Resistentialism is the theory that inanimate objects demonstrate hostile behavior against us


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Great Neptune's Ghost!

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:: 2010 27 March :: 5.32am

Rise of the Eldrazi speculation:

Sarkhan Vol: Black/Red
+annihilate(2) for target creature
sacrifice creature gain +x/+x to target creature
Destoy X nonland permanents

Gideon: Colorless, White, or Black/White
+defender to creature
tutor(1) or scry(5)
Draw X cards, discard Y, sorcery/instant -Y to play this turn

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:: 2010 27 March :: 3.27am

I hate it. I like her. In that same old way? Prolly.

Unfortunately... good, bad, in between, Im just made into an ass. Like some form of natural defense.

She gets distant. She gets soft.

Click on.


Remark. Leave.

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:: 2010 26 March :: 10.53pm

I will probably cut some bitches in the next few hours.

1 Little Tyke | Watcha got there?


:: 2010 22 March :: 4.35pm

Well, i wish it would get green and warm. I feel like I am totally falling behind with everything. I am tired, sick, and have a lot to do! I wish that mike could find a job, and we could pay our bills, and that I could feel accomplished for once.

Life just feels so hectic lately, I don't know what to do.

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:: 2010 17 March :: 4.41pm

my head is killing me... my throat hurts... i think i am generally just falling apart.

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:: 2010 17 March :: 7.23am

If the government thinks they are going to tell me what I should eat, bunch of fucking homos.

2 Little Tykes | Watcha got there?


:: 2010 16 March :: 4.06pm

it should also be said that i seriously need to change my layout

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:: 2010 16 March :: 3.58pm

there is something to be said for the fact that everytime i go to write on a friends wall on facebook, not only do i get distracted by looking at other wall posts but then i feel so sad after being distracted that i don't write them anything...
I would say i am crazy, but that probably isn't news
Of course it could be that part of me that wants to have people want to be around me, but whats the sense in that if they all just piss me off or let me down anyways.

I guess I should just stick to reading... at least in books I can't get hurt

2 Little Tykes | Watcha got there?


:: 2010 12 March :: 2.00am

Portal 2: Please assume the party submission position
Valve, for what they lose in timing, they make up everything in scheming.

Aperture Science is built on three pillars.

Pillar one: Science without results is just witchcraft.
Pillar two: Get results or you're fired.
Pillar three: if you suspect a coworker of bein' a
witch, report them immediately. I cannot stress that enough. Witchcraft will
not be tolerated.

Portal ARG
Assume the following for all collected data:

We are cows
We are going to be in a mouse trap
Computers will be present
Glados will "lol" at us.
We are being watched from a distance, telescope/microscope
We will die
The chicken sees a light bulb
Lab coats are available.
Inertia is reversed.
*Side board: Please contact Aperture Science @(425) 822-5251 [modem number] Please use backup login for further information.

Basically I translate this into: We(player) are cows(player) moving in inertia we cannot comprehend(math probems) because we are not scientists(labcoat.) The trap is set (mouse trap.) We will die(skull) like chickens. If we see whats going to happen it will be too late (light bulb.) Glados(a computer) is watching(scope) and laughing because of this.

Watcha got there?


:: 2010 9 March :: 9.40pm
:: Mood: accomplished

Spring Break is going well thus far, but seeing how I have to work the next 5 days, I'm not sure it's going to get any better. I had my endoscope on Friday morning (I love starting spring break by getting a camera shoved down my throat). They implanted a device called a Bravo Capsule in my esophagus three inches above my stomach. I carried a companion computer around with me until Sunday morning that gave real time readings of the pH level of my esophagus. I got to record every time I ate and laid down, and they will overlay that with my readings to judge if my reflux is bad enough to warrant surgery. The pH of the stomach is suppose to be fairly acidic (around 3) and the pH of the esophagus is suppose to be fairly neutral (around 7). I had a reflux incident on Saturday afternoon that read at a 1.9 and most of Saturday night I was below a pH of 4. Although the test is done, the capsule will hang around for a couple of weeks until it comes out au naturel. They also did a biopsy of my stomach during the scope because I have gastritis. The leading cause of which is a bacteria which can cause ulcers and ultimately stomach cancer if left untreated.

Before I went on Spring Break I applied and got accepted to present at the Women's Studies Interdisciplinary Round Table on March 15th. I am one of three presenters-of the other two, one is my former Shakespeare Professor (he has a Doctorate in English Literature) and the other is a faculty member at the Clarke Historical Library on campus. It's in the library auditorium which seats about 400 people and is the same place that they had Jennifer Granholm speak the last time she came to campus. My presentation is a Feminist Literary Criticism of Amy Lowell's poem "Patterns" and then an exploration of fashion in 2010. It posits that we need to create a dialogue about current fashion and asks if fashion is either an instrument of repression for women or a tool of freedom of expression and individuality. There will be pictures of Lady Gaga.

