never get married: No
x. Do you want to get married: yes
x. Do you want kids: yea
x. Room in house: mine
x. Place to be: my room
x. Type(s) of music: ALLL
x. Band(s): d12
x. Color: blue
x. Perfume or cologne:vanilla lace
x. Month: may
x. Stone: emerald i think
x. Cried: yea..i miss dee n bambi
x. Bought something: yea
x. Gotten sick: no
x. Sang: yea
x. Wanted something: yea
x. Said "I Love You": yea but but in the i love you but im not in love with u way!
x. Wanted to tell someone you loved them:no
x. Met someone new:yeah
x. Moved on: ughh sure
x. Talked to someone: yea
x. Missed someone: yea
x. Hugged someone: Yea
x. Kissed someone: yea
x. Fought with your parents: not really...
that was pointless lol
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2004 1 August :: 12.19 pm
:: Mood: confused in many ways
:: Music: tv
Last night
Wassup everyone...not to much has been goin' on...its been rainy n towards the end of summer...:( im kinna glad for school tho...not the whole learning thing but being with alot of people n metting new people n shit...even tho i love ALL my friends now lol idk theirs just always something to do n i can like do w/e i want now its straight like my parents realized im not a kid no more....i know they'll get stricker once school starts again but w/e thats life....this summer had alllllllllllot of up's but some VERY BAD downs...i lost alot of my close girel friends....Bri Rach n mostly Dee ive non-stop thought about her how's she doing whats going on why have i only heard from her once is she ok are things doing better its so hard not having her hear i cry all the time just thinking about it...it's like wheres dee lets call her up n chill....but we cant...everytime we drive past dos lagos my eyes tear up n its just really hard i miss her to death n i want her back now!!...other downers were the passing of 3 people i knew... R i P Mathew Debien 4.17.83-5.24.04 and then Holy ?.?.?- 7.7.04 and most truly missed Bambina N. Sucich 9.23.57-7.21.04 but yeah dont really wanna get into that....
last night i got drunk as fuck n supposivly kissed kyle but i dont remember that n im fucked cause thats my dawg katies b/f n i dotn remember n that wasnt supposed to happen so im not getting drunk with people like that no more lol ... plus idk i fucked up n ill addmitt it...katies pissed at me i gotta talk to her...i dont want her to be mad at me... damn i also fucked my toe up hardcore last night its all cut n shit like deeeeeep....i was trashed w/e i remmeber like everything cept for like giving michelle money n kissing kyle n fucking other shit but damnn yeah i got alot of fone calls last night 2 from pasco n rj n mcvey n anthony dont remember what i said i didnt answer some either...fucking i just talked to katie n nicole n i guess everything is straight its hott as fuck outside... damn my ass isnt all here n this entry makes no sence so imma dip out of this piece....
xO* Heather Lauren
4 dreamers |
Lifes all about dreaming |
2004 30 July :: 10.27 pm
Theirs only ten more days of summer....:-(
5 dreamers |
Lifes all about dreaming |