Resistentialism is the theory that inanimate objects demonstrate hostile behavior against us


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Great Neptune's Ghost!

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:: 2003 2 July :: 8.59 pm
:: Music: chuck berry-johnny b. good

i sort of miss french class.

5 Little Tykes | Watcha got there?

:: 2003 2 July :: 3.15 pm
:: Music: you're just what i need-bring it on soundtrack

I suddenly feel ill.

Watcha got there?

:: 2003 30 June :: 10.24 pm
:: Mood: barbaric
:: Music: pete fountain, al hirt- just a closer walk with thee

Why does she constantly remind me of what I don't have?

1 Little Tyke | Watcha got there?

:: 2003 28 June :: 7.24 pm
:: Music: bfs-emily

i feel as though i am being perpetually patronized.

1 Little Tyke | Watcha got there?

:: 2003 25 June :: 10.16 pm
:: Mood: crushed
:: Music: goo dolls black balloon

I thought listening to Chicago and Moulin Rouge would cheer me up.
It didn't

I also thought cleaning my room at the same while listening to Moulin Rouge or Chicago would do the same.
That didn't work either.

Now my room is still messy and I've moved things around. It looks like...awful. It looks like awful.

I just feel worse.

1 Little Tyke | Watcha got there?

:: 2003 25 June :: 8.17 pm
:: Mood: rejected

where did i go wrong?

3 Little Tykes | Watcha got there?

:: 2003 25 June :: 2.38 pm

painful realization that all has gone wrong and nobody cares at all
this house is big and lonely

i need a close friend and someone to talk to on the phone

i hate it here

5 Little Tykes | Watcha got there?

:: 2003 25 June :: 2.28 pm
:: Music: dishwalla-somewhere in the middle

Our house is an insane mess. There is junk and dirt and dust EVERYWHERE. You can't get away from it. I hope our house sells soon so we can build a clean house and throw things away.
I have the desire to run away.

Watcha got there?

:: 2003 15 June :: 12.17 am
:: Music: do you hear the people sing?

still worried.

8 Little Tykes | Watcha got there?

:: 2003 14 June :: 3.50 pm
:: Mood: blerk
:: Music: enjoy it

sarah is frustrated.

but at least the sun came out.

also, french accents + singing = amusing

if there's a complication, enjoy it/ you've got imagination, employ it.

2 Little Tykes | Watcha got there?

:: 2003 11 June :: 11.05 pm
:: Mood: anxious
:: Music: i put a spell on you


3 Little Tykes | Watcha got there?

:: 2003 2 June :: 6.20 pm
:: Music: this brilliant dance

...and so I weep over cold potatoes

1 Little Tyke | Watcha got there?

:: 2003 2 June :: 5.56 pm
:: Music: alice's resturaunt

I am dying of lonliness. It's true. I really am.

9 Little Tykes | Watcha got there?

:: 2003 1 June :: 10.28 pm

what will I do with myself?

2 Little Tykes | Watcha got there?

:: 2003 1 June :: 9.57 pm
:: Mood: sluggish
:: Music: mb20wcwbf?

How unfortunate. I'm unhappy.

1 Little Tyke | Watcha got there?

:: 2003 24 May :: 1.27 am
:: Music: just what i need- bring it on

sarah=big meanie

2 Little Tykes | Watcha got there?

:: 2003 23 May :: 9.50 pm

*wallow wallow wallow

Watcha got there?

:: 2003 18 May :: 12.13 am
:: Mood: left out
:: Music: leaving on a jet plane

kiss me and smile for me.
I've become a cliche'. It's kind of neat. Well more of one than I already was. It's inevitable.

whatever. I'm 50 dollars richer than I was an hour ago.

*love love love love love

I'm such a flamer.

Tomorrow I need... talk.

haw haw haw haw haw haw haw haw

4 Little Tykes | Watcha got there?

:: 2003 16 May :: 11.13 pm
:: Mood: upset
:: Music: matchbox20 why can't we be friends

It feels like tomorrow might be lonely. And gloomy. I miss the sun. I want to be warm.
My head is unhappy.


Watcha got there?

:: 2003 16 May :: 10.16 pm
:: Mood: distressed

what's wrong with me?

Watcha got there?

:: 2003 16 May :: 10.09 pm
:: Mood: crabby/lonesome
:: Music: jewel-these hands

I hate taking naps. They always make me more grumpy than I was in the first place. And now it's 10:00 and I just woke up. It's a frustrating and uncomfortable feeling.

I just want to weep and throw a tantrum.

Watcha got there?

:: 2003 12 May :: 7.40 pm
:: Mood: cranky

The horrible thing about a possible nervous breakdown is that you get upset about dumb things. Like take five minutes ago for example...

