2004 14 November :: 5.51pm
:: Mood: okay
:: Music: to hell with you and all your friends. it on.
okay. sweet ass weekend with one minor set down. im not guna say everything bc i dont need to. but--
* Friday-
Logan daniel billy jimmy FRANK alex dani sarah ralph. whoa buddy!!
* Saturday-
Megans. did hair. bought ALOT of nothing haha. Logan <3 :-D
* SUnday-
not good news. :-\
i love you! xo
[edit] def. not. sorry kid.
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2004 14 November :: 3.49pm
:: Mood: chipper
Beacuse you the one <3
Lying here with you
Listening to the rain
Smiling just to see the smile upon your face
These are the moments I thank God that I'm alive
These are the moments
I'll remember all my life
I found all I've waited for
And I could not ask for more
Looking in your eyes
Seeing all I need
Everything you are is everything to me
These are the moments
I know heaven must exist
These are the moments I know all I need is this
I have all I've waited for
And I could not ask for more
I could not ask for more than this time together
I could not ask for more than this time with you
Every prayer has been answered
Every dream I have's come true
And right here in this moment is right where I'm meant to be
Here with you here with me
These are the moments I thank God that I'm alive
These are the moments I'll remember all my life
I've got all I've waited for
And I could not ask for more
I could not ask for more than the love you give me
'Coz it's all I've waited for
And I could not ask for more
I could not ask for more
were pulling through this ! i love you
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2004 13 November :: 12.16pm
:: Mood: blank
its all i have left
i love you
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2004 12 November :: 3.32pm
:: Mood: anxious
WoOt WoOt...iTs LaUrEn*....dani* and i are gonna fuckin have an awesomee weekendd..No DoUbT...Trying to sound gangsta again parents went awayy and we chillen at my houseee...gonna get our drink on....last weekend it was only 2days and one night...and only 4 movies...this time its 3 days and 2 a mini vacation away from home for her at my house lol..i luvv we can have like triplee even quadruple times the movies to watch...FuCkiN RoCks...she just left to go home to clean and shit and i miss her already haha...she had to walk home in the rain poor babyy :-( .... her facce was all wet and only her left foot was knumb...shore it wasnt left nut hahaha....candyy is mad good yoo...i feelll whoopiee already lolol...well we will update again later about how much fun we are having lol....lovv yaaa
LiFe CaN Be GoOd..OnlY at ThEsE tiMes ThOuGh WiT uR hOmiEs!!
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2004 12 November :: 12.36am
:: Music: welcome to my life
the way to pass is to sleep in class
Algebra 2 - B
Life management skills - B
English 2 - B
Television Pro. - A
Biology 1 - A
Eurhythmics 1 - A
World history honors - B
December 6.....the world as i know it ENDS.... greeeeaaaatttt
- would you rather be paralyzed or blind??-
----- i would rather just die..... but you dont always get what you want....thats just the way it is-------
<3 erik <3
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2004 10 November :: 11.47pm
:: Mood: crappy
il always remember that late after noon
pretty shittie week, this week.and we got report cards, fuccin juss got off the phone with work fuck up of course. god... shoot me
whatever man, i was talking to mike today hes so cute, i feel so bad for him though hes havin problesmw ith hsi girlfriend nd is like i love her with all my heart and she seems like shes walking away from me, and she dosetn care it hurts so much. and he was telling me all this cute stuff hes been doing for her, like today he drove to her school and put roses on her car with a note he wrote her<3 i dunno there was bunchs of cute things, keep your head up ! everything will be okay...she knows you love her!
my report card was all bs and one c...math of crouse. damn shit, im very upset by it.. i wanted to pull my grades wayyy wyayy up but i didnt i mean i didnt fail or anything but i still am in a lot of trouble with the parentals.
im going to see "saw" on friday whoOp..:o) sounds like funn (( =\ )) i think anyways
these were dedicated by a few people lol hehe thanks! guys
Okay this one isnt the nicest one but ughh oh well:: okay so theres a parriot at a pet shop and hes for sale. someone goes in to buy him and sees hes all deformed and the man asks well why would anyone buy this parriot? the pet shop owner replys with he speaks five lanuages!..and puzzeld make asks but he has no feet or wings how does he stay on his perch? the owner explains that he holds on by his penis. the Guy decided to take the parriot home to see whats so wonderful about the brid. He comes home after the first day and the parriot yells to him ay ay! come here. the parriot begins to explain to him that the postman has been hanning around a lot with hhis wife. so the man tells the parriot to keep a look out. the next day whent the man gets home he runs to the parriot asking if the postman was back the parriot relys with yes yes! he was rubbing her and the man begins to freak and screams what happend?! the parriot says nothing did. the next day the man comes home and asks the parriot what happend the parriot begins explaing that the man was rubbing her and they started taking their clothes off and fooling around a little the man furiouse asks what else happened ? and the parriot replys well i dont know i got a hard on and feel of my perch.