I am graduating in December and then on to Graduate School. I got excited today and looked at the Teach for America website. It's something that I really want to do, plus I need some kind of teaching experience if I'm ever going to get a job as a professor at any kind of college, even a community college, which is where I want to be, at least to begin with. I can't wait to get out of Michigan for a while. I want to come back, but I just need to get out and meet other people. I'm looking at a school district in South Dakota that is on a reservation, but it really just depends where I get placed if I get accepted. Things are starting to move, and it's getting exciting!

On a side note, all of my classmates and friends are getting engaged, married, and having babies, and it's scaring the crap out of me. I'm not old enough for this stuff yet!

Also, you should see Alice in Wonderland. It's quite a good film.


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:: 2010 9 March :: 4.06pm

i love being left out.
go me

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:: 2010 8 March :: 2.02am

Mathmatical way to find VaLoth!
Math proves VaLoth

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:: 2010 7 March :: 5.30pm

To add to awesome weekend, started the cycle back up today and went for a drive.

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:: 2010 7 March :: 1.27pm


2 Little Tykes | Watcha got there?


:: 2010 6 March :: 4.00pm

Ford man now, will post later.

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:: 2010 2 March :: 4.00pm

If you say "fair-i,ix" or "pacifically" onnnnne mooore timmme. Ugh

3 Little Tykes | Watcha got there?


:: 2010 2 March :: 3.54pm

Oh my goodness I wish my teacher could fricken pronounce words like 'pharynx' and 'specifically' and that this school didn't suck so much.

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:: 2010 25 February :: 2.14pm

It's god damn 2010 and people still don't know how to do the most simple things on their work computers. Now I could understand if you don't use a computer much, but these people, it's a part of their damn jobs. The company gives them these machines that are a part of doing their jobs, they don't know anything about these machines so really they don't know how to do their jobs. Do your damn job.

2 Little Tykes | Watcha got there?


:: 2010 19 February :: 3.38pm

being able to RDP with DDNS amuses me

1 Little Tyke | Watcha got there?


:: 2010 18 February :: 11.06pm

More carbon and emissions means more heat.
More heat means more melting ice.
More melting ice means more cold water in the ocean.
Heat produces more water in the air system.
More water in the air system means more clouds.
More clouds means more rain.
More rain means cooling air.
Cooling air means snow.
Snow means things are freezing.

Freezing comes after a great warming. This makes plenty of sense!

Why do people insist on saying that heavy snow in Washington DC means global warming is a giant hoax? If anything this is further proof of severe weather in places that shouldnt receive such things. More constant hurricanes, heavy snow in spaces it shouldnt be, warm winters in places it shouldnt be. Cmon.

Im not a conspiracy theory person but seriously this one is a no brainer. This whole thing seems like a very slow process that is playing out as it should and being suprised or skeptic of it is just stupid.

6 Little Tykes | Watcha got there?


:: 2010 18 February :: 3.54am

Wishlist PC
Housing: Antec Nine Hundred Two Black Steel ATX Mid Tower
Storage:Western Digital 500GB 7200 RPM SATA
Mainboard: ASUS M4A78T-E AM3 AMD 790GX HDMI ATX AMD Motherboard
Memory: G.SKILL Trident 4GB 2x2GB DDR3 1600(PC3 12800)
Processor: AMD Phenom II X4 965 Black Edition 3.4GHz Socket AM3 125W Quad-Core
Graphics:XFX Radeon 4890 1GB GDDR5 PCI Express 2.0 x16 (CrossFireX)
PSU:Antec TPQ-850 850W ATX12V CrossFire Ready 80+BRONZE
OS: Windows 7 Home Premium 64-bit OEM

Estimated total cost before tax and shipping: $905

This if my Asus version I have decided upon. Im still working on a Intel chipset version.
With any luck a system like this would leave me able to enjoy things for at least a couple more years. Quad core processing isnt really taken advantage of by much of any gaming company. So really aside from using 2 cores to the maximum and running miscellaneous on the third core I have an entire core to let sit and twiddle its thumbs. Not to mention I can overclock it down the line and push the processor into the 4.0GHz region or higher.

My M2N only allows me to run a x13 multiplier and a 215FSB at max! I was so angry. Which is why I am looking at alternative pc formats with Intel. I hope to find a good board that lets me adjust things more in bios. Maxing me out at 7% is just silly. Not to mention I couldnt change my multiplier.

Ideally on current machine: x15 @ 245 with a yeild of 3675MHZ would be fantastic but I dont have a bloomin clue if the proccesor would run that. I assume it can just fine. Its rated high but bios denies such a drastic change in performance.

