2004 5 October :: 8.34pm
:: Mood: cheerful
:: Music: clubbin'
wow what a fuckin day
so all i did was sleep in all my classes. britt hasnt sat with us at lunch this week and yesterday i saw him with this girl so i was like damn i bet they go out or are going to, well today after lunch i was walkin to class and i saw him and i was like damnn britt looks good today and neil was like "you know hes got a girlfriend now" and i fuckin start yellin "i knew it ! i knew it! mother fucker ! i knew it!"
so yeah then i find out another one of my friends got a girl... so this sucks... i cant hvae britt!the one guy i really want! i should of known!
anywayzzzzzz practice sucked balls, but i just fucked around and made it fun cuz i really dont care no more...
so when i get home me and kari get in a fight, and shes flippin out and shit and im actully controlin my self, she calls my mom and starts sayin her dumb lies and normaly i would flip and get on the phone and bitch and im like you know what fuck it moms not gunna go for her bull shit... *go me! im learning*lol....
so i go to katies cuz she needed a TaMpOn... chilled for a lil and stole her cat lol its so fuckin cute... when i got home amy and my mom were home and i ate dinner w/ them and we were talkin bout kari and i was sayin bout what she tryed to do today and my moms like i know and amys like "i was talkin to kari bout the thing" and my moms like what thing and im like the car ( cuz my mom was sayin suttin bout givin kari her old car when she gets a new one) and there both like WHAT CAR! WHAT DID KARI TELL YOU.. im like wtf the dodge and so amys like " i was sayin how she(not kari) deserves it not her blah blah blah" and i thought amys talkin bout my mom deserves a new car and kari doesnt ... so then they start askin mne bout what car.. and im like wtf if your not talkin bout the car what are you talkin bout and there like the car but in a fake way so i get mad and im like this is why i dont talk to you guys and my mom starts talkin to me and im like dont talk to me and my moms like i was gunna buy you a car and have it in the drive way for when you get home because you deserve it but now that your not talkin to me i guess not!
lol ok im done.. i wrote enough boring shit for you guys to read
<3 michelle <3
<3 i wanna b/f!! <3
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2004 4 October :: 9.20pm
heyyy!! well my weekend was pretty fun, im NOT going to get into friday, but saturday i slept i til 2 and then went to kristinas. we had fun!! i slept over and came home sunday night and did maddd homework!!
next, today was awesome.. well not the whole day, but omigosh lol lauren u know the whole story -- i only raged on about it for hours haha. i dont want to get into it, well i do but its tooo long haha, lets just say the guy im obsessed with kissed me today, its nothin big, just a kiss on the cheek, but now i never wanna wash the cheek again haha. i wouldnt go that far, but if you guys saw this kid lol. wick u would be like DAAAMN. haha. so yea, we talked a lil today, when i see him i get weak in the knees.. its sooo weird. it was just a kiss on the cheek, but i swear i lilke melted, ivve never done that before haha.
anyways, after school i went to bayside, it was fun, i love lauren shes great hehe. after bayside lau came home w/ me and we did our nails, we got tired at looking at the same designs lol. then we had dinner and everyone kept asking her if she wanted anyting to eat or drink, over and over and she was like no thank u tonns of times.
had madd homework tonight, finally finished it, then i had to help aunt lee with papers for my mom, that shits so frustrating, started thinking about her, so i had to get on here to stop myself from being sad!!
other than that, this weekends gonna rock my socks, its robbies bday on the 12th and we're gonna paaarrrtaayy. the 11th i go w/ lau to get my nails done, same for the 27th haha, we're such nerds.
im so head over heals its not even funny, but i know it aint gonna work out, hes gonna have a girl, but thats okay, i want at least friendship.. i really hope i get that much. buut yeaa imma get going b/c im gettin confused im sick and im tired lol.
good talking to u patrick carly and joe, patrick thank u soo much for that song, i love youuu!! ur awsome. u too carly i miss you babe. and wick, ur so damn fuckin awesome. cant wait to see youuu!!
mucho loooove~!!
wish me luck!!