wayy funnier told by a drunkish woman '] mwuaaahhaha
anyways..i have a n-dawg joke but its reallly not nice and i dont think its good to be posting all these things up in here :o)
so yeah i have some homework and phone calls the make so im offffffff
i <3 you
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2004 8 November :: 9.42pm
:: Mood: crushed
my heart hurts .
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2004 8 November :: 7.09pm
:: Mood: aggravated
ahh i love this shit!
Tests From last Monday came back Positive... I have to go see ANOTHER specialist.
Eric wants to meet my MOM...scary hahah w/e.. i met his family... HUGE!!! lol
doin good besides the whole doctor thing lol w/e
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2004 7 November :: 3.22pm
:: Mood: thoughtful
:: Music: on my way down
great weekend!
hey guys what's goin' on?! i had a really good weekend !
Friday- i whent and saw danny for a lil and then, kristen, lindsey, andrew,larissa, edgar,katie,ben,bree,jeri, and a few other people.<3we allw ehnt down to city place to see "the grudge" but it was sold out so we walked around for a lil then decided to go down to regal 18 in welly so the movie didnt start untill 12:30 ! by the time we left the movie theater it was prolly 4? cause we all danced and messed around in the parking lot for awhile hehe..and then we whent to dennys.. and then i whent to lindseys and splet there..we didnt go to bed untill 8amish! and at 1015 krystina called me and asked me to go see her at her work cause she was locked out so i did on my 2 hours of sleep lol and then i whent over to kristens and to work. after work i whent to dannys.. i was a hudge bitch all night SORRY =[ and then sunday((*today*)) i whent and got brittany we ran aroudn together and did stuff she got a cell phone yay!!! and I ACTIVATED IT, well kinda hah :o) then i whent to work and it was awesommmmme :o)
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2004 4 November :: 11.09pm
:: Mood: hurt
i offically remember why i wanted one of these, and i cant do it.
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2004 4 November :: 10.32pm
:: Mood: been better
:: Music: Broken
juss a bunch of random stuff
hmmm, not much is happening latley. pretty boring life .
going to the movies tomorrow whoop! gunna bee funnnn were seeing the grude .
we got the expidition back, its a beauty
work is awesome. i got 10 dollars for a tip for answerin an phone and being "sweet"
are you walking away from me ?
i love you .
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2004 2 November :: 10.25pm
:: Mood: determined
:: Music: live like you were dying
I've got all I want
When it comes to loving you
You're my only reason,
You're my only truth
I need you like water
Like breath, like rain
There's a freedom in your arms
That carries me through
I need you
You're the hope that moves me
To courage again
You're the love that rescues me
When the cold winds rage
And it's so amazing
'Cause that's just how you are
And I can't turn back now
'Cause you've brought me too far
I need you
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2004 1 November :: 8.56pm
:: Mood: aggravated
fuckin doctors
I went to the doctors today... first i went to the blood doctor...finaly got to meet the REAL doctor and not the afganistan assistances...the took my blood and for the first time my platelets came back normal so that was good... but then she starts askin me about some test and im like what are you talkin about ... aparently when i was in the hospital not all the tests came back negative.... some shit came back positive so they were suposed to do follow up tests and never told me about it.... so they took more blood and i get the results back by thursday prob.
then went to the allergist.... im already takin 5 pills a day and now he added another kind! hes like ohh this pill is safe balh blah blah,, im reading the shit for it
Most common side effects are:
1. stomach pain ( yeah i already get that all the time thanks ass hole i did need it worse)
3.tierdness ( fuckin ass hole did i not tell him that the 3 sleeping pills a day are hard enough to stay awake with!)
5. stuffy nose ( fuckin ass i just had a stuffy nose for 2 weeks!)
6.cough (ive had a cough for over 2 weeks now dont need it worse!)