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:: 2010 18 February :: 2.49am
:: Music: Ratatat -

News and the likes there of
Okay so I havent updated in a bit. Here we go!

First, I am not happy that with myself for forgetting to look at the name on the check from the Cadillac Boat Show job. They put down AC for the payment name and they werent doing the show. I was. My dad rented the equipment and I set it up. He gives me the money for the labor and I cut him for gas and a bit extra. I make $200. Nice right? Took 3hrs of work and 6hrs or driving but hey. Not bad Id say. $200 for a 9hr day? Thats $22/hr I certainly dont mind that at all. Especially when I was pretty much dead ass broke.

I have more fun coming up this next weekend too! This time in Petoskey, MI. Current plan is tentative:

Thursday evening setup. 10-15 booths with half being just back drape. Staying overnight in hotel for courtesy check 9am with show organizer.
Sunday tear down the show starting around 4-5pm
If weather is problematic, stay in Petoskey again Sunday night.

Im looking at plans for staying up there the whole weekend, but nothing is solid on this yet.

I have plans to go skiing at Shanty Creek Friday at Summit Mtn. and possibly again in the evening Sunday.

Lift ticket information: $10 Special - $15 ski rental @ Summit

So basically Im looking at $25 for rental of gear and getting out on the slopes. This is an amazing deal. A full shanty creek day pass is like $50+
Other rental lift tickets are still good deals on other days too. "Most affordable life tickets in America" program is running so make use of it!

Im totally making use of such amazing deals! Hey, I might not get the whole of Shanty, but Im happy to at least get on the slopes again. I havent been out in a few years. Nor have I ever been lucky enough to use the new shaped skies people have.

Im offering to take someone with me if they are interested in getting some slopes time. They will be required to help setup the show as payment for a room if someone takes advantage. Youve been warned!
Oh! This weekend is also going to be "College Weekend" So um...people watching...Yes..watching...

In other news...

I gave up on the Ali thing. Too aloof, at least now.
Hung out with Vern and did a rather good number of MTG games today. I was happy to get to be nerdy and win some.

Thats about it really. Im rather boring person. I know. Things are looking up though. Im pleased with my outlook on things and just hoping this lasts. I would rather like to avoid another low point. I dont think I could handle it. So no broken bones, health crisiseses and [God] willing the unthought of things.

Oh! I almost forgot....some find me $1100 so I can build a new pc. Mine blows and wont let me get the performance I would like out it anymore. if anyone is in the market for a new[used] pc Im looking to sell. Im asking for $475.


Windows XP Home currently on it...havent decided if that will come with it.
AMD Athlon 64 X2 5200+ 2.6 (O.C @ 7%= 2.8GHz maximum bios allows)
4GB DDR2 800 (PC6400) XMS2 Corsair 2x2GB
Asus M2N AM2 NVIDIA nForce 430 MCP ATX
GeForce Nvidia 9800 GTX 512MB 256bit DDR3 PCI-E 2.0 (SLI supported)
160GB Western Digital Hard Drive 7200 RPM SATA
ASUS 20X DVDツアR DVD Burner with LightScribe Black SATA
Rocketfish 700W ATX 12V (contains 6sata power connectors, 2 pci-e connectors, 4+4pin server connector, 20+4 main connector)

-Throwing in a copy of Call Of Duty: World at War, Bioshock, and Company of Heroes
-I have pretty much all the original packaging regarding the parts.
-Mobo box with spare parts and booklet included.
-Extra PSU pieces included. I will not ship. Pick up only.

ATX case included at sale. New owner is advised to supply a case.
Looking to sell it as a whole, not parting it out. Sorry.

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:: 2010 16 February :: 6.37pm

I just want you to know,
That I love you Woohu.

2 Little Tykes | Watcha got there?


:: 2010 14 February :: 10.54am

ha internet

1 Little Tyke | Watcha got there?


:: 2010 11 February :: 11.54am

It's not that it happened, its that you don't understand why

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:: 2010 10 February :: 10.41am

Iron Maiden - Man on Edge
Read more..

1 Little Tyke | Watcha got there?


:: 2010 3 February :: 5.25pm
:: Music: Hockey- Song Away

I'd like to let you know I'll always be straight with you/ I stole my personality from an anonymous source/ And I'm getting paid for it too, I don't feel bad about that.
Make me a deal and make it good for me,
I won't get full of myself, cause I can't afford to be.
This is small town music, this is big town music,
He's ahead of his time, you know... but, he can't use it...
If only he could prove it.

Tomorrow's just a song away, a song away, a song away.
Tomorrow's just a song away, a song away, a song away.
It's just a song away.

