there was no real news the last time so here is the 411....
Im back to working 40hours a week and im glad. We are moving to a duplex a few blocks away in about a week which is awesome because there is more room and a garage for the boy to play in.
The chemotherapy treatment has so far went very well, my hcg levels are going down like they are supposed to. the good thing is side effect wise i only get nausiated. im just glad it was early and nothing too bad realy happened. i mean think about it a few more weeks and i could have died! its scary to think about. Unfotunetly as part of my treatment i can drink, or have ANY fun until my levels are at 0!! which is about 3-4 weeks....uck i just hope tj can wait that long if you know what i mean
Life in general is good right now, i really cant complain, but give it a week im sure i'll find something
life has recently thrown us some curve balls especially this week, we have grown stronger. its been very sad, and boy have i cried but i am so lucky to have the support that i do and thanks guys for all the love!
April 13'th 2009
I ship out on this day. So anyone wishing for my address contact me.
The more the merrier.
To prove myself, I must beat the biggest object in my path. Me.
I want to be a Marine.
Workout starts tonight. x60 situps, pushups, pull ups
It felt good. Having the drive felt even better.
"One of these mornings
Won't be very long
You will look for me
And I'll be gone" -Moby "One of these mornings"
2009 25 February :: 9.30pm
:: Music: Beck- Girl
fists pounding on a vending machine/ toy diamond ring stuck on her finger/ with a noose she could hang from the sun/ and put it out with her dark sunglasses
(It starts tomorrow.)
Hmm... this week is dragging. Work is aggravating. I drink way too much wine.
I think I am ready for 2009 to be over...Get me out of here!
LOL Spamhandler
So I got bored and this was funny, so I couldnt pass up the wow humor.
Improved Lay on Hands + *NEW*Glyph of Lay on Hands -- Reduces the cooldown of your Lay on Hands spell by 5 min.(Old: Increases the mana restored by your Lay on Hands spell by 20%) + Set bonus 4/9 from T3 redemption = every gcd a paladin is giving someone +50% armor and healing for the paladins max hp.
Thats 4min(talented) + 5min(glyph) + 12min(set bonus) = -21min of cd Lay on Hands =20min
Take 1 paladin spec 60%prot/40% holy
Add 4/9 T3 (chest/ring/shoulder/leg ideal)
Spam accordingly
2009 23 February :: 9.50pm
:: Music: MGMT- Kids
The memories fade/ Like looking through a fogged mirror/ Decisions to decisions are made and not bought/ But I thought this wouldn't hurt a lot/ I guess not
I'm not looking forward to the next step.
2009 22 February :: 7.52pm
:: Music: Ben Kweller- Lizzy
Like momma said/ dont ya let it go to your head/ when your town is painted red/ I'm so proud to know you
Went to the Ben Kweller concert on Thursday with Eliz. It's weird to see that he's gotten old (and we've gotten old, too).
Good times. We ate a lot of food, gambled $3, gave fake names and numbers to some parking attendants, rode the (homeless) people mover, and mostly made (drunk off our asses) fools out of ourselves.
I'm still kickin. I love the class and I'm really coming into my own with the language at this point, atleast when I put my mind to it...
I don't remember Spanish being this difficult to get into the mindset of grammatically. The best part now is that if I try to use any Spanish at all, I can't make that switch, so most of the little in between sentence sounds like , in english (umm, well, anyway, etc...) all end up coming out in Japanese. Plus it takes awhile to get into the grove of speaking in order to pronounce every word in your sentence correctly. But I managed, yesterday, to explain the rules of waterfall completely in Japanese so I look at that as some evidence of progress.
Yui's in Amsterdam (jealous) so things have been pretty boring.
I've had a hell of a time getting the replacement AC adapter for my lappy so I can call you guys.
Im signing up under Logistics and reserves. I will do 12week boot, MOS and then back home for 6months of reserve duty followed by paperwork to go active duty.
No date set on boot camp. I will know this when I go to MEPS again at the beginning of March.
So... I'm a lot less grumpy than I was this morning. I finally finished my paper on Structuralism, although it's not a full two pages. I think it'll be fine. Who cares how Torodov uses Saussures concepts in order to analyze narrative plot?!?! Gah.
So, I have to work tonight, still have a few more classes today. I have a french oral exam tomorrow, then I have Literary theory, band, meeting, then I get to sleep in on Friday morning. Woot!
I hope i get my grade back for my political science (foreign policy) exam. I'm not sure how I did.
I'm super busy and I've been grumpy to Rueben. Sorry, dear!
The One, the only one I want
I will never bother you
I will never promise to
I will never follow you
I will never bother you
Never speak a word again
I will crawl away for good
I will move away from here
You wont be afraid of fear
No thought was put in to this
I always knew it would come to this
Things have never been so swell
I have never failed to feel
Pain [3x]
You Know your Right [3x]
I'm so warm and calm inside
I no longer have to hide
Let's talk about someone else
Steaming soup against her mouth
Nothing really bothers her
She just wants to love herself
I will move away from here
You wont be afraid of fear
No thought was put into this
I always knew to come like this
Things have never been so swell
I have never failed to feel
Pain [5x]
its amazing how quickly things go, like i have felt sick all of the last two days, every time i eat i get sick to my stomach no matter what i eat. and working at taco hell doesnt help.
TJ is being so good right now. its amazing what being preggo can accomplish he now helps with all the cleaning and such. its like a little blessing.
still sittin here waiting for my taxes. after almost 3 weeks i would think they would be here since i had them direct deposited. but once we do get them i finally get to get my new computer!!! yaya
Shits pilling up at work and eventually I think I will explode.
In other news, I bought FEAR2 last night
Holy shitzba! Freaking amazing. Once again Alma manages to make my heart race. Freaking creepy psycho stuff in the game. Its great. I was up till 3am last night playing in the dark with the sound blasting.
Id been in need of a good time killer like this. The story is great and better than watching movies/tv.
You get thrown right into hell out of the first load screen, its great!
2009 13 February :: 9.11pm
:: Music: Keane- Spiralling
I fashioned you from jewels and stone/ I made you in the image of myself/ I gave you everything you wanted/ So you would never know anything else
pretty sad that I have less than page of journal entries in a year.
life has many changes
so, after just a short 6 months or being married im already pregnant! that sounded bad but its really not. We honestly didnt want to be pregnant yet but im soooo happy its crazy. i prayed all night that god will give me strength and i feel that this is right. its all nuts and crazy and i dont make any sense right now but who the hell cares!
in other news TACO HELL isnt really that bad i just have to deal with alot of redneck fuckers who are horrible racist and sexist. and the sadest part is my boss is in on it. but i plan to change all of that or at least try my hardest.
1. went to rosie's, drank a little beer and a bottle of beer.
2. andy [marini]convinced me to go to the crazy horse with him to play some pool, that was preceded by another killian's and a coors light, then we went and chilled and watched people line dance, then we had another beer and a shot of jack
3. andy starts line dancing
4. jordan show's up to pick me up from the bar because i'm not trusting andy to drive me home, espically after he had the shot of absinth
5. jordan takes me to her mom's house, where i almost win at 3 games of cribbage
6. go back to jordans, cuddle up with her and fall asleep.