Mom and A-ron came home with food and A-ron refused to help me put a million groceries away. Like usual. He had a very importantcouldn'twaitmeeting in the shower. So I put the groceries away and I developed a headache and I put the bread in the drawer and mom got all weird because we had three bags with just bread butts in them and she made me go through the useless task of putting them all in one bag. And she wouldn't let me talk about what happened today with Gwen in chemistry. It wasn't that exciting, but she just walked outside. And then I was done with the bread and I was trying to read and she comes in and yells at me because I didn't throw the bread bags away and because I didn't put the meat away. So I yelled at her and she yelled at me and I went to my room and didn't slam the door pretended I'm dramatic and curled up in a ball and didn't cry. And then I could hear her talking to me about normal unangry things out in the kitchen so I plugged my ears, so she came to my door and told me I shouldn't get upset about stuff like that and blah blah blah

Right now I don't reallly like myself.

3 Little Tykes | Watcha got there?

:: 2003 10 May :: 11.21 pm
:: Mood: delicious
:: Music: cardigans-lovefools

shoo-oos! shoo-oos!
Must stop consuming so much sugar. Although, I think I have a very good argument. What is the point of not rotting your teeth? You're going to die anyway, you may as well eat as much candy as you want. Mother doesn't agree with this.

Must also do a larger amount of chemistry than I did today. I.e. none

Must also not spend my small fourtune on candy and flashy toys and more sandels. I'm up to four pair now.

I played soccer with a three year old tonight. It was entertainingk.

je ne se pas.

I also must stop emitting vile smells.

5 Little Tykes | Watcha got there?

:: 2003 2 May :: 9.27 pm

[ series 1 - your ]
-- Name : Sarah Ruth
-- Birthday: February Sixteenth, Nineteen-Eighty-Seven
-- Birthplace : Grand Rapids, Michigan
-- Current Location : Basement
-- Eye Color : I am....a brown eyed girl
-- Hair Color : I am a brown haired girl. Sometimes it looks slightly redish
-- Righty or Lefty : What are you insinuatingk?
-- Zodiac Sign : waterbearer
-- Font : that's irrelevent, actually I have no idea...and I'm not lookingk it up

[ series 2 - your favorite ]
-- Music : All American Rejects, Soundtracks
-- Cartoon : Fairly Odd Parents, Invader Zim, Clone High
-- Color : GREEN
-- Slushy Flavor : red rasberry
-- Magazine : it used to be twist, but now I'd have to say...crabe world report
-- TV Show : boston public, the simpsons
-- Song at the Moment: master of the house
-- Language : it would be french, but c'est gay
-- Spice Girl : Baby Spice
-- Food & Beverage : sprite and strawberries and sour candy
Subject in School : It just depends on the day, usually english but never chemistry....unless we're watching a candian movie that compares the joining of atoms to aliens "making woopie" or some other equally hilarious thing
-- Weekend Activity : sims and troy
-- Ice Cream Flavor : sick
-- Roller Coaster : i don't do rollar coasters

[ series 3 - what is ]
-- Your most overused phrase : i may not say enough to have an overused phrase....
-- The last image/thought you go to sleep with : quoi? it all runs together
The first feature you notice in the opposite sex : their sex
The Best Name for a Butler : bowman
-- The wussiest sport : football
-- Your best feature : eyes
-- Your bedtime : too late for me
-- Your greatest fear : the ocean or space or numbers or public speaking or being naked or preserved incan mummies or atomic bombs or rock concerts
-- Your greatest accomplishment : overcoming the adversity of solo/ ensemble

[ series 4 - you prefer ]
-- Pepsi or coke : pepsi
-- McDonald's or Burger King : yuck
-- Single or group dates : whateva, whateva i does what i want
-- Adidas or Nike : adidas sandels in the winter
-- Chicken nuggets or chicken fingers : fingers
-- Dogs or cats : cogs
-- Rugrats or Doug : invader zim!
-- Single or taken : taken
-- Monica or Brandy : both in that song 'the boy is mine'
-- Tupac or Jay-Z : Nelly
-- Shania Twain or LeAnn Rhymes : Twian
Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea : yuck yuck yuck
-- One pillow or two : one
-- Chocolate or vanilla : yuck
-- Hot chocolate or hot cocoa : hot beverages that contain chocolate...yuck
-- Cappucino or coffee : yuck
-- Boxers or briefs : boxers-leapord print

[ series 5 - do you ]
-- Take a shower everyday? : no
-- Have a(any) crush(es)? : not reallly
-- do you think you've been in love? : yeah,
-- Want to go to college? : in colorado
-- Like high school? : you mean prison day camp?
-- Want to get married : yes i must
-- Type with your fingers on the right keys? : oui
-- Believe in yourself? : not really
-- Have any tattoos/where? : no
-- Have any piercings/where? : one in my left, two in my was my rebellious 11 year old stage
-- Get motion sickness? : no
-- Think you're a health freak? : eh
-- Get along with your parents? : recently no, i've been getting the feeling that i'm turning into them and it repulses me
-- Like thunderstorms? : no no non nononn