7. flu
8. dizziness ( yeah great the other medicines already do that to me)
9. headache( yeah the other shit does that to)
10. rash... (hummmm arnt i trying to get rid of a heat rash!)
ok so thats real safe huhh that 10 major side effects but thats not all thats listed for the most common....
so theres also 22 less common side effects ...
so heres a few of the less common side effects:
1.aggressive behavior ( first ine on the fuckin list... and its gunna make me crazy gggreeaaaatttt)
2.hives ( hummm.. again arnt i treating that with all this medicine...makes lots of fuckin sense huhh?)
3.bad/vivid dreams..( yeah fuck face i already got that .. i dont need it worse)
4.increased bleeding and bruising( witch means lower platelets... witch means so fuckin much for gettin it normal for once)
5. ( heres my favorite one... if you thought the aggressive behavior would make me seem crazy ahahahaha)....hllucinations ( haha im already doing things out of no where and not remember doing it at all mine as well have me see things)
6. irritability( got that hahah.... im gunna have PMS 24/7 )
7. joint pain,muscle aches( got that already 24/7)
8. pins and needles/numbness ( already get that more often then normal )
9.restlessness ( gggreeaaaatttt)
10. seizures
11. trouble sleeping (yeah already got that .. even with the 3 sleeping pills i have trouble sleeping.... its called a sleeping disorder! )
yeah so i swear the asshole is tryin to kill me! sayin this shit is mostly safe! it causes all the things its suposed to cure if you read allll the side effects! hahah so this is gunna be fun!
but anyways! i had a great weekend .. friday after the game i chilled w/ erik at the beach and a few people... then sat homecoming and chilled w/ erik again... the sun. went trick or treating drunk and then FINALLLYYY CHILLED W/ HEATHER!!!!!
but ummm yeah im really starting to like erik and he already told me he likes me so yeah.... something good might actully happen for michelle!
well all the pills are starting to kick in so im gunna go to sleep!
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2004 1 November :: 5.35pm
hidey ho f-ckers. whats up!?!
well, this has been one incredible weekend.. i dont even know where to begin. let me see....
friday was a half day, got outta school at 943. met up with a SHITLOAD of people, then lauren, duane, and juana came over and i did laurens hair. that night my father took me to an AA party thing, and there was this woman who looked like my mom, really reminded me of my mother, i cried .. a lot. then we picked up carly, i was soo happy. i hadn't smiled like that in SO long. so we went back to my aunt dees house n just chilled for a while, we were tired as fuck so we went to bed.
saturday.. my birthday woop woop! sweet 16. lets see, giuseppe didnt show up, but i had a blast anyway. *jimmy was there and i had a lot of fun, had a limbo contest, chilled w/ my family and friends, danced my butt off... much fun. i had green paint all over my face tho when i got a kiss goodbye. thanks jimmy lol. _________'s girlfriend got tooore uppp, she looked horrible, glad to hear shes better now tho. jimmy got me a nie present, it had my name on it, its cool, got loads of cash, and a really cool ring thx cici. all in all fun day, i missed my mom tho, i really wish she coulda been there.
sunday was a b e a utiful day, played volleyball.. got my ass kicked, but it was fun. went to mandees for a lil bit then my gram mad carly and i a nice lasagna dinner, yumm yumm. then i had to send my baby off to the airport, i miss you already carly..
found out giuseppe's single! WOOT! lol, and i also like this other kid.. but we'll see what happens, hopefully something goes good for me. jimmy and rob were suppoised to play vball w/ us sun, but we all had a miscommunication, then jimmy invited me to the movies w/ his grl *says rob*. who knows?? but john wants to get online, so i gotta go. i didnt get into much detail, but ill finsh later xoxoxoxo..
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2004 30 October :: 11.38pm
:: Mood: bored
im at dannys hes playin a video game, what a geek ;]
anyways my computers broken once again [ tear ] very upset about that one.
but yeaaa
nothing really has been going on lets see
thurs:: mommy left, danny came over untill late ;]
friday:: extreamly sick all day at work so i got sent home early, called danny whent over there and had out back :-D yyummmmy, heh... saw zac..and dannn came over again <33
today:: woke up at 9 whent to some voting stuff got to dannys sometime between 2 and 3 and iv been with him ever since. havent done much of anything. really wanted to go drive byt he beach earlier tho. dosent matter... :o) we had outback again! chickkkkennnn fingersss lolol :-D
tomorrow:: happy holloween!
:o) imma go attack him ;] *hehe*
night xO
happy anniversary! danny i love youuuuuuuuuuu <3333333
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