2009 19 January :: 12.44pm
what the fuck, really?|66%3A2|65%3A12|39%3A1|240%3A1318|301%3A0|293%3A1|294%3A50
4 Little Tykes |
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2009 19 January :: 10.51am
:: Mood: Update.
:: Music: Update.
Doin' good.
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2009 15 January :: 12.36pm
More DLC for rockband 2, doubleing my library.
my dumbass paid for the license to export my RB1 songs to RB2.
also added $12.50 more in MS point. i have almost 1000, time to get downloading.
3 Little Tykes |
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2009 15 January :: 1.32am
Bowling tonight wasn't bad, wasn't great but I bowled my best since I got my new ball.
And I saw somebody I haven't talked to since I went to KCTC.
4 Little Tykes |
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2009 14 January :: 12.23am
I want to play a game
9 Little Tykes |
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2009 13 January :: 8.20pm
new music recommendations please?
5 Little Tykes |
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2009 13 January :: 1.06am
successful troll was successful.
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2009 12 January :: 2.06pm
Read more..
my cuttag how to
7 Little Tykes |
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2009 12 January :: 1.53pm
This was my windows 7 download speed

4 Little Tykes |
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2009 12 January :: 1.17pm
apparently your messiah isn't as amazing as you all may have though
"I want to be realistic here, not everything that we talked about during the campaign are we going to be able to do on the pace we had hoped," Obama said in an interview on ABC's "This Week" program broadcast this morning. "Everybody's going to have to give."
12 Little Tykes |
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2009 10 January :: 2.07am
Here is my rock band photo for my side project, CRUZ CNTL

5 Little Tykes |
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2009 9 January :: 11.50pm
phil and i started another band in rockband
clown shoezze

3 Little Tykes |
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2009 9 January :: 1.09pm
hello thaaaar!
3 Little Tykes |
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2009 7 January :: 6.32pm
Information warfare intrigues me very much.
8 Little Tykes |
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2009 7 January :: 2.48pm
I guess the advantage I have in life is that I use some sort of realism to keep me in check. I know what I can probably do, and I strive for greater things sometimes, but i don't really think beyond that. I just stick to what I know will work and I go with it.
So when it comes do dealing with certain situations I don't think about it too much if I'm convinced that there is only one really realistic solution to the issue at hand.
I see it, but maybe no one else does, but I do.
Its done me well to be in my "realistic bubble" where I know how bad things are and can potentially become...
but damn does it sure make it hard to dream...
2 Little Tykes |
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2009 6 January :: 10.51pm
I hate the internet and everyone on it.
5 Little Tykes |
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2009 6 January :: 9.59pm
Start: April 4, 2008
End: January 1, 2011
The Mission: Complete 101 preset tasks in a period of 1001 days.
The Criteria: Tasks must be specific (ie. no ambiguity in the wording) with a result that is either measurable or clearly defined. Tasks must also be realistic and stretching (ie. represent some amount of work on my part).
Why 1001 Days? Many people have created lists in the past - frequently simple goals such as New Year's resolutions. The key to beating procrastination is to set a deadline that is realistic. 1001 Days (about 2.75 years) is a better period of time than a year, because it allows you several seasons to complete the tasks, which is better for organizing and timing some tasks such as overseas trips or outdoor activities.
My 101:
Read more..
1 Little Tyke |
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2009 4 January :: 9.32pm
It's really fun to take someone's journal and enter in the following:
total weirdness and nostalgia time.
If they made a movie of your life, would I be a character in it? Who would play me?
I'd like to think that if I made a movie of my life, I would be played by Alyson Hannigan (a la How I Met Your Mother). And Paul could be Jason Segal.
Upon reflection, I'm starting to think that I must have sucked as a girlfriend. I'm sorry (to all of you).
5 Little Tykes |
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2009 1 January :: 8.59pm
so i finally got a job! this new year had so far started out good, lets just hope it continues.
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2009 1 January :: 7.16pm
Well that was fucking nuts. Happy New Years guys...
Thank God for this double espresso shot.
2 Little Tykes |
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2008 30 December :: 11.43pm
this job search bis is harder then it looks, however i do have a 2nd interview tomorrow for a shift leader position at taco bell...yay? hey at least its a job and money.
xmas sucked cause we had no money to do ANYTHING.
headed to Fort wayne for new years to a concert so that will be fun... actually its like the highlight of my week! I hope everyone has a SAFE and wonderful new year!
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2008 26 December :: 12.00pm
(You are now reading this in the voice of John Goodman)
You are bad and you should feel bad.
1 Little Tyke |
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2008 25 December :: 5.59am
Working 7am to 3pm, yay .....
Meanwhile, at the Legion of Doom ....
2 Little Tykes |
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2008 24 December :: 11.31pm
the only thing i want for christmas is to not feel so alone.
2 Little Tykes |
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2008 24 December :: 4.26pm
:: Mood: content
I'm home with the parents right now. I've been home for a few days since my seniority at work actually got me valuable time off for once. I've leaving tomorrow afternoon, though, because I have to work at five thirty on the day after Christmas, although Meijer doesn't actually open until six.
I'm going to be alone for a few weeks since Rueben is staying down here to work and I have to go back to Mt. Pleasant to work. I've already planned on going on a baking frenzy to take up my time. I think I'm also going to start working out at the student activity center now that I'm feeling better.
And I am feeling better. I've been able to actually eat for about three weeks now. I've gained about ten pounds back, so I don't look so scary any more.
Grades are in, I got all B's and a B+ in my English class, and I'm okay with that. If I can pull all B's while almost dying, I think I did well.
I'm not looking forward to driving home tomorrow, but I think I'll be alright.
It was nice having a few days off, and I'll be ready when next semester starts in a few weeks.
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2008 24 December :: 12.09am
Bowling Tonight
Game 1: 157 (Best Game Ever)
Game 2: 100
Game 3: 138 (3rd Best)
Game 4: 96 (practiced approaches)
2 Little Tykes |
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2008 23 December :: 3.55pm
The big boy knife is sharp
I bleed just like you ...

plus slipping cutting off a zip tie

Good thing I know my way around a First Aid kit.
5 Little Tykes |
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