[ series 6 - the future ]
-- Age you hope to be married : 25
-- Number and Names of Children : one, maybe ben
-- Where do you see yourself at age 20? : colorado
-- Describe your Dream Wedding : elaborate and huge
-- How do you want to die? :'t, that's morbid
-- What do you want to be when you grow up? : nothing, i don't want to work
-- What country would you most like to visit? : anywhere would be cool, but something vaugely european

[ series 7 - opposite sex ]
-- Best eye color? : brown
-- Best hair color? : brown
-- Short or long hair? : short, maybe long, no mullets
-- Best height? : 6'2"
-- Best weight? : 114 pounds and up
-- Best articles of clothing? : the scant kind
-- Best first date location? : somewhere really really dumb
-- Best first kiss location? : on the mouth
-- What facial feature do you find the most attractive? eyes,'s hard to say

[ series 8 - other ]
-- When's the last time you slept with a stuffed animal? : i haven't been lately, Tap And Blue Monkey have been getting too bulky
-- How many rings until you answer the phone? : at least can't seem desperate and you have to let the caller id pick it up in case you're screening your calls or you need a phone number but you don't feel like getting paper, or if someone hangs up you can call them back and hang up on them
-- What's on your mouse pad? : it looks like cracked earth and a flower, it says navelbine, vinorelbine tartrate
-- How many houses have you lived in? : 2
-- How many schools have you gone to? : 5
-- What color is your bedroom carpet? : cream with brown flecks, (aka repulsive)
-- Would you shave your head for $5,000 dollars? : yes
-- What was the best time of your life so far? : last summer
-- Would you vote for a woman candidate for president? i suppose, i never really planned on votingk
-- Would you marry for money? : probably not
-- Have you had braces? : yes and it was the best experience i've ever had
-- Do you pluck your eyebrows? : yes
-- Do you ever cut or hurt yourself? : nope
-- When was the last time you had a hickey? : today actually...
-- Would you live without a computer? : yeah, but it couldn't really be classified as living
-- Do you drink enough water? : no
-- Do you wear shoes in the house or take them off?: shudder shudder
-- What is your favorite fruit? :strawberries!!!!!!!
--Do you eat wheat bread or white bread? : white
-- What is the last movie you saw? : umm, tommy boy
-- Do you kiss on the first date? : i guess
-- Are you photogenic? : not reallly
-- Do you dream in colour or black and white? : colors
-- Are you wearing fingernail polish? : topcoat
-- Do you have any dimples? : i have to smile really weird, but yes
-- Do you like sunrises or sunsets the most? : neither really seems that great...they're pretty sometimes, but guh, you don't need to get worked up aboot it
-- Do you want to live to be 100?: yes
-- Do you think women should be expected to shave their body hair? : sure
-- Do you like salty food or sugary food the most? : sugary
-- Is a flat stomach important to you? : yes
-- Do you or have you played with a ouija board? : yeah with my stepsiblingks
-- Are you tolerant of other peoples beliefs? : not always
-- When you watch movies at home, do you like the lights on or off? : off
-- Do you believe in magic? : yes
-- Do you have nightmares frequently? : yes
-- Do you like your nose?: yes
-- Do you think you can draw well? : Nope
-- Do you listen to music daily? : yes
-- Do you like to watch cartoons? :sometimes with troy
-- How many pairs of shoes do have in your closet? : 15ish
-- Do you like your friends? : guhhhhh

Watcha got there?

:: 2003 29 April :: 10.28 pm
:: Mood: enthralled

...because there's no place i could be without you


1 Little Tyke | Watcha got there?

:: 2003 18 April :: 10.56 pm

doubt leads to more doubt

1 Little Tyke | Watcha got there?

:: 2003 17 April :: 10.14 pm
:: Mood: dismayed
:: Music: incubus-warning

Because of anti-German sentiment during WWI, Americans referred to sauerkraut as "liberty cabbage."

5 Little Tykes | Watcha got there?

:: 2003 17 April :: 9.47 pm
:: Mood: thirsty
:: Music: variations on a koren folk song

I'm so angry with Mr. J. How dare he insult me like that! I just asked a simple question. He didn't have to make me cry.

3 Little Tykes | Watcha got there?

:: 2003 10 April :: 9.20 pm
:: Mood: sick

Thin people have feelings too. I don't enjoy having attention being called to my weight. Esp. over and over and over again. It makes me feel bad. So let's not ever talk about it.


Watcha got there?

:: 2003 6 April :: 1.03 pm
:: Mood: dfjkl;sdfsdfjkl
:: Music: shout to the lord

It wouldn't be like this if he had done the job right in the first place. Maybe if he had thanked me instead of acted like an asshole. Maybe he hadn't been talking and being stupid all through church.

You think people would take a hint and just leave you alone when you're in a bad mood. But he just has to keep bugging me and then he says I'm bitchy when I tell him to shut up.

And now I have to hang out with him all day. And take him places.

Stupid poser is too big for his breeches.

Ha ha ha haha haha

I'll give him a knuckle sandwhich.

2 Little Tykes | Watcha got there? | Random Journal