See what your man has done to the world,
See what the world has done to your man.
You know I'm leaving you, you don't need me,
Lovin' you wasn't always so easy.

This is believe me music, this is forget me music,
This is who can love me, you know, this ain't no roxy music.
This is new form music, this is old form music,
This is I paid attention not some makes his prediction music.
Oh, he could let me use it.

Tomorrow's just a song away, a song away, a song away.
Tomorrow's just a song away, a song away, a song away.
It's just a song away.

Not wanting to write a truthful song over an eighties groove,
I'd like to let you know I'll always be straight with you.
I stole my personality from an anonymous source,
And I'm getting paid for it too, I don't feel bad about that.
Give me my chance back.

This is on the rise music, this is novelty music,
This is who can blame music, I don't get fooled by it
This is "where'd you go" music, this is "come home" music,
This is down to the wire I'm such a perfect angel music.
Who really tries?

Tomorrow's just a song away, a song away, a song away.
Tomorrow's just a song away, a song away, a song away.
It's just a song away.

Ah well,

This is success music, and what's it to ya?
My lawyer always says these are the facts about the future, well....

Tomorrow's just a song away, a song away, a song away.
Tomorrow's just a song away, a song away, a song away.

Tomorrow's just a song away, a song away, a song away.
It's just a song away.

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:: 2010 31 January :: 3.13am

Oi this whole Ali thing is ridiculous. I think I might actually go insane. One moment is something, the next its nothing. JFC. Make up your mind.

Write blog review for Fragcast
Finish art piece
As much BF:BC2 as possible
Evening: running admin meeting for a2k
Evening: a2k Clan 1yr celebration, monthly meeting
Auto Show with Ali ...maybe more.
Evening: Superbowl Party @ Verns

[Edit] Revised apparently I got wrong dates...

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:: 2010 29 January :: 12.48am

Battlefield: Bad Company 2
Okay heres the skinny: it fucking rocks. There are some problems, but thats to expected in a beta.

Explosions all over the place. Bullets flying all over. Noise. Noise. Noise! The first 15min made me feel like an ant looking at a sandbox. It is absolutely amazing to play. I wish I had a better system so I could actually stand a chance in close quarters. My system only manages to run it at round 25fps which blows. I need to tweak some settings to try and make it go up but I dont think I will manage to pull much more out of the system.

The kits are rather slim pickin at the start but that just takes some time to unlock things.
This game carries over lessons learned by both BF2 and BF2142 which is great. Kit unlocks balance against starter weapons. Pins for just about anything you do is back from 2142. They minimalized the text you see on screen which is nice. No wall of kills spamming the corners of your screen. No radial control menu when you hit 'Q' anymore. Just a simple tap to light someone with a target. The audio isnt loud in your ear with the same line "....spotted!" no longer is in your ear 5 times in 1second. No commanders that I could tell which mean no recon class going solo to do stupid stuff.

Sniper registration could use some work, but its still amazing.
You actually have to use mil dots! I dont know if windage is taken into account just yet, but it certainly is possible. Its a totally new engine for the game. I love not seeing laser points for scopes. Keeps the riff-raff away from using the rifles.

The MW2 naysayers will be content with hooting and hollering over their precious game and miss out on a much more immerse battle game. This game is competition gold. Squad vs squad will be amazing. In the first ours of playing tonight I got to squad up with 3 other of my clan members in a server. We rolled the map on both ends. Revive, re ammo, shoot, shoot, shoot. I can see TWL, CAL, MLG, XPL, and CEVO all taking this game on for tournaments.

ModernFail2 can have its lack of community support over in its corner. Fine by me. Its days are numbered due to the lack of support, the rehashing of old content, and lets not forget shit job of fixing bugs. "Blame it on Steam!" "Who needs PB?! We've got VAC!"

The wait is almost over! March is near!

Giant maps. Great action. Amazing environment destruction. 15000 kit variations. Vehicle mayhem! Dedicated servers! Tactical combat! Realism!

2 Little Tykes | Watcha got there?


:: 2010 28 January :: 11.17am

じゃ。。。 実は俺ホンマに俺の本当の気持ちを書きたいっていう気持ちが出てこちに誰も分からないように日本語で書く。

最近はまーまーやな。 なんてやってもいろいろがまだ悪いことにしてる。でも俺だけじゃなくて毎日授業中とか道路で歩いてる人とか誰でもすごくかわいそうな顔してる。無効に座ってる女が遅くサンド食べてて何か待ってることがありそうな感じだ。


出たいな!っていつも考えてるのになんでかな? 出身じゃないか? 子供時代からずっと住んでる場所じゃないか?いつも好きじゃないとだめだっていう考え方もってるけど 嫌いな!大嫌いなんだよ!

1 Little Tyke | Watcha got there? | Random Journal