3 dreamers |
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2004 3 October :: 10.16pm
:: Mood: moody
:: Music: how far-martina mcbride
so im gunna walk away and its up to you to say how far!
heyy people! ha whats crackin?! im such a geek.. urmmm sooo today was pretty ehhh but whatever no big deal
school tomorrow ohh joy
im soo glad your in my life
i love you so much danny <33333
7 dreamers |
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2004 2 October :: 6.37pm
:: Mood: drained
:: Music: lp-my december
so i was on the phone til forever in the morning but tommy came over b4 that, we had a few interesting talks haha. he did the hellow thing for me again :o) yay!! haha, but yeah whoa. sheesh, we talked about ALOT of things on the phone last night, we have the stupidest plans haha.
gundys upset with me. i understand why though.. i still gotta talk to him about it <3 but yeah i think i got it! im so happy, and i hope that i dont have to go up to tape that chorus shit on monday bc that'll fuck it all up, which would be uber gay. but. fuck man. im sure it will be fine..
i did my 100 % research, 11pgs bitch. we are guna be fuckin ready! woo
fsu won! :o)
"Swallowed by pain as he slowly falls aparttttt
She's like a brick wall. It hurts hard when she hits. Irresponsive."
7 dreamers |
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2004 2 October :: 5.23pm
:: Mood: crazy
ha. you do amuse me
you are nothing but a whore .
27 dreamers |
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2004 2 October :: 1.31am
:: Mood: drunk
:: Music: locked up
fuckin drama
holly fuckin shit so much fuckin drama if this shit goes down ima cry lol... wtf im to drunk for this shit!
Fuckin Drama
Lifes all about dreaming
2004 1 October :: 11.34pm
:: Mood: worried
hi...he told me to do this!
i love you danny
im at dannys.. im spending the night again
im here to explain::
-absloutly nothing he stoped talking! :-X
i love him!
Lifes all about dreaming
2004 1 October :: 9.27pm
:: Mood: hyper
:: Music: just what i neeeeeddddddd!!!
i wish you were here.
Lifes all about dreaming
2004 1 October :: 10.26am
:: Mood: happy
:: Music: how far
sarah:how r u and gundy?
gundy: tell her i'm semi not really sick and you feel better
gundy: that's how we are ;-)
god. i love this kid.
Lifes all about dreaming
2004 30 September :: 11.06pm
we fuckin.. WON!!!.
4 dreamers |
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2004 30 September :: 9.46pm
:: Mood: sleepy
:: Music: nothingggg
the girl next door.
"It's about finding that one thing you really care about. That one special thing that means more to you then anything else in the world, and when you find it, you fight for it, you risk it all, you put it in front of everything, your future, your life, all of it, and maybe the stuff you do to help her isnt so clean, you know what? It doesnt matter, cause in your heart, you KNOW, that the juice is worth the squeeze."
Lifes all about dreaming
2004 30 September :: 6.50pm
:: Mood: completly amused
:: Music: everybodys talkin all this stuff about me..why dont they just let me live?
hah. you are so unbelieveably awesome.
you will get your platform. amoung other things ;)
and i wana see finishing pics, considering i so helped you do it!
but all these plans.. hopefully sooner then later ! <33333
Lifes all about dreaming
2004 30 September :: 6.24pm
he's comiing!!
yaahooo .. ill update more laterrr!! maddd hw xoxo
yay, he better show up, and better have fun. hehe :)
3 dreamers |
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2004 30 September :: 2.42pm
:: Mood: happy
:: Music: showdown
cause if we break up.. maybe we could make up!
hey! alright so last night i was like all pissed n shit, but gundy got online and he always makes me smile, so i was fine :o) but then tommy came over. grr he makes me SO mad sometimes! pff. then i came in and went to sleep! then today i went to the mall and out to lunch with my mommy and i got 1 pair of pants and 2 shirts there really cute! while we were at lunch i saw the most gorgeous guy.. looked like someone i know! he worked there, my moms like we'll ask michelle! i was like oh god. but the navy and air force are playin tonight!!! @ 730! sweet shit! well ima go! xoxo <33333
Lifes all about dreaming
2004 30 September :: 1.16pm
:: Mood: disappointed
:: Music: ill always remember
woohu blows
3 dreamers |
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